What we all wanted to see

Posted by
Nibinving [legacy]
18 December 2002 00:00:00

Theft: I stole myself away from Arda Kill: I solo'd Nibinving Poster is stupid: Got that fucking right Attempt: I attempted to stay Arrest: I arrested yer minds fir a year.. I release you now. NPC battle: What kind of dick posts NPC battles? Misc: Got that right, i'm pretty miscellaneous


  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    28 December 2002 17:34:24

    Holy shit.Someone with some humour is gone....This sux.See you later alligator, man!!

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    21 December 2002 02:12:46

    *laughs* I hope that wasn't pointed at me Wasach, I'm just fucked up all the time:)

    Never knew you nib, glad to see you go, the game sucks. You wont miss it.

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    20 December 2002 16:09:06

    Cya dwarf. Its been fun knowing you. Be well in rl and dont let those damned humans kick you around too much.

    *downs a beer on Nibbys health and good fortune*

    Keep strong and see you in afterlife.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    19 December 2002 16:14:08

    Wasach, shut the fuck up. Comment on the log. THE LOG.

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    19 December 2002 15:46:10

    was it baklen wasach!

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    19 December 2002 12:54:10

    Nibinving is so annoying :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 December 2002 10:45:21

    I know someone that would type that kind of shit no matter what state (metaphysical, etc etc) of mind, he was in. I'd mention his name but I heard if you mention his name 5 times (well his or a combination of his alts names) then he becomes unbanned!

    I'm sure everyone knows to whom I am referring anyways. No not Streak, although he seems to be developing into one.

  • Author
    Ezekial [legacy]
    19 December 2002 05:36:53

    Later, Nibster.


  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    19 December 2002 03:29:25

    i didn't want to see this :(

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    19 December 2002 00:22:03

    Fuck you Nibby. Now ppl will start calling ME nibby instead of nirby. I hate you.

  • Author
    Fasadar [legacy]
    19 December 2002 00:17:55

    I thought it was scary and screwed up enough to be true :P

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    18 December 2002 23:46:21

    Oh come off it Streak, why dont you go cry to your boyfriend about it. I mean did you not see that i was stoned. Would any normal person write that shit if they werent.

    Tantor is sorry if you all thought he was just some dumbass, but he was stoned.

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    18 December 2002 22:13:27


  • Author
    Baradgul [legacy]
    18 December 2002 21:07:12

    Well, at least no one said you never talked a lot of shit.

    All the best dwarf, it was fun.

    *raises his mug*

  • Author
    Rogar [legacy]
    18 December 2002 19:20:34

    Dam you Nib! *bap* we would have lots of stuff to do but oh well, keep strong bro and ill have the pleasure to carry your war-horn forever.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    18 December 2002 17:00:11



  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    18 December 2002 15:27:11

    Jaren is Gman? *gasps* :P

    j/k Nah, just kidddin with him ole kujo ;p

    I was there... I /was/ the guy pretending to be a female that they tried to mudsex!!??!?! It's all coming back now.. Oh my.. Oh me! OH NO! NOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    18 December 2002 14:16:59

    Damn Nibby why you left you finnaly came back and then you left again. *sniffle i will miss you pal.
    Well i hope you can do what many others failed.
    But i allso hope you fail like alot of others did so you will come back again.


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    18 December 2002 14:04:28

    uh, are you getting Jaren mixed up for Gman by any chance?

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    18 December 2002 14:02:57

    I LOEV TEH RHAODS!?!!!?!?!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 December 2002 13:22:42

    Bye Nibthing

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    18 December 2002 12:30:32

    Jaren.. Resin tells me you like giving rimjobs?

    Oh yeh.. and thre's that time you tried to mudsex a guy.. pretending to be a chick.. That's fucked up man :P

    But I luv yah Jaren ;)

    I'd rate this log a 6.. look at the mad solo on a warrior! Jesus that's sexxeh.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    18 December 2002 12:29:49

    Jaren.. Resin tells me you like giving rimjobs?

