Vlad the Impaler and the Dark Hand go hunting

Posted by
Julius [legacy]
18 October 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Orlandu tags along to watch, as Therigion and I make swiss cheese out of Erwin. We really don't have anything against Erwin, but the VC are unwilling to stop the war against us. Oh well! As long as they're happy, I'm happy.


  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    25 October 2002 07:16:04

    Couldn't agree more Jaren. Even if I was usually on the wrong side of those bangs ;)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 October 2002 04:19:41

    i also blow horses

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 October 2002 04:19:18

    eotw is fun, but thieves are just ludicrious gold makers

    oh and I suck mad nuts, mad salty nuts

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    20 October 2002 03:10:24

    EoTW was fun, but it went downhill when Turin got all gestapo about his shit. I do miss the mass pkilling though :P

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 October 2002 03:01:33

    Again, back then you couldn't fucking train Archery, Deflecting, or Positioning. :P And while Therigion is a maxed Archer with extra skills to help him in PKs when they didn't have that shit back then. Double arrows, and kickback which will give you a boost of aim and attack for the next arrow(s) you shoot. THat's the point. Deflecting is here, to keep people from getting shot as much, but that doesn't help when none of the victims can't train it, now does it?

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    20 October 2002 02:33:16

    Suck my cock, Baral, dumbfuck.... if i want your opinion i'll ask for it.

    The fact that nearly every npc is decked out with gold illistrates how easy the fucking game is.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    20 October 2002 02:14:37

    That mud wasn't shitt, its dam good, it realied o alot more shit then fucking triggers you idiot.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    20 October 2002 01:22:09

    it's eye of the world mud, it's shitty, but there is no hunting, you've gotta trap people to kill em.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    20 October 2002 01:12:16

    People complain too much, back in the day dark arrows were EVERYWHERE you could get like 20 of them at a time and every single one put you down if it hit, also deadly spears that knocked you uncon just by having them thrown at you, it makes the game alot more interesting in my opinion, seperates the real players from the jackasses with a few aliases memorized.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 October 2002 22:32:45

    What's 'turins mud'

    ...and yes, I realize it's been mentioned before and yes, I realize this makes me sound like a moron...

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    19 October 2002 10:21:40

    We'll see how fun it is when you're getting riddled with arrows like everyone else, Orlandu. :P

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    19 October 2002 09:35:40

    I doubt archers will make assassins obsolete, but they definately will put a lil more fun in pks in the future.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    19 October 2002 09:00:10

    ever played Turins mud?

  • Author
    Prophet [legacy]
    19 October 2002 08:45:37

    I've often wondered how things would change if assassins couldn't hunt and people had to solely rely on one room combat, and traps...

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    19 October 2002 08:15:15

    Dark arrows aren't guaranteed to hit, OR to knock someone out, if they do hit, by the way.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    19 October 2002 06:40:11

    It's funny if the thigs stay as they are - the archers and dozens of dark arrows make 2 things obsolete - the assassin profession (why would you hunt someone when he'll be conveniently unconscious to be sliced by your party) and the huntbreaks (because everyone will be an archer everyone could easily get rid of an asassin (if there're some still) by shooting him with dark arrow

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    19 October 2002 06:07:41

    Julius, they didn't have kickback or multinock back then either. :P Or autoshoot for that matter, which meant using a bow and arrows actually took skill! Not just trigger PC enters. todo kicback PC, multinock, nock arrow, draw bow, shoot PC. :P Yeah, real skilz. So Archers are replacing Sheriffs (trigger crim todo handcuff crim) except it's PKs instead.

  • Author
    Kazin [legacy]
    19 October 2002 05:47:46

    I didn't complain, Julius, but I sure did laugh. :P And for the record, the only thing that annoys me about arrows now is that it's a crazy-good playerkilling technique, but it's only available to current playtesters. When everyone and their brother is an active archer, and not just Therigion (Armada isn't active :P), things will be different.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    19 October 2002 04:24:19

    and yes, i could go a tissue right about now

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    19 October 2002 04:24:01

    what the fuck Camillus, that's my saying you bastard

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 October 2002 03:37:32

    *hands Julius a tissue* It's ok, somethings are better to sleep through...keep that in mind if you ever go to jail ;)

    Anyways, I've got a problem with my zmud so if any of you guru's wanna give me a hand, throw me a tell next time I'm on...PLEASE!!

