Someone kill the Lights!

Posted by
Julius [legacy]
29 October 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

To preface, Light had already, in previous days, attacked me twice, so I felt some well-deserved payback was at hand. I don't really care when people attack me though - but its this crap that Light does at the end that really gets my goat.


  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    07 April 2003 17:17:38

    Too bad I couldn't remember my mordor 2 town alias

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    19 December 2002 21:25:16

    Woo, I rule, don't I ?:P

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    30 October 2002 02:10:22

    'Buck kicks at you with a fury.' ;)

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    30 October 2002 01:30:27

    You should go get your money back for that orome vial Julius, couldn't even hit an assassin hard (no offense meant by this)

    Nice kill though and way to bait him at first

  • Author
    Melanna [legacy]
    30 October 2002 01:06:35

    Bange is cool! all thoughs bulgarians are, besides the ones I don't know,which is most likely 3/4 of them.

    Post Script:(not saying that only people I know are cool, because lots of them arn't)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    29 October 2002 23:58:44

    Hmm, I'm finally gonna take this personal.:P

    Bah, Light kicked the crap out of you.:P


    I wish I had more time to mud to max a couple of alts and show you what it's all about but damn fucken RL is too fucked up:P

    Heh, blah, I thought I could understand women...

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    29 October 2002 23:49:04

    not my fault they prefer my longneck bottle to your little grenade one :)

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    29 October 2002 23:32:50

    I just have a problem with the hypocrisy of it all, but I now realize that this is a problem that most assassins out there just simply do not run into - foremost reason being, you suck.

    If you're too scared to attack someone, and on the rare occassions you do try, you fail - your fines aren't going to be dick.

    An assassin's fines going up is just stupid. But an assassin who reports for a solo kill in a fight HE instigated is just beyond ignorant. If I picked a fight with someone, I'd be fucking embarassed to then go run like a little bitch and report.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    29 October 2002 23:16:17

    I hate you Wasach. They only go for you because you'll hook them up with beer. I like that shirt! Anyway, go die, please?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2002 21:35:56

    Bange is cool, he likes my page :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    29 October 2002 20:33:52

    I thought I was your cash cow Feodinur?! *sniffle*

    *nudges Julius in he ribs* yo man, I'm one of Ivon's friends and I don't know Bange so I might be an easier target.

    Just ask Duniv, he's right her next to me crying because I jacked another freshman chick from him over the weekend. (the fool is still wearing that 'I love Sauron more than fishing' shirt)

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    29 October 2002 20:02:19

    I'm not sure if you realize this, but Julius is a good assassin. He takes out skilled players too. But I just might kill Bange if he's that easy. Make sure he's loaded up on cash/eq too please.

  • Author
    Prophet [legacy]
    29 October 2002 19:07:29

    nice kill dude.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    29 October 2002 19:06:12

    He told me if to talk Light to withdraw the report else he'll become mean and will start killing my friends. Bange is, there're few more. but i think they are a bit harder to kill them, so i suggest Bange as being the easiest one. He's the one Julius mentioned when he told me that

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    29 October 2002 18:58:44

    why are you trying to get julius to kill someone you know irl?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2002 18:57:33

    If you can't handle the fines, don't do the crimes!

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    29 October 2002 18:32:23

    to Julius

    1. i don't think it was you who stole Orome from em. i think it was Rush or he covered the theft. but if i remember right you don't hacve theft as secondry skill

    2. for bitching about people reporting you

    Light - in my opinion he's enough mature to decide what he would do in this case. Deal with him.

    About me - The first time you ttacked me in this war was in DA, with Necsipaal waiting at Linhir. i talked with you after this attempt and told you i wouldn't report this one, but every next attempt on my life will be reported, no matter is it solo attempt or bang. Well, since then you got me once with thta party (Therigion, judazi and bolgerman) and it was because of Therigion and his arrows. Then you tried me solo once in esgaroth, and one more time with Therigion. The last one was really good attempt. All those were reported. And all attempts that will follow will be reported. No matter will i have constantly a contract or not. Also whenever you think about bitching at people for reporting you to get your fines increased have in mind that this is retaliation to your action. it's simple - If you don't attack you wouldn't be reported and fined. In this cases you're the one who first tries to harm people's characters, so when they report you to harm your character, it's normal. and this isn't permanent harm as you think, if i remember correct every 10 days of age the judge forgets a number of crimes, so all you have to do is to age up. hmm.... i think that's all i have to say for now.

    P.S. forgot something - Imo Bange will be easy kill, go for him if it'll make you feel better. For the people who wonder who Bange is he's thief character, Bulgarian who's playing the mud, he's really nice person irl and very helpful in the mud, so if you need help with tough monster, just ask him, i bet he wouldn't refuse to aid you. But i think he' not much into the pkilling, huntbreaking stuff, so i think he'll be easy. Go for him Julius

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    29 October 2002 18:18:48

    You sip the liquid, to taste it, and somehow, you have finished the

    vial. In a flash of rage you throw the vial from you, and it shatters

    on the ground. You are stunned by the accuracy of your throw.

    Amazing! really.. You throw it at the ground an it hits! Thats what i call accuracy!

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    29 October 2002 18:02:19

    Hehe, i love reading Lotraz's comments

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    29 October 2002 17:54:42

    Hey, excellent choise of weapon ... everyone knows that the mirrored silver sword gets more powerful the more Light there is in the room!

    Hahahahahah Im funny! Hahahahaha :)

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    29 October 2002 17:45:34

    loshia is the gman wannabe, not julius

  • Author
    Netwarrior [legacy]
    29 October 2002 17:27:20

    Heh. I bet you have something in common with Gman !

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    29 October 2002 17:25:42
