Azoriel (2) and Beeenz (2)

Posted by
Fimbu [legacy]
26 December 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Beeenz challenged me to leave Dol Amroth or be killed. I took the initiative and attacked, but even with Krakkur shielding was beaten down by their blades and forced to retreat and heal. Upon returning, I gained some unexpected help from Aron, and we won the day. Aravor's life, he being a youngun, was spared.


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    05 January 2003 04:03:48

    It takes me like 3 minutes max to write a long comment like those, Jas.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    31 December 2002 11:13:26

    My favorite part of this comment thing is where everyone gangs up on Fimbu, and he defends himself every 5 comments or so against the previous 5 posters..

    It's great. Where does he find the time?

    This whole thing is amusing to me...

    I don't know about hunting...but as far as shaping before casting fireballs. You CAN run when they're being casted at get a nice fat warning...

    Cast fireball first. Ask questions of charred corpses later.

  • Author
    Gawen [legacy]
    29 December 2002 07:26:08

    The good guys shouldnt kill just for fun....
    A VC shouldnt kill a SoU if he just leaves, since the VC are the good guys....
    But its the SoU job to kill the VC...
    Frodo didnt even try to kill Saruman on the book, and why? he was a good guy...

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    29 December 2002 06:20:22

    hehe, someone finally noticed that, eh?

    Nibby, there's a simple answer to that question...Ask Rolf.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    29 December 2002 02:40:54

    I see a ton of people talking about RP here, and eventhough I'm not around as much anymore I gotta ask, Why the hell is Krakkur shielding an FRA? He's supposed to be fucking BKD ie: NOT KILLING MORALS IN DOL AMROTH/HELPING WITH IT. As I remember someone *coughs* Nogothrim got booted or fined for killing Imrahil...

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 December 2002 19:33:48

    Well, to me, the only rulse should be no hunting (not even after) and no reporting, battles full of rules are no fun at all

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    28 December 2002 10:42:39

    Azura, I agree with you.
    the only thing is, the player that wants to and starts the RP, and thus has to attack the 'invader' is at the mercy of the invader, due to the lawsys.

    some examples:
    1: you can drive the invader away, with no subpoena on you.-->good
    2: you can drive the invader away, but he reports you (happens alot)-->not good
    3: you get you ass kicked by the invader, a thrilling fight maybe..and you congratuate eachother on the fight -->good
    4: you get your ass kicked, but he still reports you -->not good
    5: you get your ass kicked, and get hunted, maybe you live, maybe not...maybe even then you get reported -->not good.

    I bet there are more options, but within these there are only 2 good ones (imo) and both you have to rely on the enemy, that he doesnt report you.

    I am in favor of a good fight..and must admit to Fimbu that the run I made to my GH, after your friend and you hunted me was thrilling, but it was only fun, cause I lived...if I had died, you had a free kill, and I wouldnt be that happy :)

    So in order to keep thrilling fights without -mis-use of the lawsys, I think some things needs to be changed.

    What do you guys think?

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    28 December 2002 08:41:40

    KoDA, I love you and all and just send me a tell and i'll come give you a hand, but have you ever heard that headbutting disrupts a spellcasters concentration? With 3 people there even with virtually no tactics by 2 Aron should never have gotten a spell off.

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    28 December 2002 07:55:41

    I stick by the philosophy that I've always stuck by: The second you type 'kill fimbu,' the ball is in your court, and the blood is on your hands. Don't attack people if you aren't absolutely prepared to deal with the consequences of your action. Maybe you should strive to be a 'roleplayer' _and_ a 'good' player, too. Being a KoDA doesn't mean you should be helpless, and for fuck's sake, you shouldn't be dying to fireballs. That wasn't Fimbu's lack of RP, that was some Knight's lack of common sense when it comes to running. I'm looking forward to a time when 'I roleplay, I'm allowed to suck' isn't the general sentiment.

  • Author
    Alorian [legacy]
    28 December 2002 05:15:41

    cheech and chong rock :/

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    28 December 2002 00:56:10

    No, Rhoads, I'm happy the way things are.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    28 December 2002 00:45:05

    Heh, I guess not much.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 December 2002 00:36:39

    Hey KoDA, don't roleplay with Fimbu.


