Edelidan gets banged.

Posted by
Nirrab [legacy]
19 November 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

My first day as a beorn and this is what happens! I tried to tell them he wasn't Dungie. But who cares I found it oddly fun.


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    05 April 2008 02:02:41

    Uh, this isn't locked? Pretty much all old logs comment sections are locked.. must be something with the fact that its on the most commented list.. checking the other logs..

    Haha, can't even enter the comment section on the Marzan log, they banned it? I get throwed to the start page on logs.dyndns.dk :p

  • Author
    Burgul [legacy]
    03 April 2008 07:29:07

    please lock this thread, or people might comment here to make it get back to the 1st place on 'top commented'

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    01 January 2004 14:24:49

    End of Story, Balinul performed a Bang, which is pretty much all hes capable of doing since he hides in his GH, talks tons of shit, then runs out, bangs and runs back with his tail between his legs.

    He, I must say, is the one player i have no respect for on T2T.

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    14 November 2003 06:49:37

    Cool an old Log

  • Author
    Aldarin [legacy]
    18 October 2003 21:59:57


  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    17 August 2003 15:02:25

    Damn i had to stop at the beginning one day i will read all these comments but i am not desperately lost the taste for real life.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    20 March 2003 22:20:14


  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    20 March 2003 22:19:53


  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    20 March 2003 22:19:31


  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    20 March 2003 22:19:07


  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    20 March 2003 22:18:49


  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    20 March 2003 22:18:29

    sarys is a poopie head.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    01 March 2003 13:04:41

    Come on, I know we can reach the big 300 with this one.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    19 February 2003 18:27:58

    oh, that was the 'goal' of the war sure....but Arthlor is stubbon.
    We could have kept going, and killing....but Dungs went pretty much inactive.
    So really, neither side won.
    Dungs got smashed into the ground, Beorns never achived there aim.

    All i can say though, is that if proved who the Gutless Dung mebers are....The ones who Could not hadle the heat, left Dungs, left there GM to fight it alone.....yet..as soon as the war stoped...re-joined.
    How sad :)

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    10 January 2003 19:58:08

    No tarn sorry, it just means Udungul won the war. =)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    25 December 2002 00:52:01

    Arthlor is still gm of Udungul. Does that means beornings and allies lost the war?

    hahahaha, I just find that funny for some reason

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    14 December 2002 01:56:19

    *smacks fimbu*

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    11 December 2002 15:42:27

    Fimbu, we had a reason. We thought he was a dungheap. Unfortunately he wasn't.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    08 December 2002 04:49:30

    The thing I noticed about this log was how funny it is to kill someone without a reason.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    05 December 2002 20:47:24

    Ugh, sorry Del, didn't mean to stand in front of you and your glory :)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    05 December 2002 14:18:04

    Blah, its me leading and organizeing this war, and Balinul get all the glory!!! i hate you Dwarf!!!! :)

    And from Beornings PoV, we decide to go to war on them becuase of many incidents i have already highlited.
    Wars of course, need a goal. Our goal, like any Council or goverment, is to overthrow the powers of the opposite force.
    That is what we are doing.

    Now, i admire the fact Arthlor is standing strong, and 'working out the weak'.
    But what good is it when half the guild goes inactive, and the other half hit level 15 ?
    There are other ways to do this.

    As for coments made by Arthlor, i for one have never complained about him being inactive.
    I have complained about him not punishing rogue members.
    Talan, when i used to talk with him, at least did something about.
    Arthlor fire line after line of lies at me, makeing up reasons as to why it was valid action. (and me haveing the logs/answers everytime).

    Now, has Arthlor approach me about ending this war? nope.
    He may have approached Jad, but as all here know, he has very little to do with the war, other than the internal issues.

    Do i REALLY, want him to step down so badly?
    nope, that is just our goal for the war. ( Total victory? )
    Now if somone from there guild was to come to a reasonable solution, then great!
    But so far all they have done, from my PoV, is complain and complain!
    Think about it.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    05 December 2002 01:26:18

    Wauw, seems I misseed a crucial append from Arthlor.
    Let me give out the reasons for what Arthlor would describe as my 'crusade'.

    'First, it saddens me to say this, but Balinul's hatred of the Meglivornth, which has obviously been transferred to the Udungul troubles me deeply.' - Arthlor

    This is wrong. Meglivornth was transfered into something much better. It turned into a guild worth respecting. Especially during Camillus' period of command, we really saw the potential of their theme and dedicated members. I applaud the Udungul for this and hope it will be the thriving force within that guild.

    However, what concearns me about Arthlors person is, that he so far has failed to follow the path Camillus started walking on. Quickly after he took power, players like Allantir and Spartan joined in. I guess Spartan nuke record and Allantirs recent nuke shows why I find this problematic. This war is from my point of view basicly about chosing between two very different paths:

    1) The RP oriented guild that is constructive for the mud as a whole, encouraging the muds players to enjoy themself and have fun.

    2) The PK oriented guild that is destructive for the mud, causing player after player to go into inactivity.

    Arthlors history has put him very well on the second path. Has this changed? I don't know, but it seems as if it hasn't.

    Now, it would at first sight seem like a wrong line of arguments to walk down the second path in order to obtain the first path. However, history shows that this is the only line of arguments these people understand.

    'I don't think I am telling too many people anything they don't know, when I say that he and I were once very good friends.' -Arthlor

    Just as true. What Arthlor fails to mention is, that we even recently have had many friendly conversations. I have no problem with his person or the typist behind the character. I do however, have a problem with the goals he by his actions seems to achive as a guildmaster (See above, ... the second path).
    What Arthlor also fails to mention is, that my currently legendinfo quote was asked for permission before being published. If Arthlor has a problem with this quote being public, he is more than welcome to ask me to remove it ... ei, withdrawing his permission.
    Now, contrary to my record of stating true quotes, Arthlor seems to have found humour in creating false (lies?) quotes, apparently from me and posting them in his legendinfo.
    I see that as nothing more than a jest, but it strikes me as remotely odd in a context of being accused of 'twisting Arthlors words' so as to make them look like a lie...?

    And yes, the Edelidan kill was a mistake. I have apologized to Edelidan. And is sorry for this innocent casualty.

    Just to this end this long rant, with a personal note to Arthlor: You have dedicated members, it is a good thing and a thing you should continue to try and keep. Prove to me you follow the path of Camillus and I have absolutely nothing against neither you or your guild. Fail to follow the path laid out before you, and turn into the very thing you so heated argued against during the FRA/Meg war.

    It is your choise, not mine (Although, I do try to push you towards the right one *mgrin*).

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    05 December 2002 00:12:57

    Still the most commented, ya baby! ya

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    01 December 2002 20:28:04

    'Unlike cranky Jad who won't talk to anyone who hasn't read his story, which reads more like a Top Ten Reasons-Jad-is-so-Cranky-you-should-never-send-him-a-tell List.' Damn that is DAMN funny!

    Arthlor: I apologize profusely for not being here at a time of war. I had hibernated BEFORE the war even started, and i seriously regret it. Also, i thought that exams/tests etc. at school would take up about a month, but i was wrong. I took up no time at all. So my appologies. I will be back with you in just over a week.

  • Author
    Arthlor [legacy]
    29 November 2002 19:07:01


    This is my first commentary on the log page. I am reading 'commentary' on the log page for the first time today.

    As this string seems to be largely concerned with me (correct me if this is just my egomaniacal tendencies) I thought that I might put in my two bits.

    First, it saddens me to say this, but Balinul's hatred of the Meglivornth, which has obviously been transferred to the Udungul troubles me deeply. I don't think I am telling too many people anything they don't know, when I say that he and I were once very good friends. In fact, I personally started the MC case that got his last main char a legend. However, since that time, I have seen his blind hatred cause him to make all sorts of blanket accusations and use his silver tongue to slander me repeatedly. And I don't know why. But I will start by correcting a few things.

    The following, as far as I can tell, are the main complaints against me. It has been suggested that I am not active enough to be GM of the Udungul. And, that I didn't react quickly enough for certain people's tastes in punishing certain members of my own guild. And, that I am indifferent to some grand scheme of mud ettiquette that all others besides myself openly recognize.

    Well, I mud when I can, and that is more than most. I like to quest equipment and chat with my friends and I am both a GM and a member of the Mortal Council. I take both my jobs very seriously, but they are both very time consuming. And so, I apologize if I am not active enough, but that is a choice for my guildmates, not Delgaur and Balinul.

    As for my positions on MUD ettiquette, I favor a Mordor policy that I know not all Ardans accept: What happens in Mordor, stays in Mordor. My reasoning for this, is multifaceted. I think that Mordor is not dangerous enough, despite recent changes to make it so. I also believe there is an imbalance in Arda's equipment in that among those who RP, morals have more thematic access to powerful weapons, of which Mordor weapons play a significant part, and that defense of Mordor with deadly force not only adds value to those weapons, but allows us to occasionally loot them from your corpses, all supported by our theme. There are only 3 guilds whose members accept not killing in Mordor as part of their theme. This extreme handicap has little compensation from a balance perspective. For this inequity, the ability to enter and exit Mordor quickly for the sake of a PK, is our only compensation. I refuse to sacrifice it on the altar of the pseudo-RP of ritual fighting rules that others would force me to accept through war or other means.

    Concerning the incident where Spartan hunted Calacirya in combat, it was perhaps a failure on my part to not punish him immediately. Contrary to a post made by FRA, Spartan was not booted out of my utter fear of FRA (for evidence that I am not so easily intimidated see 1 yr FRA war w/ Tuareg at my side), but rather, because he continuously showed bad judgement in his decisions without regard for the impact on the guild. The hunting incident did not, imo, warrant an immediate dismissal, because this was after open hostilities between our guilds began. There is no 'RP combat' between guilds at open war, imo.

    Balinul has quoted me a bit out of context several times, in an attempt to demonize me (again, I don't know where this hatred of me came from). One example that come to mind is his legendinfo that implies that I am some sort of 'bug abuser'. Of course, the conversation as a whole was a brief discussion concerning the imbalance of the water in Lendin that everyone I know used heavily up until it was removed. During the conversation, I commented that it was imbalanced, and would almost certainly be removed, but that my philosophy was to 'abuse the bugs' before Valinor removed them. So, Balinul's legendinfo is perfectly correct, but a complete misrepresentation (in fact, Balinul was using the water as well, when we had this conversation).

