
Posted by
Cerol [legacy]
25 November 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Jete dies for his crimes against Umbár!


  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    07 December 2002 19:27:37


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    30 November 2002 05:42:14

    Ok Cerol, I will fullfill the CoU hits in RP combat for now on :)

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    30 November 2002 02:40:13

    Holy fucking shit, Tarn, shut the fuck up, no one cares if you have a wonderful real life, no one cares for you telling everyone how pathetic it is to mud, no one cares what you think, if you're having such a wonderful real life, then superstar, why dont you just fuck off from the log page as well as hibernating all your characters?

    *breathes* That felt good. Fuck you all

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    30 November 2002 00:52:46

    ok good, just so we clear this up
    hunting in rp combat is ok IF the person is on your hit list
    otherwise, it is really really bad and everyone will hate you
    oh yea, we are all doomed anyway
    just think, spending all these days playing some computer game when this day could be your last (though I'd imagine not leaving your house hardly ever cause your to busy mudding may increase your chances of survival, but then again you still may be hit by a meteor)

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    29 November 2002 22:13:02

    Okey, tired of this hunting in RP-combat crap. I am head of CutThroats, My RP is to slay people on our hitlist, that can be traitors from our own guild or people that have killed members of our crew. My RP was not to defend the captain, it was to slay Jete and of course I want Jete to stop attacking my fellow sailor (the captain). Jete was considered a traitor of the Bethagan, wich is much worse then just killing one of the crew. His crimes were against the whole guild not just one member. Stop whining.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 November 2002 12:12:24

    Indeed it's totaly fake :)

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    29 November 2002 08:57:11

    gazza must be the world's greatest ass kisser... to put it in tolkien terms he's like grima wormtongue, sits next to his 'master' and kisses ass

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    29 November 2002 05:33:29

    rotfl Jaren.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 November 2002 02:25:37

    Arg.... I agree with Tarn... it is the end... we are all doomed

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 November 2002 22:57:25

    oh and mazza is so fucking gay, almost as gay as that gazza guy

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 November 2002 22:56:59

    I fail to see where I mentioned anything in this comment but there is a different between hunting in rp combat and pking people. There are rp rules or whatever that everyone agreed to, Cerol violated these.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    28 November 2002 18:38:28

    I'm not 100% positive, but I believe the tell Shark posted in the lower comment was fabricated!

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    28 November 2002 16:31:49

    well tarn, as an outsider of the rp guild world, looking in, I see Durmanhoth whose RP is to do that exact thing, hunt everyone and kill them. And with all due respect for managing to keep it up for as long as they have, they aren't exactly the most stable guild in the world. They swing from super-active to super-inactive within like a month. Maybe if attitudes towards dying and attacking changed, guilds like SoU, Udungul, CoU and Durms could actually do it and stay strong. Look at the Shadow Alliance (or whatever it was called) who went round banging people in Mordor. That didn't last so long before it turned into about 4 different guild wars.

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    28 November 2002 02:53:00

    So a traitor is soooo much worse then lets say, a knight thats slain
    many of CoU's allies. Why not just hunt everyone and kill them cause they are clearly traitors and bad bad men. but then again everything else has become retarded on this mud (including me) so whatever

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    27 November 2002 23:48:13

    Mazza, you know very well what I think of you. You just have no class and haven't even shown a shred of honour. Will I take every chance to put the spurs to you, of course. Is it unbecoming of me? No, it's no crime to insult your enemies or people that you have open disgust for.

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    27 November 2002 21:12:50

    mazza is so fucking gay

  • Author
    Mazza [legacy]
    27 November 2002 19:41:54

    Wasach, you are a true Gondorian.
    Me, I am a true Corsair.
    Taking every chance you get to get a sly dig at me, is very unbecoming of you.
    Shark, you cheated, you are the traitor out of me and you :-) You put mp gold passing before the reputation of the Guild. You can suck on my sailor's cutlass.

    'If being a traitor is calling traitors traitors, then so be it, I'm a traitor.' Heh, get your mind round **that** one!

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 November 2002 18:20:23

    i think mazza is on a mission to get one char in every guild :P

  • Author
    Shark [legacy]
    27 November 2002 12:31:42

    Mazza is best traitor is Arda but but but he is Annadur's old friend
    Bla bla bla.

