
Posted by
Resin [legacy]
09 January 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

Dwain bans himself from sending me stupid hawks.


  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    16 January 2003 01:31:56

    What is funny and even more telling, is that Jaren felt the need to respond to something not even directed at him

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    15 January 2003 18:50:18

    The funny thing is I actually like Jaren, i'm just busting his balls a little for making that stupid comment below. The Jaren I knew spent most of his time idling or pking. Never put much effort into gathering eq or huntbreaking, leveling, or anything else. Maybe things have changed in the half year i've been hibernating. *shrug*

    I hear he actually started roleplaying...so anything's possible :P.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    15 January 2003 18:07:44

    And the old grudges never die...

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    15 January 2003 17:55:53

    Anytime you think you're game, Talan...feel free to try. If not, stop talking shit when you obviously have nothing to back it up with.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    15 January 2003 17:03:11

    Bug enhanced? hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah. Just cause i kicked the shit out of you with a char 4 levels lower than you doesnt mean it was bug enhanced..just means i know what I'm doing.

    And anyways, the reason i made you quit wasnt cause i was so 'mighty' it was because i followed you through all your breaks then you didnt know what else to do.

    And no, i didnt kill you, you used some pasties then tried huntbreaking for the fourth time, and that one actually worked.

    I'm not saying you're bad at huntbreaking, just that you really shouldnt talk shit, because you're one of the easiest FRA to kill :P.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    15 January 2003 14:03:31

    I suppose we'll have to wait while you make it though, Talan? Because that never happened :P

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    15 January 2003 14:01:39

    I suppose you are referring to the time when you idlekilled my level 10 alt with your bug enhanced assassin, Talan? Probably. And I faill to recall you ever soloing me at rhos, please post the log.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    14 January 2003 17:52:05

    Jaren, i cant tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but if you are, then I'd remind you about the time i made you quit in bree solo, and that time I took 250 hp off you from rhos solo also :P.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    14 January 2003 14:55:10

    He's right, I couldn't break a hunt if a Glorglas was chasing me. I repeatedly forget the names to my aliases when I'm abroad and I couldn't equip myself if my life depended on it!

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    14 January 2003 08:28:15

    Christ, it's not like this should be a big debate. Daen Hecil is going to do what it is going to do, so either match their RP combat standards or die clinging to the past. I for one applaud the new style. I've RP'd with DH a couple times, and while it may be a lot more dangerous, you can also have a lot more fun with it than by just consistently tip-toeing around your opponent so they won't, *gasp*, die.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    14 January 2003 06:25:11

    Stop distinguishing between 'power players' and and every other lame title. Just have fun, and face your advesaries with your testacles removed from your woolen boots. After all, everyone dies. You will be surprised how rudimentary some of these these infamous players huntbreaking skills are. Sorry, im tired of people inflating those who do not need anymore fuel added to their fires. =P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    13 January 2003 19:47:35

    I don't sewe whinning here :)

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    13 January 2003 18:19:20

    Lotsa whining going on.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    13 January 2003 18:00:34

    I guess you need a perception like Feldon's to tell the difference between someone pretending to be someone else and someone who is just pretending he's pretending that very same thing.

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    13 January 2003 17:28:28

    Ok, it is now time to disband DH and reinstate FRA. It was much better just having power players being dicks to everyone as opposed to now having power players pretending to rp and being dicks to everyone.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    13 January 2003 17:09:50

    Today we trapped Ehtyar at Tenzek's camp, he came in to attack Nash and for our luck the flag guards reseted just in time. We managed to hold that camp for around 10 or more minutes with Ehtyar faded, well, I guess he was really traped! But guess who came for rescue? The SoU... that was as unexpected was Spartan helping them the other day. I am not complaining I am just surprized, where is this world going to? :)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    13 January 2003 16:57:28

    I didn't say dh sucked at roleplaying, I just said that if everyone had to be true roleplayers, and kill their enemies by hunting them everywhere they saw them, then every guild would have to only accept decent powerplayers, like DH seems to do.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    13 January 2003 15:39:34

    har har.
    It all Cool Jaren.
    as you say, its your mistake to make...time will tell if it works out or not.
    I have voice an opinon, one shared by many, well more than many.
    As you guys have done yours.
    All we can do now is wait and see which one pulls through.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    13 January 2003 13:52:04

    Delgaur did you even read any of our posts? Nobody is trying to 'bully' anybody into anything, we are simply playing our role as we see fit, if you people don''t like it, as I've said before, don't cross us and you don't have to worry about it. Now if it's all a big mistake (which I don't believe it is) then it's ours to make and you can just mind your own fucking business, got it? I hope we can just 'kepted' it at this.


