
Posted by
Warrax [legacy]
24 November 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Direkein and I annihilate Deimos as he runs.


  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 November 2002 04:48:20

    girlfrined = girlfriend :)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 November 2002 04:47:35

    yall wanna see Duniv whine, catch him on a date with his girlfrined...flop your schlong on her shoulder and watch her dump D-man quicker than Uncle Ben's Minute Rice(tm)...then the motherfucka starts whinging like no other...

    btw Duniv, you missed another popquiz you drunkfuck! I told you to leave the whiskey alone but you don't wanna listen. oh and Fimbu got that one chick to toss his salad and your missing out on the jokes in class...poor bitch, she should stuck with fucking the prof...

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    25 November 2002 23:41:06

    I can out-whine all of you hands down. Fear the ownage wrought by my fearsome whining.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 November 2002 21:12:48

    I am not attackign anyone, I am only saying it is a kickass weap. :)

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    25 November 2002 19:39:45

    Delgaur, who are you to say what should or shouldn't be? You the new Guildlord? To avoid repeating myself, reread my comments, and you will see that the Silvarin was rebalanced numerous times, without us being allowed to have a say in it. I am sorry it does not agree with your own standards or what you were told (or have read), obviously we were told two different things, but it was certainly not attained through sexual favors or some equally rediculous assumptions, which are far from being amusing.

    On that note, I am done discussing this on here. If you wish to compare your guildweapon to ours or want to know more about the history of the Silvarin, you (Wasach, Rhoads, etc) are welcome to ask me online, and if I have the time, I can share some info with you about it, but it surely does not belong on this forum nor needs to be defended against pricks that have nothing better to do then attack us on a public level.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    25 November 2002 17:06:36

    if they are they need changeing :p

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 November 2002 13:46:58

    The 2 Amruin spears are 80/80 I think

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    25 November 2002 13:43:01

    go read the help files, as far as im aware they are upto date.
    And rui is correct, 75/75 is the MAX a guild weap can be.
    If the SoU weap still does damage on the double hit, and is not cosmetic....then either buy report it, or, ask for your guild weap to be double emotes, with hits.
    I know we are.
    So if we are told sorry, you cant, i will point to SoU.
    Im sure i will be given a resonable explination thought....i hope :)

    Although i heard Gothwin may have taken up Jarens idea about the admin:p

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 November 2002 10:59:33

    I'm sorry if you misunderstood the gist of my comment Gothwin, it's your Guild weapon afterall and whether or not it meats Valinor's criteria is between you and them. However, when the Knights submitted and were approved for a Guild weapon, we were told at THAT time that no guild weapon would be coded with double hit/double damage and that guild weapons previously coded with double hit/double damage would have the double damage removed making the secondary hit purely cosmetic and any other special features previously coded would be tweaked so as to not cause any damage. We were also told that we couldn't have it exude light or darkness (as asb, blem, blackie, whip can do). Also, and Ahocho can correct me since he had all the actual figures, it cost the Knights 100K for their Guild weapon, not 75K. I'm just stating what I know about 1 specific guild weapon in the game, if all the guild weapons are supposed equal (as valinor claims) but they are not (as does seem to be the case if you listen to everyone) then something is rotten in denmark (no offense meant to any residents of Denmark).

    However, that's Valinor's deal and since I'm no longer a member of any Guild...I'll shut my mouth against any further comment on this thread unless someone asks for me to answer a specific question.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 November 2002 10:58:44

    Well our spear changed and now it is 1 handed and that rocks :)

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    25 November 2002 05:53:00

    true, they all should be powerful, but the point is, they're not.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    25 November 2002 05:39:51

    I've always thought that all guild weapons should be very powerful. The Sons are fortunate that we have a suitable guild weapon already. So, it would be better if you fought for upgrading your guild weapons rather than downgrading ours. And Ruiniel, the Silvarin used to have more than double hits; it was very similar to the SS before it was altered. It also used to be able to be wielded if one or both hands; now it can only be wielded in one. It is indeed still powerful, but to a level I think all guild weapons should be at.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    25 November 2002 04:41:03

    Well, I dunno if the guild weapons are of the same power. We have our Mirmaltaur and our Telemnar, and the axe Telemnar is to me considerably stronger, even when doublewielding mirmaltaur the sword. Our sword also has the feature to become cursed and unusable if any evil hand touches it.

