Semi-Beornings make a move.

Posted by
Loshia [legacy]
08 December 2002 00:00:00



  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    12 December 2002 03:25:42

    You're such a fucking liar, I don't remember Vie ever attacking any of my characters, grow a dick you gutless fag fucker.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 December 2002 05:43:10

    It's lucky that no one does ask you then, isn't it? That comment about hunting through every huntbreak made me laugh my ass off, yeeeesh, sure you have buddy.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 December 2002 13:03:23

    All praise Vie, the assassin god!

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    10 December 2002 08:02:49

    I've died by the worst and broken the best.

    I'll settle for mediocrity.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    10 December 2002 05:20:11

    Anyone can be killed at any given time, with any given amount of people. No one is invenceable..... except maybe piotyr :P

  • Author
    Asgrim [legacy]
    10 December 2002 03:51:09

    I bet I can.

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    10 December 2002 00:32:24

    hah! you're a fucking clown and morefinda was/is my friend now

    if you ask me i'm in a league of my own. i've hunted through every huntbreak in the game spanning from havens to DA. not a person on the mud that can break me when i'm on my game

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    09 December 2002 23:47:50

    *rolls around in the muck*

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    09 December 2002 23:46:18

    wasach really is quite dirty :p

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    09 December 2002 23:41:18

    More people are afraid of him then you, mate. He's in another fucking league compared to you. Remember when Julius soloed your ass? How's about when Morefinda two manned you in mordor?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    09 December 2002 20:53:33

    hmm, ok...I've got some questions for you Fimbu:

    1)Are they twins?
    2)are the both over 18?
    3)are they in college and if so where do they go?
    4)do they like to get drunk?
    5)Are they twins?
    6)and if so, do they like to get drunk?
    7)Do they look anything like you?
    *crosses his fingers but the look on his face makes you wonder if he's hoping for a yes or no answer*

    *nudges Fimbu* Just joking man. Don't really care.

    Tarn, you can't rape the willing. Of course she did tell her friends afterwards that she couldn't tell when you started or when you stopped (until you climb off that is).

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    09 December 2002 16:11:48

    holic is a moron and no one is afraid of him anymore... because i two manned his ass

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 December 2002 13:50:12

    Wasach, that had nothing to do with what I was saying either. And I have two sisters!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    09 December 2002 07:21:38

    obviously that was a joke and infact rape is not a laughing matter
    (unless it envolves wasach's sister)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    09 December 2002 07:18:52

    I didn't feel ashamed when I raped wasach's sister!

  • Author
    Loshia [legacy]
    09 December 2002 05:30:42

    Spansh I did not see the reason you care about my triggers and such things. Care about your own.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    09 December 2002 04:56:37

    *nod* I understand that Fimbu and I do take responsiblity for my actions.

    Just remember that we are a product of our culture and while you feel no shame at these acts being done by others, remember that there are people that feel shame when these acts are perpetrated against them. Would you feel ashamed if your best friend raped your sister? Would your sister feel ashamed if your best friend raped her?

    Think about it.
    Note: I do know even know if Fimbu has a sister...

    Some jokes just ain't funny and some jokes just shouldn't be thrown haphazardly about. Instead of him getting all pissed, he should have apologized because no matter what Holic's intent was, he shouldn't have made his comment (atleast not on this forum while there are so many other forums where such remarks are more the welcome)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 December 2002 03:45:35

    I hate christian people.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    09 December 2002 03:29:14

    Heh, perhaps you people are just stupid or somethin', but Holic's comment was a joke.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 December 2002 02:22:56

    Wasach, my point is merely that one should feel responsible for /__all__/ his or her own actions and /__only__/ his or her own actions.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    09 December 2002 02:22:09

    *watches who he calls innocent* ???
    Omg I guess the spaces in your post are supposed to give us time to laugh. Hilarious

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    09 December 2002 02:15:48

    *never thinks anyone owes him anything unless it's the 5 bucks I lent Duniv so he could get condoms (which I ended up using to fuck this chick in our class that he likes)

    *Doesn't have a sugar daddy or a jar of vasoline (heh! that doesn't sound right either...)

    *and who the fuck you are calling 'innocent'
    *mutters at such disparaging comments*

    and Fimbu, you forget one little thing...It was white European Males that got white American males into the whole oppression thing. Not to mention that EVERY country in the world has practiced (or still does practice) oppression at some level throughout history.

    You all make a big fucking stink about American oppression, yet America is the only fucking country to actually show the least little bit of shame that such things occurred within her borders AND constantly works to undo prejudices. So basically, I guess you can just fuck off.

