Uber Log!

Posted by
Nibinving [legacy]
05 October 2002 00:00:00

FoTR, a screenplay by Qunetain Tarintino ;)

The Fellowship of the Ring – A Screenplay by Q. Tarantino 

Boromir: That's just f***ing great! A f***ing Cave Troll! 

Legolas: Those c**k-s**king Orc motherf***ers have a motherf***ing Cave Troll? 

Boromir: Bet your Elven f***ing a$$ they do. 

Gimli: We should have shotguns for this job. 

Gandalf: Shotguns will avail you naught against ones such as these! 

Aragorn: What's with the f***ing Shakespeare crap, Grandad? 
You some kinda fag? You trying to blow our gritty, street-realism cool? 

Gandalf: Oh. Ah. Harrumph ... All right. How about: 
No f***ing shotgun gonna stop these bad-a$$ motherf***ers 
poppin' an Orc cap in yo' motherf***ing a$$! 

Aragorn: That's more f***ing like it. 
Now, if you wanna hang with this bad-a$$ motherf***ing crew, lose the frock and the dumb-a$$ hat. 

Gandalf: F***ing hippy c**ks**ker. Mah Daddy gave me this hat ... 

Frodo: Hand me mah ring... it's the one that sez Bad mutha f***er on it.