    Its like me rping with VC, I get disconnected and idle killed in rp combat by Woden (and then almost killed by his sidekick khalek when I revive and try to get my equipment back). Moral of the story, fuck em and kill them all! or something

    (Yes I know that is all old school news, I'm just still a bit annoyed at it)

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    28 December 2002 00:22:02

    Funny Shachmir everyone you have killed, I basically have too, so whats that say about you?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 December 2002 00:20:43

    You saying that is what you want to happen?
    Well, it is pointless to discuss anything anyway, not like it is going to change how things are.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    27 December 2002 22:57:13

    I have yet to have any KoDA say, 'I refuse to roleplay with you any more. I will not defend stuff against you, and you must never attack me.'

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    27 December 2002 22:44:07

    If you truly were enemies with someone, why would you not kill them? If someone kills something in KoDA, is it really a victory just to drive them out of the castle? I would think you'd want revenge from them. You can claim it's RP to just fight until someone leaves, which is fine, but some people realize how retarded that is. Why fun is there in running around and attacking people until they're dlsg and then healing? If someone does an injustice to you, kill them for it, don't just run them off and let them come back and do it another day. Also there was no hunting in this log, so you can't really claim that anyone is lame for hunting here. Azoriel and Beeenz should have been aware that there was a wizard casting fireball and avoided it(it's not hard), and if they can't do that, they deserve to lose the battle. Also, it's not like this is the first time it's happened. KoDA are very well aware that this is how some people(including Fimbu) roleplay. They had every chance in the world to not participate and/or escape.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    27 December 2002 20:51:52

    *LOL* You never forgot, that's your creedo.

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    27 December 2002 20:32:04

    lol, lets all resort to name calling and bashing. Cause thats what we are all good at!

    And no nogothrim, hunting in rp combat is lame, it takes no skill, *shrugs, but thats just me, I forget its not about skill no more, its just about killing as many newbies as possible.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    27 December 2002 18:36:12

    Yeah Rhoads, because its imperfect we should all just give up and be retarded.

  • Author
    Vie [legacy]
    27 December 2002 18:29:31

    i used to do this. kill in rp. i guess there's really nothing wrong with it if you want to get hella enemies really quick :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 December 2002 18:28:38

    Heh, I 'retired' simply because of lack of proper time to play, I am not going to fail on college like some of you just to play a game or stop going out with my friends and end up tied to a computer game.

    On the other hand Nogothing, there is something called gameplay that you never consider, next tiem you die, please, stay dead and start another character. :)

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    27 December 2002 18:08:46

    FRA are shitty roleplayers simply because they dont pk amruin until there are no amruin left. They are political faggits, just like all of you......I see KoDA as some of the worst Rpers in the history of the game. Words mean nothing. Actions mean everything. KoDA do not FIGHT for anything. They only act like they do.

    The second someone says you shouldnt hunt in 'RP' combat is the second i learn they are a fucking idiot.

    When Aragorn sees an orc he runs it down and kills it. When a KoDA sees a CoU he runs it down and kills it. When a VC sees a SoU he runs it down and kills it. When a FRA sees a amruin he runs it down and kills it. When a BkD sees a Udungul he runs it down and kills it. etc etc. When you start making agreements and treaties you start to compromise your Rp. Go back and read about the Riders of Rohan then look at amruin. Do that for every guild.

    Some people want to RP but not PK..i think thats fine and great but they should only have that luxury when they are protected by the PK might of thier fellow guildmates. You guys are helpless.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    27 December 2002 16:52:07

    Only one person that actually RP's has even commented on this log, the rest of you people chastising Fimbu are really in no place to do it. Are we supposed to listen to 2 slayers of Udungul that I've never seen roleplay in my life? How about Whattasnatch who comes here to spew dribble whenever something goes against something he holds dear? Or Rhoads, the man who retired before he actually did something?