    As for Silvarin, I've long thought that it is the most powerful guildweapon, and it probably is as well. But personally, I don't really mind it (It is ONE weapon after all), I dislike it for the fact that it is called the bane of elves though (thus from an alignment point of view).

    Now I have no clue about the process of getting guildweapons and such but the balance for US vs the SoU weapon is that we have 2 guildweapons, to their one (as far as I know). Both of ours isn't very powerful (naturally?) but it is still 2, compared to their one being more powerful.

    As for another thing I read down the thread, I don't think simply gold is needed ;) We have way more than 75k gold or whatever. I still think it'd be a tough matter to change our guildweapons into one moral copy of silvarin, regardless if we began throwing around a million gold. As always I may be wrong!

    Ok, way too much pointless spam from me.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    25 November 2002 03:38:10

    Bitch, bitch, whine, I said, you're beating the dead dog here. There are better weapons out there that can be gotten by guildless people. Comparing how hard they are to get is simply an irrational arguement I do not feel inclined to debate with you about, Ruiniel.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    25 November 2002 02:26:54

    Gothwin, I have the information.
    Your weap is not as strong as the amruin spear for example but it double hits the shit out of people.
    Other factors my ass.
    Other factors work when you have arranged them.
    Like, it's better to be near sev enc but with armour from top to bottom.Like gauntlets, cool mask, sturdy, boots , shit, some other shit, other shits and many other shits.I shouldn't teach you.
    But what we are talking about is a Gothwin with a carapace and ordinary eq kicking ass.It's like you have an ASB in your guild at reboot.
    Just the ASB is for angelic and higher and the quest is damn hard while you just have to type 'get sword' or something for the Silvarin.
    And how about the guildless people?Eh?

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    25 November 2002 01:59:55

    Calling _Mathias_ incompetant?! Perish the thought!

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    25 November 2002 01:56:54

    I could give you a whole history of what has been done, when, and in what way to the Silvarin over the course of the past years. And Adunazon, it was rebalanced more then twice actually, by 3 different ainu, including the last time when guild items were standardized, so calling it unbalanced is like calling the ainur incompetent. Of course there are some differences, that's what makes each guild weapon unique.

    Wasach, you can ask Draug or Mathias or whoever. The stats for the Silvarin are the same as any other guild weapon, with the exception when it doublehits, which IS an allowable feature, the ONLY one we were allowed to keep, since it had others that were removed. The limitations were made crystal clear to us, and tweaked accordingly, thanks to whichever new guildweapon was coded for whichever guild at the time. You keep beating the dead dog here really...

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    25 November 2002 01:37:59

    Adunazon whined about MELS being able to be passed around a party for charging as well. I spose that can be obtained by a lvl 12 as well.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    25 November 2002 01:11:49

    Capable of being gotten by a level 12? Adunazon is in cuckoo land. That spirit is hard!!!

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    25 November 2002 01:04:16

    Wasach, Silvarin has been recoded twice, and possibly tweaked more than that.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    25 November 2002 01:03:21

    And Rush, there is a decided difference between an everyday weapon capable of being gotten by a level 12, that has the possibility to do 50hp with an inflict, and the Silvarin, a unique. Take your hypocracy comments and go fuck yourself.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 November 2002 01:03:15

    hmm, about Ruiniel's comment...he might actually be correct on this.
    When the Knights were working on their Guild weapon (emote wording, sword descrition, d-blow, wielding, etc) it came out that all Guild weapons were supposed to have been downgraded just prior to the Knights having their's coded. If I recall correctly, what we got from valinor was they would be no more secondary hits on new guild weapons, all new guild weapons would be coded at 70/70 (or 75/75, it's been a while) and previously coded guild weapons (while maintaing non damage causing double hits) would be downgraded appropriately.

    Now IF sou's guild weapon hasn't been downgraded per Valinor's new limitations on Guild weapons then it is unbalanced. However, this is not my call and I am not jumping on any bandwagons.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    25 November 2002 01:02:42

    Silvarin is good by anyone's standard of a weapon.
    SoU guildmembers like to use it throughout the uptime because it is good.
    Hence that is why FRA can so easily acquire it.

    The facts speak for themselves!

