Durad says in Westron: Hello Relg, the backstabber

Posted by
Rolf [legacy]
10 November 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

To say the obvious, my khazads are angry and looking for blood.


  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    12 November 2002 16:52:27

    *Agrees with Bradonja Whole-heartedly

    *goes and gets himself a BARREL instead of just a mug

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    12 November 2002 16:44:36

    *thinks as he tries to force his 2 braincells to connect*

    Khuzd race is the most intelligent race in Arda. We ll rule Arda once!

    *peers around*
    Who s laughing!
    *smashes few heads*
    Im NOT stupid!!!!

    *downs a beer for the glory of Mahal*

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    12 November 2002 01:20:06

    Tarith, there is a good chance that I am. It seems that no one on here is smart enough to see that all I am doing is being a smart ass simply to amuse myself.

    Why? To piss everyone off so I can listen to their incoherent ramblings. I find them most amusing. ;)

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    11 November 2002 21:50:07

    Geez, me. That last comment of mine was really lame.

    I'm just a hypocrite.

    *goes of and sulks in a corner*


  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    11 November 2002 21:24:31

    Streak, why are you so arrogant to think you are above mistakes? Many of the best writers in history made thousands in their life, which is why they have to painstakingly review their works over and over again. I think this issue is close to being ended. You've all ready made several contradictions to your statements.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    11 November 2002 20:31:25

    I've never met him before on the mud. Sorry about the mistake Frankiej ;)

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    11 November 2002 19:50:21

    Correction: For Frankjej:.......

    His name is spelled: Frankiej.



  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    11 November 2002 18:28:09

    For Frankjej: Don't even try to start correcting me. :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    11 November 2002 17:59:45

    what's a Khuzd?

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    11 November 2002 16:49:28

    Khuzd power!

    The Mountain s roaring again!

    *cheers for the khuzd and down a beer for their glory in battle*

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    11 November 2002 14:12:37

    you can rationalize it however you want but when the GM of a Guild RP's in a certain way, that of a powerplaying pKer, then you expect that is the policy of the Guild. IF it's not, then perhaps he shouldn't be the GM...

    note: I've said this before, to Talan himself when he was GM and yes I know he hasn't been the dungie GM for quite sometime now...

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    11 November 2002 13:58:28

    'oh' should've been capitalised, but I never claimed to be good at spelling/grammar :P.

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    11 November 2002 13:56:16

    oh yeah?

    Were Bragl and Groo in PoM? Or was it just *you know who* and his hundreds of alts (who killed in there every day) and Talan? I vividly remember Bragl and Groo trying to 'protect mordor' against one of my 'friends', they failed miserably of course, but they still tried!

    As for errors, Streak, you don't start a sentence with an 'and', 'ewww' should be capitalised (since it's following a period), and there should be a period after it.

  • Author
    Edelidan [legacy]
    11 November 2002 06:33:21

    The Udungul didn't 'claim to rp by defending mordor'. It was a group of people who did that, and some of them comprised of members of The Udungul. I'm not even bringing up how you should rp and to what extent.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    11 November 2002 03:12:04

    Double tapping is beautiful.You shoulda found where he revived and doubled him *baps the dwarves*:P.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    10 November 2002 22:16:41

    Good luck finding the errors.

    And teaching English? ewww

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    10 November 2002 20:30:41

    Streak, be quiet.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    10 November 2002 19:21:49

    Streak, what the hell is your problem?? Im or excuse me I'm(I am) sure that if someone read all your posts they could find a spectrum of grammer problems. One thing comes to mind when seeing your frivolous comments. Nobody gives a fuck. Go teach English.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    10 November 2002 19:03:46

    *lol* take a step back and read what you guys post for once:)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 November 2002 18:26:28

    Actually Frankiej, I was serious. I did it out on a calculator.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    10 November 2002 17:21:36

    Hey Rhoads, your right about mordor, although 3 on 1 is a fighting chance.

    ***you're not your you are = you're

    Streak the dunedain Knight (upholder of grammatical laws)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 November 2002 15:49:50

    Please Edelidan, do point to me how I am whinning, I really would like to know ;)

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    10 November 2002 15:00:41

    You should leave the comedy to the FRA members that can actually pull it off.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 November 2002 14:27:42

    That made approximately -3.2 sense, Frankiej.