    Also, Balinul quoted me as saying in a brief conversation, that I was using the war to thin out some of the weaker links in my guild. This quote is quite accurate, as well. That is not to say that I would start a war just to find this out, but rather, that I believe that war is a good chance to see which of your guildmates have character and devotion to the concepts of the guild, and which are MP'ers and spies (yes, I know who you are :P). If a member of a guild leaves and calls it quits, because they are tired of dying or killing our enemies, then I shed no tears. I think that wars make players stronger. It teaches them the lessons you can only learn from lots of PK's and attempts on each other. It teaches teamwork and communication, and is a test of character. However, I would never and have never removed a player from the guild for being level bashed, or losing equipment in a war. That is not what I meant by 'thinning the ranks'. While I am interested in having 'highly skilled' mudders in my guild, I am more interested in having 'high character' mudders in my guild. And, I think that as a young guild, this is the most important thing to try to build up a reserve of among our members.

    To those who say that I will not reply to criticisms or discuss differences with others on the mud, especially among the Beornings, I defy you to find someone more responsive than myself. Except when afk, or doing time sensetive quests, I will reply to anyone and everyone, newbie or oldbie, friend or enemy, any time, any where, and chat for hours about the mundane. Unlike cranky Jad who won't talk to anyone who hasn't read his story, which reads more like a Top Ten Reasons-Jad-is-so-Cranky-you-should-never-send-him-a-tell List.

    On a brief side note, Edelidan truly is not Udungul, and was not when this kill was made. If you question which side in this war holds the moral high ground, look no further than the tag concerning how funny it is to kill someone without a reason.

    As for a list of gross hypocrisies concerning those posting to this case, critisizing me in absentia, I could start with Balinul's criticism of my leadership techniques. But rather than just continue the mudslinging, I will close with this. If the Beornings believe that I will 'step down' because of a war, they really haven't done their research of my typist. Their best chance is a rogue ainur nuking me the next time I get pissed and go on a rage about something ludicrous that should never have been done, or to pursue that crusade to have my members remove me with 'injustice' reports. Because short of that, I will be here when Jad and Delgaur and Leto are all dust under our wains.

    To the many people who defended me and mine in this string, I thank you.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 November 2002 12:22:52

    That's why you all should have clean mouths

  • Author
    Xellos [legacy]
    27 November 2002 09:40:04

    Yeah... I get a lot of warnings for saying fuck too

  • Author
    Baradgul [legacy]
    27 November 2002 04:32:06

    Heh, I had a warning once that said something like: 3x F*ck, 2x sh*t, wish I could stick around to see what else he comes up with :)

    That was back in the day of the universal comm, boozed off my head. Nowadays one little 'f*ck' slips out and Melkor's breathing down my neck (wasn't that recent). Rightly so, I should add; no need for anything more than the odd 'Shit!' as Durad sneaks up on me with Xellos in tow :P

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    26 November 2002 17:22:42

    Maybe he just has a very slow connection...

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    26 November 2002 12:39:06

    Not exactly Mr. Current Affairs, are you Durad?

    Streak's been nuked for nearly 3 weeks now, someone even posted the fucking log.

    Boo Boo kitty fuck!

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    25 November 2002 23:51:52

    Streak was nuked at 10:20 11/11/02
    Streak Deathseeker the dunedain Knight (Immoral)
    Departed from Arda Gender: male
    Age: 35d 13h 45m 14s
    Nuke Reason: gold transfer, too many warnings

    about time, he got on my nerves.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 November 2002 21:14:36

    That really sucks man

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 November 2002 11:04:21

    I recall Dwain cussing on the Knights comm one time, Matthias eventually gave him a warning after warning him to stop. So I responsed by say 'how fucking lame that is, it's our comm we should be able fucking say whatever we fucking please' or something like that and immediately got a warning from Matthias.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    24 November 2002 21:31:53

    Yeah, what the fuck?

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    24 November 2002 14:43:03

    fuck the fucking fuckers! =p ...

    what if you said that? =p

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    24 November 2002 14:41:08

    Warning someone for one time use of the word fuck on the comm/guildcomm/board is a little lame in my opinion but life's a bitch. :P

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    24 November 2002 10:27:08

    Holic, I didn't say most warning. I said most warnings in 1 day :)

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    24 November 2002 09:30:06

    I've had way more warnings then all of you... and I believe the record as well. I once had a char with 7 warnings before nuke.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    24 November 2002 08:25:14

    Apparently Mizzie is right :p But then again.. One mol of Nibby is much better than one measely ole atom of Nirrab ;)

    *prods a Mizzie and nirrab*

    Here is another formule for my sexiness..

    Nibby = E=MC2

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    24 November 2002 05:57:14

    These are Jaren's current warnings, when they were given, by whom, and why:

    jaren Sep 19 2002 (by gildoran) : ^ Jaren: Don't fucking tell me that Falin.
    jaren Oct 11 2002 (by dalamar) : 'Once again I penetrate Streak's sweet ass' is not an appropriate auction tag.
    jaren Nov 2 2002 (by draugluin) : Action: Silenced for 3 days character age. (Remove at 17d 21h)
    jaren Nov 2 2002 (by ghorin) : ^ Jaren: I'm a mick, you fuck :P

    Just thought I'd share :P

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    24 November 2002 05:21:12

    And i'm warningless, dang I feel left out

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    24 November 2002 05:10:07

    Yeesh, I've gotten less than 1 warning per year :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    24 November 2002 04:03:43

    Now now Orlandu, why would he get pissed at you posting how stupid you were that day my old friend ;)

    and you should be afraid of pissing him off...I know I am.


  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    23 November 2002 21:38:35

    Ok, I'm not entirely sure why I got the second warning, cause Draugluin said it wasn't for emoting to whine on the comm, but the warning says it was ;p And the third I got because I posted how I got the second warning, and I got a third.

    These are Orlandu's current warnings, when they were given, by whom, and why:

    orlandu Nov 21 2002 (by osse) : inappropriate language on a guild comm 'fuck off'

    orlandu Nov 21 2002 (by draugluin) : excessive whining. please see 'help whining' for more informoation.

    orlandu Nov 21 2002 (by draugluin) : Whining about getting a whining warning, still unable to comprehend 'help whining', calling a warning 'the stupidest of all time', lying to me in an attempt to get me to remove the warning.

    orlandu Nov 21 2002 (by draugluin) : Action take: Wheel spin, Jail for 14 days. Release December 5th, 2002.

    I hope Draugluin doesn't get pissed at me for showing this, cause I'm sorta afraid to piss him off now :)

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    23 November 2002 19:20:18

    Grr, stop posting comments but a log! I want to see some other dung dying.

    Well why dont you do something about it and try, others have been. perhaps you will learn a lesson in futility.

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    23 November 2002 19:03:05

    atom, molecule, or particle :P

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    23 November 2002 17:21:01

    Thinking of which, you just said that one mol Nibinving was worth one atom of Nirrab.

    Damnit you're weird. :P

  • Author
    Allie [legacy]
    23 November 2002 17:20:37

    oooh.. it made the top of the most commented page *claps*

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    23 November 2002 17:19:37

    Wow Orlandu, 4 warnings in one day?
    What were they?
    I got two warnings once, for a single board post. But they're both gone now....

    And Nibinving, kindly explain to me what the hell does the Avogadro definition have to do with sexiness. :P

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    23 November 2002 13:26:06

    Grr, stop posting comments but a log! I want to see some other dung dying.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    23 November 2002 12:24:08

    How te bloody hell did kujo get so sexy ;)

    Comment 260: I AM A LEGEND, YOU ARE NOT! :P

    Wouldn't it be funny if Nirrab removed the log now? ;)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    23 November 2002 11:34:14

    How the bloody hell did this get so many comments? jesus

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    23 November 2002 09:24:34

    To answer you, Donsux. I got 3 warnings, but I also had to spin the wheel (ooo) and Druagluin put that on my warnings and it said it was my fourth warning, so meh :)

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    23 November 2002 08:56:07

    fofester: this comments are totally not about the log... if u noticed.. *grin*

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    23 November 2002 07:07:24

    Man, 250+ comments on a pretty boring log... that's pretty sad.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    23 November 2002 06:08:50

    I am an mystery wrapped in a enigma :P

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    23 November 2002 05:43:45

    i dont getcha nib...

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    23 November 2002 05:39:59

    Exert from the Hobbit, dealing with the dwarves of Erebor:
    Stalwart they were in deposing the tyrant Smaug, for the golden dragon hoarded their treasure of Swedish penis pumps. The dwarves had not known the pleasure of overly large penises for several hundred years, and Thorin, the rightful King was sick of not being able to please his female dorfs. For he envied the men of the Udungul and their extreme penises.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    23 November 2002 05:26:46

    I am sexy, Nirrab is not.
    Demandred is sexy, Nirrab is not.
    Ultilh is the sexiest, Nirrab is not.
    Nirrab < Us

    Nibby = Nirrab * 6.02 * 10^23

    That is my formula for my sexiness.

    Now, here is what they would call me in different countries:
    Sexy, really sexy, overly sexy, extremely sexy.. But in different languages :P

    Ps: Death to Nirrab the Immortal Dunedain!

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    23 November 2002 04:54:39

    Ok this is so F'in cool. This log comments has skyrocketed.
    I quit reading the damn things though.
    Yes Ultilh i missed you, had to leave!
    Keep up the comments!
    Lets go for a record!
    Death to nibby the dwarf!
    Erm what else to say?

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    23 November 2002 03:18:25

    a lot of people have lots of stuff to say about the war... this war is quite a big dispute for a lot of people...
    they have raised the names of some and destroyed the names of others

  • Author
    Allie [legacy]
    23 November 2002 03:03:13

    one day of not checking posts and i get 248 comments to read on one log...

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    23 November 2002 01:55:33

    haha... this comment page has transformed into something like a discussion page...
    yea and Orlandu: doesnt it take 3 warnings to get nuked or something??
    i got 1 in my 30days here... *sob*

    and Camillus: hope you are enjoying yourself... mud sucks... *grin*

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    22 November 2002 23:38:43

    *LOL* Camillus!

    btw, how's RL treating you?

