A council chamber(n) A herd of sheep frolics playfully (charmed) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Glorfindel, a radiant elven lord Cirdan the Shipwright Triggered! doing: hunt haroth MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:230 EP:230> You begin to hunt Haroth. party say $HIC$I am hunting $HIR$Haroth$0$. >HP:230 EP:230> You say to your party: I am hunting Haroth. >HP:230 EP:230> Crion starts casting a spell. Haroth misses Cirdan. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Glorfindel misses Haroth. Cirdan misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:230 EP:229> bs sheep You sneak up and stab Herd of sheep from behind! >HP:230 EP:179> You miss Herd of sheep. Haroth misses Cirdan. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Glorfindel misses Haroth. Cirdan grazes Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:230 EP:179> You pierce Herd of sheep's chest, spilling tides of blood! Haroth destroys Cirdan, shattering bones! Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You killed Herd of sheep. The last ram in the herd cowers in fear from your final blow! Herd of sheep has died. Glorfindel inflicts massive damage to Haroth. Cirdan misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:230 EP:178> Haroth misses Cirdan. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Glorfindel hits Haroth very hard. Cirdan misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:230 EP:177> Crion throws his head back and cackles with glee. Haroth crushes Cirdan's back with the heavy spiked ball. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Glorfindel inflicts massive damage to Haroth. Cirdan hits Haroth hard. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:230 EP:176> Party say from Crion:  glorf Haroth beats Cirdan to a quivering pulp. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Glorfindel grazes Haroth. Cirdan misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:230 EP:175> Crion starts casting a spell. Haroth misses Cirdan. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Glorfindel hits Haroth very hard. Cirdan misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:230 EP:174> hunt off You stop hunting Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth >HP:230 EP:174> You begin to hunt Haroth. party say $HIC$I am hunting $HIR$Haroth$0$. >HP:230 EP:174> trigger off You say to your party: I am hunting Haroth. >HP:230 EP:174> Trigger deactivated. >HP:230 EP:174> Haroth destroys Cirdan, shattering bones! Darkness suddenly starts growing around Crion! Glorfindel inflicts massive damage to Haroth. Cirdan hits Haroth hard. Haroth says in Westron: lame as fuck MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. A long hallway(w, n, d and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. hunt off You stop hunting Haroth. >HP:230 EP:173> s MOVE>Crion leaves south. A council chamber(n) Crion the dwarf Archmage (Heroic) A slaughtered herd of sheep Glorfindel, a radiant elven lord Cirdan the Shipwright >HP:230 EP:173> Crion starts casting a spell. bs elf You sneak up and stab Glorfindel from behind! >HP:230 EP:124> You sink the blade into Cirdan with the curdling shout of a pirate! Cirdan grazes you. trigger has d todo do gp,g The next time you see 'has d', you will do: 'do gp,g'. >HP:228 EP:124> You crack Cirdan's head with the flat of the blade! Glorfindel hits you hard. Cirdan misses you. shape all Cirdan is NEAR DEATH Glorfindel is in PERFECT SHAPE >HP:219 EP:124> You brutally plunge the blade into Cirdan. Glorfindel avoids a fireball cast by Crion! Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan hits you very hard. k elf 2 You attack Cirdan. >HP:206 EP:124> Crion begins protecting you. Crion starts casting a spell. You miss Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. You miss Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. shape all Cirdan is NEAR DEATH Glorfindel is in PERFECT SHAPE >HP:206 EP:124> You miss Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. You miss Cirdan. A blast of fire shoots forth from Crion's hand, striking Glorfindel!!! Glorfindel critically hits Crion with decimating force. Cirdan misses Crion. You brutally plunge the blade into Cirdan. Crion hits Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. Crion starts casting a spell. shield crion You begin shielding Crion. >HP:207 EP:125> You miss Cirdan. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you hard. Glorfindel grazes Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. shape all Cirdan is NEAR DEATH Glorfindel is in GOOD SHAPE. >HP:200 EP:125> You miss Cirdan. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you very hard. Glorfindel hits Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. shape all Cirdan is NEAR DEATH Glorfindel is in GOOD SHAPE. >HP:187 EP:125> You miss Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. shape all Cirdan is NEAR DEATH Glorfindel is in GOOD SHAPE. >HP:187 EP:125> You miss Cirdan. A blast of fire shoots forth from Crion's hand, striking Glorfindel!!! Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. MOVE>Haroth enters. shape all Cirdan is NEAR DEATH Glorfindel is in AVERAGE SHAPE >HP:187 EP:125> You miss Cirdan. Crion misses Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Haroth. Cirdan misses Haroth. You sink the blade into Cirdan with the curdling shout of a pirate! Haroth grazes Cirdan. Crion misses Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Haroth. Cirdan misses Haroth. Crion starts casting a spell. You miss Cirdan. Haroth misses Cirdan. Glorfindel inflicts massive damage to Haroth. Cirdan misses Haroth. You miss Cirdan. Haroth misses Cirdan. Glorfindel inflicts massive damage to Haroth. Cirdan misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. wink haroth You wink haroth. >HP:188 EP:126> l You crack Cirdan's head with the flat of the blade! Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. A pleasant but simple council chamber. There are no paintings, ornaments or other distractions: just clean walls, a plush carpet and a long table with matching chairs. It is said that the White Council, the group of the Wise formed to resist Sauron, often met here to discuss policies and measures to combat the Dark Lord. The only obvious exit is north. Crion the dwarf Archmage (Heroic) A slaughtered herd of sheep Glorfindel, a radiant elven lord Cirdan the Shipwright >HP:188 EP:126> shape all Cirdan is NEAR DEATH Glorfindel is in AVERAGE SHAPE >HP:188 EP:126> You sink the blade into Cirdan with the curdling shout of a pirate! A blast of fire shoots forth from Crion's hand, striking Glorfindel!!! You shield Crion, and Glorfindel inflicts massive damage to you. Glorfindel hits Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. You crack Cirdan's head with the flat of the blade! Crion misses Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. Crion starts casting a spell. You miss Cirdan. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you hard. Glorfindel grazes Crion. You shield Crion, and Cirdan grazes you. Cirdan scratches Crion. glance n A long hallway(w, n, d and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) >HP:160 EP:126> You miss Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. You brutally plunge the blade into Cirdan. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you hard. Glorfindel grazes Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. l A pleasant but simple council chamber. There are no paintings, ornaments or other distractions: just clean walls, a plush carpet and a long table with matching chairs. It is said that the White Council, the group of the Wise formed to resist Sauron, often met here to discuss policies and measures to combat the Dark Lord. The only obvious exit is north. Crion the dwarf Archmage (Heroic) A slaughtered herd of sheep Glorfindel, a radiant elven lord Cirdan the Shipwright >HP:153 EP:126> You miss Cirdan. A blast of fire shoots forth from Crion's hand, striking Glorfindel!!! Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. You brutally plunge the blade into Cirdan. Crion misses Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Crion. Cirdan misses Crion. party say $HIC$still noth You say to your party: still noth >HP:154 EP:127> MOVE>Haroth enters. You miss Cirdan. Crion inflicts massive damage to Cirdan. Glorfindel misses Haroth. Cirdan misses Haroth. shape all Cirdan is NEAR DEATH Glorfindel DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! >HP:154 EP:127> You miss Cirdan. Haroth hits Cirdan. Crion hits Cirdan very hard. Glorfindel grazes Haroth. Cirdan has died. Triggered! doing: do gp,g Do: starting commands. >HP:154 EP:127> some gold coins : Gold may only be pocketed. >HP:154 EP:127> some gold coins : Ok. >HP:154 EP:127> Do: Commands completed. >HP:154 EP:127> You put 150 gold in your pockets. You miss Glorfindel. Haroth misses Glorfindel. Crion hits Glorfindel very hard. Glorfindel misses Crion. shape all Glorfindel DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! >HP:154 EP:127> You crack Glorfindel's head with the flat of the blade! Haroth misses Glorfindel. Crion hits Glorfindel very hard. Glorfindel misses Crion. i Gold: 283 (rough) Encumbrance: moderately encumbered You are carrying the following on your person: A sailor's cutlass (wielded). A stamped staying-permit. A dwarven war shield (worn). A vial of vigour (in hands). A smoothly polished white ring (glowing) (worn). A simple sheepskin sheath (worn). A crystal (worn). A crystal (worn). A bloodstained cloak (worn). A Dol Amroth pack (open) (worn). A pair of mail pants (worn). A simple leather baldric (worn). A finely-shaped pearl carapace (worn). Rank insignia. The Mortal Council rulebook. The Tale of Beren and Luthien. A brooch of amber carved into the form of a roaring bear. Leto's Blood Red Ruby ring. >HP:154 EP:127> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You brutally plunge the blade into Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. Glorfindel misses Crion. You crack Glorfindel's head with the flat of the blade! Crion hits Glorfindel. Glorfindel misses Crion. shape all Glorfindel DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! >HP:154 EP:127> You miss Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. Glorfindel misses Crion. shape all Glorfindel DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! >HP:155 EP:128> You brutally plunge the blade into Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel inflicts massive damage to you. Glorfindel hits Crion hard. shape all Glorfindel DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! >HP:137 EP:128> You miss Glorfindel. Crion inflicts massive damage to Glorfindel. Glorfindel misses Crion. Crion begins shielding you. shape all Glorfindel DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! >HP:137 EP:128> You miss Glorfindel. Crion hits Glorfindel very hard. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you very hard. Glorfindel hits Crion. glance n A long hallway(w, n, d and s) >HP:122 EP:128> You crack Glorfindel's head with the flat of the blade! Crion misses Glorfindel. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you. Glorfindel grazes Crion. MOVE>Haroth enters. You miss Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. Glorfindel misses Haroth. ll Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) On for: 1h 10m 37s Gender: male Age: 13d 18h 7m 32s Can be mailed: Haroth@Belegost Haroth has recorded a life story. Info: See, they call me a Menace, and since the Shoe fits I'll wear it! >HP:118 EP:128> You miss Glorfindel. Haroth misses Glorfindel. Crion inflicts massive damage to Glorfindel. Glorfindel misses Haroth. You sink the blade into Glorfindel with the curdling shout of a pirate! Haroth misses Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. Glorfindel misses Haroth. You crack Glorfindel's head with the flat of the blade! Haroth misses Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. Glorfindel hits Haroth very hard. party say $HIC$any more casting? You say to your party: any more casting? >HP:119 EP:129> shape all Glorfindel is NEAR DEATH >HP:119 EP:129> You brutally plunge the blade into Glorfindel. Haroth crushes Glorfindel's back with the heavy spiked ball. Crion misses Glorfindel. Glorfindel hits Haroth hard. Haroth hurts his neck attacking Glorfindel! Haroth hurts his neck attacking Glorfindel! Haroth hurts his neck attacking Glorfindel! Haroth hurts his neck attacking Glorfindel! Party say from Crion:  no ep You crack Glorfindel's head with the flat of the blade! Haroth misses Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. Glorfindel hits Haroth. shape all Glorfindel is NEAR DEATH >HP:119 EP:129> You sink the blade into Glorfindel with the curdling shout of a pirate! Haroth misses Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. Glorfindel inflicts massive damage to Haroth. Crion laughs at Haroth. You miss Glorfindel. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. Crion hits Glorfindel very hard. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you. Glorfindel grazes Crion. Crion says in Westron: excuse us You miss Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you. Glorfindel grazes Crion. You miss Glorfindel. Crion hits Glorfindel. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you very hard. Glorfindel hits Crion. Party say from Crion:  is he ND? You miss Glorfindel. Haroth chokes Glorfindel with the black metal chain. Crion misses Glorfindel. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you very hard. Glorfindel hits Crion. You miss Glorfindel. Haroth chokes Glorfindel with the black metal chain. Crion misses Glorfindel. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you hard. Glorfindel grazes Crion. Party say from Crion:  he is ND< wanna kill? You brutally plunge the blade into Glorfindel. Haroth misses Glorfindel. Crion misses Glorfindel. You shield Crion, and Glorfindel hits you hard. Glorfindel grazes Crion. shape haroth Haroth is NEAR DEATH >HP:74 EP:130> You miss Glorfindel. Haroth destroys Glorfindel, shattering bones! Crion hits Glorfindel hard. Glorfindel has died. Triggered! doing: do gp,g Crion gets a silver flask from Corpse of Glorfindel into a dwarven mining pack. Do: starting commands. >HP:74 EP:130> a long elven dagger : Ok. a rich elven cloak : Ok. some gold coins : Gold may only be pocketed. >HP:74 EP:130> some gold coins : Ok. >HP:74 EP:130> Do: Commands completed. >HP:74 EP:130> You put 76 gold in your pockets. pkt The next time you see 'Haroth', you will do: 'hunt haroth'. >HP:74 EP:130> l Haroth growls. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You begin to hunt Haroth. party say $HIC$I am hunting $HIR$Haroth$0$. >HP:74 EP:130> A pleasant but simple council chamber. There are no paintings, ornaments or other distractions: just clean walls, a plush carpet and a long table with matching chairs. It is said that the White Council, the group of the Wise formed to resist Sauron, often met here to discuss policies and measures to combat the Dark Lord. The only obvious exit is north. Corpse of Glorfindel Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Corpse of Cirdan Crion the dwarf Archmage (Moral) The remains of a slaughtered herd of sheep >HP:74 EP:130> You say to your party: I am hunting Haroth. >HP:74 EP:130> The corpses completely rots away. Crion attacks Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:74 EP:128> Haroth eeks. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:74 EP:128> pk Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. Haroth says in Westron: you fucking lamers Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:74 EP:127> Do: starting commands. >HP:74 EP:127> You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:74 EP:127> You try to sneak up behind Haroth but he suddenly spins around and you find yourself thrown to the ground. >HP:74 EP:107> Do: Commands completed. >HP:74 EP:107> Haroth hurts his neck attacking Crion! Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:74 EP:107> Haroth hurts his neck attacking Crion! Haroth hurts his neck attacking Crion! Haroth drinks the phial of Dream Potion and his eyes roll back into his skull. He throws back his head and ROARS mightily! You notice his muscles are bulging hugely. You are too busy to make an attack! Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. shape all Haroth is in AVERAGE SHAPE Haroth is somewhat drunk. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth >HP:75 EP:107> You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:75 EP:107> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth north. A long hallway(w, n, d and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:75 EP:107> MOVE>Haroth leaves down. You follow Haroth down. A long hallway(n, d, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves down. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth down. A long hallway(n, d, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:75 EP:106> MOVE>Haroth leaves down. You follow Haroth down. A long hallway(n, d, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A chambermaid An elven lad MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves down. You follow Haroth down. A long hallway(w, n, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A chambermaid MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. The tower entrance(n and out) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) An elven guard MOVE>Crion enters. Party say from Crion:  bah didn't see phial You miss Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:75 EP:105> drink vial of vigour The fluid tastes bitter in your mouth. >HP:160 EP:190> You miss Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:155 EP:189> Party say from Crion:  oh wel:p shape all Haroth is in AVERAGE SHAPE Haroth is somewhat drunk. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth >HP:155 EP:189> You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:155 EP:189> You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you very hard. Haroth crushes Crion's back with the heavy spiked ball. Crion misses Haroth. grin You grin. >HP:145 EP:188> Haroth drops an empty phial. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:145 EP:188> You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. Haroth gets a silver flask from a bloodstained cloak. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:145 EP:187> Crion shrugs. You miss Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you very hard. Haroth crushes Crion's back with the heavy spiked ball. Crion misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:186> Haroth opens a silver flask. Crion laughs. You stagger and graze Haroth, leaving a line of blood from a shallow cut. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:185> say too bad You say in Westron: too bad >HP:131 EP:185> You miss Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Suddenly you have a massive headache. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:184> You crack Haroth's head with the flat of the blade! Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:183> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. A long hallway(w, n, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves up. You follow Haroth up. A long hallway(n, d, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A chambermaid An elven lad MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves up. You follow Haroth up. A long hallway(n, d, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves up. You follow Haroth up. A long hallway(n, d, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves up. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth up. A long hallway(w, n, d and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:183> MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. A council chamber(n) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Corpse of Glorfindel Corpse of Cirdan MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion hits Haroth very hard. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth north. A long hallway(w, n, d and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:182> MOVE>Haroth leaves down. You follow Haroth down. A long hallway(n, d, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves down. You follow Haroth down. A long hallway(n, d, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves down. You follow Haroth down. A long hallway(n, d, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A chambermaid An elven lad MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves down. You follow Haroth down. A long hallway(w, n, s and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. The tower entrance(n and out) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) An empty phial An elven guard MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves out. You follow Haroth out. A vibrant garden(e and enter) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Street circle with fountain(sw, w, ne, e, nw and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wonderful fountain sprays water into the air MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves southeast. You follow Haroth southeast. A paved street(w, sw, e and nw) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. A paved street(w, n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:182> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. A square with a statue(w, ne, e and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A message stone A majestic statue of Gil-Galad A sign is posted here for new characters. An old gossiper [46 rumours, 38 new] Grey Havens Newbie Board [25 notes, 24 new] MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. A paved street(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A fair and helpful elven bard MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Grey Havens entrance(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) An elven guard An elven guard A bowl with a lid A signpost MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. The Grey Havens(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. Crion says to you: was worth a shot:p. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:181> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wooden shield A short staff MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A bald-headed vulture patiently waits for something or someone to die. MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Corpse of Orc MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Tower Hills(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. The Tower Hills(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:181> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Tower Hills(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Tower Hills(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:180> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. shape all MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:180> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. Haroth is in AVERAGE SHAPE Haroth is somewhat drunk. >HP:131 EP:180> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion grazes Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A young ranger gazes at the wilderness MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:179> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, sw, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:179> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Outside Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Telvorn the dunedain Tree-hugger (Impartial) Gnimsh Burrfoot the hobbit Thug (Moral) Bebop the silvan Bodyguard (Angelic) Cryptor Lutha the sindar Swordsman (Angelic) A wooden sword A signpost A hitching post MOVE>Crion enters. Party say from Crion:  oh well, 3k well spent:p You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion hits Haroth. MOVE>Telvorn leaves east. MOVE>Gnimsh leaves south. MOVE>Gliaffari enters. MOVE>Gliaffari leaves north. MOVE>Gliaffari enters. You miss Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Haroth misses Crion. Crion hits Haroth hard. MOVE>Gliaffari leaves east. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:177> You miss Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Haroth misses Crion. Crion massacres Haroth with incredible force! You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:176> shape all Haroth DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! Haroth is somewhat drunk. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth >HP:131 EP:176> You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:176> You brutally plunge the blade into Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion misses Haroth. shape all Haroth DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! Haroth is somewhat drunk. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth >HP:125 EP:175> You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:125 EP:175> You crack Haroth's head with the flat of the blade! You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you very hard. Haroth crushes Crion's back with the heavy spiked ball. Crion hits Haroth very hard. shape all Haroth DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! Haroth is somewhat drunk. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth >HP:115 EP:174> You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:115 EP:174> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wooden sword MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. The road to Bag End(n, ne and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. The bridge to Bag End(n and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A buzzing bee is here MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. The road to Bag End(n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Hill Lane(w, n and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Hill Lane(w, ne and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Quarry Road(e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>The guard throws Haroth out!! MOVE>Haroth enters. You crack Haroth's head with the flat of the blade! You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you very hard. Haroth crushes Crion's back with the heavy spiked ball. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>The guard throws Haroth out!! Triggered! doing: hunt haroth There is no such living object here. >HP:105 EP:173> MOVE>Crion leaves east. s You can't go that way! >HP:105 EP:173> e s Hill Lane(w, ne and s) Crion the dwarf Archmage (Moral) >HP:105 EP:173> s Hill Lane(w, n and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:105 EP:173> The road to Bag End(n, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:105 EP:173> s The bridge to Bag End(n and s) A buzzing bee is here MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:105 EP:173> s The road to Bag End(n, ne and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:105 EP:173> s Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) A wooden sword MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:105 EP:173> s Outside Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Bebop the silvan Bodyguard (Angelic) A wooden sword A signpost A hitching post MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:105 EP:173> MOVE>Martox enters. MOVE>Martox leaves west. ll Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) On for: 1h 12m Gender: male Age: 13d 18h 8m 54s Can be mailed: Haroth@Belegost Haroth has recorded a life story. Info: See, they call me a Menace, and since the Shoe fits I'll wear it! Triggered! doing: hunt haroth >HP:105 EP:173> There is no such living object here. >HP:105 EP:173> Party say from Crion:  might as well tr party say $HIC$where? You say to your party: where? >HP:105 EP:173> Crion removes Royal Guard Officer's sword. Crion puts Royal Guard Officer's sword into a simple sheepskin sheath. Crion gets a silver flask from a dwarven mining pack. Crion opens a silver flask. Crion drinks from a silver flask. Crion closes a silver flask. Crion puts a silver flask into a dwarven mining pack. MOVE>Telvorn enters. MOVE>Bebop leaves north. trt bree quickly Travelto: Journey begun! Press return or type any command to stop. >HP:106 EP:174> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:174> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:174> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:174> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:174> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> The Great East Road(w, sw, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> Stonebows Bridge(w and e) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> The Great East Road(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> The Great East Road(n, w, sw, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:171> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e, nw and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> Party say from Crion:  hob , court The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> West Gate of Bree(n, w, e, nw and s) A big sign MOVE>Crion enters. Travelto: Destination reached! >HP:106 EP:168> MOVE>Gliaffari enters. MOVE>Gliaffari leaves west. MOVE>Slidder enters, riding Bill the pony. trt resume Party say from Crion:  hob curt No travelto route to resume. >HP:106 EP:168> Party say from Crion:  hob curt Slidder looks at Bill. MOVE>Slidder leaves east, riding Bill the pony. trt bywater Crion wields his Officer's sword with a whisk of menace! Travelto: Journey begun! Press return or type any command to stop. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e, nw and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, sw, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> Stonebows Bridge(w and e) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(w, sw, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> Outside Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Gliaffari the dwarf Archmage (Moral) A wooden sword A signpost A hitching post MOVE>Crion enters. Travelto: Destination reached! >HP:106 EP:168> n Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) A wooden sword MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> e MOVE>Telvorn enters. The road to Bywater(w and e) The old Gaffer, sitting along the road MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> e e The road to Bywater(w and e) A buzzing bee is here MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> Bywater(w, n, e and s) A message stone A sign is posted here for new characters. Bywater Newbie Board [25 notes, 24 new] MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:106 EP:168> e e The main road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> w The Green Dragon(w, booth, bar and d) Guest the dunlending Scrapper (Impartial) A table A stool A chair MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> The main road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> n n Bywater's main street(n, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> n Bywater's main street(w, n and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> Bywater's main street(w, n, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> e e Bywater's main street(w, n, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> Bywater's main street(w and e) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> e e The Bank(w) Cryptor Lutha the sindar Swordsman (Angelic) A strong guard watches the transactions MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> w w Bywater's main street(w and e) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> Bywater's main street(w, n, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> w w Bywater's main street(w, n, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> w The Courthouse(e) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> look