^ Mithgil: Lotze is walking along in the park. ^ Chrono: Although I think I new a sound card... unless I have to do something manually HP:190 EP:106> ^ Lotze: wow that stuff must be expensive. my new comp (mutter ground shipping) is PC2100 ECC DDR (366mhz I think) ^ Mithgil: 333 ^ Mithgil: anyway ^ Hurm: I wanna be a mugger in that park! ^ Nyssa: whew you guys sure must find yourselves lost for missing the conversation from last night then ^ Lotze: so you're the PC mhz converter? ^ Mithgil: Lotze is walking along in the park. ^ Nyssa: wait, don't i get to have a part? ^ Lotze: ooh ooh! ^ Mithgil: Whistling. He's whistling. ^ Hurm: a mugger that uses his incredible break-dancing skills as a weapon! ^ Lotze whistles. ^ Mithgil: Ok. ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, Anthlar jumps from the bushes! ^ Mithgil: Brandishing a knife! ^ BOO! ^ Anthlar: BOO! HP:190 EP:111> ^ Nyssa: Lotze, he is not going to give me a part ^ Lotze shrieks! ^ Nyssa giggles ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: You bastard! You ruined my life! ^ Lotze wishes Nyssa was there to defend him! ^ Mithgil: Lotze: Take it easy, Anthlar! ^ Mithgil: Anthlar waves his knife around and says: Well, I'm taking my life back. Give me all your money. And your underwear! ^ Nyssa smirks ^ Mithgil: Lotze: Ok, fine. Hold on a second. fdl You fall down laughing. HP:190 EP:115> ^ Mithgil: Lotze reaches into his pockets... and pulls out A REVOLVER! ^ Nyssa: uhm ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Noooooo! ^: gacks. ^ Anthlar gacks. HP:190 EP:115> ^ Nyssa: wouldn't lotze's underwear be too small for anthlar? ^ Lotze: you'd think so... ;) ^ Mithgil: Lotze: Ahahaha, you scum! You tried to steal my wife, so I liquidated all of your assets. ^ Chrono: my cpu fan is way to damn loud though =| ^ Bah, they're to smell, not to wear! ^ Anthlar: Bah, they're to smell, not to wear! HP:190 EP:117> ^ Undertow: and why the hell am i already dead? ^ Lotze: he! freudian.. and funny! ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Nooo! Don't kill me! You've taken everything I have... leave me with my life. ^ Mithgil: Lotze: No. It ends now. You die. ^ Hurm: Undertow - cause that's just how thigns are. but now..you can be a zombie ^ Jete: gawd man get back to the airport! ^ Mithgil: Lotze begins to pull back on the trigger. ^ Nyssa: really undertow, don't you watch soaps, no one is really dead, especially if they are a popular character ^ Nyssa: hurn and jete just think they killed you ^ Nyssa: err hurm ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, Nyssa jumps on Lotze's back and jabs a icepick into his neck! ^ Jete: yep! ^ Nyssa gasps ^ Nyssa: i'm so cruel ^ Lotze gargles! ^ YES! ^ Anthlar: YES! HP:190 EP:121> ^ Hurm: hurn, hurm..whatever..I ain't picky :) ^ Mithgil: Lotze falls to the ground, looks up at Nyssa and says: Why....? ^ Nyssa: can i at least look pretty ^ Mithgil: Lotze then dies. ^ Lotze dies. ^ Nyssa: I killed Lotze! ^ Nyssa cries HP:190 EP:123> ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Anthlar, my love. Finally, my husband is dead. ^ Nyssa oohs ^ Lotze sees his lifeless body at his feet. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar runs up and begins kissing Nyssa. ^ Nyssa: there is the kissing ^ Now the plot gets interesting! ^ Anthlar: Now the plot gets interesting! HP:190 EP:124> ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Now, let's steal his company, and we'll make you a rich man again. ^ Mithgil: End of scene. ^ Mithgil: Next scene! pat mithgil You pat Mithgil on the back. HP:190 EP:125> ^ Nyssa: but where is undertow HP:190 EP:126> ^ Mithgil: Six feet under. ^ Jete: six feet under! ^ Mithgil: Hurm and Jete are walking up to the ticket counter. ^ Undertow kicks mithgil: you bastard Aivers enters. Evenstarie enters. HP:190 EP:127> ^ Mithgil: Jete: We'll go to Paris. They'll never find us there. ^ Lotze is 3 feet under. ^ Nyssa: but you are central to jete and hurms storyline Evenstarie hands out VInor hugs to everyone in the room. Aivers leaves south. Evenstarie leaves south. ^ Undertow: im freaken dead. im not central to anything but the worms HP:190 EP:129> Lydia erms. ^ Nyssa: i am sorry i killed you lotze ^ Mithgil: hold on a second Lydia says in Westron: elsewhere HP:190 EP:129> Mithgil says in Westron: okie ^ Hurm: PARIS?