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    22 November 2002 23:17:51

    Also from The Hobbit: 'And grim men the Udungul were, with overly large penises, though it is said one by the name of Twocute did not have an overly large penis.'
    Gazza, that may explain the high level of testosterone.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    22 November 2002 22:44:56

    Certainly something to be proud of there, Orlandu

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    22 November 2002 22:10:29

    With a hundred day old char even.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    22 November 2002 22:09:59

    Has anyone gotten 4 warnings in one day before? Or do I top them all?

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    22 November 2002 21:59:53

    i'm imagining it and all i see is allantir and spartan... because they kicked out everyone else for being newbs except a select few

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    22 November 2002 20:22:29

    Could always be worse, imagine Allantir or Spartan as GM of Udungul :)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    22 November 2002 18:54:32

    that right donsux, but on the same note, i was great friends with the other half.
    But saying that, i did not really know the other half that well.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    22 November 2002 18:21:02

    btw, have you guys considered who will replace arthlor if you manage to eject him from his gm seat? he may be the most competent person in Udungul atm and you may just end up in this war forever (sending Udungul into inactivity for a long time and being rather pointless)

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    22 November 2002 17:51:41

    We need an industrial broom over here, to sweep the testosterone off the decks.

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    22 November 2002 17:46:11

    yea and delgaur just in case i remembered wrongly, you said u didnt like half the people in megs.... maybe its just you liked arthlor then?? *shrug*

    check out log 21 Nov 2001: I personaly dont like over half there guild members.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    22 November 2002 17:44:32

    well, if you forget about what happened in the past, you can let the same thing happen to you again, and again, and again. Never forget about the past, specialy if it is a recent past.

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    22 November 2002 17:41:28

    yea... we dont really care about his past do we??
    i didnt mention anythin bout his past.. just wanted to know a bit more

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    22 November 2002 17:10:07

    Nice Ruiniel!!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    22 November 2002 16:09:20

    Veni, vidi, vici:P

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    22 November 2002 16:09:00

    Arthlor was GM of megs?
    hum.....not under the name Arthlor right?
    Not that i recall.
    *thinks who was GM during the FRA-Meg War*
    ah well, i prolly even liked him then.
    But its Arthlor now, not any past alts.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    22 November 2002 16:04:32

    Because Megs were cool back then.
    Even Sunshine was. :P

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    22 November 2002 15:56:42

    You spent 2 years in megs?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    22 November 2002 15:29:32

    I was about to say 'On second thought, maybe they shouldn't be like France' but you took the words right out of my mouth it seems. :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    22 November 2002 15:27:51

    Yeah, and look where it got them :P. Those nutty French, what will they think of next?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    22 November 2002 15:22:40

    I said foreign minister because I have no idea how he runs things from the inside. As far as I know he may be good at inner guild business, which may justify your feelings for him.

    But what Azarael speaks of is familiar to me.
    One day he says he'll say he'd do something to a member, and the next day he folds and says why he shouldn't do it, and gives some mindboggling reasons. I think the peak of my amazement was something like 'I can't force him to apologize'. Now, for someone like me, who had a little less than two year experience as a meg under Ari's rule, this was an utter shock coming from the very militaristic Meglivornth. But I guess things change.

    Back in my day... Blah.

    Maybe Udungul should have a government like France. A Prime Minister and a President, one for inner stuff and one for external things. ;)

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    22 November 2002 15:19:25


  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    22 November 2002 15:17:25

    Not as a foreign minister, no.
    We had to tolerate what Delgaur is going through now.
    Utter carelessness and an abundance of excuses.

    And our war with Megs lasted for a year.

    Think about it.

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    22 November 2002 15:13:22

    Mizrahi: didnt Arthlor do well as GM of Megs the last time??

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    22 November 2002 15:10:19

    223 is better
    *Thunderbolts Limdul's pink puffy char :P

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    22 November 2002 15:05:48

    222 is a nice number

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    22 November 2002 14:05:24

    Why would someone attack anyone in rp combat for them, 1h later in the other side of the world the guy you attacked came for a free kill with a party :P

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    22 November 2002 12:14:37

    I will devour you!! Take all the pain away! *marks Josi and Teflon for a puffy pink demise*

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    22 November 2002 10:34:01

    Don't get me wrong, this war was all and good back when it was about Spartan, and Allantir,

    The war was NEVER about these two individules. dont flatter them.
    Yes, alot of the help we recived at the start was becuase people did not like these two, and there involvement has not stoped.
    Got a problem with the war? try talking to me about it.
    I just dont see the point in stopping now, becuase w hat will happern? they will re-build, and do it all over again. With the Same GM.

    Clearly not one single person here is aware of the reasons why we Want Arthlor out....and to be perfectly frank, i dont care, most of you here are not involved in this war.
    Think there is a better war of sorting it? do tell me.
    Think there is a better way of makeing there GM actually punish there members when they step out of line, break agreemenets, repetadly corpseloot? do tell me.

    And Az, Hunt is the only thing i belive should not happern during RP combat......anything else, then its your own dumb fualt for not moveing.
    so Bite me! :p

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    22 November 2002 08:03:44

    I laughed a bit when Durad said that Arthlor is new at the job. :P Ahh, sweet innocence. :)

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    22 November 2002 04:03:37

    Nice posts, Azarael. I remember when I ticked you off, then after almost a year of inactivity I had a surprise while forging. Fun stuff. It's neat to see you active again.

  • Author
    Azarael [legacy]
    22 November 2002 03:50:56

    Oh yeah, and i didn't jump in the war because I wanted Arthlor to step down. I graciously swallowed my pride and told Arthlor I would settle for 32,000 gold in reimbursements. He said yes and assured me he'd kick out anyone who failed to pay their share (rome sckon spartan and allantir). Next day he said tough tittie, nobody's payin', and then blamed them killing me on about 100 excuses that took a lot of time wade through. very frustrating.

    I don't really agree with Delgaur's reason for war. I think hunting in RP combat is perfectly fine, and this non-fatal RP combat is sorta like playing powder-puff tittie-bump football as opposed to the real thing. If you wanna get involved in the war for the ring, well, get your dick out and get involved. I just wanted Spartan and Allantir out because I figured Rome and Sckon were decent guys and wouldn't have killed me without those other asses leading the party.

    Looting should be fine, too. If everyone looted, then you could just loot back, instead of killing for looting. Punishment doesn't quite seem to fit the crime there. Anyway, I dropped out after he booted the thugs, that was all I wanted, for the most part.

  • Author
    Azarael [legacy]
    22 November 2002 03:43:02

    I think it's funny Durad and others think because people get no fines in Mordor that you should expect to get killed in there. Wrong. The reason you should not kill someone is because it is expensive and costly, and there are many ways that killing someone can cost you. 1 way is the lawsys, another way is to idle kill the wrong person. The least expensive is the lawsys.

    Look at it like this:
    A pkill fine let's say is 8000 gold outside of mordor of some random dude, so it cost you 8k. not bad.

    A death toll of 10,000 to 100,000+ is possible when killing inside of mordor, if you don't think about who you are killing before you do it. I lost a little over 32,000 gold in stats from a single death. So, I made sure that the expense I incurred was incurred by every single person who thought it was 'ok' to kill in mordor because it's mordor.

    I gotta wonder though, are you really this dumb? Do you not see the results of your member's behavior? You can claim it's ok all the way down to level 5, I guess, if you want to, but you'll have to do it on the newbiecomm or something.

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    22 November 2002 03:27:09

    yea.. thanks for making my point trempk
    all bashgeroy can do is gangbang...

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 November 2002 03:05:58

    And I meant bashgeroy as an example for both friend and the members I don't want to have anything to do with(in a sense). Meaning I don't want to be in any of his gangbangs... Or be the target for any of them, lol :P

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    22 November 2002 03:03:03

    I wear my tshirt proud! *Looks at his, 'I spun the wheel and got sentenced to 2 weeks in ainu jail and all I got was this stupid tshirt'*

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 November 2002 03:00:56

    Personally, i think this war is totally useless. Sure it ruins the game for almost everyone in Udungul, and most of them aren't very cool. And since Arthlor doesn't like Beornings, Delgaur or whoever, and doesn't feel like talking to them no matter what they do, he isn't fit to be their GM.
    Anyway, I can say that I have an almost completely neutral stance in this war. I don't like Udungul, I don't like Beornings, I don't like Rimmies, I don't like FRA, and I don't like BKD. I'm talking about these guilds in general and how they have established and shaped themselves. I do like many of their members, I'm good friends with a lot of FRA, BKD, etc. But I'd rather have nothing to do with any of their guilds and a lot of their members. Members like Bashgeroy, who is cool, but at the same time also really lame. :P
    The way I see it is this..
    This war has turned out the way it has because a bunch of people didn't like each other, now most of those people wouldnt be able to do a thing about it normally. But get a bunch of those people together and they can gangbang the shit out of someone.
    After seeing the BKD thrash Udungul in a one day, Beornings wanted in on it. BKD and Udungul ended their confrontations and remade a treaty or something like that. A few members pissed off some people and thats all Beornings, etc. needed to get some action. Knowing that Udungul wasn't as tough as the thought they were, this was enticing.
    Now sure, some Udungul corpselooted,pkilled,arrested, etc. But other guilds have done this too. I'm sure that an FRA member has killed a VC, BKD, maybe even rimmie and beorning in the recent past. But did any of them start a war over it? No. Why? Because FRA was not a weak guild. Udungul on the other hand...
    But hey, if you got the power, might as well use it while you have it, right? Cause someday, someone in power might not like your GM because he trusts his guildmates and backs their actions, standing beside them, instead of giving way to his enemy.
    Don't get me wrong, this war was all and good back when it was about Spartan, and Allantir, etc being bastards and attacking a bunch of people for no apparent reason. But now that its resulted in a massive rhos-gangbang-athon pissing contest where the guild/s with the most gangbang parties wins, its just kind of.. boring. And frankly, I could probably care less if everyone involved just disappeared. Or got some balls and tried to make a challenge out of it.. :)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    22 November 2002 02:15:22

    well its quite obvious borkaz, I'm a fucking loser

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    22 November 2002 01:36:45


  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    22 November 2002 01:34:18

    yea.. and tarith is right, we need active assassins not good ones cos we got good pkillers already... *grin*
    Durad: you havent been in for a while and dont know your stuff.. hehe

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    22 November 2002 01:18:57

    yea.. i agree with Tarn.. this has gone overboard...
    this char of mine has been my one and only for over a year and it gets me really pissed off when i cant get past rhos for over 10 mins. even if i party up i see that pple tend to gangbang us down to the ground.
    yesterday i had a whole fun day at parties and in school even... what the hell man.. school's supposed to suck... but it seems much better than mudding

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    22 November 2002 01:10:22

    Tarn, I rarely comment here, and I agree its a game, but:

    for a game, and this site, which relates to this game...
    You are the one that writes the most comments....aint that abit odd then?

