Man, this sucks. This kill was mine, Balforth!

Posted by
Julius [legacy]
21 October 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

You gotta read this :(


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    27 October 2002 13:08:54

    While I tend to agree with Nogothrim, and think that Trempk's brand of roleplaying is absolutely ridiculous, he can do it if he wants. It's not our place to tell him to go play some other way. But when Trempk starts whining when we kill someone roleplaying in our own way, that pisses me off. Roleplay your own way, if that's what's fun for you, but for god's sake, let people RP like they want to.

    (We meaning the 'thematic' RPers)

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    24 October 2002 14:42:23


    That's funny, Kujo.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    24 October 2002 10:46:14

    Rimsilval isn't a Powerplaying guild

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    24 October 2002 03:18:44

    Well, ok, haven't been able to connect to logpage for a few days. Anyways what I wanted to say is that I lost my head when I saw Woden was a ghost, I seldom get angry but when I do I don't think ;) Seeing Julius sorta got me thinking again though but by then it was a bit late since I'd taken 200 hp worth of damage down to -21 hp in 2 rounds as I left the room. Still, I kind of wonder how he knew we were there ;) No matter! Still got Balforth in the end! *grins*

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    23 October 2002 06:04:07

    The gods are idios, that is true!!

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    23 October 2002 06:03:06

    Well Nogothrim has always been this way, he also backs up his words completly, and there is truth to what he says...

    But then again, who the fuck cares, its a game.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    22 October 2002 22:46:46

    The fact gods are visible at all is absolutely ridiculous. They should have the maturity to allow the world to crumble..only then can it be saved and we could have some fucking history. I know it will never happen. If God's were clever they could orchestrate some awesome shit. Too bad they are idiots.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    22 October 2002 22:37:04

    I dont give a shit about playability. I also think it would be great for this mud if 75 percent of the people were forced to go inactive for fear of death. That would mean something historic is happening. This place has no history because god's do not allow anything to interfere with popularity. I will always see Pk and Rp as one in the same. Pk is what makes Rp. Without Pk nothing in this world matters. Its just a chatroom.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 October 2002 22:09:42

    There again with just assuming that guilds with RP agreements base their RP on those agreements.

    Shit just because you've seen other people say that still doesn't mean its true. You call us pussies because we prefer to make agreements that will prevent us from ending up in some dumb pk war that most members don't want because of reasons I explained earlier. And what, there aren't newbies in guilds anymore, everyone in guilds is skilled at pk/breaking? Shit there is a whole guild of newbies.

    Pk wars are for people who enjoy to pk, which is probably like <15% of most guilded players, they aren't about roleplaying. They're about proving who is better at pkilling and who is the biggest ass. When was the last RP pk war? Udungul and BKD? Not really, cause it was all about people getting their alts and allies to help. What business does some beorning have up in erebor killing easterlings for dwarves, or contract assassins (that weren't hired) for that matter.

    Sure, why not turn every guild into powerplayer guilds. Those who aren't good at powerplaying shouldn't be allowed in guilds then? In pk wars already, half of most guild's members go inactive because they don't care for the pk part of the game.

    I can understand your vision of RP, but it could never work because its not playable for 75% of the player population. There are always hard core pp and pk players that will always ruin for everyone else. Spree killers, newbie killers, random killers, etc.

    Some might figure that if they got their guild into a pk war with someone that was stronger, that half of their guild would go inactive. Why make your friends lose interest and not want to play the game over something dumb? So they take what they can get and report the guy/s that killed them, or contract the guy instead of starting a pk war with some hardhead and his guild that will ruin the game for like half of your guild.

    Now, of course, it would be a different story if you were in a pp guild like FRA, durms, rimmies, etc.

