Just thought this was kinda funny

Posted by
Delvar [legacy]
18 October 2002 00:00:00

I'm really lucky Allantir let me go becuase he is the best player in the game you know

Allantir tells you: die

You tell Allantir: *squirms*

Allantir tells you: u reported my solo attempt

Allantir tells you: now u die

You tell Allantir: and you reported mine

You tell Allantir: riiiight

You tell Allantir: See man, what goes around comes around, you report my solo,
     I'll report yours
Allantir tells you: thats it

Allantir tells you: you die

You tell Allantir: woot

Allantir tells you: you lived because i let you live, remember that sucka

You tell Allantir: Erm, I lived becuase you didnt trigger any breaks and it was a respected solo which never
     woulda gotten reported

You tell Allantir: but you decided to report me so *shrugs*

Allantir tells you: you have just gotten yourself a 15k c

Allantir tells you: u dont know when to stop talking!

You tell Allantir: 15k sweet

You tell Allantir: ooh, can you make it 30?

Allantir told you: done

          Then after this, Allantir wants to spar to redeem himself I suppose and makes up these rules which were agreeable untill the spar began, basically he could make and break any rules he wanted too during the 'fight untill death no wimpy' spar which he ran out. Pretty much just makes an ass of himself and oh yeah, I got these tells about 10mins after I was logged on outta the blue, just thought it'd be funny to post.