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    19 October 2002 03:26:47

    Does anyone want a tissue? Cause I have a lot to give out.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    19 October 2002 02:53:27

    No thanks, thats Tarn's area of expertise.

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    19 October 2002 02:12:28

    And maybe you can lick my nuts, because all sides have always used every advantage possible in the game, especially including dark arrows.

    I didn't see Kazin or Devon complaining when Kazin drank enough vials to have 500 aim and shot me with dark arrows so long that one person pk'd me and I never woke up the whole time.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    19 October 2002 00:38:26

    Archers are better for pk than warriors now. Maybe one day, gangbang parties won't even need an assassin, they will be able to kill without even having to hunt. Wait, thats already possible, nevermind ;)

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    19 October 2002 00:18:13

    I thought they wanted to make this mud a 'non' PK mud? Arrows are excellent for pking :)

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    18 October 2002 23:48:18

    Armada is in the 'idlers R us' guild. He doesnt log in enough to shoot some arrows :P

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 October 2002 20:59:58

    very few people contract others for the hell of it. take warrax contracting me for instance. he thought i couldnt break an assassin, i sent him the log and he removed it. even so, very few things warrant the death of a character. if someone contracts you for something stupid, let it go. learn how to break, be prepared, and accept that it's probably some 14 year old who hasnt been around long enough to see how real society works. prove you're a better man. not sure if this example works or not, but look at theo. sure, he's managed to tick a few people off in his character's life, but he still manages to pretty much stay out of the pk game. he dies occasionally, he moves on.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    18 October 2002 20:41:46

    I believe that blocking does help when getting shot by arrows. If you have a shield, you'll notice occasionaly, you'll see 'Archer fires and arrow at you, but you manage to deflect it with your shield!'.. other times, you'll see '...manage to block it with your shield!' Seems to me that there are two different skills at work there.

  • Author
    Prophet [legacy]
    18 October 2002 20:38:27

    Just wondering, what guild is Armada in?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 October 2002 19:52:12

    btw, all 3 answers apply to all 3 questions...

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 October 2002 19:51:39

    Oh look, there is Thereigion arguing for a 'technical downgrade' to the arrows. hehe..

    Viit, your assumption is wrong. You do not have the option of staying out of the pK circuit. We have this little contract system, you see, and it forces you to participate in the pK circuit. Don't make a comment about not getting contracted because you can get contracted for anything, including the reason 'no reason at all, just felt like it'.

    Do the arrows need a change? Does the archer prof need more tweaking? Is my shield good for anything?....the answers to these questions are yes, no, maybe so. Time will tell.

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    18 October 2002 19:10:57

    The best thing would be to make them unique.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 October 2002 19:00:57

    bah, let the profession and arrows stay as it is. i dont much like it, but people do often have the option of staying out of the pk circuit. if you get yourself involved, you take on that risk.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    18 October 2002 16:50:16

    Was he afk? Cause he didnt even move after he died. Wouldnt have made a difference i guess. He might have gotten a room in. :)

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    18 October 2002 16:17:15

    Use em while you can, cause you won't get a chance to use them on me! I like my chances of actually being able to dodge a pk rather than sit there and read...you dumbass you can't fucking move. My nigga came through with the vial and still didn't get a double in, I hate that shit.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    18 October 2002 15:50:58

    I think there would be a different story if the rimmies or whoever had a pt archer who was willing to pk like therigion. Cause its certainly not hard to get dark arrows if you know what you're doing, and the rest is just common archer stuff. I would like to see durms not complain if they started getting pked without any chance of survival. Its just ignorant that they are complaining that VC/rimmies or whoever are complaining :)

  • Author
    Konj [legacy]
    18 October 2002 14:53:48

    *whines about arrows some more*

    Please, make it stop!

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    18 October 2002 13:57:13

    oh, they are still in testing.... right?.....

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    18 October 2002 13:55:38

    I bet they change something with the Prof and not the arrows, everything was fine untill this player testing started. Time will tell i guess.

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    18 October 2002 13:46:44

    I just found myself shooting an arrow on an imaginary target. I'm losing it people!

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    18 October 2002 13:44:45

    I keep trying to visualise these logs and i find them really cool. Can someone code something that would have log as input file and cool 3d studio animation as output file?

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    18 October 2002 12:21:47

    The way the Rimsilval are complaining, I'd say about 3 days.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    18 October 2002 12:15:38

    I wonder how long it'll go until yet another nerf to the dark arrows comes around :)