    Nothing personal...just remarking.


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    22 November 2002 00:35:50

    someone need some cough medicine?
    let me restate for the 3453459 time, this is a game, you guys are way to serious about shit, yea, you'll have a lot more fun in life if you use that suicide or hibernate command (or just go tell some ainur to uh, well you can figure it out)

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    22 November 2002 00:32:54

    This one goes out to Jerf and any Iowegian who wants play SSMB in that area:

    The master has heard the blasphemy, and he has beening training too. He offers sage advice, train against the ice climbers for he will play soon!

    One Vs 3 does not matter to him, for remember how well he played he against you.

    *signed Kyle

    you guys get to choose whatever character he fights with :P

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    22 November 2002 00:17:10

    Cala, im sorry if i dont understand what you are getting at...

  • Author
    Calacirya [legacy]
    22 November 2002 00:14:35

    tarith, its kinda hard to remember who killed you last? don't think so, because its not like its too many times to remember if you catch my drift, cough cough, you've killed a whole what, maybe 4-5 of us? stop whining. and play the game, and thats all it is, its just a game.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    22 November 2002 00:11:03

    Durad, we need active assassins :)

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    22 November 2002 00:10:41

    Crion, you have??? yeah, cause ive been assassinated 3 times in the last 2 years. One spartan, two bkd. Stop trying to make yourself into something your not.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    22 November 2002 00:09:24

    Whee! Most commented log. Ok, heres what i got to say.

    Tarith: We need skilled assassins? So Ulkavik isn't good? I'm not good? Sckon isn't good? Put it this way... are any of our assassins good?! (sorry if i sould a little bit mean towards my own guildmates)

    People who think I'm male cuz im in hibernation: I'm in hibernation for a reason. I use to mud for so much it consumed my whole life. I needed a break from it. Its true. I also have alot of school work this year.

    People who think Arthlor sucks at his job: He doesn't suck at his job. He maybe a little slow at doing things, and maybe a little too easy going, but as I hear now, he has gotten alot stricter. I also believe that he is new to the job. Sure, you guys may want him gone, heck, I'm not sure if this is true, but some people in Udungul probably want him gone. Personally, I don't give a damn. I just want a good guildmaster. I think Arthlor is doing his job to the best of his abilities.

    Peesho: Wow, you respect me.

    I will be back in action soon, i hope. I miss the mud. Its so addicting.

    Durad Painophil
    In the name of the eye.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    22 November 2002 00:08:49

    Josi, its up to the reader to decide. I am trying to be objective, not getting into futile little arguments. And apparently it struck a nerve with Crion or else he wouldnt have been so defensive. Im tired of hearing some lame excuse behind people's actions. Just come out and say you are fighting this war because you can. Because truly do you really give a fuck if Arthlor is the GM or not? I mean, why would you? because your lame ass character died? shit happens to all of us and then you repair. Im not so god damn arrogant to believe I can choose who other guilds choose to have as a GM. Some people on here are so quick to lay judgment over a collection of trivial incidents. And Crion...What about OUR 'newbies'???? Theyve killed them to the point where they dont even want to play anymore, even some of our established players. But hey its ok! Your newbies must still be holding on to one hell of a grudge...I bet they don't even remember who killed them last

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    22 November 2002 00:01:21

    Tarith I've kicked your ass more than you know;)

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    21 November 2002 23:53:32

    Then who and/or what are you comments pertaining too? (Just so we know and the right people can answer back...)

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    21 November 2002 23:47:12

    Crion, I never said names. If my comments pertain to you, then maybe you can come away with a new perspective, if they have nothing to do with you, then dont pay attention to it. I am not reducing my arguments to name calling like you. And if you think you can 'kick my ass', try me. I bet you leto thought he was going to 'kick my ass' last time as well.

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    21 November 2002 23:01:32

    Udungul started his war, because you were sad that BkD kicked the shit out of you so you wanted to pick on some 'newbies'. Now that we've made it so you're 'weakend and depleted' you're trying to say that we are being stupid. Here is some little advice Tarith: Don't fuck with people who can kick your ass.
    Have a great day!

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    21 November 2002 22:47:00

    by the way, i have nothing against war. It happens. I just hope you all know why you are fighting it, and how much of what you say is just an excuse in order to keep fighting it. Everyone loves a bandwagon. But dont think that udungul is going to go away. There are still several of us who will not run away, and more will be returning shortly.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    21 November 2002 22:37:40

    Listen, what does everyone truly have against Arthlor anymore? I mean its a dead issue. The reason he takes so long to do things is because believe it or not he has a life outside mudding.(I know, I know, this is a rarity). So not being around on the weekends is the norm. He doesnt know half of the things that went on. Arthlor realized he was perhaps a little too tolerant and perhaps some of that came from being new to the position and not being informed. Is the war really still about wanting him to step down or now is it about taking advantage of a depleted weakening guild? God damnit people this is a game. Get over yourselves. Let me tell you all it takes is one skilled assassin to enter our ranks and you all wont be so quick to be arrogant. Being up is never as good as it seems, and when your down, you never know when your going to be up again. But rest assured, actions are a revolving door. Hope it doesnt hit you in your ass on the way out.
    Arthlor- I hope everything is all right with your sister. take care and come back with some good news!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    21 November 2002 22:06:24

    Why are you all whining and moaning about this war? Here's an idea, _DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT_, hitch up your panties, shut your collective traps and kill people! (then log it and post it)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    21 November 2002 22:04:53

    Why wasn't i told that Rims and Udungul were at war? :P. Somehow i think you've got your wires crossed, Vie.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    21 November 2002 21:56:05

    Why is this even the most commented log? I didnt think it was that interesting...

    ~ D

    Nibinving is sexy! :P

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    21 November 2002 21:24:19

    therigion shut up, you still owe me 5k don't forget.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    21 November 2002 21:21:53


  • Author
    Konj [legacy]
    21 November 2002 21:15:45

    Peesho's going to kick Therigion's ass when he sees him in school :)

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    21 November 2002 20:50:39

    Peesho, you are a wimp, a real disappointment. What are you trying to do? Make people feel sorry for you, so they wouldn't kill or try to kill you anymore?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 20:49:00

    I think Peesho is the only one to file an injustice against Arthlor so far :p

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    21 November 2002 20:15:13

    Give credit to Peesho,
    Dang, being the only one on for his guild, risking his char to get stuff, and sticking up for his guild. His actions remind me of a previous war that happened before Summer break...

    Learn from this one Peesho, and if you love your guild as much as I love mine, don't ever give up.

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    21 November 2002 20:11:07

    No It must PASS the most commented log....like now :).....It is the most commented log.....WHEEEEE!!!

  • Author
    Pheygon [legacy]
    21 November 2002 20:04:57

    ok this is the 180 comment, peace everyone

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    21 November 2002 19:15:35

    *yawn* Why the shits stopped?.....c?mon just more 2 to pass the most commented till now....WAKE UP!!!!!!:)

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    21 November 2002 19:02:44

    You know, I've been away for a while and I've watched this space. Because yes I miss the mud. I see you all talking shit about each other but you guys gotta wake up.

    Peesho is a cool guy, Talan and Camillus were too. They made great GM's. In my opinion Arthlor is a shit, he got officially warned for trying to tell the MC chair what to do.

    This war seems stupid, Udungul or at least it's members should apologize. Or just tell Arthlor to sign a treaty. You cannot stand up to every fight, some times it's best to walk away instead of getting hurt. Guys I've known a few of you who are involved here and all I gotta say to you is, swallow your pride.

    And the sad fact is, if Talan were here there probably wouldn't be a war, because he was reasonable and respectable. So was Camillus. They cared about their members. Arthlor seems to think he can tread on anyone if it'll increase his power.


  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    21 November 2002 19:01:53

    Three comments to go!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:47:05

    Peesho is a decent man, although some of his ideas are a little off (like, not seeing what his guild has done before throwing rocks) he just wants the best for his guild, would be great if more of the Udunguls where like him.

    And I still think Balinul should be the GM of Udungul.

    Damn`t it Cammilus come back :(

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:45:50

    I think the problem of Udungul are Allantir and Sparatan(Allantir no more for while).:P
    And Peesho is nice :).....Spartan killed me when i was lvl 7(my first char) just to get the SSS (short steel sword). The other dungs.....I think no problem.

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:42:35

    Way to go!!! almost there...the most commented log :P

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:30:49

    wtf is vie? saying crap about fra with a nuked character? that's GREAT man! you're the face around here.
    and why are you protecting us? why are you making it so dificoult when it can be so easy? are you here bleeding for arthlor now? are you in the guild trying to get some equip to live through it? did you donate ANYTHING with any of your alts?
    no you didn't im fucking sure you didn't because i was on all the time.
    just stop craping because the more you crap the more will they kick our butts, and i'm tired of that man, i realy am. since when i got in, there were just one war after another and i felt it on my skin. and i get angry every time i see that the guild is in the same damn way that i left it when i loged off, and that noone was on the whole time. i respect willy, ulkavik, durad and the other who died for udungul, but what was the use of that if they are hibernated, or level 13, or dead? just stop craping and if you want to help leave some equip in front of the gh with your alt, because you would cry if you knew what armory did i reset 30 minutes ago.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:29:18

    This one's getting there. And it's only being commented on because thre's no new logs. Oh well. Who wants to start another insult-war? Udungul? Beornings? Anybody? :)

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:27:01

    Heck bring back Camillus!

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:25:18

    hum, yeah, Squibb would be cool.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:22:33

    Too be honest, I would prefer Squibb back over Talan...

    Minnesota still rules!
    Long live Pikachu!

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:14:49

    I hear lots of crying, but nobody is taking my tissues.
    Now, I really hate to get into this conversation, but I know Arthlor and he is a great player and a competent leader, and this fruitless war will most likely have no effect on whether he steps down or stays in power. There will always be wars in Arda, and sometimes the winners have to take what they can get. Especially when one side is not willing to give in.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:13:01

    Not to mention a transfered character that noones ever heard of except as the author of a few retarded comments on this page.