This is the famous courthouse of Hobbiton. Many an infamous criminal has been captured and taken here. If you want to stay off the wrong side of the bars, then behave. If you have problems with others, you might want to report it to the authorities. A huge bench sits at the head of the courtroom with a wise looking man sitting behind it. There is a large instruction plaque on the wall. The only obvious exit is east. Crion the dwarf Archmage (Moral) >HP:107 EP:169> Crion erms. Party say from Crion:  bree party say $HIC$where You say to your party: where >HP:107 EP:169> Party say from Crion:  court e s Bywater's main street(w, n, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> Bywater's main street(w, n and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> s w Bywater's main street(n, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> w w You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> w You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> s You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> The main road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> MOVE>Guest enters. s Bywater's main street(n and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> w You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> w w You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> w You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> s You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> n w The main road(n, w, e and s) Guest the dunlending Scrapper (Impartial) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> Bywater(w, n, e and s) A message stone A sign is posted here for new characters. Bywater Newbie Board [25 notes, 24 new] MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> w The road to Bywater(w and e) A buzzing bee is here MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> w w The road to Bywater(w and e) The old Gaffer, sitting along the road MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> w Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) A wooden sword MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> The cemetery(w, enter and e) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> s You can't go that way! >HP:107 EP:169> e s Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) A wooden sword MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> Outside Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) A wooden sword A signpost A hitching post MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:107 EP:169> trt bree quickly Travelto: Journey begun! Press return or type any command to stop. >HP:108 EP:170> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:170> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:170> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:170> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:170> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> The Great East Road(w, sw, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> Stonebows Bridge(w and e) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> The Great East Road(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> The Great East Road(n, w, sw, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:167> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:164> The Great East Road(n, w, e, nw and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:164> The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:164> The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:164> The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:164> West Gate of Bree(n, w, e, nw and s) Bill the pony Slidder is riding Bill the pony A big sign MOVE>Crion enters. Travelto: Destination reached! >HP:108 EP:164> e Inside the West Gate of Bree(w, n and e) A wooden club A wealthy looking chubby man MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:164> e West main street of Bree(n, w, e, se and s) Ratty the goat MOVE>Crion enters. s >HP:108 EP:164> South main street of Bree(w, n, e and s) A grimy looking beggar A grimy looking beggar MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:164> e The Courthouse(w) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Triggered! doing: hunt haroth MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:108 EP:164> You begin to hunt Haroth. party say $HIC$I am hunting $HIR$Haroth$0$. >HP:108 EP:164> You say to your party: I am hunting Haroth. >HP:108 EP:164> shape all Haroth is in GOOD SHAPE. Haroth is a bit tipsy. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth >HP:108 EP:164> You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:108 EP:164> You are too busy to make an attack! You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you hard. Haroth crushes Crion's back with the heavy spiked ball. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth west. South main street of Bree(w, n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A grimy looking beggar A grimy looking beggar MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:99 EP:163> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. West main street of Bree(n, w, e, se and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Ratty the goat MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth west. Inside the West Gate of Bree(w, n and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wooden club A wealthy looking chubby man MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:99 EP:163> MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. West Gate of Bree(n, w, e, nw and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A big sign MOVE>Crion enters. You stagger and graze Haroth, leaving a line of blood from a shallow cut. Haroth misses Crion. Crion hits Haroth. Crion throws his head back and cackles with glee. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. Inside the West Gate of Bree(w, n and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wooden club A wealthy looking chubby man MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:99 EP:162> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. West main street of Bree(n, w, e, se and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Ratty the goat MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:99 EP:162> You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion hits Haroth hard. You miss Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:99 EP:160> Party say from Crion:  trigger some stuff?:p You miss Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Haroth misses Crion. Crion hits Haroth hard. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:99 EP:159> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. East of main street(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. West main street of Bree(n, w, e, se and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Ratty the goat MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. shape all Haroth is in GOOD SHAPE. Haroth is a bit tipsy. >HP:100 EP:159> You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. Crion laughs at Haroth. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. You sink the blade into Haroth with the curdling shout of a pirate! Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. South main street of Bree(w, n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A grimy looking beggar A grimy looking beggar MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Outside Ferny's Place(n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. South Gate of Bree(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A town guard A town guard MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. Party say from Crion:  what if he tries to like lock us up:p You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth grazes you. Haroth smashes Crion with the heavy ball. