Gazza bites it!

Posted by
Nibinving [legacy]
04 October 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Player kill...... Hmm more of a player deformation! :P Go Gazza go! ;)

Attacker: Nibinving. Weapon: The tavern comm

Victim:   Gazza      Weapon: His hot, steamy hobbit phisique

^ Nibinving gives Razor a Nibinving® action figure
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving gives Konj a Nibinving® action figure
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving gives Majard a Nibinving® Action figure
^ Nibinving gives Castamir a Nibinving® action figure, too!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: I think everyone should have one :P
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: They slice, they dice!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: And they don't take up much space
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Konj: do they talk like the real Nibinving?
^ Nibinving: No
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Konj: if they do, I don'w want it
^ Elariel: Does it have the Kung-Fu grip, Nib?
^ Nibinving: Unless you pull the string on the back ;)
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Kung-fu grip hoom, aye!
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Konj: that's a string? ah...
^ Nibinving: It comes with a free war axe too
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: And it has a hat in the box :D
^ Nibinving gives Rhoads a Nibinving® action-figure
^ Nibinving: Rhoads, cherish it like I cherish you :P
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: That doesn't mean throw it in the trash and set light to it
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: That was only a misunderstanding of the past *grins*
^ Nibinving: If they break, I don't do refunds, although you'll notice their
     life time warranty is more viable than my Gazza® dolls
^ Nibinving: Gazza's on the comm now! cool
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving gives Gazza a Gazza® doll {tm}
HP:230 EP:230 
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Gazza: You cannot recreate my beauty.
^ Nibinving hooms at Gazza
^ Nibinving: Gazza I know it's hard to recreate your beauty, but: With my new
     Gazza® action figure {tm} you can have the real Gazza in your own home!
     Just look at him go, he slices, he dices, he makes a neat salad! And only
     for the price of $68.34, yes folks that's right! an all new low pirce!
^ Nibinving: This is a limited offer for the first 10 callers, so Don't be
     late! Pick up your phone now!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: And if you don't like your personal Gazza® action figure, you can
     return it to this Address *flashes something across the screen
     momentarily*, Yes that address! Buy your Gazza® action figure now!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving gives Gazza and microphone and says: Mister Gazza, you're the
     brilliant mind that this figure has been based, what do you think about
     the product?
^ Nibinving: Folks remember, this offer is limited! The first 10 callers
     that's right the first 20 callers will get their own personal Gazza®
     action figure
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Razor: wha?
^ Nibinving: And if you don't call now, you won't know what you're missing!
HP:230 EP:230 
You tell Razor: The joys of Telemarketing! :P
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Konj shoves a Gazza action figure in Nibinving's mouth
Oseibo tells you: lol
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving spits the action figure out
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Of course folks these are non-toxic
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: So if you accidentally eat one! You won't die
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Although continuous consumption may lead to indesgestion!
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Tevildo thinks he'd rather die than eat Gazza anyhow.
^ Oseibo quickly braids nib's beard and hair so that he can tie them in a
     huge not around his head, keeping his jaw from moving.
^ Nibinving: These are of course only myths in the action figure world
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Oseibo: :)
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Gazza: You would die, Tedildo.
^ Nibinving mumbles and cuts the braids off!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Yes that's right if you're in the first 20 callers, you can see
     Tevildo die!
^ Nibinving: Yes it's our special bonus offer coming to you live, LIVE LIVE!
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Oseibo: tedildo? that's um. hrm. inappropriate?
^ Oseibo: especially since he's no longer on the comm to defend himself :P
^ Nibinving: No! Not being one of the first 20 callers is inappropriate!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Come on folks, pickup those phones now and dial : 555-Gazza
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: yes folks, that's right 555-gazza, higher charges to cell phones
     do apply, hell! HIGH charges apply no matter what you do!
HP:230 EP:230 
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Oseibo: thank god for the ability to bribe bartenders
^ Nibinving gives Alkath a Gazza® Action-figure
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: You know
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: You could bribe me and I'll shut up :P
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: I take anything from 2k to 200k :D
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Alkath smiles
^ Nibinving: But then again! Why?! When I can sell to you, my wonderful
     vewiers these hot new Gazza® action-figures!
