Agarvain x2

Posted by
Warrax [legacy]
05 November 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Gothwin and Jian couldn't stop an assassination from happening before their very eyes. The end of Agarvain. Silvarin is ours for now.


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    09 November 2002 12:36:29

    i'm wagering 15 year old girl company

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    08 November 2002 12:35:56

    Malibu is what 15 year old girls drink, Jaren. One can only wonder what company you've been having.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    08 November 2002 00:06:35

    Vanilla Coke and Malibu, its great!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 November 2002 12:55:27

    Oh oh oh oh, Pepsi twist is like Diet Lemon Coke, but with added nastiness... *just looked it up*

    Whoa, they still sell that Cherry pepsi in the states? I love that stuff, they used to bring it out here every summer, and then it just kinda died. *sniffle*.

    Wasack, i'm sure Vanilla coke is nice with a little bit of alchohol in it, but I dont drink, :P.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    07 November 2002 12:51:11

    Personally, I took one look at the can (of pepsi twist) and backed away nice and quick.

    KujACK, I don't know what your problem is with vanilla coke, obviously you aren't putting enough whiskey or rum (or perhaps both) in it...

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 November 2002 11:26:56

    if it tastes anything like Vanilla Coke, then i know why ya'll think it's nasty

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 November 2002 11:26:32

    yeah uh, i dunno what Pepsi Twist is though

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    07 November 2002 05:15:17

    i agree with jaren

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    07 November 2002 05:07:46

    Kujo, that analogy is nothing compared to my pepsi twist analogy.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    07 November 2002 04:26:05

    I don't know why I bother communicating with you people.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 November 2002 03:42:56

    What I mean is, one cannot say 'That's just soooo wrong to kill a Durm just because they are a Durm' and then go and do the exact same thing with ones alt, that would be like saying, well, I only cheated with one character, I think i'll just keep this other one without cheating... It doesn't work like that

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 November 2002 03:40:33

    Well Adunazon, Randyb swore revenge on Rimsilval, so they killed him, pretty simple really.... Your comment was fucking stupid, this is a game, and that is real life, there were a million and one other ways you could've put it, but you chose to use bad taste and racial slurs to get your message across.....

    Anyways, want me to dig up a log of you doing the EXACT same thing to someone just because they were a Rimmie? (you know what i'm talking about). Trempk was right, everyone's a hypocrite, some people more then others :).

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    07 November 2002 01:58:48

    Well Allantir, trying to piss off another guilds while your guild is at war is NOT a very smart move I must say :P

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    07 November 2002 01:40:36

    I'd just like to say that saying Allantir has died 3 times is a pretty conservative estimate :P

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    07 November 2002 01:24:14

    bah, you are my enemies, why wouldnt i take things from you? and in an rp sort of way, so are amruin and vc, even if we arent in a pk war

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    07 November 2002 00:39:36

    Haha, Rhoads. Allantir doesn't bother fading when he comes to FRA to take things, he likes us knowing what an ass he is. :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    07 November 2002 00:31:06

    I've never said I was a good speller, but this is just fucking funny.

    'They guy was dumn enough to suicide, its his own fault.' --Demandred

    Double tapping sucks, but its effective. Oh and edo has at least 10 breaks around it. Oh and I know what being killed like a million times is like, it can be fun, so long you dont care about your level to much.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    07 November 2002 00:28:51

    Everybody's a hipocrite, and allantir is an ass ;)

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    07 November 2002 00:23:10

    Well Kujo, now that you've referenced where I made my sandnigger comment, I can explain it, since you're so absolved in it's relevance. The point I was making is that it's rather pointless to judge someone based on the group they are affiliated with, considering you have people like Limdul who are obviously batting for the other team, no matter what guild he's in.. In this instance Randyb was killed. The worst thing Randyb has ever done to anybody is walk past them without a polite Hello. My reference regarding sandniggers (which was meant to be an offensive term, I don't like reusing it so often), was pointing out that since there are 'bad' middle eastern people somewhere out there, that must mean they're ALL bad, kill em whenever you get the opportunity!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 November 2002 23:33:46

    Haha, killing an enemy twice is as bad as trying to kill your own fucking npcs? :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    06 November 2002 23:20:49

    Hard when you don't have time to play Allantir!

    Besides, walkign faded and getting eq is somethign you already did before, against FRA wich could be understandable.