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Greenway(n, w, ne, e, nw, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Stonebows Bridge(w and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(w, sw, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Valsjester the dunlending Trapper (Impartial) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Outside Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Bebop the silvan Bodyguard (Angelic) Bill the pony Slidder is riding Bill the pony A wooden sword A signpost A hitching post MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Bebop leaves south. You brutally plunge the blade into Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth grazes you. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion hits Haroth. shape all Haroth is in AVERAGE SHAPE Haroth is a bit tipsy. >HP:95 EP:152> You miss Haroth. Your headache clears up. Haroth misses Crion. Crion grazes Haroth. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion hits Haroth hard. Crion starts casting a spell. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) An old gossiper [46 rumours, 38 new] MOVE>Crion enters. trigger throws todo check in You brutally plunge the blade into Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. The next time you see 'throws', you will do: 'check in'. >HP:96 EP:149> MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, sw, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. shape all MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. Haroth is in AVERAGE SHAPE Haroth is a bit tipsy. >HP:96 EP:148> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, sw, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You crack Haroth's head with the flat of the blade! Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. shape all Haroth is in AVERAGE SHAPE Haroth is a bit tipsy. >HP:90 EP:146> You brutally plunge the blade into Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Outside Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wooden sword A signpost A hitching post MOVE>Crion enters. You notice Crion sizing you up. You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth scratches you. Haroth smashes Crion with the heavy ball. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(w and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(w, sw, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Stonebows Bridge(w and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Valsjester the dunlending Trapper (Impartial) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Valsjester leaves east. You miss Haroth. Haroth smashes Crion with the heavy ball. Crion hits Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Valsjester the dunlending Trapper (Impartial) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Greenway(n, w, ne, e, nw, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. do get flask from cloak,open flask,drink flask,close flask,drop empty flask,put flask into cloak MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. South Gate of Bree(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A town guard A town guard MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Outside Ferny's Place(n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. do get flask from cloak,open flask,drink flask,close flask,drop empty flask,put flask into cloak You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion hits Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. South main street of Bree(w, n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Aletin the dunedain Bodyguard (Moral) A grimy looking beggar A grimy looking beggar MOVE>Crion enters. Do: starting commands. >HP:90 EP:143> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. West main street of Bree(n, w, e, se and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Ratty the goat MOVE>Crion enters. Your hands are full! Failed. >HP:90 EP:143> There is no flask here to open. >HP:90 EP:143> There is no flask here. >HP:90 EP:143> There is no flask to close here. >HP:90 EP:143> Drop what? >HP:90 EP:143> Put what into what? >HP:90 EP:143> Do: Commands completed. >HP:90 EP:143> Do: starting commands. >HP:90 EP:143> Your hands are full! Failed. >HP:90 EP:143> There is no flask here to open. >HP:90 EP:143> There is no flask here. >HP:90 EP:143> There is no flask to close here. >HP:90 EP:143> Drop what? >HP:90 EP:143> Put what into what? >HP:90 EP:143> Do: Commands completed. >HP:90 EP:143> You crack Haroth's head with the flat of the blade! Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. Haroth will be right back... drop vial Ok. >HP:90 EP:142> You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. South main street of Bree(w, n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Aletin the dunedain Bodyguard (Moral) A grimy looking beggar A grimy looking beggar MOVE>Crion enters. do get flask from cloak,open flask,drink flask,close flask,drop empty flask,put flask into cloak MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Outside Ferny's Place(n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. Do: starting commands. >HP:90 EP:141> do get flask from cloak,open flask,drink flask,close flask,drop empty flask,put flask into cloak Ok. >HP:90 EP:141> You open a silver flask. >HP:90 EP:141> The miruvor is cool and sweet. >HP:90 EP:141> You close a silver flask. >HP:90 EP:141> Drop what? >HP:90 EP:141> Ok. >HP:90 EP:141> Do: Commands completed. >HP:90 EP:141> Do: starting commands. >HP:90 EP:141> Ok. >HP:90 EP:141> You open a silver flask. >HP:90 EP:141> The miruvor is cool and sweet. >HP:90 EP:141> You close a silver flask. >HP:90 EP:141> Drop what? >HP:90 EP:141> Ok. >HP:90 EP:141> Do: Commands completed. >HP:90 EP:141> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. South Gate of Bree(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A town guard A town guard MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. South Gate of Staddle(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Staddle's Main Street(n and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Bertha Clubfoot stands guard here MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Staddle's main street(w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. Haroth opens the east door. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Staddle Inn(w and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Edna Rosiebottom the innkeeper MOVE>Crion enters. Haroth closes the west door. You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. You notice Crion sizing you up. shape all Haroth DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! Haroth is a bit tipsy. >HP:90 EP:139> You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. A feeling of rejuvenation comes over you. A feeling of rejuvenation comes over you. Haroth opens the west door. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Staddle's main street(w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. Haroth closes the east door. You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Staddle General Store(e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A trash can Ralph the shopkeeper MOVE>Crion enters. shape all You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. Haroth DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:165 EP:211> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Staddle's main street(w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves northeast. You follow Haroth northeast. Staddle's main street(w, n, sw and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:209> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Staddle's main street(w, e, nw and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:209> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:209> shape all You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. Haroth DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:165 EP:208> k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Staddle's main street(w, n, sw and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:208> k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves southwest. You