
Posted by
Ultilh [legacy]
29 October 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    31 October 2002 19:46:55

    You guys killed Gawen five times, he has stopped playing, at least Deadlok and Pageon still plays.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    31 October 2002 04:31:48

    oh, and do i really need to go back and point out all the kills on rims that durms have used non members in? :P

    it's changed a lot since Julius came back into the guild though.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    31 October 2002 04:30:58

    No, he hasn't been killed 18 times. Prophet, I believe you were involved in an attempt, possibly even a kill on BKD members back with Baral. If you attack BKD and VC willy nilly, of course they are going to strike collectively, that's common sense.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    31 October 2002 04:25:04

    Read that shit again, Prophet, if Rimsilval are involved, then it's a Rimsilval kill.

    If we play counting allies kills, then could we count the kill on Adunazon, Denezar twice, and Sycoo (and various other people, like Brageeeeel) for helping Durmanhoth?

    Hell no we couldn't, hence why counting ally kills is fucking stupid.

  • Author
    Variel [legacy]
    30 October 2002 15:31:22

    I don't think Pageon has been killed 18 times.

    If he has, I'd have to add 10 to my current kill tally.

    Manni: 'It's true. According to Variel's story,'

    Well, no it isn't. Read my storyinfo again.

    It'll be eight when I add the one from Ultilh.

    We've killed him more than we needed to.

    Beorns and VC have also killed him

    We don't plan to kill him again.

    As for my storyinfo and kill count.

    It does not count non Rim kills against Durms.

    I have not been keeping count of all the Durms killed by non-Rims, or the independents, or whoever else Durms are feuding with at the moment.

    I find it odd that Durms would list everyone they've killed in the last 2 months and claim it has something to do with the war with Rimsilval.

  • Author
    Prophet [legacy]
    30 October 2002 15:31:18

    Kujo said 'nor is Rimsilval counting the kills its allies has made'

    Ultilh killed me once by himself (good job btw). The other death was with allied assistance from VC and BkD. Does this mean that it doesn't count? which is it? so lets say 3 VC and 1 Rimsilval are in a party...would that count? I'm interested in the Raw score but that's just me I guess. Durmanhoth and Rim Casuality list. I'm wondering if anyone really has a true estimate.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    30 October 2002 09:30:20

    that is, kills that Rims arent involved in, death blow stealing doesn't count :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    30 October 2002 09:26:07

    Klouse hasn't died, nor is Rimsilval counting the kills it's allies have made... if we're gonna talk about the 'REAL score' then at least let's try to make it truthful

  • Author
    Asgrim [legacy]
    30 October 2002 09:16:23

    Walton, you're gonna have to remove some of those names from that list. Some of us are not involved in this petty war. For example: Relg, Aldur, Spansh, and my self have not participated in the killings of any durm members. So you have some kills that do not count for that lame squabbling. I'll bet there are some more VC's that didn't do anything in PK that you guys killed. But hey, VC wants to start shite with Durmanhoth, so be it. We will kill all their members regardless if they are involved or not.

    Asgrim Blackbeard, son of Balal.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    30 October 2002 08:48:20

    'It has to make you wonder when the Rims and VC kill Pageon 9 times and Deadlok 10, then they whine that Durms only kill their weak members.'

    Why group them both like that then?

  • Author
    Walton [legacy]
    30 October 2002 07:14:03

    I didnt say that

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    30 October 2002 05:54:38

    i love how you call Deadlok a weak member, would he agree with that?

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    30 October 2002 05:17:46

    Poor Pageon, leaves the guild and still he gets pked every time he logs on.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    30 October 2002 01:24:51

    Woo! I ain't on that list!


  • Author
    Walton [legacy]
    30 October 2002 00:32:28

    Anyone who leaves their guild in a war, then when attacked...hits his thrands bridge to shop alias, then returns, then run to loth bridge, and then doesnt turn wimpy off and tries to break who knows where...Doesnt really seserve to be killed a 9th time.

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    30 October 2002 00:29:06

    Actually, it's not the complete list, Walton.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    30 October 2002 00:27:15

    Deadlok is durmanhoth GM, a guy who kills and killed a lot of people, it is at least expected to him not being a weak member :P

  • Author
    Walton [legacy]
    30 October 2002 00:20:03

    That list doesn't include the deaths of Alkath, Ultilh, Lotze, and Soloman in the past couple days.

  • Author
    Walton [legacy]
    30 October 2002 00:18:20

    It has to make you wonder when the Rims and VC kill Pageon 9 times and Deadlok 10, then they whine that Durms only kill their weak members. Unless of course, Relg, Wormbaneii, Lotze, Klouse, Estraven, Majard, Majard, Jerf, Randir, Gawen, Reeth, Galenkemen, Calenril, Aldur, Leto, Delvar, Delvar, Spansh, Majard, Yan, Eldalamber, Erwin, Ivon, Jerf, Variel, Estraven, Majard, Nirrab, Elan, Majard, Delvar, Gawen, Andruil, Alkath, Zoso, Estraven, Lotze, and Asgrim are your weak members. Of the approximately 30 Durm deaths in this war, nearly 20, or 2/3 of them of them have come from Pageon and Deadlok.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    30 October 2002 00:08:52

    It's true. According to Variel's story, I bet he's only died 15 times.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    29 October 2002 23:53:22

    he's full of shit, rimsilval haven't killed him that many times :P.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    29 October 2002 23:11:20

    i dunno, him and streak have been fighting in the 'who can die the most' contest quite hard lately.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    29 October 2002 22:44:10

    18 times? The guy claims he's died 18 times?! I have a really hard time believing that. I think he's full of shit. :P

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    29 October 2002 21:19:46

    I believe he buys his gear from alexa. At least ive seen him buy some gear from there.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    29 October 2002 21:19:28

    Maybe it's like that, but still... 18 times, this makes it 19. Oh, with Delgaur's, it's 20. That sucks pretty hard.

  • Author
    Walton [legacy]
    29 October 2002 21:18:48

    Shouldnt you guys be happy he's taking EQ from Durms? That's just gear we can't use. I'm sure as hell not pleased if that EQ was from Durm.

  • Author
    Walton [legacy]
    29 October 2002 21:17:29

    I'm on.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2002 21:16:44

    Don't think they would be giving him gear if rimmies wants to pk him so much

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    29 October 2002 21:11:05

    He's obviously getting hooked up with gear from Durmanhoth.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 October 2002 21:04:35

    Maybe he still donates his eq to the durms and only isnt in the guild anymore so he doesn't get pkilled...

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    29 October 2002 20:54:57

    Ultilh, he is NOT a durm. He claims he has been killed 18 times this war, 17 by rimmies, 1 by VC. The 17 was mostly by you and Majard (that's what he said). He's a bit of a newbie, leave him alone.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    29 October 2002 20:48:03

    Finally i'm back on more telnetting!