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    13 January 2003 13:31:10

    The funny thing is, Trempk, that a lot of the Daen Hecil members are very good roleplayers, and a lot more dedicated than your guildmates.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    13 January 2003 12:46:55

    i do belive however, that the guard auto attacks when you take the flag? i may be wrong.
    And trempk, Beorning theme is based on alot more than just one line from a book :p Cheeky fucker :)

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    13 January 2003 12:05:32

    Spansh, get meat on your bones before speaking fuckin newbie. You dont have to kill the guard to get out when the flag is down.

  • Author
    Spansh [legacy]
    13 January 2003 08:17:36

    I wonder who took the flag.

    I for one agree with delgaur (well I would). But I do hope if DH starts taking the flag or attacking the patrol to lock people into tenzeks camp that they get some severe fines for it, possibly enforced by some ainur.

    But I get the feeling they'll just get some 'non-guildmamber' (in speech marks as well all know that DH is about twice the size it is albeit unofficially, from what I hear their armoury is almost open house anyway) to do that part for them.

    Everyone here is bitching on about themes and such. In the beornings theme, I would never dream of killing a bear, or any of the other things on our employees list. yes that does make life hard, we can't get elven short swords (meaning we can;t avenge them either). I put up with this, as it's the theme I've chosen, and I also wouldn't dream of getting a 'friend' who's not in the guild to kill the bera for me, as it seems that DH here have done. (unless of course they killed the flag guard themselves when they wanted to get back out of the camp, and accepted the 5-10k fine (I don't know what employyes system you have).

    Just my thoughts.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    13 January 2003 03:15:26

    Please no one try to bash me and be a dumbass by assuming that I don't think that powerplaying and roleplaying can be the same thing and that RP is only defending NPCs, as usual.

    (sorry Fimbu :P)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    13 January 2003 03:12:05

    Well, the Beornings base most of their theme on one line from the books, so..

    And as I said, most DH members are decent powerplayers, meaning they can get the best equipment, they can handle themselves pretty well with huntbreaking, and they can probably even help out on pks to an extent, or at least be another person in a gangbang. On the other hand, if I were to call someone a good player, I could mean a few different things. Maybe they are a good powerplayer, maybe they are a good roleplayer, maybe both, maybe they're a good player when it comes to tap dancing at rhos, you know, whatever.
    Every dog is an animal, so why not just call them animals, this shit is just like the S.A.T. tests :)

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    12 January 2003 23:47:58

    Perhaps it's because our theme is not based on what some half-wit thinks he read somewhere?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    12 January 2003 22:29:14

    I still dont think it will last.
    If you hunt people from you village, then great! they wont go back again, thats what u want.
    Either that or they get wise, and when you hunt them, boom, they lead you to a waiting bang on allies.
    Then we all know what will happern then.....everyone in that party get put on you hit list! so, its 100% a no win situation.

    and reading the comments made since my last post, namley Jarens, it seems almost to me like they are tyring to bully people into agreeing to this type of RP.
    I mean really, whats so special about that guild which makes it think it can change the Way we RP on this mud?

    Sorry guys, but i just cant see it happerning.
    If im wrong, and 1 year from now we are all playing thus way, then fine, i will not be ashamed to say i am wrong.

    In addition, no one can call me a coward to this type of RP.
    Most people here know its the style i have played in all my time here(PK that is).
    I just think it should be kepted to just that, PK, not RP.

    And did i read somewhere that u are Dunlending warriors?
    if so, why they hell do you have assassins to hunt anyway? :p

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    11 January 2003 21:56:50

    If everyone is a powerplayer, why use the word at all? Why not use the word player only?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 January 2003 21:44:51

    Everyone is a powerplayer to some extent, some are just better than others was what I meant.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    11 January 2003 10:45:32

    I said: 'Lets just hope this RP doesn't spread into another guildwar...'

    Jaren replies: 'It is a war already Josi, haven't you been listening? You people are thick.'

    Perhaps I should make myself clearer. RP a real and true RP is alright in my book. However, a certain guild that got changed to a more evil guild had the same idea. It worked well in their favor for the first few fights, however when push came to shove it got real nasty. Nasty that it became a guildwar. A guildwar being of course what we all have seen; the usual hunting, bangs, and so forth. Thick? I don't think so, just a little cautious.