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    06 November 2002 22:03:17

    ah yes, the people who know all the facts yet again come out and tell me im a bad person

    when i got the daks, hobbe, who wasnt beorning at the time was ld, and i got the daks when he logged off due to being disc for 15 minutes, that had nothing at all to do with beornings until they told me it was theirs like a day later

    when i took eq from vc gh, deimos was there, he saw all the eq in the room, he told me about it and asked me to come get it, i didnt use my ability to see through walls to find out that there was eq on the ground to take, you all are a bunch of whiny bitches, suck it up and do something about it if you dont like it, ie kill me like vc did

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    06 November 2002 21:36:59

    Needles to say Deimos is cool and Allantir is not ;)

  • Author
    Gandrin [legacy]
    06 November 2002 21:31:22

    No Ketan. SoU don't loot. They looted it a few times...

    But now they got Fuingul to loot... He just looted the mels from me. I know he's not in SoU. But i'm sure soon they'll have the mels. If Gothwin is really honest she should return it.

    oh well.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    06 November 2002 21:26:00

    Well Ruiniel, I must have been out at some point, considering I've killed you twice with Gothwin.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 November 2002 19:51:29

    Aye, he did Rhoads.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    06 November 2002 19:09:31

    I also recall Allantir comming faded to VC guildhall and grabbing the eq some circans and amruins where sharing from a good mordor trip, to note that none of the guys involved had done anything to SoU at that time, yet, he decided to play an ass and steal eq, to me that is not a good way of not getting in trouble.

    Good is that other SoU`s have honour and Deimos returned the stolen gear.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    06 November 2002 18:54:59

    ive never had problems with gothwin when it comes to looting.

    Allantir looted DAKS from us ( i forget how exaclty, but he got it by an unfair means) When out diplomats confronted Gothwin, she Returned it without complaints.

    Guess she likes my butt.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    06 November 2002 17:41:38

    whether or not one has the ability to break after being killed, i find it disheartening to think that you did not give Agarvain a chance to at least make it an honorable fight. But then again that phrase holds little to no meaning on this mud anymore. You people shouldn't be always pointing fingers at one another as a defense for your own actions. Guess thats the justification these days, but for those who want change, its as easy as rping it how you want to. So make like riverdance, and tap away.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    06 November 2002 17:35:07

    ...unless the guildmaster actually encourages looting uniques, as was the case with Gothwin. Admittedly, I'm no angel. I never looted a thing from SoU before they started doing it to us, but since then, I told Gothwin that I would loot anything from any SoU that I could, and at times I have made good on that (IE, yesterday I looted the stuff from an Honor guard that Allantir killed :P). Regardless, by your definition, Duniv, I believe that makes SoU's stance as a guild 'Looting is A-OK!' To their credit, they only did it a few times, but that doesn't make it right. Deciding that it's a bad idea and repenting doesn't make it all better. If they really want to have everyone forget that they thought it was cool for a while, maybe they should grab the MELS some uptime and give it to US. :P

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    06 November 2002 15:37:46

    Were you punished for double-tapping? I know for certain that Jian was for killing the beast master. It's the reaction of the guild leadership which determines the guilds overall stance on something like this. There is a difference.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 November 2002 15:18:19

    Yeah Duniv? Read what Gothwin said, to me it seems that she's indicating that because some people, myself included, have double-tapped in the past, means that our guilds MUST support it as a means to fight A war.

    It's EXACTLY the same thing as Jian trying to loot Globe, an individuals actions speak for their guilds, apparently. Think before you speak in the future.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    06 November 2002 14:30:26


    You're delusional if you think theme reviews are in any way related to 'double tapping' or some other silly name for acting in whatever way you dont think is honourable.

    It's as stupid as when some people (in and out of the FRA) thought that the Megs became Udungul just because we crushed them in a war...

    My friendly advice to all guilds not currently in review is to start thinking about your own theme right now... Your day will come ;)

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    06 November 2002 13:32:59

    Kujo, didn't you know that we kill the master for globe each re-boot? It's simply the easiest unique to get from our location, and since we're evil, it fits right into theme! The actions of one person do not represent the whole, idiot.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 November 2002 11:54:05

    Oh yeah, I realised that people might've miss-understood what was an in-reference that certain people would've missed, I aint got no problem with Middle-eastern people, just refering to an argument Adunazon used '' there, about Rims killing Durms for being Durms.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 November 2002 10:52:00

    Quite obviously, it's an example of your brilliant arguments which have no relevence to anything! *snicker*

    Hah, i kinda went Burko, sorry, nothing against you.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    06 November 2002 09:41:55

    FDL! I cant see the problem here... Sure agarvain suicided, so what he was doubletapped, for fucks sake, i for one cant understand how the fuck any respectable player could be killed in edoras by any less than 4 players. He had a flask, it was his own incompetence that got him killed. And next he spat the dummy, suicided, and now he has to start a new char from lvl 1. Shit man. This game has its ups and fucking downs. Your roll with the punches. Props to warrax and ketan, takes skillz to smack anyone in edoras and they pulled it of with style.