    Ahocho's argument is the only one that would actually bear any weight behind it. Duniv may possibly have a point, the whole knife in the back thing suits him more, which doesn't matter because that's a description of Ulfang to a T at anyrate. But what do I know about roleplay except that it's impossible to really be able to praise someone on T2T then shun someone else's attempt when they're all equally horrible.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 December 2002 15:55:22

    this is not particularly about this log, more like a general tought

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 December 2002 15:54:39

    well, roleplay is dying anyway, i don't see why we care so much, trempk is right, it is all reduced to legend x and legend y, nothing anymore.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 December 2002 15:49:14

    And that is YOUR opinion about it, not theirs but you are not accepting theirs now are you? (the KoDA's about non death and stuff) :P

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    27 December 2002 14:08:17

    Delgaur, btw, that's the only reasonable response I've heard yet. But the reason that the actual death must be included to make it fun (for me at least) is because if there's no risk of losing stats (stats which you put your time into getting) then there's no actually feeling of excitement that you might lose something, or gain something.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    27 December 2002 14:05:39

    Trempk, you gotta admit: You barely know me. How the fuck are you supposed to be aware of all my thoughts and intentions. Well, anyway, thanks for guessing what my thoughts were and explaining them to the group! It was a good guess! Based on facts! But too bad, it was wrong.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 December 2002 11:57:37

    oh, and just to clarify, there is nothing wrong with this log.
    Simple answer is....MOVE!.
    IF there was an assassin hunting, then it would be wrong.
    As far as im concered, your there to fight, you know, beat the shit out of the other guy.
    the ONE and ONLY Rule u should have is the forbidance to hunt.
    Simple becuase it avoids the un-necersary death and loss of stats to your person.
    Im mean really, why do you need to go that one step further, and make them loose stats/exp? When really, the fact u made them run in the first place shows you defeted your Foe!.
    IF they run off an get help, then let them, shows how weak they are alone compared to u :)

    The ability to 'Put somone out of there misery' is simple not needed with you are battleing for fun. Only if it is somone who has done you wrong and REALLY deserves it.
    Remove hunt from the battle, and well, if you die, you only have yourselve to blame.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 December 2002 10:49:20

    useing RP as an excuse to PK is lame, imho.
    and i dont care if you did not ask for it :)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 December 2002 07:14:15

    By the way, Fimbu's public roleplaying in this log: 'say Run Knights!', 'say Thank you for your aid, sir', 'say Thank you again, sir'

    Things different from 'the other kind' of roleplaying: '$ legend beeenz and azoriel'

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 December 2002 07:02:45

    The knights just have to understand that if Fimbu wants to pk some knights, he isnt going to do it like everyone else. He's going to go to DA and attack some NPCs to force the knights to attack him, then he's going to hunt them and not get reported. Thats all there is to it. He doesn't want them to be able to roleplay the way they want to without having to die for their lack of roleplaying 'the REAL way'. If they want to attack Fimbu, its only right for his character to kill them. Then again if Fimbu attacks something in DA, its only right for like 20 guards to swarm him and kick his ass, but that can't happen. Good for Fimbu to have his safe way of pkilling knights, end of story.

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    27 December 2002 03:15:14

    Tell people how to play?

    Oh, I was gonna

    ah nevermind
    not worth the time

  • Author
    Heath [legacy]
    27 December 2002 00:37:11

    Don't tell people how to play.
    Get over it.

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    27 December 2002 00:08:12

    Playerkilling in rp combat was something some no skilled player came up to get free kills.

    If you think its something different, then you are just lying to yourself.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    27 December 2002 00:07:07

    Fimbu, I swear you really need to learn the difference between theme and rp and how the two can and should be woven together..

    ignorance is bliss I guess, you blissfully ignoramous

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 December 2002 16:54:00

    Ok. I'm going to stop arguing. Once people start taking the liberty of informing everyone of what is going on in your mind, which they would have no way of knowing, there's no hope of convincing them :P

  • Author
    Mazza [legacy]
    26 December 2002 16:01:30

    I think the decider that this log is a bad show of RP, is that it is posted under 'Player Kill' and not 'RP Battle'. I think that more than amply shows the attitude of the poster on this. It's kinda sad that people will abuse RP combat like this - some people consider it the 'future' of RP to die, but with the current destruction to character worth from dying, things like this just discourage people from RPing. And that's sad, especially when the perpetrators think they are doing something good by doing it.