  • Author
    Alorian [legacy]
    11 January 2003 08:48:50

    screw alcohol, get weed

  • Author
    Drotnaz [legacy]
    11 January 2003 06:07:59

    Woh, being Drunk is fun!! YOur arguements make funn converstaions when drunk1 its like changing the world but not changing the world at the same tiem.
    you should all try it a little then more
    its like looking outside the skies and seeings skis like that guy Leonord Nimoi!

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    11 January 2003 04:28:01

    Nobody is saying you have to hunt to roleplay, thats just a controversial aspect of our own rp, Calenril. What we're saying is the outdated and obsolete 'RP rules' don't apply to us, and we are hoping others will start to discard them also, realizing them for the moronic, anti-rp cowards tactics they are. Sure you can't hunt, but does your RP demand you bandage every orc you kill then sit around and have a good laugh about it afterwords? I don't think so.
    As for Trempk saying that many of his (and other guilds) members suck too much to make any gold so they can't 'afford' to do any real roleplay, (My words, not his :P) I think that's a cop out, any moron can get some gear and head to an area to make some cash, it's just they're either lazy or _incredibly_ incompetant, either way, that doesn't get much sympathy from me, find a better argument.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    11 January 2003 03:54:43

    My main point was that, we are not 'assassins' by profession, we are 'rangers' of varying kinds (meaning, we all share a tie to nature) in the Valacirca. And, heh, I can't hunt. Does that mean simply because I lack the ability to hunt you down, I don't roleplay?

    Now, I realise the Daen Hecil are not a band of assassins either, but dunlending warriors, but many of them have the hunt ability. So, must I change my character, forsake the way of the bowman simply to RP 'better' in a fight? This mud is not made in such a way that you can incorporate fights entirely realistically like many of you here talk about. Even the hunting is unrealistic in a few ways.

    Still, DH has a valid point that it is somewhat akin to sparring in good humour without any attempts to kill. I say it grudgingly, because I do not find much pleasure in killing people myself. My personal aim in these fights are usually to chase away, not to kill.

    (It IS a bit hard to strike fear in people that way however :))

    I'm getting tired, so I better post this before I start making even less sense.

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    11 January 2003 03:38:37

    Just because you people don't have the grits to do it doesn't make us at fault Calenril :P

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    11 January 2003 03:16:31

    I guess it's time for the Valacirca to turn assassins and start roleplaying!

  • Author
    Shachmir [legacy]
    11 January 2003 03:14:18

    Hmm, there seems to be some confusion here. The DH only hunt people who dare to attack their village. The simple thing to do here is to _not_ attack their village. This is what they want, and to not be hunted is what you cowards want... so just don't go there.

    They don't hunt in other peoples villages to make things more pliable, however if I was attacking Edoras and the Amruin wanted to be ballsy and hunt me I would have no problem with it. Earlier 4DH and 7 Amruin took on each other with Viking leading one party and someone leading the other and I have to say that was some of the most fun I've had... both sides were readily trying to kill each other but no one died because they ran like they were supposed to :P

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    11 January 2003 02:08:26

    You have to be a power player to stand in a room to fight? I guess you learn something new every day!

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    10 January 2003 23:54:55

    DH isnt about powerplayers trempk, i certainly doesnt think im a powerplayer, neither am i especially good at pkilling. So i think you got it all wrong.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 January 2003 23:11:24

    Playability on this mud allows only for the better PP players on this mud to be good 'true' roleplayers. Everyone else would just get killed over and over again until they suicided, unless they just stayed out of everyone else's business. But then they couldn't roleplay what they wanted to. This would mean that every guild would all be like DH in the way that every member that they accept seems to be a decent powerplayer. Some guilds like to have lesser powerplayer members or not turn down members who aren't good powerplayers. For example, the Amruin. In true RP terms, we would accept any help we could get as long as we could trust them with the defense of the city, no matter if they were superskilled warriors or not. The 'no-hunting' form of RP helps these members to be able to roleplay without spending 99% of their time releveling, when they could be fighting their enemies instead.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    10 January 2003 21:09:22

    It is a war already Josi, haven't you been listening? You people are thick. DH is at war with its enemies, we don't just make little battles every now and then that are more choreographed than most ballets. We battle our enemies and give no quarter, nor do we ask for it. You don't like how we do it? That's Fine, stay out of our lands and out of our business and you shouldn't have any trouble from us.