    Oh yeh.. and thre's that time you tried to mudsex a guy.. pretending to be a chick.. That's fucked up man :P

    *sniggers* Luv yah Jaren ;).. Unless you support Celtic.. because I support Glasgow Rangers, and if yah support Celtic I'd hafta bastich slap you.. but I luv yah all the same =D

  • Author
    Awful [legacy]
    18 December 2002 12:17:18

    Damn :(
    I'll miss ya my friend.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    18 December 2002 12:15:13

    Saved me some fine gold.

    Well, saved Ketan some fine gold :P

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    18 December 2002 11:38:34

    Bye, my friend!

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    18 December 2002 10:40:22

    Not funny at all Tantor. : (

    See ya Nibbles.

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    18 December 2002 10:06:33

    Its all starting to come into focus.......
    Lee Harvey Oswald was the Creator of Muds, and JFK was about to release the Information about Mud Patches. Then The Mud Patch co. sent that ruby or what ever guy to kill Lee Harvey Oswald for killing JFK. Then They were about to release the information again, and it was in the WTC. and then when they were just getting ready to release it Osama Bin Laden (Ainur) decided to get his other terrorist(Ainur) pals to fly plains into the buildings, and then one of the noob Ainur got off course and landed in the Pentagon(lucky for him their was Mud Patch information there to) and then the other Ainur in the Penn. one didnt know it but on board were a group of people that happend to be called the Free People against Muds.

    oh my fucking god dude i am so crazy....Im stoned off of my ass and its great. hmm that all for sda arg now from Tantor's Stoner Concpiracy Theory.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    18 December 2002 08:28:30

    Ya know, Kilth and I were talking about that last night with Thorgin :P

    If Osse developed a MUD patch and marketed it, he'd make a ton of money to keep the server going.. But there'd be no players *grins*
    I bet those sneaky Ainu stole the top secret CIA MUD-PATCH file, and burned it to prevent that!! eek! It's a conspiracy!!
    NOOOOO!!! NOOO!!
    They're after me NOOO!

    Gurgle ack ! gaH! *gurgles*

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 December 2002 08:11:23

    can't they make a fucking patch for this damned game yet? They got patches for everything else!!

    I didn't know you well Nibs but you were highly thought of and lowly thought of by alot of people. Which is about the best we can hope for because what's life without friends AND enemies.

    *sends in a research proposal to the NSF for money to develop a MUD-patch to ween us off the game*

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    18 December 2002 07:49:10

    Well pal, i'll miss you like most of these other cats. You were one of my best friends on here, and it's sad to see you leave, Even if you are as spammy as I am grumpy most of the time :P. Good luck breaking the addiction, it's hard.

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    18 December 2002 07:43:40

    Nibinving, i will miss ya homes. Just about the best dwarf a elf could know. Though you were batty, and crazy Arda will never be the same without your Gansta talking.

    In the words of Nibinving 'w00t'

    Tantor the Sindar goes off to bust a cap hommie, and then go drink a beer and raise his mug to the Drunken dwarf Nibinving.

  • Author
    Warrax [legacy]
    18 December 2002 07:35:47

    All men must die. Rest in peace.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    18 December 2002 07:14:28

    *wipes a tear* Bye Nibby, bye! Too bad you couldn't stay for your 60th day birthday. **:'(**

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    18 December 2002 07:11:50

    I shed no tears
    I feel no fears

    Inside my heart aches
    Within my will breaks

    It's been a pleasure knowing you all.
    It wasn't the same.. It never will be.
    I am not saying, I'll never come back.
    I'm not saying I'll ever come back either.
    Quitting this addiction cold turkey isn't easy
    But I'm gonna try. I've got a life to get into to..
    Not the same as where I left off a year ago perhaps
    But I'm going to try. It's been a blast guys..
    Luv y'all. Nibbles, Nibby, Nubs.