    ~ D

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    06 November 2002 09:36:28

    Eh, sorry about the confusion there Kujo. Only the first paragraph was directed towards your comment, the second was just me off on a rant without giving it proper direction. And what the hell does the sandnigger comment have to do with anything?

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    06 November 2002 07:36:11



  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 November 2002 05:59:45

    Show me a log of me looting shit, Adunazon, or is this just another brilliant argument with no relevence (nor truth) at all? Like that one where you said it was wrong to kill durms just because they are durms, because it would be like killing middle-eastern people just because they were 'sand niggers' IRL... *ponder*

    Like I care, i think it's funny that Gothwin can take the high morals road when she authorised corpse looting.

    Oh, and SoU are my enemies now? Get a grip mate.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    06 November 2002 03:58:28

    Fuck you, Ruiniel. Where's my adoration?

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    06 November 2002 03:56:57

    Damn cool shit.

    Agarvain is no longer with us, the subpoena is ignored.


    Cool Agarvain suicided.

    There's nothing wrong in double tapping, if you can't take it, don't question me.

    Paraiko, I've never seen you out of your GH for the past month, shut up or tell me your MPing alt so I can kill him too.

    Damn cool job guys, Warrax, I adore you:))))))

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    06 November 2002 03:17:28

    Didn't make to class, got food poisoning from the grocery store deli *mutter*

    Don't worry, I'll be back thursday cockblocking you with that girl you bad she's the professor though. and Duniv...

    STOP WEARING THAT DAMN T-SHIRT!!! it reeks like dead fish!!

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    06 November 2002 02:55:58

    It's a good thing that you didn't sit next to me in class today, bastard.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    06 November 2002 02:21:29

    Ya know, it IS a good thing (for SoU) that double tapping has no correlation to theme review...ain't that so?

    Damn sad that Agarvain suicide, I mean that truly. I've been where he was and you can come back from it...although you may not like the character you've become afterwards but neither will your enemies.

    If you ask me, those guys from the big V outta review every Guild in the game. Every Guild has some kinda fucked up parts, some more so than others but we should all get reviewed.

    Let them come with their pens and pencils, their 'Coding for Dummies'(tm) guide books.

    (just teasing about the guide book)


  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    06 November 2002 01:53:37


    It's a common conception that what a member does speaks for the guild as a whole, however, the guild as a whole cannot control what an individual member may choose to do. Every guild whether labeled 'honorable' or not has both decent and dishonorable players amongst them.

    Again, if you want to whine or flame something that your enemy does, then you sure as hell had better live up to it. You can't complain about double tapping, looting*cough*, or any other assorted dishonorable actions then turn around and do the same thing just because 'He did it to me'.


    Just a couple logs ago Direkein was bragging that he killed Deimos while I was shielding him.. but I don't remember that either. Must be mass-memory loss.


    You know, not so long ago you used to go on and on and on and on about how it's unethical to force your vision of RP onto someone else. I find that quite ironic coming from a guild who's only visible purpose is to impose their 'I kill whoever I want for any reason I want' playstyle on whoever isn't good enough to escape a 5man gangbang.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    06 November 2002 00:50:27

    What I find amusing is that just a few days ago when Warrax and I killed Agarvain in Edo, we decided not to double tap him, even though the C didn't fill, and we were very close to doing so. Yet, as Gothwin says, FRA of course has no qualms on that subject...

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    06 November 2002 00:25:18

    The real correlation is the guilds who's member majority only plays to pk and powerplay to a lesser extent. If they aren't in a war, they're pretty much inactive, or so it seems.

