So many nukes... So much more time....

Posted by
Gyro [legacy]
08 October 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

All the nukes for today :) Contains: (2) Nuke Flowchart (3) Nuke Nukes (1) Rabbit Nuke (1) mickey Mouse Nuke Whee!


  • Author
    Sigfrid [legacy]
    11 October 2002 14:24:09

    tis shit

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    10 October 2002 13:20:11

    *baps steve*

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 October 2002 21:44:44

    You're right, V, what you think doesn't matter. ;)

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    09 October 2002 18:31:39

    no worries wasach, i still have a lot of respect for you, hocho and aiden, and you're pretty much the only koda i know, so you're still cool in my book (like that matters). you can't always be a judge of who will act appropriately and who will not.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    09 October 2002 01:20:29

    Indeed, Richard was the first KoDA to be nuked, may pray he be the last. Had we known he was transferring gold/equipment to alts before his nuking, you can be certain he would have been booted from the Guild.

    There ain't no excuse for shit like that, it's despicable.

  • Author
    Nit [legacy]
    08 October 2002 23:58:28

    talk about karma hehe..

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    08 October 2002 23:55:13

    'today' was supposed to be inside the quotation marks. Just for the record. :P

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    08 October 2002 23:54:38

    I always liked Etor when he was on his 'Mr.Maniac and I kill 8 more CoU' today trip. Then he made an alt and joined them, and things just went downhill from there, huh? :P

  • Author
    Nit [legacy]
    08 October 2002 23:54:19

    rephrasing Shark;


    Lotraz you are just a Motherfucker. => Obvious although I have no comment about it.

    And you guys dont miss me with Fool KoDAs =>

    And guys dont mistake me with the fools from KoDa

    Prothet you are right. Etor=Shark Dont you know much?Lets listen Damage,Katiletesy,Jackal =>

    Prophet You are right. They were my alts, and you know more about my alts. Now Listen to me.

    I will miss you Guys,without few son of bitch.

    And do not trust to Ainur so much.

    Because motherfuckers can be Ainur too.=>

    I'll miss you guys except a few SOBs. And dont trust ainurs too much, because there may be mfuckers along them too.

    Take Care,Bye Bye ;)

    Take care bye bye ciao addios etc :)


    Hope this helps you all, and I still dont think it's ok to curse to someone because his language is not as good as you.

  • Author
    Nit [legacy]
    08 October 2002 23:48:45

    Damnit guys, my charcater is also banned because of this shit. Now I have to email and explain the whole stuff and isp crap...

    BLAH !

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    08 October 2002 23:38:48

    Would someone please tell me what the fuck Shark is trying to say?

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    08 October 2002 23:32:03

    Gotta love the way Shark talks...

    Yeah, I know English isn't his native language, but it still amuses me.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    08 October 2002 23:31:25

    No comment, just I am not pleased.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    08 October 2002 23:16:02

    Well, Muaddib was reinstated, i believe. And so was Westar for that matter. So kindly shut your trap, Adunazon. :P

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    08 October 2002 22:45:32

    They were your friends, of course they didn't do anything wrong. *puts on his blinders*

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    08 October 2002 21:47:51

    And neither Westar or Muaddib were nuked for doing anything wrong in my opinion. So I wouldn't really count them.

  • Author
    Shark [legacy]
    08 October 2002 21:18:13

    Lotraz you are just a Motherfucker.

    And you guys dont miss me with Fool KoDAs

    Prothet you are right. Etor=Shark Dont you know much?Lets listen Damage,Katiletesy,Jackal

    I will miss you Guys,without few son of bitch.

    And do not trust to Ainur so much.

    Because motherfuckers can be Ainur too.

    Take Care,Bye Bye ;)

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    08 October 2002 20:12:30

    Yeah, those damn ever cheating Corsairs of Umbar! By having seen Shark being nuked, I now know that every single member of that guild is a cheating, multiplaying son of a bitch!

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    08 October 2002 20:06:56

    Finally a decent log!

    Nah, prophet.. the first of Shark, Damage, Etor and those newbie alts were in one row and some time later Sigfrid and Richard were nuked (I think by another ainu).

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    08 October 2002 20:03:46

    The KoDA was not alt of Shark.

    And how about the nuked people in VC? I do not know of any nuked VC.

  • Author
    Prophet [legacy]
    08 October 2002 19:59:17

    They were alts of Shark and Etor.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    08 October 2002 19:53:53

    Woh. That's either a first, or something so rare it seems a first. A KoDA got nuked. *grin* They're catching up to us, we've only had Westar, Muaddib, and some guy who's name started with a Z (nuked for char transfer) go bye bye! :P

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    08 October 2002 19:51:34

    Those weren't all the same typist were they? Shark, and Etor, with a KoDA thrown in is pretty wierd mix.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    08 October 2002 19:10:27

    What nuke did Sigfrid receive?