  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    10 January 2003 21:02:21

    Bah. In one of Delgaur's comments he said you shouldn't kill because it allows the battle to happen again some day? Who in their right fucking mind would want an enemy to come back and kill their friend someday? The whole point of defending something is to PREVENT it from being killed. They could have just run Dwain off, but then he might come back and kill Tenzek in the future. This way at least he will think twice about it(although I believe Dwain is tough enough to try again). It seems dumb to me to allow the enemy to heal and regroup. With enough healing anyone could kill Tenzek despite plenty of protection if they didn't hunt. It's just dumb to argue that it's better to roleplay as someone who doesn't finish of their enemies. What do you do to your enemies then? You all fucking fight until someone has 50 hp and then you bring them a barrel of rum from your stupid ship and sit down and have a drink together.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    10 January 2003 20:56:42

    Lets just hope this RP doesn't spread into another guildwar...

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    10 January 2003 18:38:31

    Delgaur, you're saying that a 'real' RP mud doesn't have PvP combat? On the contrary, a lot of them do. True RP involves killing your enemies, regardless of what the T2T factions believe. The problem, in my opinion, is that you're all too used to the current definition of RP on T2T. Everyone thinks that deviation from the sugar-coated standard is malicious and wrong or something.

    I didn't think they'd get away with taking away the comm, either, but if that can happen...so can this. Maybe radical change, or even just SOMETHING to make life more interesting, is what you all need. :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 January 2003 17:16:08

    Rp is not just attack Azarael, and that did not change, Most still say npcs and stuff ;)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    10 January 2003 13:59:01

    erm, Real RP muds do not envolve PvP combat.
    You 'play - a - role' not attack another character becuases one is evil and one is bad. That is still hack and Slash.
    But im sure i do not need to explain that.
    Bottom line is, there will always be differnece of opions, becuase the Two Towers is stuck between the two....you can either play hack and slash, or, play a more RP IC Role. Unfortunatly choice one seems to come first. I am as guilty as the next person for it too. I could RP alot more than i do.

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    10 January 2003 11:59:09

    Once again Azarael, you hit the nail.

  • Author
    Azarael [legacy]
    10 January 2003 05:25:22

    Daen Hecil have stepped up to the RP plate and are shaming all other guilds who have pretended to RP. Let me tell you what, on RPI (Role Playing Itensive Mud) where you can be deleted/nuked for making a 'say' that is OOC (Out of Character) there is no way in HELL you would ever see any of this treaty shit between guilds.

    There is no seriousness and no forethought if there is no investment. If you are 'sparring' as Direkein said, you have no real investment. You can't RP being brave, you can't RP being a coward, either way you know you can just walk away.

    This attitude of trying to find a way to play without any risk of loss to your character is extremely anti-rp and just shows how amateurish the ideas of RP are on towers and how far they have to go before they mature into what the rest of the world considers Real RP.

    On the real RP muds I have played, if you bandaged your IC (in character) mortal enemy because he was your RL friend or online buddy, you would be banned as a fuckwit who didn't have any RP skills, and could not separate his character from his real life.

    Kudos to Daen Hecil for taking the lead here and showing the rest of the mud the RP light.


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 January 2003 05:18:26

    No I am not, he just asked me to say this :)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 January 2003 04:25:43

    Don't try to make the case that killing Dwain was a random kill, Rhoads :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 January 2003 04:13:55

    Btw Just for your info, Dwain didnt even attack tenzek as people say here, that's what he tells me

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 January 2003 03:32:01

    Yes Ketan, that's the reason why we will do something about it. Or hope to ;)

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    10 January 2003 03:05:09

    That's somewhat inaccurate, Paraiko. If your goal is to defend the village, or to 'control' the village, then odds are you don't want any of the enemy inside. I think it's hilarious when someone attacks an NPC in Edoras, so Amruin defend it, and then they run off and attack something else, and then something else, and said Amruin basically just has to keep running in circles to defend the area. That's very inefficient and also very goofy. We're not goofy. We're serious. So if our goal was, perhaps, defense of a single NPC...then yes, maybe not hunting would be beneficial, as no harm could be done to us in any room aside from that one. But under these circumstances, we're trying to defend an entire area, and the best way to do that is to run people out.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    10 January 2003 02:47:59

    The problem I have with hunting is that it defeats the purpose of RP combat. By this I mean that the hunting ability is far too accurate for a basis in reality, even Tolkien's reality (not that I am pushing for modifications, I like hunt the way it is). I encourage people to honestly try to win in RP combat, by headbutting and fireballing with abandon, but the line should be drawn at tactics unfeasible in Tolkien's world. By this I mean hunting and kill triggers. The point should also be made that when defending Daen Hecil, a defensive posture would likely be the objective, so pursuing an enemy even without hunting would seem counterproductive to a genuine RP fight for control of the village.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    10 January 2003 01:43:32

    Feldon, don't you have girls to be mackin'?