    Beornings maybe being the exception, but I know that some of them do like double tapping, though I'm not sure if their guild is for it.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    05 November 2002 23:03:15

    And Gothwin, 'double-tapping' and 'guild reviews' have very little to do with each other. It's a funny coincidence, but don't pretend like there's a connection. Killing someone twice in a row is a personal choice. Some people create a fucked up code of honor where thieves don't steal from other thieves and reporting solo attempts is wrong, etc etc. It's all how you feel about it. When Valinor starts handing out guild change notices based on people reporting solo attempts and stealing from other thieves, you'll have made a believer out of me.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    05 November 2002 23:00:02

    Paraiko, please don't pretend to know what you're talking about when you obviously do not. When you make comments like yours, and you say them with authority, people might actually believe you. For the record:

    I am not aware of Deimos having been killed yet. If he has, I'd like to hear about it, because I wouldn't mind killing him myself.

    That leaves Agarvain as 3/4 of our kills? Jian's died twice, Gothwin twice, Allantir at least 3 times, Anadriel twice, etc etc...there are more, but I'm not trying to make a comprehensive list, I'm just trying to put things in perspective. And we double-tapped Mystique? When was that? Azura killed her one time, because she attacked _him_ when he was an anonymous figure fighting Adunazon, and he just tracked her down later (in Gothwin's company) and hunted. Direkein also killed her because she ran a find for SoU and mistelled it to the victim.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    05 November 2002 22:54:12

    FRA, Rimsilval and Durmanhoth!


  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    05 November 2002 22:45:28

    *grumbles at her network provider*

    Yes, Rhoads.

    Now, someone name me the 3 guilds that are currently going through changes or will be going through changes in the future due to the guild reviews.

    Somebody see a tendency?

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    05 November 2002 22:40:32

    Sorry to see you go, Agarvain. What's about this about him being somehow less of a person because he suicided? If you're not having fun anymore, why should you stay? If you're not having fun in a game, by all means leave. Oh, and this whining on both sides is like a broken record. If I come back, I won't hesitate to double tap or corpse loot any member of FRA if I get the chance and feel like it. I'll try not to whine, either.

  • Author
    Agarvain [legacy]
    05 November 2002 22:27:40

    I will be back, just under a new name. Seeking vengance.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    05 November 2002 22:22:22

    Hey Adunazon

    Can I hear you chant your song about the name of the game being player killing? What was your arguments again? C'mon, can we hear them while we celebrate yet another player that left the game.

    *laughs evily as he dances on Agarvains tombstone*

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    05 November 2002 22:01:40

    Maybe that's because he goes farther from the guild than Lothlorien, Paraiko. I'm not saying you guys shouldn't fade to go farther than that. Or that you should leave your guild when there are several FRA on. Or that you shouldn't go farther than that without ample phial/vial/flasks. I'm just saying if you're as careless as that, you're gonna get killed too.

  • Author
    Agarvain [legacy]
    05 November 2002 21:46:49

    I've been killed by them erm...16 times in 3 months.

  • Author
    Klardin [legacy]
    05 November 2002 21:42:49

    Ah :( man i'll miss ya Agarvain. we had some fun times.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    05 November 2002 21:37:32

    Pretty much 3/4 of FRA's kills in this war have been on Agarvain or Deimos, our newest members. Well, I guess I could count your doubletapping Mystique when she was 12th level and wasn't even a member.

  • Author
    Agarvain [legacy]
    05 November 2002 21:16:07

    Oh and i did break a lot , but i never posted anything.

    Talking about balls i went out and gathered some eq when there were 7 enemies online and i gathered some( Sailor's , tenzek and shit), but they got me in minas...two backstabs and el whipy, doesn't sound nice.esspecialy when you're lv 15...

  • Author
    Agarvain [legacy]
    05 November 2002 21:11:06

    You all don't know how manny times they have killed me, gangbanging ,attacking me in parties of 4 when i have no weapons at all, now that was ruiniel's work. I suicide cus i have 80k exp, and whats the point of living that way? Die and lose all good eq, The only regret i have is that i've lost arround 8 fangs and finally now Silvarin, The Pride of the Sons of Ulfang. I didn't feel worthy enough to be one ( oh and i lost an exc unall fang which was in the baldric). But I'm not whining , I had fun but every game has to end.

    (The main reason i suicided is cus i'm getting real bad grades in school)

  • Author
    Sigfrid [legacy]
    05 November 2002 20:05:42

    fick you

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    05 November 2002 19:56:52

    Hmm, nope Raqtor i don't think he is mentally unstable. I do believe he is mentlly stable and maybe that's the reason he suicided. Anyway, i wouldn't say i know Agarvain well, but i've never seen him doing shit to other people, he was helpful when asked to people he didn't know and when he was attacked and had chances to outfight the assassin he stood and fight. IMO those things deserve some respect.