follow Haroth southwest. Staddle's main street(w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:208> k innkeeper Party say from Crion:  hmmm You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:208> You brutally plunge the blade into Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. k innkeeper Party say from Crion:  he lost? You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:207> k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Staddle General Store(e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A trash can Ralph the shopkeeper MOVE>Crion enters. You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:207> k innkeeper k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:207> You don't see that here. >HP:165 EP:207> You crack Haroth's head with the flat of the blade! You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you hard. Haroth crushes Crion's back with the heavy spiked ball. Crion misses Haroth. k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:156 EP:206> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:156 EP:206> Autosave. shape all k innkeeper Haroth DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:156 EP:206> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:156 EP:206> You don't see that here. >HP:156 EP:206> k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Staddle's main street(w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You don't see that here. >HP:156 EP:206> k innkeeper k innkeeper You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you hard. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion hits Haroth very hard. You don't see that here. >HP:149 EP:205> MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Staddle's Main Street(n and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Bertha Clubfoot stands guard here MOVE>Crion enters. You don't see that here. >HP:149 EP:205> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:149 EP:205> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:149 EP:205> You notice Crion sizing you up. You brutally plunge the blade into Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion misses Haroth. k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:146 EP:205> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Staddle's main street(w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:146 EP:205> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:146 EP:205> shape all You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. k innkeeper Haroth DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:146 EP:204> You don't see that here. >HP:146 EP:204> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:146 EP:204> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:146 EP:204> k innkeeper Haroth opens the east door. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Staddle Inn(w and u) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Edna Rosiebottom the innkeeper MOVE>Crion enters. Haroth closes the west door. You attack Edna. >HP:146 EP:204> k innkeeper You attack Edna. >HP:146 EP:204> k innkeeper k innkeeper You stagger and graze Edna, leaving a line of blood from a shallow cut. Crion misses Haroth. Edna misses Crion. You attack Edna. >HP:146 EP:203> You attack Edna. >HP:146 EP:203> Crion puts a walking staff into a staff sling. shape all Edna is in GOOD SHAPE. Haroth DOESN'T LOOK SO GREAT! Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:146 EP:203> You crack Edna's head with the flat of the blade! Crion inflicts massive damage to Edna. Edna misses Crion. Crion gets a silver flask from a dwarven mining pack. Crion opens a silver flask. Crion drinks from a silver flask. Crion closes a silver flask. Crion puts a silver flask into a dwarven mining pack. k haroth You attack Haroth. >HP:146 EP:202> You miss Haroth. Crion misses Edna. Edna misses Crion. You sink the blade into Haroth with the curdling shout of a pirate! Haroth misses Crion. Crion hits Edna very hard. Edna misses Crion. Haroth opens the west door. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Staddle's main street(w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. Haroth closes the east door. party say $HIC$think so :P You say to your party: think so :P >HP:146 EP:200> shape all Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:146 EP:200> You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Staddle General Store(e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A trash can Ralph the shopkeeper MOVE>Crion enters. shape all Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:146 EP:199> You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. Party say from Crion:  FDL MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Staddle's main street(w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. The sun climbs into the highest part of the sky. Crion hurts his neck attacking Haroth! Crion hurts his neck attacking Haroth! MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Staddle General Store(e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A trash can Ralph the shopkeeper MOVE>Crion enters. party say $HIC$I know :P You say to your party: I know :P >HP:147 EP:198> You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth scratches you. Haroth smashes Crion with the heavy ball. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Staddle's main street(w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. shape all MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Staddle's Main Street(n and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Bertha Clubfoot stands guard here MOVE>Crion enters. Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:146 EP:197> MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. South Gate of Staddle(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. South Gate of Bree(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A town guard A town guard MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Greenway(n, w, ne, e, nw, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you hard. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. shape all Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:139 EP:196> Party say from Crion:  I hope we get him You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you hard. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion scratches Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Lytol Cuinia the silvan Weaponsmaster (Angelic) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. West Gate of Bree(n, w, e, nw and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Ishtaral the silvan Illusionist (Heroic) Bebop the silvan Bodyguard (Angelic) Asmodai Alloquien the silvan Warlock (Angelic) A big sign MOVE>Crion enters. shape all MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Inside the West Gate of Bree(w, n and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wooden club A wealthy looking chubby man MOVE>Crion enters. Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:130 EP:195> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. West main street of Bree(n, w, e, se and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Bill the pony An empty vial Ratty the goat MOVE>Crion enters. You brutally plunge the blade into Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. shape all Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:130 EP:194> MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. South main street of Bree(w, n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Corpse of Beggar A grimy looking beggar MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Outside Ferny's Place(n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. South main street of Bree(w, n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Corpse of Beggar A grimy looking beggar MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. West main street of Bree(n, w, e, se and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Bill the pony An empty vial Ratty the goat MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Ishtaral enters. MOVE>Ishtaral leaves south. k innkeeper k innkeeper You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. You don't see that here. >HP:130 EP:192> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:130 EP:192> You don't see that here. >HP:130 EP:192> k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. South main street of Bree(w, n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Corpse of Beggar A grimy looking beggar MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Outside Ferny's Place(n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. South Gate of Bree(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A town guard A town guard MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Greenway(n, w, ne, e, nw, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:130 EP:192> MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, sw, ne, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper shape all You brutally plunge the blade into Haroth. Haroth smashes Crion with the heavy ball. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You don't see that here. >HP:130 EP:191> MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e, s and se) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You don't see that here. >HP:130 EP:191> MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Stonebows Bridge(w and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(w, sw, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w and e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:130 EP:191> MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Outside Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wooden sword A signpost A hitching post MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wooden sword MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. The road to Bag End(n, ne and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. k innkeeper k innkeeper k innkeeper k innkeeper You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. The bridge to Bag End(n and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A buzzing bee is here MOVE>Crion enters. Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:131 EP:191> k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. The road to Bag End(n, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Hill Lane(w, n and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Hill Lane(w, ne and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Quarry Road(e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>The guard throws Haroth out!! Triggered! doing: check in The guard says : I warned you, pal...level 5 and under only! The guard says : Now I get to have some fun. The guard punches you HARD in the mouth! The guard grabs you by the back of the neck and throws you... Hill Lane(w, n and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) >HP:131 EP:191> k innkeeper MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. Hill Lane(w, ne and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Quarry Road(e) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Crion the dwarf Archmage (Moral) MOVE>The guard throws Haroth out!! Party say from Crion:  trigger checks in k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> k innkeeper You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> MOVE>Crion leaves east. You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> MOVE>Crion enters. shape all You don't see that here. >HP:131 EP:191> Shape all what? >HP:131 EP:191> e Hill Lane(w, ne and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:131 EP:191> s Hill Lane(w, n and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:131 EP:191> s The road to Bag End(n, e and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:131 EP:191> s The bridge to Bag End(n and s) A buzzing bee is here MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:131 EP:191> s The road to Bag End(n, ne and s) MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:131 EP:191> s Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) A wooden sword MOVE>Crion enters. >HP:131 EP:191> Party say from Crion:  bywater Party say from Crion:  bywater MOVE>Haroth enters. You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. pk Do: starting commands. >HP:131 EP:191> There is no such living object here. >HP:131 EP:191> There's no one here by that name. >HP:131 EP:191> Do: Commands completed. >HP:131 EP:191> MOVE>Haroth enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. pkt The next time you see 'Haroth', you will do: 'hunt haroth'. >HP:131 EP:191> MOVE>Haroth enters. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You begin to hunt Haroth. party say $HIC$I am hunting $HIR$Haroth$0$. >HP:131 EP:191> You say to your party: I am hunting Haroth. >HP:131 EP:191> You miss Haroth. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth north. The road to Bag End(n, ne and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:191> MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) A wooden sword MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Outside Hobbiton(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Bebop the silvan Bodyguard (Angelic) A wooden sword A signpost A hitching post MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. shape all Party say from Crion:  trigger to hunt Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:131 EP:191> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:131 EP:191> MOVE>Haroth leaves north. You follow Haroth north. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. You follow Haroth east. The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you hard. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion misses Haroth. You brutally plunge the blade into Haroth. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You shield Crion, and Haroth hits you hard. Haroth chokes Crion with the black metal chain. Crion misses Haroth. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:117 EP:190> shape all Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:117 EP:190> MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:117 EP:190> MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You crack Haroth's head with the flat of the blade! Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:117 EP:189> MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. You follow Haroth west. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. MOVE>Haroth leaves west. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth west. The Great East Road(n, w, ne, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:117 EP:189> MOVE>Haroth leaves south. You follow Haroth south. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. Party say from Crion:  DIE MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:117 EP:188> You miss Haroth. Haroth misses Crion. Crion misses Haroth. MOVE>Haroth leaves north. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth north. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:117 EP:187> shape all Haroth is NEAR DEATH Haroth has a bad headache. >HP:117 EP:187> MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:117 EP:187> You miss Haroth. You shield Crion, and Haroth scratches you. Haroth smashes Crion with the heavy ball. Crion hits Haroth hard. MOVE>Haroth leaves east. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth You follow Haroth east. Shire Plains(n, w, e and s) Haroth Agannâlo the dunedain Medicine Man (Shadowspawn of Mordor) MOVE>Crion enters. You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:116 EP:186> You crack Haroth's head with the flat of the blade! Triggered! doing: hunt haroth Haroth falls to the ground. Haroth is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:116 EP:185> k You decide to put Haroth out of his misery. Triggered! doing: hunt haroth >HP:116 EP:185> You are already hunting Haroth! >HP:116 EP:185> You killed Haroth. Haroth has died.