    Just because a Knight attacks you or threatens you, doesn't mean you pick on the whole guild. By the way, how big of you to spare the level 14 :p

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 December 2002 14:00:59

    Wasach - It is thematic for me to kill KoDA members because they have crossed me in the past, and have attacked me. Thus, they die! I have also been threatened by a couple of their members, mostly Dwain.

    Hochopepa - I do respect your roleplaying style. Which is why I don't 'report' you when you attack me. If I only roleplayed with the people who roleplayed like I do, I would have very few people to enjoy the MUD with. Our roleplays can mix - they do. You attack me when I attack something in Gondor, but no risk for either side is really involved: I'm fine with that. I'll endure it even though it isn't much fun for me. I'll playerkill you when I get the chance: Some of you seem not to enjoy this. Bummer, things go both ways. But from what I heard, KoDA always enjoy a good fight.

    Wasach - I posted this because it is a no hunt kill in a 2.5 vs 3 player battle... Two people died, and I think it's a pretty good log. Wizards fireballing people to death always seems cool. Earlier, when I ran to heal (there was about a 40 second time span for healing), I had been fighting them 3 on 1. There is no dishonor in running for a moment when you are outnumbered like that - KoDA members did leave during this fight to heal, as well.

    Borkaz - I guess these RP forms aren't your style! Too bad, isn't it? But can you honestly say you didn't enjoy it a little when you escaped from my pursuing party? If you can, that's a shame, but that's the way things go. You can roleplay with me all you like, but be aware that I'm going to roleplay with you in my own way.

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    26 December 2002 13:06:27

    yeah, Fimbu, I once defended Caras from you and your assassin friend, and I got hunted when I fled, almost to my death. You claimed that was your RP.

    on a side note, lovely strike and fireballs during RP-combat, did anyone shape him before one was casted again?

    Maybe these forms of RP aren't my style *sighs*

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 December 2002 06:36:05

    Er, I meant Hochopepa, not Wasach

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 December 2002 06:26:17

    Obviously he can't Wasach, since he has to pk every enemy he RPs with, even if they're RP doesn't involve pk.

  • Author
    Ahocho [legacy]
    26 December 2002 05:39:13

    'Can't you respect that?'

    I respect your chosen style or RP/PK, we do not force you to play according to our rules.

    Yet I ask you can you respect our chosen style of play?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 December 2002 05:31:10

    Well, no need for fighting, let's stop taking things so serious.
    Fimbu, one thing I was telling you before you put me on ignore is that a friend is not the guy who says OK for all you do, but they guy who also critizes when he thinks what you are doing is wrong. Right now i think picking on KoDA is wrong, dosen't mean i dont like you :P
    Think about it.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 December 2002 05:16:16

    oh and Fimbu, Why the fuck would you post this? It IS a crappy log. There is no skill here, no flash, no pizazz. All you did was show everone that when challenged you had to call for help.

    You said that you were ran off, seems to me he won the challenge and you got all pissy and came back with help to exact vengeance with help. It's to bad you aren't man enough to just step back and admit someone fought better than you and instead had to be a shitba about it.

    okay, I'm done now...

    Duniv wont graduate after the spring semester either!!

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 December 2002 05:11:24

    Did hell freeze over or has Fimbu finally learned what theme is?...nope, hell hasn't frozen over and Fimbu still doesn't know what theme is.

    So let's see if we can work this out...
    Fimbu is an FRA, their theme is to gain control of 'The One Ring' for their own purposes. They can and WILL do whatever they can to keep anyone else from gaining the ring and keeping it or destroying it (run frodo run!!).

    Now, the Knights theme is to protect Gondor from 'The Enemy' (aka Sauron) and his minions while their Lord (Prince Imrahil) is away at Minas Tirith fighting to keep the main body of Sauron's armies from spreading across middle earth. This doesn't necessarily mean protecting npc's and there is alot more involved in RPing a Knight then just merely standing at a lad and typing 'shield lad' whenever someone attacks it.