    And we're not at war with dunghills...

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:08:01

    Vie, shut up and start talking with your real character. Its been awhile mate, but seriously why are you still using this traded characters name?

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    21 November 2002 18:06:28

    fra are gay! rimmies have always been your ass pals backing each other up all the time. so you guys have gangbanged the shit out of a bunch of udungul newbies. you want arthlor to step down now because of it? i'm not sure arthlor even knows why you guys are at war. so uh yeah... you're gay

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:56:39

    Actually, I'm pretty sure it was only FRA that wanted Spartan and Allantir out.... And we got what we wanted like 5 hours after we declared war. :P

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:56:35

    'no one is rallying behind you clown. just the other moral guilded allies. man you're dumb'

    FRA and rimmes are moral?
    oh, and even people who i have fighting ever since i have been here are working with me.
    Go figure.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:54:14

    Well, im gonna leave you guys to talk it over.
    Ive repeted myself here about 10 times.
    We know why were at war.
    We know what we want to end the war.

    You still dont know why we are at war?
    They we probaly dont want you to know.

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:52:49

    no one is rallying behind you clown. just the other moral guilded allies. man you're dumb

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:52:20

    aren't you guys asking for more and more?? didnt you all want spartan and allantir out??

    Nope , never. Spartan i find ok to talk to. he even tried to apologise in his own kinda of way... also wanted me to kill and focus on him. Not the guild......problem is, Arthlors attitude to things.
    If a guild member does wrong, first thing i do is go to the gm....in the hope killing can be avoided.....you cant do that with arthlor.

    And Westar, Read what Balinul put.
    Its arthlor who will not punish his members for doing wrong.
    Sure hes finally kicked out spartan and allantir....only AFTER spartan was bashed, and allantier Hibernated, go figure :p

    And when we tried to talk to him about the problems, he did not really give a dam.
    And spartan had only ONE element for our reasons for war.
    Arthlor is the rest.
    In fact Arthlor sparked the whole thing off with his 4 alternate excuses, with which i had prove to proof them all wrong!!! :)

    And no, not all his Guild members are happy with him.
    Only the active ones.
    Rest either left or hibernated. Or are inactive for a reason.
    I miss Talan!! He knew where to draw the line.

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:33:04

    Its better if this log will be the MOST commented....Im drunk sorry.:P

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:32:59

    donsux i think it would be better for us not to comment this any more.
    it is the way it is and we can't do anything exept staying active i think.
    This war was over when it started, and is going to be only a massacre until they just don't forget what were they fighting about and leave us in peace. i know i will stay active as before and as i am now.

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:32:15

    Keep talking more shits here..I want this log the more commented..not the feodinur log,cause that log is funny to see...i saw right now....3 uniques to SoU...probally lost all cause got killed all thew time......almost like me....but till now I dunno why...well...im not playing anymore,but Ill be back and play with other name I think.

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:26:59

    aren't you guys asking for more and more?? didnt you all want spartan and allantir out??
    we have done that because they have caused the wars and WE DONT WANT THE WARS!
    i want a peaceful guild where we learn from each other....

    but whats with arthlor?? you said he didnt do anything about members random pkilling right?? thats why you want him out
    he has booted spartan and allantir the people who have caused the problems, so whats the problem now?? does he do something about the problem??
    YES he does something. so are you all trying to govern the way the guild is run??
    trying to take over our guild cos you all have better members?? cos i think that sucks

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    21 November 2002 17:26:57

    Humm people...

    Looks to me that everybody is telling Udungul to get rid of Arthlor..

    I haven't heard a single member of Udungul say they wish for Arthlor to be removed... If the guild don't have any problem with him, maybe its just you an your guild?...

    Let Udungul run themself as they do.. Its their business to do as they wish. lets not meddle in their affairs i say..


  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 15:40:44

    and i want this war to end as soon as anyone. The fines are hardwork to keep up with :)
    I wish Arthlor would hurry and take the hint.....
    Most Dung members are ok.
    They really should make use of the injustice command :)
    its there for a reason :p

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 15:39:27

    Well, if this war is all about me getting angry, then im kinda flatterd so many people are willing to rally behind me :p

    and Vie, nobody hunted anybody in the easterling camp.
    You cleary have not been reading correctly. and know little of what is going on here.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    21 November 2002 15:38:37

    I have seem guilds start wars for less than that, and besides, it is a good reason, might not be a good reason to you but for them it is.

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    21 November 2002 15:36:28

    hmm, i've read all these comments and what i've come up with is that this war is taking place because a few beornings were hunted in rp when they entered the easterling camp and when arthlor shrugged it off as nothing(because it is nothing) delgaur got 'angry' and made jad start a war. WHEE! good reason

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    21 November 2002 15:20:57


  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    21 November 2002 15:16:53

    Lupin dude, you yourself say that Arthlor just says 'Deal with it'.
    Well that's fine with me, but now with 4-5 guilds after your asses, why do you have such a problem when they actually do 'Deal with it'? :P I don't see whats there to complain about them dealing with it like they do. They couldn't have dealt with it in any way better. :P

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 15:02:10

    allantir and spartan. are not the reason for the war.....made a contribution maybe.

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    21 November 2002 14:51:46

    and the log description sais 'I tried to tell them he wasn't Dungie. But who cares I found it oddly fun.'

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    21 November 2002 14:38:49

    Why don't you guys just flip the coin in Erebor to find out who is -man- enough to be the bigger person :p

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    21 November 2002 14:30:12

    i mean i understand you are not stoping until arthlor steps down, but that is leading nowhere...what happens is that im the only one up all the time and i jump out here and there to pickup an item from the auction or to get a flask or something like that, if i stay out more than 10 minutes i know there is a bang waiting for me at entwade ot last bridge or the ramas echor. it can go on like this forever, until you all forget about it and then people start coming back up.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    21 November 2002 14:30:02

    I am not a beorning, I dont know, maibe because he let them too long or let them do too much crap. Or maibe because he constaly takes too long todo stuff?

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    21 November 2002 14:27:48

    Baby got back! *shimmies*

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    21 November 2002 14:23:07

    arthlor, solved them, he booted allantir and spartan. isn't that enough? why aren't you taking that into consideration?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    21 November 2002 14:18:59

    There is a diference between solve problems that YOUR members are abusing and being controled. It's a big difference.

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    21 November 2002 14:13:03

    a fit GM would be the one that gives right to anyone who tells him something to do. i suppose its cool to control other guilds from the outside.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    21 November 2002 14:07:00

    Hey peeps, ofcourse the Udungul finds this war pointless. I certainly would too if I were in their shoes. Remember, this war is directly the outcome of the ego-centric actions of Arthlor. This war is from Arthlors point of view not to prove a point. It is to maintain his ego.

    So, I do understand and agree with those Udungul that finds this war pointless.

    We have a point though. Get rid of Arthlor.

  • Author
    Edelidan [legacy]
    21 November 2002 13:30:36

    Hmm.. what is the definition of a 'fit GM'? Is there really such a person? Perhaps one can only make decisions on what he or she feels/thinks is best for the Guild and //try// to be that. Then, when is enough really enough, and from whom's perspective would that be from? Just a thought.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 13:07:54

    and if you cant control them, are you a fit GM :? :

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 13:05:26

    i agree.
    Outlaws would be guildless, and hunted down like dogs anyway.
    Guild people should be in mordor for a reason. Either to defend it(then yes, PK), or quest for goods!
    Not pk the first person who enters, all becuase you can!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    21 November 2002 12:53:13

    A war is always pointless when you are taking a huge beating.
    Damn it, I bet if beornings were Udungul and Udungul were beornings all the same people who think this war is pointless would be in favour of it.
    About the GM stuff, I don't know Arthlor much, I am not into Delgaur's reasons on it, but letting your members do whatever they want can create trouble, for instance letting in 'unstable' or 'uncontralable' people like Allantir and Spartan, they do crap when they want todo crap not caring about the rest of the guild. When stuff like that happens it is the GM's responsability to kick them out or do something about it, not use the 'I can't control them' argument. If you can't control your members who would be your army them you are a very bad general, that's what Sun Tzu teaches us!

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    21 November 2002 12:18:05

    can you all go comment on a better log?

  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    21 November 2002 12:02:55

    C'mon peoples another 48 comments and its the most commented log, fdl! :p

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    21 November 2002 10:37:31

    I know it's a lot more dangeorus going into Mordor. But I mean, let's say you don't like me, but not so much that you waste your gold killing me outside Mordor. So you choose to do it when you catch me in Mordor. Of course, you will have to pay no fines, and I know that one of the reason that you attacked me was because you wouldn't have to pay any fines. But... I still would take it very personal, and if you managed to kill me, I would at least try to kill you back, wether (or hoever you spell it) you're in Mordor or outside Mordor.

    At least that's my opinion.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    21 November 2002 10:31:31

    The reason killing in mordor shouldn't hold the same consequences is because it is your personal choice to goto mordor or not to go. You can stay out of it if you wish, but you should accept the fact that you will probably get attacked in the black lands by outlaws if you decide to enter. Thats kinda like kicking a dog and then getting mad if he bites you.......

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 10:26:22

    Durad....'Here is my theory. If you get pk'd and want revenge, why not just go kill the person who pk'd you'

    We DID this. After, people were hunted in RP, as it was there way of getting revenge.
    We tried to Talk to arthlor about it. He did nothing!

    Listen to Balinul. He Explained it much better than i can :)

    Also, Rolf, i agree, Once Talan comes back..i actualyl see some hope!
    Unless Arthlor steps down or something before then.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    21 November 2002 10:25:19

    Er... I suck.
    While = Why

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    21 November 2002 10:05:57

    Durad, didn't I explain while you're in war? You just made up shit with 4 guilds or something. Doesn't sound like you read it.

    Jiread is totally right in my humble opinion. I mean, Mordor sure has no laws, but if someone kill me in Mordor, I don?t care about killing them in Mordor, of course. If I get the chance, I kill you in Mordor, but else, outside Mordor do just as fine. Gold is no problem to get.