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    10 January 2003 01:37:36

    Basically, hunt DH in rp combat. It'll be funny

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 January 2003 00:38:40

    And Jad, since when has 'Sorry, but any form of hunting in RP is a cheap excuse for a Free PK.' been an opinion? That's a lie, not an opinion. It's cool if you state your opinion. But if you have the fucking audacity to assume why other people are doing certain things, you're the twit.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    10 January 2003 00:38:31

    so, if you hunt back, and actully win, your kinda fucked either way? :p

    and if you have agreed with Guild to hunt them, then great, lets see how it goes.

    I still dont think it will last though :p
    either that or the action will be limited.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 January 2003 00:35:30

    Of course, if you make an attempt on our life, or we want to kill you out of hand, we'll hunt you anywhere :)

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    10 January 2003 00:31:23

    Everyone is entitled to their own version of rp. As for myself, I think that there should be a difference between 'rp' and sparring. Ask yourself which one you are doing when you 1) make an agreement before the fight starts from both parties that its ok to attack each other this specific moment, 2) wimpy out of combat and not expect to be followed, and 3)bandage your mortal enemy when he falls to the ground bleeding.

    maybe we need to refresh the terms a bit. Sparring is not Roleplaying. In fact to me, its anti-roleplaying.

    Now as far as hunting goes, we hunt in our village and in tenzeks camp. We 'defend' those areas with everyone that is willing to 'rp' with us. We don't hunt in Edoras, and it seems to be working fine for a couple guilds that have stepped up to the plate, namely Amruin and Valacirca. KoDA on the other hand, apparently they are the best 'sparring' guild in the game....not the best roleplayers in the game. Note that this is for Beeenz and Korlath specifically. other KoDA like Rougan, Dwain, and others are willing to trade blows for blows with people they hate.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    10 January 2003 00:28:17

    So kill them in open play Tyfus, not when the come to battle with you.
    IF of course the report was a result of a similar battle, then by all means kill. You have good reason.

    I was more reffering to the Guilds openess about hunting being part of there RP. (yes i ranted, it was suppose to be a '2-cents' reply to longfinger, i just got carried away).

    I do not, and will not, ever agree to hunting in RP combat.
    If anyone did not like my rant, fine, ignore it :) its not that difficult.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    10 January 2003 00:20:30

    Whats with all that hate Fimbu? :)
    And just becuase you dont agree with me does not mean im wrong, or right for that matter.

    Fact is, ive been at this game for years and years now, and in ALL my time here, not one guild has agreed to allow people to hunt in RP(BKD had a go at it i belive, but it never stuck).
    so....what makes you guys so special?
    Fact is, no one will accept it, no one will agree to it, people will soon get fed up with it, and treatys will be made....just you wait and see old boy.

  • Author
    Jad [legacy]
    10 January 2003 00:19:54

    Woah, chill people :)

    Delgaur was giving his opinion.. his reasons. You also have yours. You prefer to keep them to yourself, Del prefers to post them.

    So let's relax and read some more logs!

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    10 January 2003 00:17:49

    I doubt anyone will die and get killed just because they check on healer, but this wasnt the issue here. Dwain had already attacked Tenzek and went off to heal. Koda are imho a special issue, since they had already started to report in 'your type' of rp combat (without hunt). Take this guy Beeenz for example he dies a couple of times in edoras. We get approached and promise to not attack him anymore since he obviously cant handle it. Next day to my big surprise i find him attacking me at Daen Hecil. Ohh just wanted to put in not ALL koda reports, but in the last week it had been a couple of reports.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 January 2003 00:00:35

    Delgaur, shut the fuck up. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. What we do is for our own reasons, and you would have no way of knowing what they were. Simply because you think that the 'point of roleplaying' is different from what we think the 'point of roleplaying' is doesn't make us wrong.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    09 January 2003 23:40:06

    Longfinger, it was a joke :p
    I guess i hit a nurve there? Whats the matter, was you actually planning on pulling that trick? :p

    But for the record, no i dont agree to hunting, it goes agaist the whole point of RP combat. People do it becuase it is a relativly safe method of PvP combat, that does not involved Big Egos with Hunt ability.