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    10 November 2002 09:27:21

    Anyone else remember when Udungul used to claim to 'rp' defend mordor, yet they hunted all the time? Love how you can try and have completely different rules just because their is no chances of getting fines in Mordor. After all, everyone knows that was what it was all about, getting free kills under the guise of RP combat.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    10 November 2002 06:58:05

    damn not the good one, nevermind!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    10 November 2002 06:57:27

    grammary's lesson

    I doubletap

    You doubletap

    He doubletaps

    She doubletaps

    It doubletaps

    We doubletap

    You doubletap

    They doubletap

    Next 'verb of the day' lesson: to corpseloot! :P

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    10 November 2002 06:54:00

    Rolf, I think i still have a log somewhere of me dodgin Theri's arrows :P or deflecting.!!

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    10 November 2002 06:41:55

    Tarith: That is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. A member of Udungul has NO ROOM WHATSOEVER to tell BkD about 'taking things too far.' Maybe you don't have a very good long-term memory, but most people do.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    10 November 2002 06:23:51


    Double Tappers? *spits Don't you ever diss my guild about actions the Udungul have already dirtied themselves. Therefore making you (the oh famous such famouse name) a hypocrite.

    Taking things too Far *LoL. I am the one who deserved to whine, to complain; yet read my posts about dieing during the old war. Do you see any whining?

    Josi D. StonePipe

  • Author
    Edelidan [legacy]
    10 November 2002 05:52:08

    Make one for Rhoads while you're at it.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    10 November 2002 04:03:55

    lol, as long as its nicely polished and handcrafted.

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    10 November 2002 03:31:36

    I think Tarith should get a medal for his whining :)

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    10 November 2002 03:11:18

    and my point is proven, BKD are double tappers, they take things too far. Good job guys.

  • Author
    Calacirya [legacy]
    10 November 2002 02:42:19

    Durad, why get so mad over a game? I mean, at first, they backstab you and you greet them nicely, why not just say good bye nicely....

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 November 2002 01:47:12

    If Udungul wouldnt have tried to kill Asgrim when defending the camp, then he wouldn't have hunted them down.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    10 November 2002 01:45:15

    I should almost get a medal for deflecting Therigions arrow

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    10 November 2002 01:43:29

    Hmm.. _Your_ force of 5 couldn't kill our 1! Hehe! We rule!

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    10 November 2002 01:35:09

    Hey Rhoads, your right about mordor, although 3 on 1 is a fighting chance. If Krakkur knew anything about a land in which he should if he frequents it often, he could have broken easily. But i don't need to defend a kill in Mordor, do I? If you are not prepared for that sort of thing in a lawless zone, then dont enter. And I'm not trying to complain about war and I'm not trying to say there isnt a time for gangbangs etc, it happens, war is fun. Maybe I revel in the past when things were usually done differently, and would like an ongoing conflict of guilds to be fought with skill, and not the eye for an eye gangbang theory. All in all, i fail to see the point BkD is making, except our force of 5 can kill your one, and we can do it over and over again. No shit. *I sit here, captured in amazement.*

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    10 November 2002 01:30:43

    and after that, we were given the green light to start killing some bkd as arthlor didnt find bkds actions to be appropriate

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    10 November 2002 01:29:56

    well what you see is wrong, as ultilh or asgrim posted, a few udungul apps were helping defend the easterling camp, and asgrim and elmdor and whoever else didnt stop the combat, and hunted them down later and killed them for a free kill

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 November 2002 01:01:31

    Well Tarith, what I see is this:

    VC killed (proly banged) Peesho

    Udunguls went crazy and started gangbanging and killing a lot of circans (including Ixion who is a newbie twice and reeth more than 2 times so there goes your theory).

    Now I see:

    Udungul kills krakkur (proly with a bang) in mordor

    BkD goes crazy and start killing every udungul they can

    Udungul tries to kill some but only succed in a few and keeps getting banged.

    To me it is the exact same thing except that you guys are in the oposite side now.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 November 2002 00:59:48

    Udungul started the war yesterday and their gm gave out the ok to kill any BKD members after Asgrim got his revenge yesterday. We're just showing them that it was a mistake.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    10 November 2002 00:44:58

    Rhoads, their are distinctions between those assassinations and BKD's. Its not hard to see, especially when they beat the issue into the ground, and repeatively clip the same player.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 November 2002 00:41:20

    Udungs where doing that to circans, why can't BkD do that to Udungs?

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    10 November 2002 00:35:14

    do you bkd even know what your angry at, or is it an excuse to bang away?

  • Author
    Nhakl [legacy]
    10 November 2002 00:31:14

    the 'fuck you' topped that off amazingly well.