  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    21 November 2002 08:52:20

    I fail to understand this: 'Mordor is a lawless land. Why should it matter if an Udungul kills some other person in Mordor'

    Yes, Mordor is a lawless land, the lawsys isn't there, but killing in Mordor is just the same things as killing outside Mordor, people die, the only exception is, you get no fines. Why shouldn't killing in Mordor get the same consequenses, or however it's spelled, as outside Mordor?

    Uhm, that quote is from Durad's comment btw.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    21 November 2002 08:00:20

    Talan the dunedain Emperor (Shadowspawn of Mordor)
    In hibernation for another 35 days 21 hours 55 minutes 12 seconds
    Last on: 54d 2h 4m 48s ago. Gender: male
    Age: 37d 15h 20m 52s
    Can be mailed: Talan@Dale Talan has recorded a life story.
    Info: The Dark Lord rides in force tonight. (MC)(PoM)

    This war can continue for about a month! woo

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    21 November 2002 07:52:02

    Durad: 'I think FRA has a bunch of cool guys, just that they want power.'

    FRA's theme IS to be power-hungry. All the stuff you mentioned is just our way of saying we love you. I mean roleplaying. Same diff.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    21 November 2002 07:29:31

    Does anyone want a tissue? I had to ask. I am also sorry to say guys but, I am the supreme reigning champ at Smash Brothers, and thats the fact Jack.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    21 November 2002 07:18:09

    Delgaur, it's 'their GM' not 'there GM'
    Bashgeroy, it's 'you're dead' not 'your dead'

    Does the beorning come out with new language when I am away? ;)


  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    21 November 2002 06:31:29

    Tarith, don't avoid the subject :P You're going to get your ass handed to you, so you try to play it off and mention another game. And, Mortigan, I'm waiting.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    21 November 2002 06:06:48

    blah shit like this happens all the time
    its fun killing people cause you say you thought that they were in an enemy guild when they really weren't and you just wanted to kill someone

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    21 November 2002 05:28:10

    I don't hold favor on which side should win the war, i can't play right now due to school network. All i am getting at is this war is hypocritical and for the same reasons the war started it's the same reason's why it keeps going on. Both sides at fault neither one more than the other. But Arthlor has his reasoning on why he does things the way he does or i am sure he would step down if what was happening he didn't think was in the best interest for the guild.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    21 November 2002 05:18:37

    Balinul, thats sounds like the same type of crying that was given to the ainu to have Megs disbanded. Delgaur i respect, leto i respect, hell most of the people that play i like.... but as for you.... i could really care less about your comments. I have never seen you take responsibility for your actions, oops yall killed Edelidan. For what reason you killed him? you THOUGHT he was a member of udungul, see everyone makes mistakes...... but it's cool when you do it right?

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    21 November 2002 05:07:51

    Mortigan, Theodrek....forget smash brothers...you want a game of skill, bring on Halo. then your mine. =P

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    21 November 2002 05:05:36

    Injected with a poison!

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    21 November 2002 04:40:00

    The saying 'Don't mess with the bull, you'll get the horns' comes to mind.

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    21 November 2002 04:37:10

    Ugh, Dons comment from about 20 comments ago :P

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    21 November 2002 04:32:47

    Heh, I like that comment Donsux. Shows how little it all really matters:

    Bashgeroy = Beorning (i think)
    Allantir = recently Udungul


    Donsux = Udungul now
    Rogar = Bkd

    It's all a game people. You play with mates, meet new friends, fight people, find yourself fighting with them against others.... all part of the gaming experience.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    21 November 2002 04:29:56

    Hey Durad, the problem with your argument is that it's more fun to murder everybody associated with a person who arrested your aunt's mother's brother in law's cousin once removed's friend. Take joy in the excess of it all!

    Not to mention the fact that the best way to 'handle the heat' is to handle the people causing the heat.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    21 November 2002 04:21:58

    Holy shit that was a longass comment =P

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    21 November 2002 04:21:27

    WOW you people have ALOT to say... ok. I've read every comment, and let me tell you something. I may be in hibernation, but I still know what goes on within the guild. I have friends in it. Anyways, heck, I don't even know why we got into this damn war. Its pointless, waste of time/gold/etc. Now, since i am an Udungul, I would stick up for my guildmaster, but since I have been in-active, I do not know what is going on that much. I rely on other people, so what I read here influences what I personally think of my guildmaster. I think that he is doing his job to the best of his abilities. Was it his fault that some of the members decided to arrest an FRA? No. Was it his fault some of his members decided to go pk random people? No. Why are you all blaming him... Now, to the other point of view. I believe that some of you have some damn good points. As I said before, I do not know how Arthlor is reacting to all this, but what you say may or may not be true. In any case, it is not for me to judge. Here is my theory. If you get pk'd and want revenge, why not just go kill the person who pk'd you, and its over, instead of making a big fuss about it, starting a guildwar, etc. Udungul is small and also very inactive. We should just forget that there even is a war, and get on, compromise between Beornings... Don't allow contract pk's. Don't arrest people in FRA. Personally, and no offence to FRA, I think you guys should let loose a bit. You guys take revenge really seriously. If someone were to arrest you, you would start a war with them? If someone pk'd you, would you bang them several times? Probably yes. The point is, is that FRA has a serious attitude problem, and needs to be changed. I think FRA has a bunch of cool guys, just that they want power. Also, Mordor is a lawless land. Why should it matter if an Udungul kills some other person in Mordor (I.E. Azarael). It shouldn't start a war. Mordor is a lawless place. If you can't handle the heat, stay out. Thats all I have to say, and i hope you guys get along in the near future.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    21 November 2002 04:20:37

    Minnesota is the best! My governor can still beat up any of your leaders!

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    21 November 2002 04:10:51

    this crapy log is going for the most comented. damn

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:53:41


  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:51:58

    yea.. my name sucks.. i know.. it wuz supposed to be a char to poke fun at the person who introduced me to this game.
    however i ended up using it so hell... i cant change my name now can i??

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:45:36

    Yes! Remove Arthlor! Vive la revolucion! Balinul for Udungul GM! We all know he want's it!

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:43:42

    Marth couldn't own crap if he lived in a bathroom :P

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:27:59

    Seriously Donsux, get a name that doesn't suck so much! (Ok, I couldn't resist it, I just had to! ... blame me!)

    And now for you Lupin, You claim:
    'Arthlor has done nothing wrong and wants to back up his guild'
    Arthlor accepted that his guild members actively hurt other guilds. He actively accepted that his guild members killed other guilds members for no apparent reason. Arthlor accepted that he refused to deal with the other guilds officials.

    Arthlor accepthed this situation, fully knowing what would and is happening.

    Arthlor evenly - and openly - admited he wanted to 'weed out' the weak links in his guild. This was done in a tell to me. Are you the week link Peesho? I think you are...

    Seriously, anyone that defends this blatantly ignorant, lying and abusive guildmaster asks to be killed several times.

    Remember members of Udungul: You are solely killed due to the actions of Arthlor. He has the responsibility. He has the power to stop your heavily increasing deathrate. Make it stop. Remove him from power. It is your time to stop being abused by abusive players. Use it.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:26:16


  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:22:36

    Beware of the ice climbers
    Still i love my little yellow rat :P

    For the record, might be coming down spring break. still not sure since Teflon is still in HS.

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:22:36

    and bashgeroy yea.. bring it... show me what u got
    if its another bang then i got nothin to say

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:21:31

    Donsux, your dead, congrats:)

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:21:31

    yep.. that wuz about a year ago when i wuz idle??
    do u get it??

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:10:59

    can I talk donsux? me and spartan (or some other random bored person) killed you at mt signpost some time when we were bored for a personal contract that the bored person placed for 0 gold

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    21 November 2002 03:00:07

    and now that beornings are winning a war you jump ship and change alignment just to get on the winning side??
    i think thats the hallmark of a good player right??

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    21 November 2002 02:53:55

    why in the world is bashgeroy talkin here??
    the last time i remember he and allantir tried me and rogar and they failed miserably...
    i agree leto and delgaur and azura are good players but if you dont have it then shuttup

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    21 November 2002 02:34:56

    I wish him all the best:P
    And a couple of doubles too:P

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    21 November 2002 02:33:06

    You just got soft hearted on the poor guy huh? :P

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    21 November 2002 02:29:39

    Yeah, Lupin but I still think we shoulda doubled the bastard.Then we might double some more dungs:P
    Or triple them, it's sweeter.:P

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    21 November 2002 02:25:33

    And atleast Azura admits it! :P

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    21 November 2002 02:24:02

    Delgaur, random pkill's and abusing RP.... Ok in my time of being in the any guild while doing nothing to anyone, i have been killed for no reason, hunted out of RP combat for no reason, even reported in RP, but i also have killed for no reason. Now this happens to everyone it's not just Udungul doing it. The only difference is, i don't whine to my GM and when i do he just says deal with it. Just cause 1 person does something it is not a reason for guilds to goto war. A guild war should be the last option not the first. I believe Arthlor is a very competent GM, and no i don't know about his dealing with you. But you also gotta look at it from his point of view and he is just tired of getting screwed over. Even if your beef with him and the guild is legit, for the other guilds it's just another excuse to kill them. I mean common! i've seen you let your guildmates get by with stuff they shouldn't have. :P

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    21 November 2002 01:48:16

    I will tear you all up with Link, one handed! Cuz I need my other hand to hold a flask!

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    21 November 2002 01:44:59

    Josi i have gotten alot better how bout you and teflon come down and we will show you how to play
    Theodrek wants some too.
    Marth owns you all
    Limdul Limdul Limdul!