    Nobody gives a shit if you are a racist, communist, capitalist, gay/straight just so long as you don't force your ignorance on others.

    *waiting for the day someone gets sued for the crap spewed out in this forum*

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    09 December 2002 01:37:51

    and Peesho, i did not bitch and moan when nagash got his sweet little ass involved.....i Talked to his GM about it, and made an agreement.
    Same way as i did when I was pked by willy/ulkavik at the start of this war....same way i did when sparten hunted and pked in an attempt to RP....only Arthlor is not Raqtor. Arthlor could not give a shit and did nothing about it.
    At least Raqtor took time to look at things, and come to an agreeable solution with us.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    09 December 2002 01:37:19

    Its a good thing Muaddib is around to protect all the innocent faggits and communists from Holic's tirades.

  • Author
    Spansh [legacy]
    09 December 2002 00:56:37

    I have to say, thats not the only editing in this log (and yes, I figured out which break you used from 2 lines).

    Azbakhar wields his sapphire sword in one fluid motion!
    Without warning, Azbakhar stabs you from behind!
    do focus defense,focus dodge,wimpy off,$:was backstabbed by Azbakhar with 82 hit points somewhere near Lothlorien !
    You notice someone sizing you up.
    travelto resume quickly

    -HP:82 EP:190- Travelto: aborted! Type 'travelto resume' to continue.
    -HP:82 EP:190- Travelto: resuming journey.
    Travelto: changing speed of travel!

    what happened to the rest of the commands, can we try and guess what else you've edited in this log. And just out of curiosity, if you're not in a guild (currently I think you're trying to get into undungul), then why are you guildcomming ?

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    09 December 2002 00:43:21

    Hobbe you are funny, go relevel so i have more fun killing you again
    And loshia =) with your last comment not only the beornings will attack you, now you have made yourself a target for spartan/allantir =)

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    09 December 2002 00:25:16

    Yeah streak i think i should say a cupel of words... I know a friend of mine tryed to kill you. (My friend isent skilled at all) But you was a reall good huntbreaker there you used 3 diffrent inn rooms that is really good stuff

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    09 December 2002 00:11:01

    Peesho is good on talking and i just wounder one thing Peesho what if i would play like you??? Sitting in the guild hall for over 6 hours in a row off course you guys dont get me then but its no fun i rather die trying to get gear then sit on my ass idle in the GH for over 6hours... Get a life!!!!

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    08 December 2002 23:53:54

    Holic is completely right. I certainly don't feel ashamed because white american heterosexual males have oppressed almost every other group in the past and present, because I've never been a racist or sexist or gay hater.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    08 December 2002 23:36:16

    haha, my life is better then holic's
    hmm and he is american, sorta
    fucking capitalist pigs!

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    08 December 2002 23:24:23

    Comment for Holic:

    The only time you shed blood is when your sugar daddy gets mad at you and doesn't use the vaseline. Don't you dare think that you're accountable for anything in anyone else's life, the only shame here is your ignorant kind that would actually be bold enough to assume that someone owes him anything.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    08 December 2002 22:40:06

    holic isnt american. i dont think.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    08 December 2002 21:56:42

    *ugh* I sure as shit hope Holic isn't an American (although sadly he probably is). It's people like him that make me ashamed to shed my blood just so he has the freedom to make ignorant racist comments without being shot in the head for it.

    and just one little side note:
    When did Streak EVER make it to a huntbreak?

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    08 December 2002 21:50:32

    Oh, and for the record. What I said was hardly just cause for having an account blocked, for over a year we had to listen to generic Tuareg swill, the badly spelled Baklen whining about the admin, the Tarn telling us good his life is compared to ours and of course the newbiekiller posts attempting to claim their little piece of the fame pie. In contrast to these people I look like a saint. Oh well, can't win them all.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    08 December 2002 21:40:10

    Ooh, my account was blocked from commenting. Look, I realize that some of you may be just the least bit uptight. Frankly I just don't understand it. There's no one from Pakistan here, there's no communists here either. So, you would have to assume that my comment was joke, however, I'm not going to apologize for saying it as long as I know you people can be so mildly ignorant :)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    08 December 2002 20:47:49

    No one ever said Holic was smart, so of course every country that isn't America is communist. I think I need a tissue now...*sniff* *sniff* no more Holic whining and shouting and yelling on this log page. Oh yeah, go back to Switzerland Loshia you communist!

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    08 December 2002 20:08:53

    It was a 2man loshia.

    Rhoads is a facist jew.

    *Gives holic a card reading 'Anger Management, by Nirrab Soothesayer'
    Followed by an address where he can vent his rage.