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    25 November 2002 01:00:43

    The Silvarin is falls under every requirement and limit of a guild weapon. Maybe instead of bitching about how ours is so 'unbalanced', you save up 75k of your own and get your shitty weapon recoded.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    24 November 2002 23:54:34

    It seems the sleeping with the admin comment when right over everyones head, whew :P And I guess Gothwin does have a point... Yes, I _am_ amazing!

    Also Encumberance and whatnot affects combat too, but Gothwin, take a look around at the other guilds and look at our guild weapons, glorified ESS's and that's if we're lucky. Then look at yours, who can you deny that there is a balance issue there? Maybe they don't have to degrade it, just make it cost like 2k out of your guild store each reboot or something along those lines. Just something to think about, I suppose.


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 November 2002 23:53:35

    Hmm, not jumping in the bandwagon, but I do recall fighting adunazon using only the amruin spear and he using only silvarin, both as maxed warriors and I got my ass majorly kicked :)

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    24 November 2002 23:22:10

    When 2 players are both maxed, the deciding factor is usually the weapon... good point you made Gothwin. It is all about the weapon like you say.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    24 November 2002 23:13:51

    Oh Jaren, your ego never stops to amaze me. You guys got our Silvarin maybe hmm 3 times? 4? and already it's 'twice as much in our armoury as it is in yours'. Erm, yeah, ok. And Ketan, you should be smart enough to know that there are a variety of things that affect ones strength and agility in one on one combat, not just the weapon. By god, you get your ass kicked once, and already it gets labled 'unbalanced'. It's getting old.

    Ruiniel, you are making an uneducated guess as to what is allowed or not. I suggest you inform yourself properly...

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 November 2002 22:40:43

    Yeah, this silvarin is way ou of balance for a guild weap.I mean, shouldn't all guild weaps be 75/75 with no double hits and no extra damage?

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    24 November 2002 21:07:40

    Hey Adunazon, call us whiners if you want, but maybe people are just tired of having maxed skills, amazing armour, and a fang...and still getting their ass kicked by Gothwin and your stupid guild weapon. I know you're defensive and all, but hey! If I could buy the whip from my guild shop every reboot, I'd be defensive too!

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    24 November 2002 18:30:55

    Yes Silvarin is way out of balance Adunazon, but why would we want them to change it? I mean shit, It's in our armoury twice as often as it's in yours.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    24 November 2002 15:16:56

    Np Miz :P. Hypocrites piss me off :P.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    24 November 2002 14:50:39

    And that was really nice, Rush. :)

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    24 November 2002 14:50:19

    I always thought it's kill as many SoUs until we get our Silvarin but then again Adunazon would probably know better.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    24 November 2002 14:09:46

    Hahha! Silvarin is nice, the thing maims with those double emotes. I never understood the imbalance between guild weaps, i would have preferred all guilds have a weap that rivaled the other guild weaps.

    ~ D

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    24 November 2002 08:42:47

    You whined about the Sapphire Sword, guess you can throw yourself into that group as well ;P.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    24 November 2002 08:23:21

    And here begins the quest to 'balance' the Silvarin. Ketan & gang are masters of the whine-till-we-get-our-way technique.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    24 November 2002 07:16:23

    hehe :P

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    24 November 2002 06:12:54

    Sleep with an administrator, that'll get us a good guild wep! *bats his eyes at Draugluin* I won't say anymore, im probably going to get nuked already :P

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    24 November 2002 05:53:44

    Gothwin, I think the only time we lost our guild mace was when the entire mud was LDing off, and someone picked it up and gave it to you. Do you know why? Because our guild mace doesn't do insane amounts of damage with double hits etc etc, and as a result, nobody wants to use the damn thing. Except for Nymph. Maybe you got it when you killed her...she likes it. :P

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    24 November 2002 05:19:54

    I wish we had a Silvarin. That thing's like a balrog's whip with backstabs. :P

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    24 November 2002 05:13:07

    We don't have a Silvarin! ...well, to start the reboot.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    24 November 2002 04:49:31

    You make it sound like you never lose yours, Lotraz :)

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    24 November 2002 02:26:12

    Its not often SoU gets to keep their Silvarin the entire reboot :)

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    24 November 2002 01:45:20

    Beautiful work, I would rate this a 6, but I'm not in it, so obviously it isn't worthy