  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    21 November 2002 01:18:04

    Crap, Lupin figured us out. I guess it was only a matter of time before someone spotted the massive conspiracy designed to be hatin' on Udungul.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    21 November 2002 00:45:45

    And we shoulda doubled him.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    21 November 2002 00:44:34

    And, hmm, I think the Britons are right about the Croatians.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    21 November 2002 00:43:26

    Still, we shoulda doubled him.:P

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 00:42:34

    and i agree they dont leave there hall very often....thats the whole idea.....i mean, how long till the get fed up?
    they gonna stand by Arthlor for ever? after all, hes the root of the problem.

    the injustice command, guys....go use it :)

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    21 November 2002 00:41:08

    maybe youre right lupin but im staying in this until the end and if i make it ill post a log of an attemp just have to figure out some stuff, just to show that im not a guild rat like i seem to be. leto and crion attempted me today near lothlorien and i breaked, nad not in guildhall and not in a rented room, i just broke them. so just let us make some fine money until its over and i'll be happy. and man anyone needs someone to blame, usa is blaiming saddam husein, croatia is blaiming the serbs, brittains are blaiming the croatian, it has to be that way. one is fact, they hate us and we can't do nothing about it. so we fight until the end. and i will leave the guild in the moment i find oportune to leave it.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 November 2002 00:36:40

    Lupin what the hell are you on about.....you clearly have NO idea why this war was started.
    Bottom line is...i DID approach there GM about a problem.
    The GM DOES sterotype a guild.
    This GM did not give a flying fuck that his members were abuseing others efforts.
    Random kills.
    Abuseing RP Efforts.
    This GM need to be removed for its own sake.

    and Lupin, you cant seriously condone Arthlors Actions.....hold on...do you even know what he did?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    20 November 2002 23:25:31

    Hrakno, you aint played in a while right? :P

    Gang-bang friendly? Are you crazy? Light doesn't work anymore and there's 40% more chance to lose your party.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    20 November 2002 23:22:19

    Crion, why should Peesho leave his guild? I mean there are ATLEAST 5 people waiting to kill him. And I know what your saying Peesho, Arthlor has done nothing wrong and wants to back up his guild. Everyone else only see's the story from their side and don't bother to listen to the other side. They didn't like 1 or 2 members of the guild so the stereotype it and hate the whole guild along with the GM who has done nothing wrong except believe in his guild. They will also thinkt hey are right, and since it is like 4 guilds on 1 it will make them feel that they are right because it is the majority of the people. I bet more than half the people in all the guilds don't know the REAL reason why the war was 'started'. It just gives them an excuse to hurt udungul.

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    20 November 2002 23:02:42

    Bgaaaah! Never!

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 November 2002 22:50:07

    Pfft. One (copyright and trademarked) 'Bubonic Knee' will take care of those two puffballs.

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    20 November 2002 22:47:19

    Jigglypuff looks just like Kirby in my opinion and Kirby owns in his cartoon show!

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    20 November 2002 22:14:30

    Oh, I forgot to say that Crion.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 November 2002 22:00:16

    And a big hoo-hah to that. I'd stomp that little puff-ball.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    20 November 2002 21:55:19

    You sux!
    My sis could beat you easily with Jigglypuff!

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 November 2002 21:48:44

    Pfht. Peach would 0wn @11 0f j00. And then I might toy with you with my L33T F@1C0N $KI11Z

    Look at me, I'm cool.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    20 November 2002 21:35:11

    I bet i could beat Jerf with pikachu!

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    20 November 2002 21:25:42

    aye i did, but i came back fast because delgaur and druff passed next to me and i got scared a bit from it.

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    20 November 2002 21:18:14

    I believe Peesho didn't leave his guild the whole time he was on today.

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    20 November 2002 21:15:51

    Jerf Jerf Jerf

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    20 November 2002 21:14:12

    Teflon can still kick your guy's arses with Pichu!
    Why don't you guys come up north for an official rematch *winks

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    20 November 2002 20:37:24

    Hey about Smash brothers the town of Solon could tear the shit outta anyone :P or at least i hope i have trained everyone well enough!!! *grins


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    20 November 2002 20:24:50

    Peesho, you're so funny.
    Okay everyone, dungs started war against us since we killed Peesho for claimstealing a fang from a circ. So then dungs bangs some random circs, including Ixion, who was not even familiar with the word '//huntbreak//'. You think you're so cool because you managed killing some random circs. So you think you can take on whole Arda. So you start some shit up with BkD, they bang you guys, yuo guys bang them. Then you arrest Ruiniel (right?) so FRA gets mad at you. They whack you for a while. Then you start some shit up with Beornings, so they also whack you.

    So... Conclusion: You started shit against us, you started shit against BkD, you started shit against FRA, you started shit against Beornings. You can't handle it, you all go inactive and start spreading shit on the log page.

    That's about what I've made out from the whole situation.


  • Author
    Hrakno [legacy]
    20 November 2002 20:24:27

    It seems like this new gang bang friendly system, and all that goes with it, has lifted up several assassins that weren't much before it came. now they are (or seem to think that they are themselves) among the best. Perhaps even among the best, ever.

    Something that i like alot, is when the older players, klokers, etc. come back and plays seriously for a little while. It gives most people that realizes it, an unpleasant reminder of how very far they still are from the top.

    /The megakiller

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    20 November 2002 20:11:07


  • Author
    Belgarak [legacy]
    20 November 2002 20:07:40

    i was talking over-all when i said the stuff about killing alone. its not also because i belong to an evil guild i say it, but for instance durms, udungul/megs sou has (or have had) many people which has proven to be good assassins even without help of others, while the moral guilds most often has fewer good assassins. i think thats why people like spartan say they think it suck only being killed by several people, and at the same time does it themselves.

    thats what i think, not what i know. perhaps its the other way around.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    20 November 2002 20:02:07

    I think it's funny that Peesho is doing the PR stuff, I mean, somtimes I have to read his comments 3 or 4 times before I figure out what the hell it is he's trying to say :P

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 November 2002 17:55:32

    And it's a reboot now. :P What luck.

    The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8

    Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers.
    Your name? Password:

    Last logon: Tue Nov 19 22:26:26 2002 from

    A quiet bar(d)
    A trash can
    Earrame, the bartender
    HP:220 EP:220>
    There are 3 new issues to vote on.
    Would you like to vote now? :Maybe later...
    HP:220 EP:220>
    Eru shouts: We are using too much memory! The world will end in 15 minutes!
    Mandos chants: The world will end in 15 minutes...

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    20 November 2002 17:48:53

    no bitching theodrek. im ready to die at any time. and im also out of the guild all the time, but now someone sold all the armoury and its 4d uptime and not worth of getting new equip so im chillin. i also said that i dont see any reasons for us to surrender now. just wanted to hear gazzas wake up lesson nu. 2

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 November 2002 17:36:27

    Peesho, you're in a war. A guild war. Your guild has done many things to provoke this war, and now your guild is paying for it. Just like the last time, if anyone remembers when Udungul was doing the same thing. PKing random people in random guilds, fucking around in RP. Then Udungul pissed off FRA. All hell broke loose, Udungul eventually surrendered.

    In short...//your guild started it.// If you want to complain, make use of your guild board. Tell your guildmaster you're tired of the war, and you want to surrender. Elsewise...//stop your bitching//.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    20 November 2002 17:29:09

    Peesho, you tickle me.
    The active half of arda have agree with what im doing :)
    You believe i did not do a little background check first?

    Durms will no kill us while this war is on.
    SoU are very unlikley to.
    FRA were recently helping us, duh :p
    CoU? cant really call them help can you :)

    Fact is , this war has a point.....so many in the past dont.

    To compare:
    Bush wants saddam removed from there govermenet....whats he do? war with them untill hes gonem and they put in place a new power, who they agree with.

    I want Arthlor removed from Dungs GM :p Replaced with somone who will sit and listen and make appropiate Guidelines with us. I want them to RP and be the guild they have the potential to be, i would much rather RP with them how its meant, than be in a war with them. But there current GM will not allow that.
    Whats a point in a war with no goal? like so many, they just burn themselfs out.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    20 November 2002 17:26:14

    Peesho, if you're really so upset about this as you seem, why not mail Jad your memberlist and make sure that it doesn't happen again?

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    20 November 2002 17:00:47

    Bah do you realy hate Udungul so much people? Everyone of you? I mean to give your players to the beornings to help them in the war? This is what 4 guilds against one? and the Valacircans still have the permission to kill us on contracts wich i'm sure we all have me included. I need a wake up lesson no. 2 gazza

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    20 November 2002 16:51:18

    damn, i swear that looked better in the comment box :-p

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    20 November 2002 16:50:45

    Peesho's Wake-Up-Call Lesson #1

    U-D-U-N-G-U-L I-S I-N N-O S-T-A-T-E T-O B-E M-A-K-I-N-G T-H-R-E-A-T-S!!!!

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    20 November 2002 16:41:37

    would you have bad information if your guildmaster doesnt suck? ok now i will ask durms, CoU SoU FRA half arda to lend me their best players to throw jad off from the guildmaster place. me and a couple more people think jad sucks as a guildmaster and we will use udungul to throw him from his place. if there were pointless wars before this one is the most meaningless of them all.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    20 November 2002 16:36:12

    Random, he was hardly Random.
    open your eyes dude, read what people put say.

    'Oh well, if he really ain't a dungheap, Im very sorry Edelidan. You just showed up on that apparently not all too new members list we had. '

    thats not random, thats bad information

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    20 November 2002 16:12:43

    Peesho, did you actually read anything i said?
    and spartan had nothing to do with my death.
    a death of a member yes, and i was happy to deal with spartan.....thing is, he was a member of a guild, your guild....so first i contacted your GM, to try and sort it....well...look what happerned :P

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    20 November 2002 15:45:55

    and not only you bang a random person that had nothing to do with it, but you even post the log (wich i suppose means you are very proud about it and other should see what you did) and then you probably dont reimburse him. or help him in any way. reminds me of someone but at least he reimbursed when the guildmaster wich you want down from his place so much told him to. just look at what are you becoming. and i don't get it why are you looking into others people affairs that are of no concern of you. if we killed some valacirca they know why, we know why. are you going to bring it out every time someone of us sais something? sorry for the typing mistakes.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    20 November 2002 15:38:04

    Peesho, for gods sake. When you speak, please remember to stop once and awhile and catch your breath. You might even use the oppertunity to think about what you are saying. And anyways, yeah, I failed you once... and succeeded once. *shrug* Good for you! :)

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    20 November 2002 15:36:12

    balinul you tryed me once if i remember, did you succed? well i can tell you i will not miss when i try you. and you better not revive near then. i mean its a war lets kill them as much as we can, make their players hibernate and suicide and get nuked and thrown out of the guild, but then in a certain moment there are no more udungul players on, what do we do? we have a party already. lets whack one random with the demonic align? ok lets go...

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    20 November 2002 15:29:31

    Peesho, you never cease to amuse me. Heheh.