  • Author
    Shark [legacy]
    27 November 2002 12:29:34

    Cerol ,if you wonder who is the traitor go and check corsairs of umbar's bank logs you will see who is the traitor in there.
    Jete worked much for corsairs he cant be traitor and When corsairs started to protect NPC's?
    Annadurs tells you:We dont protect Npcs.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    27 November 2002 05:35:36

    I don't mind agreeing with Fimbu (yea I said it) or Jaren but it just turns my stomach to be in agreement with Mazza.
    *downs a bottle of pepto bismal*
    I blame you for this Jete, it's all your fault!!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 November 2002 02:16:44

    Heh, I bet you would be bitching if that happened to you done by a KoDA or another moral guild Mazza :)

  • Author
    Jete [legacy]
    27 November 2002 01:32:22

    What she did was right, I left, Im a traitor in there eyes... and if I
    remember correctly not once did she say it was rp... hmm

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    27 November 2002 00:20:52

    Cerol should be congratulated on this, not reprimanded.

  • Author
    Mazza [legacy]
    26 November 2002 23:54:54

    As a Corsair I see this as a perfect example of what we are. We're sneaky, we use whatever we can to pillage from our enemies, and above all we're ruthless. Cerol noticed that Jete was attacking our beloved Captain, and decided to sneakily let Jete think she was all about protecting him, while secretly she had other designs on his blood. She did tell him many times that he would die during the course of this log. When a crewmember betrays the Bethagan and her crew, no respect should be shown towards that person. RP rules go out the window when we are dealing with a **traitor**. We don't give him/her any safety whatsoever. Well done Cerol on showing such great RP skills!!!

    *applauds merrily*

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 November 2002 23:14:19

    i disagree with Mizrahi and Feldon.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 November 2002 19:52:17

    1)Cerol hunted in RP because Jete was a traitor to CoU, therefore it's perfectly acceptable because her RP demanded his death. Since he obviously wouldn't sit still and let her do it, of course she had to hunt him. I can't believe the people I'm hearing trash her for this. If it had been a normal RP battle, yeah sure her hunting him would have been cheap, in this circumstance (Jete being considered a traitor and all) it is acceptable.

    2)Denezar, your comment just goes to show how little you actually know about the Knights. Considering your entire statement and I do mean the ENTIRE statement is false, I must conclude that you have no clue as to what you are talking about. Perhaps you should learn more about the people and organizations of whom you are speaking before you go blurting out falsehoods.

    3)I don't need to state my reasons for leaving the Knights, not to you and not to any other person in the game. With the sole exception of the GM of the Knights. Anyone else I tell my reasons too, it is solely because of their friendship to me on a personal level or because I do not wish any misunderstandings in the near future. So keep on wondering, find someone who knows, or stick your head up a sheeps ass, I care not which you choose.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    26 November 2002 19:44:40

    Wow. This is the first time I completely agree with everything Feldon said. _Everything_ Feldon said.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 November 2002 16:26:39

    Wasach, not seeing you on the 'KoDA' list and then legending you doesn't constitute a rumour.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    26 November 2002 16:09:19

    And still you haven't said why you left them. Until i hear a reason I'll just assume its because you couldn't handle the way that they play. (No fading, no getting flasks, etc) hehe

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 November 2002 14:37:04

    Which is also total bullshit Fimbu because you unignored me the other day just so you could boggle at the concept of my leaving the Knights and taunt me over it...don't get Duniv's girlfriends panties in a twist son, just don't get involved in things that ain't your business.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 November 2002 14:17:00

    Actually, Wasach, I haven't heard a single rumour about you. I wonder why!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 November 2002 12:16:50

    Actualy, you offended me and made me cry, you bastard :)

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    26 November 2002 11:55:09

    Fair enough comment, Necsi.. but I neither insulted Amruin or dissed them in any way - I left cause it was what I wanted, and I did so without any shit.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    26 November 2002 10:11:37

    Who else remembers certain Corsairs whining when people, who weren't even involved in the combat mind you, hunt killed them? Not cool.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    26 November 2002 10:10:28

    I agree 100% with Feldon, Cheap with a capital C

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 November 2002 09:22:25

    I don't know you, I doubt I'd care even if I did. You obviously don't know what actually happened in Pelargir that day and I obviously have no compunction to relate it to you. However, if being purposely pK'd during RP combat would cause me to merely tuck tail and run (which is your insinuation, not mine) than I wouldn't have lasted 2 weeks past my induction into the Knights because I (in my extreme newness to Guild RP battles) joined a battle at Balforth with the SoB and promptly got hunted and killed twice. Funny thing was, SoU (back then) agreed and the Son who got the db actually partied with me and helped me earn gold to relevel.

    My reasons are mine, I've shared them with those people that I deemed important enough to me in the mud, so shut up and quit espousing theories that you have come up with merely by listening to rumour and inuenndo. It's kind of funny that you can't drop a subject that just about everyone else has...and your not even remotely involved in it, unless you are the alt of someone who is but that would be dangerously close to MP info so lets not go there.