^ Nibinving: Well folks the phones have NOT been ringing off the hook! Come
     on, dial dial dial! 555- Gazza that's right folks, you're only a few
     fingers away from absolute bliss with your new and improved Gazza® action
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Elariel thinks Nib has WAY too much time on his hands
^ Nibinving: Gazza, the man behind the myth! He is on the very comm right now!
HP:230 EP:230 Laryn tells you: a menacing spiked mace is now on sale as lot 619, minimum bid
     130 gold fresh
^ Nibinving: He has tested these action figures and has f-all words to say! :P
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Astren: Would the action figure be appropriate for a pet...say a
^ Nibinving: But who needs Gazza when we have! Chuck Norris, yes folks Chuck
     Norris, he just got off his home gym set and is ready to plug our product
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: No of course not!
^ Nibinving: Gazza® action figures are soft and cuddley and make great chew
     toys for your pet!
^ Oseibo: i think it's called the total gym :P
^ Oseibo: i just saw the infomercial on the tvguild channel yesterday hehe
^ Nibinving pulls Chuck Norris over and hands him the mic, Chuck: Uhm yeah,
     uhm these action figures are great for uh working the muscles and things
     and uh I am a martial arts legend and a movie star, I have nothing else
     to do but uh, Go Gazza!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: You heard it here first folks! Yes that's right, Gazza®
     action-figures, approved by the man, the legend Chuck Norris himself
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Now all this happiness is only a few finger steps away, that's
     right 555=Gazza
*Castamir grins mischievously at you.
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Astren: Can we give you our credit card numbers and passwords over the
^ Nibinving: Yes, Of course!
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Hume: and home addresses!
^ Castamir ponders making money on Gazza figures as well.
^ Nibinving: Yes yes, Home address, city, country of origin, times when you
     enter and exit your home, your daily routine and of course which windows
     and doors you leave unlocked at night!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: I am not a stalker folks, I am just another concerned salesman!
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Oseibo: bad castamir.  you are not allowed to rip the doll's clothes off
     and sell them as John Holmes action figures :/
^ Nibinving giggls
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: The dolls don't come with clothes anyway!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Yes that's right folks, We also have as a freebie with the Gazza®
     action figure, a pair of patented steel cap hobbit boots
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Oseibo: eww, then i hope they arent anatomically correct
^ Astren: Thats ok, I actually make dolls clothes all the time...went to
     special classes and everything! How lucky for me!
^ Gazza: that'd take too much plastic
^ Nibinving: A woolen shirt, A red velvet cap, a walking staff and of course
     some nice big Gazza size underwear!
HP:230 EP:230 
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Oseibo: lol@gaz
^ Nibinving: hoom
HP:230 EP:230 
HP:230 EP:230 
You tell Oseibo: LoL
HP:230 EP:230 
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Gazza: BIG gazza-size underwear??!
^ Nibinving: Yes that's right! :P
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: BIG! Gazza size underwear
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Oseibo: already used!
^ Nibinving: We've been spying on Gazza in the shower for months folks,
     perfecting our dolls
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Making sure we have exactly the right measurements, we spare no
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: And I know, we didn't have enough plastic to finish his nose
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: But we had enough for everything else!
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Gazza: hmm. i was standing on my hands. that wasn't my nose. i've told
     you this before.
^ Nibinving: Yes folks the Gazza® instruction and work out video for free!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: For the special price of only $68.92
^ Nibinving: I know you've seen other offers offering 1000 or 1999! but this
     is where you get the quality for the cheap prices!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Yes folks here at Gazza Corp® we make only the finest in action
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: With some of the craftiest hobbit craftsmen in the land!
HP:230 EP:230 ^ Castamir thought the trade mark on these figures is owned by Mizrahi.
^ Nibinving: Just send your gold, with an enclosed credit card to 23 Hooble
     Boogle road Hobbiton!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Yes that's right folks call now and pay later. This is a once in
     a lifetime offer with only a limited number of figures to sell!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Arilyth: Can I leave my gold with the buzzing bee?
^ Nibinving: You'll never see an offer like this again, unless I'm sitting
     idley tommorow night!
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: Yes, that you can
HP:230 EP:230 
^ Nibinving: That is no bee, that is an electronic motorised gold collecter,
     special product of Gazza Corp®
^ Nibinving: Well folks this is Nibinving, signing off, thank you and good
     night! And remember 555=Gazza! Gazza Corp® Where do you want to go today?

Logged by: Nibby the dwarf