    Since the Knights do not seek the ring, either for their own uses or to destroy it (does anyone besides the High Elves, Gandalf, the Fellowship, The Nine and Sauron even know of 'The Ring'?).

    Don't say it is thematic for you to kill them, your killing Knights has nothing to do with theme. You can say that it is your RP to kill Knights because how you RP does not have to be tied to theme. It is preferable that your RP be tied into the theme of the game because that makes it more fun. However, since that is a level of play beyond you, I doubt we'll ever see it.

    How tough are you Fimbu? Not very tough from anything I've ever seen (true I'm hibernated right now but I've said this before and you ain't done shit then). It's true KoDA is a newbish guild when it comes to pK but there isn't a Guild in the game that can hold a candle to them when it comes to thematic RP. You pick on the one and only Guild in the game without assassins, so tough to kill them, I bet if you had an assassin there you would have hunted them if they HAD tried and run.

    The assumption that the Knights don't kill is false and that you can even think those words is mind-boggling. The difference between the Knights and every other Guild in the game is that they don't pK you for a doing something to one member. They kill only when it is to the benefit of the whole guild AND thematic for them to do so.

    I've never thought that the Knights should RP with the FRA or Durms. Although certain members have shown themselves to be able to RP thematically, Fimbu ain't one of them...and it's a VERY long odds bet he ever could be.

    *Once again, sorry for posting a comment but this was warranted.

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    26 December 2002 05:05:52

    KoDA are good RPers, and for that I praise them. Infact, most of them are cool. All i got to say is I never liked 'Beans' that much. Fimbu is cool. =P. Oh, Fimbu, TALK TO ME SOMETIME!!!

    Durad Pain in the ass

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 December 2002 04:30:44

    Wow Rhoads. Thanks for that completely distorted view of things! From watching KoDA members be 'in character' as you put it, they merely try to utilize Tolkien's language to fit their characters, which is fine, as long as you do it well, but they completely butcher it. I 'pick on' KoDA (kill them) because it's thematic for me to do so. Playerkilling skills and Roleplaying skills are not always antonyms. I incorporate Pk into my RP. Can't you respect that?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 December 2002 04:13:28

    Hmm, depends fimbu, acting in character is something that most people don't do anymore except KoDA, that's why people praise them, not because of their playerkilling skills because we know they don't have it and that is why people like to pick on them.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 December 2002 04:10:48

    Just to clear something up: when Duniv said 'kinda lame', what he meant was, 'I think that <a different style of RP> is more fun.' He just has trouble expressing himself. Yes, those are direct quotes.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 December 2002 04:09:22

    Too late, Duniv. You already did.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    26 December 2002 04:06:10

    RP with FRA: A knife in the back when you leave the fight. I don't need to say anything about alts. It's irrelevant.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 December 2002 03:52:45

    A little lame? Jesus fucking christ! (happy birthday to him) Everyfuckingbody is always praising KoDA for their high RP and they're great thematicity, and here I am, RPing with 3 of them, and suddenly it's lame. Funny, isn't it?

    RPing without FRA members: Good! The lifeblood of the MUD!

    RPing with FRA members involved: Lame. Wasn't true RP. Oh, and by the way, FRA is a guild full of multiplayers and people with a thousand alts. Let's just throw that in to sound knowledgeable.

  • Author
    Asgrim [legacy]
    26 December 2002 03:19:34

    No no Crion, A Beorning joined FRA. :P Or, an FRA is a beorning.

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    26 December 2002 01:36:28

    Jesus I gotta keep up on my guildmates, I didn't know FRA were in my guild.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    26 December 2002 01:25:25

    A bit lame, but really, they should have known to leave. KoDA needs to get some players from FRA in their guild. It worked for the Beornings and Rimsilval, why not them? After all, what the fuck does alignment have to do with anything?

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 December 2002 01:10:12

    Why's that, Crion?

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    26 December 2002 00:43:15

    I feel sorry for Azoriel, he is a decent guy :(

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    26 December 2002 00:38:12

    Hmm.. I don't got anything against player killing, but I don't like it when it happens in RP.