    Sure you can call me a 'faggity noob,' some may disagree, some may agree depending on the definition of a newbie. But I'll accept that if it means giving a shit about anyone but myself and their enjoyment of the game.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    22 October 2002 21:48:55

    I know i can never convince a faggity noob like yourself with mere words, Trempk. This is something that requires action to illustrate that it is possible. I really dont have the i'll just bitch at you fucking losers everytime you say 'rp'. If you think for a second that guilds need lawsys you are a fucking idiot. Everytime you make someone from a rival guild suicide you should be given a special reward of some type.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    22 October 2002 21:34:18

    Trempk, i mean people who are in guilds. I realize you are a fucking retard who cant read but wtf am i supposed to do? Let it slide?

    If you are in a guild and you use lawsys, at ANYTIME, you are a fucking loser who can NEVER talk about RP. I hate it when people talk about rp like they have any fucking clue what it means. Rp is something you do on your OWN its not some fucking agreement a bunch of pussies made. Just because someone pked you for a reason you dont think is 'rp' that is no excuse for you to rping and report. Lawsys was made solely to protect newbies not to be abused by guildfucks.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 October 2002 19:00:31

    Like any of your characters have ever been based on RP, Julius.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 October 2002 18:57:25

    Yes it does hurt some non pker players to have 95 stats. If you don't think so, you're just being ignorant.

    Most people don't use the lawsys for help in releveling, Nogothrim. They use it to get back at the person that stole or killed them, because usually its the only way they can. Most people don't have any pk skills, or have any friends that have any pk skills. And what is a contract? Why spend releveling gold on a contract that will probably never be completed, or that the guy will relevel from within a day? Lawsys has nothing to do with pride. What is some newbie going to do if you kill him? Get 4 of his friends (who are also newbies) and try to kill you with their serpent swords? Only to all be backhunted on, or reported?

    The problem is that you think that anyone can become a great powerplayer if they try hard enough, or are taught by other players enough. In reality, most people who play this game have no chance of becoming a great powerplayer, and hence will always lose in the game that you want the mud to be.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    22 October 2002 18:34:35

    If you arent a pker does it really hurt you to have 95 ave stats? Oh wait, its fun to be lvl 20 and make your own title. Yea!! I for one, think its a good thing when someone weaker or slower from your guild is pked over and over again. That will allow for more realistic Rp to take place. That will allow you, Trempk; to help him remax, help him learn better ways to protect himself,and avenge his death. If you cant take deaths..screw you..suicide, dont join a guild.

    I see it as MY place to protect my friends, I am a dwarf and I am too proud to receive help from a fucked up lawsys. You know nothing of pride.

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    22 October 2002 17:27:41

    I don't see how what I did was bad roleplaying from MY position at all.

    I wasn't involved with the fight at Balforth, and indeed, I hadn't been there to witness any of it. I just went there because i'd heard that woden had died. Then someone i wanted to kill walks in, attacks, and is getting low on hp. I've been waiting for weeks for anyoen in valacirca to do that while I'm online

    I thought it was perfect RP for me to wait for the perfect moment in timing like that.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 October 2002 16:21:05

    Waiting, while they rested in between moving.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 October 2002 16:19:19

    So what Nogothrim is really saying is that everyone who isn't skilled/doesn't care to be skilled at pkilling/huntbreaking should just quit the mud.

    Some people play this game for fun. To some people dying ruins a lot of hard work, is just a hastle, and frankly ruins the game for them. Maybe they want to RP while still having fun without having to worry about getting hunted and getting pkilled because they can't type as fast as other people and get get the good equipment like other people? Maybe they just want to roleplay a character without getting depressed or causing other people distress? They should all go do something else because nogothrim doesn't like it. Or maybe from now on we should just realize that every time someone says RP, they don't mean 'true Roleplaying,' but rather 'trying to roleplay while still having fun.'

    Your true RP is complete crap, Nogothrim. If you really believe in all that bullshit, then stay in Erebor and don't leave the area because in actuality you couldn't get from erebor to belegost to mt in one fucking day. If the mud was made in the way you want it, no one would fucking play. It would be you and like 3 alts on talking to each other.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    22 October 2002 08:58:18

    Now you got me fucking warmed up.