    *Cackles maniaclly* Really though those edits are pointless, its obvious which break that was :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    08 December 2002 19:50:51

    What is wrong with being comnunist?

  • Author
    Loshia [legacy]
    08 December 2002 19:48:55

    Hmm I can`t remember how this all started. But loads of people have a bad idea of the guild. I mean Udungul is an awesome guild. Yes Spartan and Allantir are the ones that gave the guild a bad name. Yes they abuse everyone but please ... we are all used to them. People like them will ever exist. These war things. Stupid really. It would be cool if it was something like - a competition. For a few days. Now what? Everyone is gonna loose some levels and gold and exp and such and treaty will be signed until people regain gold and relevel and get maxed and get bored. And hop - another guild vs guild war. Come on. Not that I don`t like playerkills. But I think it is time for this war to be over !

    The L.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    08 December 2002 18:33:06

    I thought Holic hit the nail on the head =) Mans got a way with words...

    ~ D

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    08 December 2002 17:52:33

    and sure! hunt him with 5 ppl! its damn easy that way. you dont even have to trigger a break or nothing. you are sure he will die in 10 rooms or so! even better, i dont think you actualy killed anyone in this war without a 5 man party did you? damn at least save some of your dignity when you blew all posting this bang logs all the time.

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    08 December 2002 17:35:28

    thessaly was involved in a pk on an udungul member, therefore she will be killed, half arda not beorning was involved in a pk on an udungul member therefore he/she will be pkilled. delgaur you get 4 guilds to hunt or attack us and then you bitch when nagash hunts for us and make threats and stuff. this blows man realy.

  • Author
    Loshia [legacy]
    08 December 2002 16:47:15

    I am male. Btw I love delgaur when he is mad :)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    08 December 2002 16:41:03

    Loshia was involved in a pk attempt. He/She will be killed.
    Be glad i was not online, there would have been another two party members to run from :p

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    08 December 2002 16:21:05

    Loshia I just wanna tell you I love what you did to this log.

    And Holic since you cant stop commenting on your LSD trips I just have to stop you. Go back to your KKK meeting and stay of my site. ;P

  • Author
    Loshia [legacy]
    08 December 2002 15:45:08

    Erm Druff... It was a 3-men :) and look at this strike.Guess the wizard was the only one who knew what he was doing. Ops. I bet it is the only one who is not beorning :)

  • Author
    Peesho [legacy]
    08 December 2002 15:41:50

    i think he posted it to show he is hunted for helping us in this war and perhaps to make his admiting to the guild a bit faster if he applied but seeing his comment i suppose
    he did.

  • Author
    Druff [legacy]
    08 December 2002 14:17:39

    Congratulations on avoiding a two man attempt at Thranduils!
    Way to go.

  • Author
    Loshia [legacy]
    08 December 2002 12:45:13

    Heh hey :) Keep it quiet. I am communist! Long live Stalin.

    BTW just for info. I am still no Udungul member. So BEARS keep it kalm:)

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    08 December 2002 12:31:12

    Damnable styles! Using HTML would be simpler. That should have been just been two asterisks, not bold.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    08 December 2002 12:29:33

    //. . . Dumb bitch of the day honors goes to Loshia. . . . See, now that's stupid. Go back to Pakistan you fucking communist. . . .//

    Well if Loshia gets dumb bitch, you get uninformed prejudiced moron. North Korea, Mainland China, and Cuba. Pakistan is an Islamic Republic, **NOT** a Communist country.

    But I must **//agree//** with Holic somewhat. The editing in this log is foolish.

    . . . You hear a footstep nearby. -HP:57 EP:184- You do something.
    The middle of nowhere() . . . A bla bla(bla, blab and blabla)
    You close the door.
    -HP:57 EP:134- A large oink(heh and grin)
    A hmm(eak and heh) . . .

    I never show my huntbreak aliases whenever I am caught without an Inn room, there is nothing wrong with editing out a break. However something along the lines of . . .

    **HB alias**
    **Return from HB**

    Would work just as well, and would keep you from getting 'Dumb Bitch of the Day' awards.

  • Author
    Taidhbhse [legacy]
    08 December 2002 10:54:25

    nothing like watching a log of you traveltoing with 5 lines of a pathetic attempt thrown in.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    08 December 2002 10:51:03

    Dumb bitch of the day honors goes to Loshia. Exactly what's the point of posting such an edited log. That's like me making a huge fucking log where the it basically goes:

    (*Edited, started hunting SOMEONE*)
    (*Here I attacked and killed him, Edited*)
    (*Looting SOMEONE's corpse, got whip hehehe, Edited*)

    See, now that's stupid. Go back to Pakistan you fucking communist.