Open Letter to the Ainur of Two Towers

Posted by
Musui [legacy]
25 October 2002 00:00:00

An Open Letter concerning the state of the ER project to the Ainur of the Two Towers.


  • Author
    Malaugrym [legacy]
    29 October 2002 18:03:59

    Yeah, but I still think the best ER moment was that first Meg/BkD invasion of Barad Dur, where like 15 of them died. All of them running around, frantically shouting to their comrades. It was great.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    28 October 2002 19:53:02

    Baral's account was removed, probably the post that was posted about Rauko:)

    Anyways. Yah we had some good times as Er, Killing Eldalamber, and Brycin, who were supposed to be gods at the time.

    Also Killing Garmir for the whip was very nice. Anyone remember that?

    Edoras lady room. Kheler, Musan, ah can't remember.

    Still good times.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    28 October 2002 19:51:46


  • Author
    Wyngel [legacy]
    28 October 2002 11:03:03

    I started to play with ER, I enjoyed my time in service of the only true King of the World, Sauron. When we were removed, I pledged to live for evil, and to do evil. I met on my journeys quality people, the Corsairs of Umbar, which whom i spent now two years and enjoyed very much depredating the lands.

    What I miss were those fun missions and to prey on FRs without caring about who they are. And for them to fear us, and to find no peace either with the constant menace of blackened FRs and the possibility of ER raids.


  • Author
    Gothmog [legacy]
    26 October 2002 21:06:00


    On behalf of myself, a coder of new places for ERs:

    Musui, I must say that I strongly resent several statements

    you made in your letter.

    'Two years ago, our ER's were removed. Two years later, I

    see absolutely no sign that they are coming.'

    And why should you or would you be seeing signs? It seems

    to me as though you're making an assumption that ERs will not

    come back based solely on what you observed more than a year

    and a half ago. And this simply is neither right nor fair.

    'I'm disappointed by the Two Towers ainur staff.'

    Thanks. That really spurs us to continue.

    'It is also my personal belief that this project is far too

    big for one domain to take on its own.'

    Your belief is based on the conjecture that only one domain

    is working on ERs. You do not know this as being true.

    'Why am I bringing this up now? Because someone must.'

    No, no one must. You're only creating turmoil.

    'To have people on the game harbor hope about the future 'evil

    races', when some of us know the project is on a fast track to

    no where - is cruel and misleading.'

    Whoever these 'some of us' are, their knowledge is faulty.

    The ERs are still very much being worked on. Yes, perhaps

    they are not being completed as fast as some people would

    hope, but then, it's not like anyone's getting paid to work

    on them and there -is- a limited staff.

    That is all I wish to say.



  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    26 October 2002 18:48:20

    I just hate Rauko.

  • Author
    Malaugrym [legacy]
    26 October 2002 00:07:59

    I don't think it's really that fair to bash Rauko over this whole lamentable situation. He was the only ainu I'd ever met who was genuinely supportive about ERs. Aule fucked us over persistently then gloated, and Culfinglin fucked us over persistently but then just ignored us after the fact. I talked to Rauko about ERs all the time. Several times I would just wander into the old mission camp bar and find Rauko just sitting there alone guzzling elven blood. I think Mornancano and Behemoth are the only two ERs still working on the project. Two others have abandoned the project and took promotions and the other three are gone, myself included.

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    26 October 2002 00:01:15

    *fdls at Avaar's comment*

  • Author
    Prophet [legacy]
    25 October 2002 17:04:22

    Well, I applied to help them out but my request was denied. ah well...can't say I didn't try.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    25 October 2002 17:00:16

    Bah I'll be the first to say it, and I know everyone thinks it. RAUKO WAS AN ASSWHOLE. But anyways, yah I missed ER, Had lots of fun with the crew. Got to love those times logging on to get whip and snagging it while you see your worst enemies crying about it:) Anyways

    We need to get it into gear, its really been two years? Wow, lets all just stop mudding and code, hell yes.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    25 October 2002 11:05:06

    Not having a design document? Hahah, thats like trying to build boil an egg without having an egg. :)

    And ... its no wonder they're short on staff. The git who pays the bills are also the one that votes no to just about anyone that might have the experience on the mud. Silly twits. .)

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    25 October 2002 09:44:19

    Musui...try not to care so much. It's volunteer staff. You know how that goes.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    25 October 2002 09:31:30

    I too miss er's very much, they were the best thing to ever happen to arda. They made the game exciting and fun andinteresting. They gave every pk happy bugger in arda someone to kill and they gave the few people with teh balls and patience to play them the best times and memories of their lives. When ER's were pulled, rauko gave me a chance to help code their future. I tried my best but i am a poor coder and at the time this was going on i was working 50+ hours a week at 2 jobs while taking 17 credit hours at college, i simply wasn't able to handle it. I have met Gildoran IRL and he is one of the nicest most competent people i've ever met and I know that he will do the best possible job but it would be nice if everyone would do what they can to help him. If any ainur reads this, please, if you need any room descrips or non coding intensive tasks i am sure there are many citizens of arda who will help.

    *misses ER's*


  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    25 October 2002 07:51:24

    I like this post.

  • Author
    Asgrim [legacy]
    25 October 2002 07:25:02

    Maybe there just aren't enough people working on ER's right now to kick out all the continents and skills, and level quests, and new places for them to thrive. Like Gazza said 2 people, but the work their butts off. I wouldn't mind becoming an ainu and helping them out.

  • Author
    Darkrod [legacy]
    25 October 2002 05:02:46

    I WANT ERS BACK! i like your post man, i admire that :)

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    25 October 2002 03:51:31

    *whines* Yeah, Musui. :( Come back, I miss you!!

  • Author
    Vaerilyn [legacy]
    25 October 2002 03:43:59

    I have to agree with what Gazza said. I for one will say that the people in Valinor are most definitely not sitting on their butts relaxing. Although I do not quite see why there aren't more people in the Mordor domain. But let it suffice to say that the evil races and projects included therein have not in the slightest been abandoned.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 October 2002 03:34:01

    Avaar, you are an Idiot, Musui, come back :(

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    25 October 2002 03:07:53

    Oh yeah, forget to mention that there is a serious shortage of coders for the workload that is needed to be done.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    25 October 2002 03:05:34

    Well, I read that and I agree with some aspects. But there is no reason to be disappointed with the staff. Sure, the Mordor board is locked to non-Mordor domain members, but I think that's the only logical thing to do. At the moment there's only 2 people in the Mordor domain (which I was kinda surprised at)...but both of them work their butts off as far as I've seen. Serious admiration needs to be given to Carcharoth and Gildoran for what must seem an overbearing task ahead of them.

    I also don't really agree with the idea that ERs have been given up on. Sure they're a long way off coming back, but a lot is being done on them.

    I just don't think it's really fair to rip into the coders like you are doing here. They're only trying to make the ERs be as fun and multifaceted as possible. The old ERs were extremely linear in how they were played. The new ERs will be a lot more substantial.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    25 October 2002 03:00:09

    good solo

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    25 October 2002 02:52:45

    That seige mission would have been cool. ;)