
Posted by
Allantir [legacy]
09 October 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

lost whip, got mels, fair trade sort of?


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    11 October 2002 16:09:36

    sdflksdf sdfl;ks;dflsdf ,,sdriosti 98w5lwjfsd

    Basically: fuck

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    11 October 2002 16:05:38

    Ruiniel ni mi treba znati bolgarsko da razumem tvoje besede:)

    Basically: Bulgarians re best. Allmost like us Slovenians;)

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    11 October 2002 00:20:18

    I have some advice for you Anatharn. I offer it because while I was on this MUD, I knew you as a friend. Stop picking at old wounds, and ripping open new ones. All your arguments do is lower your standing in the eyes of the people who do still have some respect for you.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    10 October 2002 23:46:32

    *chuckle* You're quite funny Anatharn :)

    All I remember is killing you because its fun. The result of that is an endless flame from every single character you've had since. *shrug*, but keep up your flames, because its entertaining and a nice proof of how little it takes for a person like you to have substance in his life. Its sad, but feck it, you are much like those crappy Jerry Springer tv-shows ... and in that way, you are entertaining :)

    And honestly, I don't belive you don't give a crap, otherwise you wouldn't have dedicated your (mud) life to be this huge 'Flame FRA with hatred and lies' person, its almost turned into a very special style. :) ... (Ever wondered how we always figures out who your new characters is? :)


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 October 2002 23:01:47

    For real adunazon

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 October 2002 22:50:34

    Adunazon loves me!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    10 October 2002 22:16:36

    Mama ti deeba prosta allantirska, shto ubi Direkein, we?A?

    Shti napukam shoshonite ot boy, peeras:P

    This was a kind greeting to Allantir's mother if you don't know Bulgarian:P

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    10 October 2002 22:03:42

    The less I play, the more fondly I remember you all. *tip*

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    10 October 2002 21:53:31

    Er, yeah Lotraz..

    only that you are the ones who drown in your mindless hatred, not me. I'm just giving you the same shit that you started to give me at some time and never stopped giving me. I don't take this shit as serious though as you do.. when I see how pissed off you guys can be by this game and what people do on it I can't help but laugh my ass off in RL. I'm trying to give you another kick in your boundless rage then to piss you off even more.. but for me it's really more or less equal if some people from Canada are hacking hateful statements about me into their keyboard in their rabid fury.. it approximately means as much to me as when a sack of rice tips over in china.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    10 October 2002 20:25:05

    Anatharn foamed: 'Look at how angry Direkein got in his comments and you know that saying he wouldn't be pissed off is nothing but a lie.'.

    Considering the amount of lies, hatred and stupidity you have uttered on these pages it seems to me that by your very own argument, you are the one to have been pissed, dear Anatharn.

    The more you foam about FRA, the more you try to spread your lies, the more you grow into your mindless hatred, ... the more it confirms us that you are nothing more than a bitter fool that tries to seek a revenge through words of hatred.

    Interesting really ... :)

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    10 October 2002 18:08:02

    *breaks a record and call it anatharn* :-p

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 October 2002 15:19:09

    Funny how some people's game can revolve around the MELS and Whip, isn't it?

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    10 October 2002 12:54:11

    Look at how angry Direkein got in his comments and you know that saying he wouldn't be pissed off is nothing but a lie. And by the way I never said I'd be skilled. Show me one comment of me saying that if you can. You won't find any. I know that I'm a complete newbie (at least compared to most of the oh-so old players on T2T). And about being honorless/coward *shrug* your moral standards don't apply to me.. if they did I'd be transferring gold/chars every two days.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    10 October 2002 12:26:29

    'obvious' was supposed to be 'opposite' it's 4 am and I'm not proofreading :P

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    10 October 2002 12:25:03

    Anatharn, it doesn't piss us off that you quit, in fact, it's quite the obvious, for once again you demonstrate to us and to the world your complete lack of skill and once again reaffirm to anyone who might still be listening to the hatred and shit you so constantly spew that you're just a bitter moron who can't admit when he's beat and outclassed. You aren't worth the 45 seconds it took to write this post, honorless coward and quitter.


  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    10 October 2002 11:28:48

    Harharhar.. that's just the difference between you and me. You (stupid cunt) run and run through the plains (like a chicken with it's heads cut off) until you die. You say 'fuck' (Awwwwww... harhar har :P) because you were too dumb to type 'kick pebble' by hand after the alias who did it 30 times in vain finished. And I just live by using means that piss you off (double success). I can't imagine anything that would've been better in my situation.

    By the way: FRA multiplay info count in this threat -> 2 players

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    10 October 2002 11:24:41

    I guess the SoU armoury reset, the governor had a present for me!

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    10 October 2002 05:27:53

    Baral, you make me laugh. Come back soon!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    10 October 2002 03:42:36

    I don't know what hapened direkein bu hey don't lose thatring ma, it special:)

    Sucks youdided, carry more healingbro...

    And say one wowrd im drun k i cick all your assess:)

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    10 October 2002 02:40:38

    Allantir is the best player on this MUD ever.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 October 2002 02:16:47

    Good point, Allantir. :P

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    10 October 2002 01:19:36

    Whee! 'Direkein says in Westron: fuck' Nice job, Gothwin and Allantir. No flames for you, Direkein, I think you're a swell guy! Not quite as cool as Ailin, but close.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    10 October 2002 01:13:43

    Hahahaha, Anatharn trying to talk shit to someone about huntbreaking, I guess we aren't all as quick with a quit command as you, bitch!

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    10 October 2002 00:40:44

    my point was directed to azura, direkein is a pretty good guy imo

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    10 October 2002 00:39:58


  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    10 October 2002 00:39:54

    You're so right Anatharn. I'll have to learn to do the q-u-i-t break by hand. You've apparently mastered it. Luckily, everyone now knows how well you handle pk's cunt.

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    10 October 2002 00:28:06

    Yeah, stupid newbie. He needs to learn from a pro. Maybe Allantir can teach him the 'run around Mordor until I die' routine.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    10 October 2002 00:19:58

    What a pathetic noob, can only break with his set aliases :P Harharhar

  • Author
    Heath [legacy]
    09 October 2002 23:55:06

    That was nice.