    If you are moral then you do everything in your power to destroy those that stand for evil. You do everything you can to help your friends and the oppressed. Vice Versa aswell. The second you even speak to your enemy like they arent your enemy is the second you QUIT rping in favor of an easier,lazy gay fucking loser form of Rp.

    'But, i have pals in enemy guilds'. Ok dickhead log on a diff char if you wanna chat with them but dont shit all over your guilded char's RP.

    If you are in a guild then your enemies are set in stone. Never make any agreement with your enemies and kill them till they cease to exist in this world. If you are evil kill newbies for no reason,spreekill,corpseloot,betray...plz for god's sake terrorize the land. If there is no true evil then there can be no true good.

    Rangers protected Bree(newbies) from the forces of Sauron for years and received nothing but hatred and disdain for thier actions. It is only possible to protect newbies when someone else is attacking them. Killing noobs should take a serious increase so protection of noobs can increase along side it. This is not a job for ainur its a job for the moral guilds. This is vital so new players can truly understand the importance of thier decisions when picking which path to take....power/greed or sacrifice/truth

    I blame the immortals for turning you all into pussy ass fucking losers. They sacrifice purity for popularity. When shit hit the fan in Tolkiens world the ainur sent Istari to make heros out of halfings. When shit hits the fan in T2T there are public nukings. (They used to make ainur chars which was much more in theme) And geezus for godsake dont use lawsys. Why dont you help your friends remax instead of your friends using lawsys? Is it really that hard for guilds to put money in a fund? maybe create thier own lawsys? do you really fucking need it? At least try to act like the chars from the book. I hate it so much when you guys talk about Rp...because i've seen your fucked up,warped version of it take shape since day 1 and there was nothing i could do about it.

    Yea? fuck you to.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    22 October 2002 08:22:56

    War, is RP. Your traditional shit is just that, shit. If you do not expect to be hunted in Rp combat then you dont understand what Rp combat is.

    Well, that is not how the majority of the population sees 'rp' Nogothrim.

    Just because the majority of the population and the ainur dont understand what true Rp amounts to is absolutely no excuse to spit on tolkien in favor of faggit treaties made by faggit players.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    22 October 2002 03:41:00

    If you enter a war .. you better expext any RP combat to be treated as a war zone.

    It does not matter if you are Idle/AFK, RPIng, Reviving or reading mail .. when in war people try to kil you .. what a shocker.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    21 October 2002 23:44:17

    Julius wasn't roleplaying in the traditional sense, as far as I could see. Why Calenril stayed in the room with an un-faded Julius is beyond me.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    21 October 2002 23:44:17

    Julius wasn't roleplaying in the traditional sense, as far as I could see. Why Calenril stayed in the room with an un-faded Julius is beyond me.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    21 October 2002 23:17:50

    Lemme rephrase that. For Julius - that was lame. I never imagined seeing him as someone low enough to hunt someone as they run from RP. Other durms may do it/have done it, but I truly didn't expect to see something along that level from him.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 October 2002 20:21:22

    'He was going to take advantage of rp combat'

    Duh :)

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    21 October 2002 19:48:09

    Someone define assassin for me.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    21 October 2002 18:48:40

    How did Julius take advantage of RP combat?

    He didn't even attack. He was going to take advantage of rp combat but at least let him kill

    someone before you start whining and complaining

    about it.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    21 October 2002 18:47:43

    Polls are worthless.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 October 2002 14:21:18

    its pretty lame to take advantage of RP battles like that.....but then again, war is war, so dont go do silly things :)

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    21 October 2002 05:54:14

    I don't see what Julius did was wrong, it was perfect:)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    21 October 2002 04:35:59

    Maybe true, but thats not what my poll said. ;)

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    21 October 2002 03:42:31

    that title belongs to tuareg, not julius :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    21 October 2002 03:33:33

    Can't put shit like this past Julius, thats why he's arda's most hated player. ;)

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    21 October 2002 03:28:35

    That was pretty lame, actually.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    21 October 2002 03:18:40

    I hate to see friends die, no matter how it happens...

    poor Julius...DENIED!!