Attacker: Nibby Weapon: A wide general knowledge of F-all! Victim: Thessaly (A rimmie on a mission!) Weapon: A big-ass power drilL! HP:200 EP:90 ^ Thessaly: All the damn manual says are stupid factlets like: Do not insert drill into nose while plugged in. ^ Nibinving: The main thing with it ^ Nibinving: Have you got the tighteny thingy? ^ Thessaly: I can't work out how to attach the drill bits! ^ Nibinving: You put the drill bit in the front, then tighten it ^ Nibinving: There's a hole in the front HP:200 EP:92 ^ Thessaly: Hold on... ^ Nibinving: found it... ^ Thessaly: Nothing tightens. ^ Nibinving: it should hmm HP:200 EP:96 ^ Thessaly: OH! ^ Nibinving: _______o__ look a bit like that but 3D ^ Thessaly: So you just put the drill bit straight in there and tighten it? ^ Nibinving: It's got handle and a wee hole to tighten it in HP:200 EP:99 ^ Nibinving: YEs HP:200 EP:99 ^ Thessaly: Oh. ^ Nibinving: then you plug it in, press the button and away you go HP:200 EP:100 ^ Thessaly: If I'm not back in 5 minutes, call the Edinburgh police department in Portobell and tell them their next door neighbour is dead. ^ Nibinving: When I'm not a sex crazed maniac, I'm doing a good job ^ Nibinving: I'm scottish too :P HP:200 EP:103 ^ Nibinving: Although I moved to Australia ;) HP:200 EP:104 ^ Thessaly: Wait wait. ^ Nibinving: And who lives in Edinburgh HP:200 EP:104 ^ Thessaly: Why is the end all red? ^ Nibinving: End of what... HP:200 EP:105 ^ Nibinving: Did you cut yourself.? HP:200 EP:105 ^ Thessaly: The drill bit. It's red and has a funny shape to it, like a hammer head shark. ^ Nibinving: Hmm HP:200 EP:106 ^ Nibinving: Did you drill a hole yet? ^ Thessaly: No. ^ Nibinving: Maybe you drilled into your neighbours skull ... HP:200 EP:108 ^ Nibinving: ok no hole yet good HP:200 EP:108 ^ Nibinving: Maybe it's the wrong drill bit HP:200 EP:108 ^ Nibinving: They should have numbers on em HP:200 EP:109 ^ Thessaly: Blah. I'm gonna go try. Brb. Restan points to the menu and says: Order anything you like. ^ Nibinving: Why is everyone else so damn quiet! HP:200 EP:110 ^ Nibinving: Viking, Rhoads, Ivon help ! HP:200 EP:110 ^ Rhoads: cause i am afk ^ Nibinving: Stop being so afkish HP:200 EP:111 ^ Nibinving: How you doing Thessaly? Still alive ^ Thessaly bounces back on the comm, smooches Nibinving, and bounces back off to make another hole. ^ Nibinving cheers hooray ^ Nibinving: Well at least there's some Intelligent life on the comm *struts* ^ Flyud: Does that include yourself, Nib? ^ Nibinving: Yes flyud, Yes it does ^ Thessaly: Do you know how to work a hammer drill attachment? ^ Nibinving: Oh God no :P HP:200 EP:143 ^ Thessaly: And why are my fingers all shakey? ^ Nibinving: It does that some times, should go away HP:200 EP:144 ^ Nibinving: Just the whole shakiness of the drill Thessaly tells you: *hug* Thank you, you're a marvel! You tell Thessaly: I know HP:200 EP:149 ^ Thessaly: Um, I have another question... HP:200 EP:150 ^ Thessaly: How do you get a panicked cat down from a curtain pole? ^ Nibinving: Yes Ms. Thessaly down the back of the class HP:200 EP:150 ^ Nibinving: Hmm ^ Nibinving: Put out some milk and cat food? ^ Nibinving: Would you two stop talking Rhoads and Ivon! You're holding the whole class back HP:200 EP:153 ^ Thessaly glares at Ivon. ^ Flyud: here kitty kitty. here kitty kitty ^ Nibinving: I love when teachers say that HP:200 EP:155 ^ Thessaly Right. I'm gonna go work out how to get through the stone wall... ^ Nibinving: It just makes you feel so special ^ Nibinving: Might need something a bit more hardcore than a hand-held drill HP:200 EP:157 ^ Nibinving: I advise a sledge hammere HP:200 EP:158 ^ Snaz: go for explosives ^ Flyud: I'd advise professional handyman ^ Alkath thinks really hard ^ Nibinving: Yes explosives would work too HP:200 EP:160 ^ Nibinving: Good boy Snaz HP:200 EP:160 ^ Nibinving gives Snaz a yummy Cookie! HP:200 EP:161 ^ Snaz: woo! ^ Alkath is truly stupid ^ Alkath yawns ^ Warrax agrees ^ Nibinving: It is extremely hard to explain