    Player 1 wants to stand and defend to his last reserve, when he leaves, he is 'defeated', if he is hunted an actually Pkilled, he is also 'defeated'
    Whats the difference?

    One allows for the battle to happern again some day, makeing the fun and PvP last.

    The other Puts people off becuase they dont fancy dieing, and if they do die, will eventuly be to low level to put a good fight, so you shoot yourself in the foot as you have 'no one' to 'RP' with.
    the PK also allows people to act like Egotistic twits! yes twits! as in, dont come here again fucker, or i pk you!, oh and dont report, else i will PK you again and again! untill i have no need to defend my camp becuase there is no-one left to defend it from.....which makes one big part of your Guild RP obsolete.....i mean, what fun can you possible have as an Guild member who wants to PvP 'RP' combat, when no one will attack the camp?

    Sorry, but any form of hunting in RP is a cheap excuse for a Free PK.

    And Yes, im sure you will call people 'lame' for 'Playing like a pussy' But apart from a select few, most people dont want to be hunted across arda simple becuase they attacked an npc!

    So dont attack the NPC you say, sure, they can do that. But what fun is that to you? none.

    Dont get me wrong, i know little about the new theme of the guild (I have yet to look up there involvment in tolkens works, as i have never heard of such a group from my readings, but im sure they are in there if i look hard, theme would not have been accepted otherwise) , and the way it is meant to RP, i just know that i 100% dont agree to Hunting in RP, its the 1 and only Rule i like to have....
    I mean, sod warnings, sod shapeing, if they dont move, there fault.....but if they DO move, and they are followed...thats soo wrong.

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    09 January 2003 21:43:17

    Whats really sad Resin if it wasn't for friends, you would of died on newbies, now thats sad

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 January 2003 20:55:50

    We should hunt in edoras also but there are lack of assassins wich sucks you know? :)

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    09 January 2003 19:49:26

    They should.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 January 2003 19:42:59

    I don't think they hunt at Beorn

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    09 January 2003 19:33:08

    Err what the hell do you want us to do?
    why shouldnt we defend that area?

    That moronic comment really pisses me off.

    If you dont do the same to anyone who goes to kill beorn then I recommend you try to change back to Eruhini. Excuse us for trying to roleplay and still have fun.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    09 January 2003 15:29:01

    so, soon we are gonna see them, hording the flags, so anyone who goes into check on tenzek, or even use the healers,or use the healers will be Pked, and the excuse user will be 'we defend the area' ..... good one :p

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    09 January 2003 10:47:11

    The audience? The cheer leaders? The catholic altar boy?

  • Author
    Drotnaz [legacy]
    09 January 2003 06:26:25

    Agarvain, you can't really say Dwain kicked their butt cause he ended up dying? Its almost impossible to solo a warrior simply cause they're stronger one-on-one so bringing an extra person (figure) is just plain smart. but I dunno what the hell the others were walking around there for..

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 January 2003 06:07:48

    That sucks Ethyar :)

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    09 January 2003 05:07:35

    What happens when there are numerous Dunlendings thirsting for a fight and there's no way out:

    LAWSYS:It is not a crime to attack anonymous figures!
    LAWSYS:You are attacked by Holic!

    LAWSYS:It is not a crime to attack anonymous figures!
    You stop protecting Tyfus.
    LAWSYS:You are attacked by Tyfus!

  • Author
    Agarvain [legacy]
    09 January 2003 03:00:46

    Still Dwain did kick you butt...No way in hell could you have soloed him...without healing that is.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 January 2003 02:49:42

    Well was still a nice fight darling

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    09 January 2003 02:27:09

    Holic barely counts, he attacked at the end _because_ of the 78HP. I'm sure things would have gone differently if he were attacking to begin with.

  • Author
    Asgrim [legacy]
    09 January 2003 02:18:36

    3, you, Holic, and the figure.

  • Author
    Resin [legacy]
    09 January 2003 01:09:03

    Aww! There were two attacking, darling.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 January 2003 00:50:07

    All of you people and you STILL got to 79 hp?!?