First off, this isn't a log. It's an open letter to the Two Towers Community. I'm posting it here, because I want to disclose my alts and ainur characters in terms of past experiences, and I can't do that on the Mud, nor do I want to waste my time getting a character up to level 5 in order to be able to use the gossiper and then be slammed as a "newbie". I was scanning the online gossiper today, and I saw a post from Rauko, dated Fri, Sept 22nd, which details that the ER's will be removed from the game. The gossiper doesn't post the year, and my memory is a bit hazy, but a quick check with my calendar shows the last time September 22nd fell on a friday was in the year 2000. And I Was thinking to myself recently, whatever happened to the Evil Races? It's now been two years, and all those hibernated characters - all those personas we put energy and effort into - are now forgotten. I played a Haradrim then, and had the most fun I have ever had playing this game in the past seven years. I started playing this game in 1995, shortly after I joined college. During college orientation, I met a wonderful person who soon became my friend. You may remember her as Aurora, from the Sons of Ulfang. It was she who introduced me to this mud. I've played a mercenary (Meglivornth with Horatio), I've played evil (Sons of Ulfang, with Teppetuary), I've played good (Amruin, with Musui), I've done clans. I've been a maiar, maker, lady, overlady, power, and retired. But the best fun I ever had - and I do mean the BEST - was as an ER. I liked having a "goal". See, in Tolkien's world, right at the time the Two Towers are set, we are at war. But only in certain areas. Now hobbits, with the exception of four very special ones, aren't fighting this war. Not in the trenches. The Dwarves are pretty much only to the north, the Elves in Lothlorien, the Eorlings at Minas Tirith, as are the Dunlending and Dunedain who live there. But those are very specific battles. Now when one plays a good character, how does it advance your cause to be, as a dwarf, running around in Riverdale? To be doing the ESS quest? It's kind of vague and nebulous. Sure, you can role play it, but you can't really advance on it. Your advancement as a "good" character depends on the people you slaughter, which can be just about anybody or anything. As an Evil Character, you had missions. You had to accomplish certain tasks, and if you didn't, you got a whopping for it. You had to be in character. No dithering around - get in, get your task done, get out before the trolls get ya. It's a harsh world, and I loved it. However, ER's were considered unbalanced, so they decided to pull them. I wasn't involved in the decision to pull them. I was, at the time, writing several new ER quests in Valinor to allow ER's to seige the walls of Minas Tirith in seige engines, etc, to have ER's running around Pelennor battlefield. And this is the thing that broke my heart. The project was commanded by a fellow who knew very little about coding (Rauko, I am sorry, but it is true), and even less about project management. ER's were pulled before the design documents were even approved by the council. And worse, as of last November, some critical design documents STILL had not been discussed or approved. After a year of no ER's, I rejoined active coding and tried to help turn this albatross around. What I found was a Lord (the project manager) who rarely logged on, had only one active member (me), who had no project schedule, no project details, and no plans. For those of you who don't program, the way it works is like this. The project manager gets the design document approved by those who are in charge (or paying the bill). In this case it would be the Powers and Overlords, in a voting process. Then the project manager divides the task up into smaller tasks, noting which ones must be done before the others (for instance, having an evil race in the racial database must be done before adding racial commands). Then he assigns the tasks out, keeping track of who is doing what and when. This way the project is moved forward. If someone needs to bow out, another person can take their place, finish the subtask. But when I started work there, the very basis of this - a concrete design document specifying what must be done - was not there. There were proposals galore, and no concrete vision, no "this must be done by ER release, this can wait till the next release". No plans. Just a locked off board that told all non mordor members to go away, and a bunch of idle people who the lord hadn't seen in weeks. I tried to help, but got discouraged. Without any vision, the project could not go forward. After I got my new job in January of 2001, I had to return to RL and my coding time became limited. And now here we are, October 25th, 2002. Two years ago, our ER's were removed. Two years later, I see absolutely no sign that they are coming. I'm disappointed by the Two Towers ainur staff. I was there when we put Minas Tirith out. We had a battle plan, we kicked the thing in gear, we got the job done. But when I returned in September 2001, I saw a bunch of people who twiddled on smaller personal projects, and a Mordor team that didn't show up for work. It is also my personal belief that this project is far too big for one domain to take on its own. Six people cannot make a whole continent. South Gondor was done by Endor, but the towns were doled out and done by different domains - Pelagir, etc. Why am I bringing this up now? Because someone must. If the administration has abandoned the ER project, then let it be made plain and clear. "We are not going to return the evil races." To have people on the game harbor hope about the future "evil races", when some of us know the project is on a fast track to no where - is cruel and misleading.