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    05 November 2002 19:30:51

    You can't blame the killers for someone suiciding. Pking is a part of this game whether you like it or not. It is especially part of the game when you are in a guild that is at war. There were a lot of other options to him other than suicide. Also, what the hell is so lame about double tapping someone? There is no reason someone should be unable to avoid it. Especially when it's a solo attempt afterwards. I can see a 5 man gangbang double tap being hard to escape, but it was one person!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    05 November 2002 18:51:11

    Let me rephrase: Being proud of a double tap is lame, especially when the person suicides.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 November 2002 18:48:20

    Well Muaddib, if the goals are the same the hell I will, there are very very few decent assassins who actualy care about align.

    But just admit you love me and stuff :)

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    05 November 2002 18:18:04

    Well, Wasach, that's like asking why moral guilds use uniques like Ithy or GRB. They, like everyone else (I should really hope) get the weapons from auction because they're good weapons. :P

  • Author
    Asgrim [legacy]
    05 November 2002 18:10:57

    Ketan the thief Extrodinaire.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    05 November 2002 17:56:36

    FDL! Nice work fellas. They guy was dumn enough to suicide, its his own fault. I say hike up your skirt, grab your balls, and bear with it.

    Sure the guy was getting nailed everytime he came outta his GH, but maybe if he had some brains he's remember there's 5 fucking breaks in edoras instread of one.

    ~ D

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    05 November 2002 17:38:04

    Especially if it makes someone suicide, Trempk? I'm sorry, perhaps you're confusing me with Psychic Ketan, the amazing player who can see the goddamn future.

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    05 November 2002 17:36:31

    Rhouds you should stop talking hehe :-)

    Your the supposed to be honorable rider who goes on Player Kill with Demonics and Shadowspawn party members.

    And Wasach? What other choice do SoU have? Only use the weapons they can get themselves? hehe that would look pathetic :-)

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    05 November 2002 17:28:48

    Dude must have been mentally unstable anyways.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 November 2002 17:25:00

    Well Necsipaal, the problem is that SOME guilds do a LOT more than others, think about that :)

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    05 November 2002 17:14:24

    damn, just realized he suicided :( that's not cool

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    05 November 2002 16:57:07

    Double taps are lame, contract, war or not. Especially if it makes someone suicide. Or is that the point of pk wars, to make people suicide, or want to? I don't know, I'd rather they be for challenge/fun, maybe for both sides even.

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    05 November 2002 15:48:06

    I'm not even opposed to double tapping, but surely you can see why someone would double tap. Assume that FRA and SoU weren't at war and it was simply to fulfill a contract. The first time he died, it didn't fulfill. I mean, he was gonna get killed for that contract anyways. Who cares if it happens now or later?

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    05 November 2002 15:12:47

    Let's play another game, which guild can pretend they have had no members that had either corpseloot/claimjump/doubletap/kill a nPC for stuff purpose/pkill/cheat/do a nasty bad action, *boo*

    I'm so sick about these whinings, it's ok to doubletap,claimjump,corpseloot,help in killing whatever npcs and do nasty bad actions if it's in accordance with your roleplay.

    If someone never do it, fine, they can whine about it I guess, just let people get along with their styles of playing.

    What guild is a haven of freedom where people are allowed to play according to their beliefs of the game and are not restricted by silly and/or despotic laws?

    let me guess it's not yours!

    Necsipaal for libertarian guilds!

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    05 November 2002 14:57:11

    on the other hand...I do find it rather silly to be seeing SoU using weapons from CU...

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    05 November 2002 14:56:17

    *ouch Kujo, ouch...*

    All right, I want a good clean fight, watch those shots to the groin and no biting off each others ears. No go back to your corners and when the bell rings, come out fighting.


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    05 November 2002 13:55:20

    and which guilds think it's acceptable to corpse loot and attack their own npcs to try and corpse loot?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    05 November 2002 13:24:11

    Glorglas, Thiefs Guild and the mirdain?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 November 2002 12:20:04

    Durmanhoth, Fra, Rims? :P

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    05 November 2002 11:30:03

    Let's play a game...

    Someone name me the 3 guilds that apparently find double tapping an acceptable and valid form of 'warfare' on this mud.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    05 November 2002 10:18:47

    Wow, nice fight from both sides