Case # 2005 Idea: Bribing to learn who placed contracts (vote proposed) Rhoads reported [Tue Dec 17 08:29:55 2002]: Greetings members of the Mortal Council I have been thinking about the following idea for quite some time and after talking to some people it was asked that I shared with you all. I know it might be a little polemical, specialy to assassins, but it could make the game a little more interesting and reduce the harassing by constant contracts. I think it would be interesting if either there are no more anonymous contracs or that when you buy it off, for an extra fee, you could see the name of the one who placed it. How could this help the game at all? Well, easily, at first it would reduce the harassing of players with contracts, a contract of course dosen't (or at least almost dosen't) affect the life of a high level char who is at least an avarage player, but for the rest, it surely does. I have seen characters getting destroyed by contracts for no reason at all. There is a char who is level 7 by now and everytime she log's on she has a new C placed on her head. Take a notice that she is a nice person and we know the contractor is doing this just to piss off and make her stop playing. As a level 7 she praticaly stands no chance at all agains't the killers, specialy if he is higher level. Please notice that this is just an example. Right now the PoL only consider SOME cases like that as harassment and it is a little hard to handle since usualy people contract with several diferent chars to make it seem like there are a lot of people contracting, when behind all that there is only one typist. Another thing that this would proly stop is how people play with contracts. Contracts are IC things yet are treated like an OOC feature. I have seem people do more or less like this: Player X interacts with player Y, player Y dosen't like it so he get's on as his thief Z and places a contract on player X, after that, when the contract is matured, player Y get's on with Zero, his assassin char and goes after player X. I don't know how you all see that, for some might be normal but what I see is a missuse of the contracting system. So, in theory people would stop doing that to not reveal their alts. I think it would be more interesting if you discovered who placed the contract when you buy it off and pay an extra fee, but anyway I included those two idea. Enjoy. Rhoads Redbeard Antragon - Marshal of Helm's Deep Lukas [Tue Dec 17 09:12:30 2002]: I'm for this idea. The only problem that i see here is balance. Grima would loose it's credibility if such data would leak out. I'm aware that it's not impossible.. but just look at Grima... how much would you have to bribe him? a) maybe he doesn't like elves ? b) maybe he's pissed on servants of the Hand? c) maybe he's just greedy? d) maybe he has weak memory? e) maybe he values his life a bit? There are many ways to conveine man to speak... why not let people have them here. Lukas Deboraha [Wed Dec 18 06:27:58 2002]: I like it. I think it should cost a fortune, but I like it. Arthlor [Wed Dec 18 13:46:21 2002]: Strangely, I like this idea, too. If you make the bribe cost as much as the contract, that would encourage larger contracts, too. Art Redival [Thu Dec 26 10:27:56 2002]: I think Rhoads' idea brings up some interesting ideas. Indeed, it would be neat if you're spending so much to buy off a contract anyway to be able to learn who placed it. My main concern would be for the segment of people whom the contract system benefits most - the lowbies who have no other means of revenge. I know this isn't the primary population using the contract system, but in my mind it is the redeeming factor. Worst case scenario: Bob the dunedain Bushwhacker gets killed in a random "practice" pk. Saves up for a few hours, and manages to scrape up 1.5k or so to put on the guy who did it. Then the bit-shot player comes, buys off the contract and says "aha! It was Bob who placed it, I'll make an example of him" and goes out and kills Bob a couple more times. Now, I know this is an extreme example and I'm not against the idea of being able to pay to find out who contracted you. I just think it would be good to examine all of the implications of implementing something like this. The contract system is a great equalizer in this game and any major changes to it should be carefully thought out. Redival Pharanor, Edoras rep Deboraha [Sun Dec 29 14:25:19 2002]: I would like to propose the following vote in this case: Ref. MC 2005: Should the Council pursue the idea in this case for players being able to bribe to learn who has placed thier contracts?