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    26 November 2002 06:45:51

    ok, this is hunting in rp combat
    ie, fucking cheap
    if anyone other then you (cerol) did this you would get expelled by annadur in 2 seconds from CoU
    I mean, we (being CoU) are allowed to kill a whole 12(or some real small number) people in the game, yet theres no complaint when you hunt and kill someone in rp combat
    I mean damn, I know I've reentered edoras a bunch (more then 3) to kill random npcs defended by amruin chaps and they haven't hunted and killed me

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    26 November 2002 06:00:58

    So why did you quit the knights again? It wasn't cause BKD killed you in RP or something? Isn't that what you want to happen? You attack them so they should, by the theme of their RP, want to kill you in response? You should be happen that they did what you want them to. And what 'silly fucks and whiny bitchs' are you grouping me with? You stated earlier in your post that you don't know who i am, so how can you group me with anyone?

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    26 November 2002 05:22:34

    I waited so long to hunt him because of the RP-rules we have, but when he came back a third time to kill the captain that was it...

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    26 November 2002 05:13:18

    erm CoU, Zarasthamruin was drunk!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    26 November 2002 05:11:47

    'I seem to remember Balris being in Amruin, and then he left and joined SoU...but I don't see Amruin hunting and killing him in RP.'

    Thus spoke Zarasthamruin

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 November 2002 04:44:40

    hey Denezar...whoeveryouare...

    fuck off man, I didn't throw my RP into a pile of shit. I set it on a shelf in the backroom to collect dust. Perhaps you silly fucks didn't run around like a bunch of whiny bitchs saying 'I've got a thematic rp, I've got a thematic rp' and actually went around with a truly thematic RP things would be different. NOR am I running around pretending to be some limpdick version of Rendor, I'm no powerplayer, never claimed to be one or that I was trying to be one (since leaving the Knights).

    There are plenty of rumours floating around about me since I left the Knights and I know alot of them got started by some schmucks in BkD. Those that know me know these are false, those that don't know me and think these things are true...can fuck off. I'm me, I've always been me, you don't like it then took fucking bad.

    I'm keeping to myself Denezar, just because you keep seeing me auction lots of shit at Alexa now think about this...It wasn't happening before because I tossed everything I questing in the Knights armoury...unless it was some pathetic newbie shit that I did cause I was bored and put it up at Laryn's.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    26 November 2002 03:39:00

    Why did you wait so long to throw your RP into a pile of shit, just so you could try to be a big power player, Wasach? :P

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    26 November 2002 03:20:11

    Yeah this log is a bit old, and i'm going with Delgaur, Jete is a daft twat :P Gotta love that lingo!

    ~ D

  • Author
    Jete [legacy]
    26 November 2002 02:42:58

    I forgot i called her a cocksucker :P

  • Author
    Mazza [legacy]
    25 November 2002 22:18:52

    When you've been a guildmate of someone for a while, you tend to get to know them, and can foresee what they are most likely to do.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    25 November 2002 21:51:10

    Thats what i mean, nice choice of triggers :p of all the ones to pick, you got the right one :)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 November 2002 21:43:36

    *smacks Rhoads* you lose your ability to comprehend son? Jete left CoU and was considered a traitor, thus Cerol's actions are not only understandable but also prefectly acceptable.

    On the other hand, Why did you wait so long to hunt him?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 November 2002 21:10:58

    the hunt part was very lame Cerol :P If I did that to any CoU member I would hear a lot :)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    25 November 2002 20:15:04

    Nice kill, nice roleplaying. Fun to watch.

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    25 November 2002 19:07:22

    Oh you didn't complain about that...maybe I should get glasses or something... =P

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    25 November 2002 19:06:41

    well, it would be kinda unnecesarry to set a trigger for Linhir while leaving Linhir, and it was the trigger used wasn't it? so stop complaining about things I did right. And about hunting while RP'ing, if I get the chance to kill a traitor after I tell him three times (and he left but came back) to leave or die, then I will kill him.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    25 November 2002 18:39:48

    whats even more ironic, is she sets a HB trigg, for one not even in linhir, and of all the breaks around there to choose from the daft twat only goes and uses that break :p Talk about unlucky :)

  • Author
    Calacirya [legacy]
    25 November 2002 18:29:42

    wasn't this log posted alreaddy?
    I recall seeing it before on the log page.

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    25 November 2002 18:20:03

    Jete is or was CoU?

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    25 November 2002 18:12:56

    lol, you hunt while RPing ?