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    20 November 2002 14:57:01

    we killed their 'newbie' member only once ixion, and i told him im sorry about that, but they should have told him not to expose himself too much. and on the other side this war with beornings started, excuse me if im wrong, because spartan (who btw is not in udunugl any more) killed delgaur or something like that, im sorry i was hibernated at that time, after that they killed spartan and the others who had to do with the first death, but they also killed willy donsux attempted jayz and me, didnt succed but im not telling its going to be like that forever. and all the characters exept ixion wich was killed by my hand, and only once, was directly involved in my death. if you ask me there is no reason to stop this war yet. we still have good chances, as far as i know, there is just a little lack of active members due to the recent 1)BkD day 2)FRA day wich weakened our guild realy much.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    20 November 2002 13:05:18

    Right, Belgarak. Udungul, the famous solo kill guild.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    20 November 2002 12:34:53

    To Edelidan: Thanks, I am amused now :)

    To Donsux: You said 'Azura: in all respect, when those people in Udungul attacked the other guilds, didnt you all kill them already??

    now we have changed and we do not wanna make war... why bother killin all the new members?? what do you want from us?? the fun of pkilling someone?? and target Udungul just because we're new and members are not as skilled as in other guilds??'

    Man, funny enough that remninds me of the near past, when circans did the 'mistake' of attacking Peesho who was on their hit list proly for a good reason and for some time. What happened? Udungul started to bang (woh! cool, but I guess it is ok cause VC banged Peesho), some solos, other 2 mans but mostly bangs. But going straight to the point, from what I know you guys killed Reeth more than 2 times cause them killed Peesho, isan't that odd? I also think not all the ones from VC who died where in the Peesho kill, how is this diferent from what is happeneing now except from a different perspective?

    Just my 3 cents

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    20 November 2002 11:02:27

    Adunazon you full of crap. you killed me member a bit ago, when you failed to kill me.

    Donsux, clearly you have clue as to why we are warring.
    Balinul did not start a war on arthlor. I asked him if he wanted to help out.

    Its kinda simple really.
    Arthlor was approached after some of his members offended us more than once...may it be hunting in RP attempts. ( the only rule we had with them for RP combat ) Corpse looting and killing without reason.

    what did he do? made up lots of excuses, all of which i had evidence to prove him wrong, and STILL he refused to accept anything was wrong.
    As i said to him, there is standing up for yourself, and there is pissing off half the mud.

    When we have problems, and complaints, general we do something about it. We talk it over with the GMs.

    So, i talked to a few friends, and old enemies.....
    Seems i was not the only one who felt like this.
    So what better time for the Beornings than now to spear head there first full guild war?
    So Goal of the war? make there GM step down, so we can talk over the problems with a new GM, who might actualy respect and try to make some fun interaction with there guild.....i.e RP within some set agreement. not kill randomly. and not act like a general Dick.

    I for one am not gonna let this fizzly out like so many do.
    I actually miss talan. At least he knew where to draw the line.

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    20 November 2002 09:11:50

    Azura: in all respect, when those people in Udungul attacked the other guilds, didnt you all kill them already??

    now we have changed and we do not wanna make war... why bother killin all the new members?? what do you want from us?? the fun of pkilling someone?? and target Udungul just because we're new and members are not as skilled as in other guilds??

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    20 November 2002 08:49:14

    This Durad dude sounds really funny.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    20 November 2002 07:25:00

    I had to laugh when i saw this.
    Sorry, I may not be too up-to-date on Udungul's theme, but what 'difficult' things do you defend? Unless your defense perimeter extends past Kernduk and the Sword-of-Brilliance-that-nobody-ever-wants-to-get-or-use,
    dont be hating the real SoB.
    you weapon nazi's =P

  • Author
    Edelidan [legacy]
    20 November 2002 06:54:55

    What about feeling a bit slighted when you get jumped by 4-5 people //for no reason// and don't have a chance to defend yourself?..

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    20 November 2002 06:34:41

    I guess it's just the evolution of the game that if you want to play the 'evil' role, eventually you're just going to have to accept that every time you log on, there's going to be 5-9 people waiting to doubletap you. It's pretty sad that it's come to that being the standard, but above all, protect your ego, right?

    Another thing I'd like to rant about is people not taking responsibility for their own actions. This is why there are constant guildwars now. If I get killed by Player X, I'm not going to go kill Player Y, guildmate of Player X.. I'm going to wait for Player X. Yes, members are representative of a guild, but the standard that you live up to, not that you hold others to. If people weren't so ego-sensitive then maybe they'd be willing to swallow a kill every once in awhile and let it slide. (But I guess you can't help feeling a bit slighted when you get jumped by 4-5 people and don't have a chance to defend yourself.. I know I do.)

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    20 November 2002 06:24:09

    fruity rectal avengers* mistyped it!

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    20 November 2002 06:23:45

    Yah but Grim's nickname for fra was funnier,
    Fruit Rectal Avengers

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    20 November 2002 06:22:43

    I think Belgarak hit it on the head.

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    20 November 2002 06:09:46

    Man, calling them dungs is like the lamest nickname for a guild since durms used to kill FRA the fellowship of rubber anuses

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 November 2002 05:10:53

    Durad, a level 4 could barely make good gold off of that easterling camp. :P And, well, yes, I do protect NPCs in Edoras. And yes, I do call you 'dung' because that's what I consider you (especially at times like this) to be, and it just fits in so well with your guild name. I mean, look at Rimsilval. If anyone wanted, you could just say...eh...well...maybe I shouldn't say that here :)

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    20 November 2002 04:54:45

    What?? You're not Spartan, Tarn?? Well then who the hell are you? :)

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    20 November 2002 04:49:09

    Nirrab went to beornings because I went to BkD, so he couldn't handle the memories of me in Rimsilval, hence he had to leave. Right Nirrab? :-)

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    20 November 2002 04:38:14

    Sorry, I may not be too up-to-date on Udungul's theme, but what 'difficult' things do you defend? Unless your defense perimeter extends past Kernduk and the Sword-of-Brilliance-that-nobody-ever-wants-to-get-or-use, I don't think you've got much up on BkD. And this stuff didn't come from some dispute between Arthlor and Balinul. It came from a lot of Udungul attacking a lot of guilds in a little amount of time. And now a lot of guilds want a lot of revenge on a quickly decreasing number of Udungul.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    20 November 2002 04:19:07

    All those people who think we're 'dung': Now we're 'dung'? At least we don't defend gay lil NPCs that level 12s make gold from! We defend the shit that actually takes a challenge to kill.

    Theodrek: At least we're not some moral ass wipe who lives in Edoras and defends Rohan, which is so DAMN BIG! You guy's probably couldn't save an NPC unless its in Edoras itself. Sheesh. Theodrek.. SHUT UP! And yeah, STOP ARRESTING THE PEOPLE I WANNA ARREST!!!!!!! *screams*

    Nirrab: HI!!! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU A BEORNING!!! Get ur ass back to Rimsilval.

    Peace... Durad Pain in the ASS!


  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    20 November 2002 04:15:45

    did someone say smash queers? i'm in!

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 November 2002 04:07:51

    By the way, how many of you people should I be expecting? :P

    (I need to know how many grave spaces to purchase in advance, you know)

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    20 November 2002 04:02:02


  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 November 2002 04:00:30

    I'll be waiting, little boy. :) You better start practicing.

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    20 November 2002 03:57:25

    why has a personal feud between arthlor and balinul become a guild war?? *shrug*
    you guys are super petty i must say...
    and Nirrab: you joined beornings?? mmm why leave Rims which is a much better guild than beornings by the way, to join them??

    i am quite amazed by whats happening cos the last time i remember this was when i was in pre school...

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    20 November 2002 03:24:40

    Mortigan, the 'dung' comments are because you are an 'U**dung**ul' guild :P Damnit, why am I explaining this. Heh. I need something to do.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    20 November 2002 01:58:21

    Mortigan, it appears to me that you are the one constantly talking about feces here...

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 November 2002 01:55:11

    considering at one time bashgeroy thought I was a spartan alt
    that was funny

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 November 2002 01:54:30

    well at least you guys dont get mistaken for spartan everytime you make a new character

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    20 November 2002 01:42:26

    I hasd a witty comment prepared when I saw this log, but since I forgot it all I can say is this:
    Boom Boom Kitty Fuck!


    Ps: Balinul is incredibley sexy!
    Nirrab is incredibley sexy!
    Ah hell y'all are just sexy!

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    20 November 2002 00:57:33

    I'm going with Demandred, that shape thing made me laugh.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    20 November 2002 00:56:05

    You're wrong in this case, Duniv...

  • Author
    Belgarak [legacy]
    20 November 2002 00:41:19

    I think that the 'its bad when you do it but good when we do it' has something to do with that the 'bad guys' //can// (has proven to be able to) do it without gangbanging, but does it anyway. The 'good guys' is most often worse at it, if not only able to kill anyone at all without a group of many. At least that's how it seems to me. I'm not pointing any fingers or saying that i'm better then anyone though, for the record.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    20 November 2002 00:17:33

    Best part of the log: Party say from Bashgeroy: and i cant kill him alone

    I think Edelidan is still a member of SoU. I could be wrong though.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:57:05

    Not from mine, reporting bastard, blah.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:54:16

    I agree with Oslo :p woo!
    Mistaked identity. He should have recived an apology.
    Has been removed from our list.

  • Author
    Oslo [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:46:56

    Actually you shouldn't have killed him at all...

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:46:17

    Blah, we shoulda doubled him:P

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:45:59

    Seen me complaining about bangs?
    If you can't defend yourself, don't whine but learn to fight.
    And don't accuse Balinul and the rest, they are goodhearted people.I mean, I so wanted to double him but they refused.

  • Author
    Edelidan [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:38:35

    it is ok when we do and bad when they do on us :P
    Be amused!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:37:43

    It amuses me how people can say it is ok when we do and bad when they do on us :P

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:34:04


  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:27:20

    excellent, you guys can bang, you've accomplished that

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:12:40

    Oh well, if he really ain't a dungheap, Im very sorry Edelidan. You just showed up on that apparently not all too new members list we had. Ugh, is this what we call a casualty of war?
    I guess that nWo showing up in his and so many other dungheaps legend confirmed his affiliations.

    So, if you aren't a dungheap, Im sorry. If you are, screw you! :)

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    19 November 2002 23:11:24

    The moral of this death :P dont use a shape trigger. It'll royally fuck you on travelto's.

    ~ D