how to use a drill through text and 2D pictures :P ^ Nibinving: If I could have sent a video presentation, Hand-Held Drills and You or something of the sort it would have been much easier You tell Thessaly: Why are you drilling and such anyway... Thessaly is idle, and might not respond to your tell. You tell Thessaly: Putting up pictures? HP:200 EP:176 Thessaly is idle, and might not respond to your tell. You tell Thessaly: Making peep holes to see your neighbours comings and goings :P ***Later on*** ^ Thessaly sobs. ^ Snaz: IRL ainu are a race of hairy white people on a small island in norther japan... ^ Nibinving: What's wrong Thessaly? HP:200 EP:194 ^ Thessaly: My bookshelf... fell off the wall... ^ Thessaly: Taking the rawl plugs with it... ^ Nibinving: Oh God HP:200 EP:195 ^ Warrax: lol ^ Nibinving: How many holes did you drill and how big HP:200 EP:196 ^ Thessaly: And now I have two gapng holes in my bedroom wall... which I just painted. ^ Thessaly: Two... I used a size 8 drill bit... ^ Nibinving: What were you originally making the holes for... HP:200 EP:198 ^ Thessaly: The bookcase. ^ Thessaly: Which fell off the wall when I let go of it. ^ Nibinving: Arg ^ Nibinving: Hmm did you screw it in? HP:200 EP:200 ^ Clive: Woman and tools just does not mix. ^ Nibinving: To hold it up HP:200 EP:200 ^ Warrax: hey it's a MAN man ^ Thessaly: Yes! I used HUGE rawl plugs and these giant big long screws. ^ Nibinving: Clive that's sexist man HP:200 EP:200 ^ Warrax yanks the wig off of Thessaly ^ Thessaly: And I'm not a guy, Warrax, you big fat meanie. ^ Nibinving: That's just not welcome on this comm, it's PG after all HP:200 EP:200 ^ Snaz: it may be sexist, but it's true. ^ Nibinving: Hmm HP:200 EP:200 ^ Nibinving: Bookcase fell off the wall HP:200 EP:200 ^ Nibinving: Well for the holes HP:200 EP:200 ^ Clive: HUGE plugs reminds me of Tuareg somehow. ^ Thessaly: And it's 'WomEn and tools just DO not mix'. ^ Nibinving: Get a repairman HP:200 EP:200 ^ Warrax: Nibinving just wants to score with Thessaly ^ Warrax laughs ^ Thessaly: If you're going to be a misogynist at least get it right. ^ Nibinving: I live in a different country man, it woulnd't work out :P HP:200 EP:200 ^ Warrax: yeah well the internet these days takes care of all that ^ Nibinving: And put a poster over the hole ^ Thessaly: Look, if you're fiddling around until you come, keep it to yourself, Clive. HP:200 EP:200 ^ Warrax: how old are you Nibinving? :P ^ Nibinving: hmm HP:200 EP:200 ^ Warrax: and what's your sexual orientation ^ Nibinving: 51 ;) ^ Ailin: he putts from the rough ^ Nibinving: I'm the man :D HP:200 EP:200 ^ Eryniel: no your the woman Clive shrugs. ^ Ailin: Clever HP:200 EP:200 ^ Warrax: man or woman.. doesn't make a difference when you're a dwarf HP:200 EP:200 ^ Warrax: it's hairy nevertheless ^ Clive: heh. ***Later still*** HP:200 EP:200 Thessaly tells you: Hmm... would it be a bad idea to go make more holes? You tell Thessaly: I think so HP:200 EP:200 ^ Snaz: I once got out of people comming over by burning my house down. THAT was an ngenious plan. Thessaly tells you: *sigh* You tell Thessaly: Maybe it would be a good idea by now to call a repairman or something HP:200 EP:200 You tell Thessaly: Might be able to fix the holes and the bookcase ^ Ailin: did you claim it on insurance too? Thessaly tells you: Nah. I'll get some hole-filler and take care of that. You tell Warrax: Thessaly told you: Would it be a good idea to make more holes? Thessaly tells you: the bookcase is fine, I just can't mount it on the wall, because I SUCK! ^ Snaz: if it really happend I would have... You tell Thessaly: Did you screw it on right, once it was up HP:200 EP:200 Thessaly tells you: Yeah. The instructions say just to screw it to the wall with two screws. You tell Warrax: Thessaly told you: Hmm... would it be a bad idea to go make more holes? You tell Warrax: It's not right hmm Warrax tells you: What? :P You tell Thessaly: That can't be right Hmm HP:200 EP:200 Thessaly tells you: I HATE IKEA.