@!?! ugh. cheese eatin surrender monkeys. Mithgil hmms. Lydia hugs Mithgil. ^ Mithgil: Anyway. give 1 gold to lydia You give Lydia a gold coin. HP:190 EP:130> Lydia waves all wavey like. Mithgil waves. tip You tip your hat. HP:190 EP:131> Lydia says in Westron: thanks, anthlar np lydia You snap your fingers, point at Lydia and say: No problem. HP:190 EP:131> ^ Nyssa: but their wine is cheap Lydia leaves south. ^ Nyssa: and tasty ^ Mithgil: Inspector Atma walks up to Hurm and Jete. l You are in the Council room of the Prancing Pony Inn. By decree of the High Council of Arda, this room has been fashioned to keep the people informed of the goings on in Minas Tirith. The walls are painted white and the room is clean and fresh. Here you can rest, relax, and update yourself with current events. A sign is posted here. The only obvious exit is south. Mithgil the dunedain Man-at-Arms (Angelic) A torch A stool A well-crafted boat Bree Public Mcouncil Board [21 notes] HP:190 EP:132> ^ Lotze will forgive you... once the C is filled! HP:190 EP:133> ^ Mithgil: Atma: You two are under arrest. ^ Mithgil: Hurm: Whatever did we do, sir? ^ Nyssa: I do not like pulpy orange juice ^ Mithgil: Atma: Does the death of one Undertow Russfield ring a bell? ^ Undertow: damn skippy. you killed me. thats waht you did ^ Nyssa: it makes me think i'm swallowing ants ^ Mithgil: Jete: You mean he's dead?! Laryn tells you: a Numenorean cutlass is now on sale as lot 199, minimum bid 110 gold ec, u/all ^ Nyssa gasps ^ Mithgil: Atma: Don't act coy with me. HP:190 EP:137> ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, Undertow walks through terminal 3. HP:190 EP:137> ^ Nyssa: heehee, "was I not supposed to kill undertow?" ^ Mithgil: Hurm: You see, he's ALIVE! ^ Mithgil: Atma: Well, I'll be! ^ Nyssa: see told you he wasn't dead ^ Undertow: wheee! im alive!!! ^ Hurm shouts, "it's ZOMBIE UNDERTOW!" ^ Mithgil: Atma: Well, I guess I'll be on my way. comm list Tuned to the comm line are: Anthlar, Beorg, Hurm, Jete, Leere, Lotze, Mithgil, Nyssa, Scapegoat, Undertow HP:190 EP:139> ^ Nyssa heehees ^ Mithgil: Atma walks away, and Undertow walks up to Hurm and Jete. HP:190 EP:140> ^ Nyssa: uh oh HP:190 EP:140> ^ Mithgil: Undertow: Our plan is almost complete! ^ Nyssa bites her nails HP:190 EP:140> woo You go "Woo!". HP:190 EP:142> give rum to mithgil You give Mithgil a small glass of imported rum. HP:190 EP:143> ^ Mithgil: Hurm: Yes, we've successfully cloned Undertow and implanted Beorg's consciousness into him! ^ Lotze: ok so I'm out of this right? ^ Nyssa screams in horror ^ Jete gasps! I cant believe he did that! HP:190 EP:143> comm list HP:190 EP:144> ^ Mithgil: Hurm: Cackle with me. MWaahahahaha! ^ Mithgil: Jete: mwuahahahahaha! ^ Hurm: oh man. We're freakin RAELIANS?! ^ Nyssa: don't worry i'm wearing a vial of your blood around my neck and hurm and jete probably cloned you too ^ Lotze: ok I'm going then. watching a movie with subtitles, can't do both say you still need leere and scapegoat You say in Westron: you still need leere and scapegoat HP:190 EP:145> ^ Mithgil: Beorg/Undertow: Mwahahahahahahahaha! ^ Undertow: and they cloaned the ugly raelian too ^ Nyssa sniffs sadly ^ Mithgil: Next scene. ^ Lotze waves.... from beyond the grave. l HP:190 EP:146> ^ Nyssa: Bye Lotze ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat, the cloning doctor, works in his laboratory. drink rum Unable to resist the siren's call any longer, you raise the small glass to your lips and allow the sweet rum to fall down your throat. HP:190 EP:155> ^ Nyssa sniffs Laryn tells you: a short steel sword is now on sale as lot 200, minimum bid 115 gold Very Good Condition Lake Swan INc. throw glass at board ^ Nyssa: I killed my husband You throw an empty glass at Mortal Council Public Board. HP:190 EP:149> ^ Nyssa: course i didn't even know that i was married to him ^ Mithgil: Leere, the short humpbacked midget, runs errands. ^ Undertow: gah! i go from being dead to being a borg ^ Yea, but it was fate. you couldn't resist my manly charm. ^ Anthlar: Yea, but it was fate. you couldn't resist my manly charm. HP:190 EP:151> ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat: Leere, bring me sample 4! ^ Nyssa: but you are alive HP:190 EP:153> ^ Mithgil: Leere: Sample 5, yes maaaster. HP:190 EP:153> ^ Nyssa: true Anthlar ^ Mithgil: In walks... ^ Mithgil: Anthlar. ^ Nyssa uh ohs ^: acks. ^ Anthlar acks. HP:190 EP:155> ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat: Ah, Anthlar! What can we do for you today? ^: gacks. Your head is clearing. ^ Anthlar gacks. HP:190 EP:157> Autosave. ^ Mithgil: Athlar: I need a clone. Of this sample. ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat: Ah, and who is it? ^ Athlar. A new clone? ^ Anthlar: Athlar. A new clone? HP:190 EP:158> ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Lotze. ^: gacks. ^ Anthlar gacks. HP:190 EP:158> ^ Mithgil: typo ^ Nyssa pokes Mithgil, Lotze is gone now ^ THE ICEPICK! ^ Anthlar: THE ICEPICK! HP:190 EP:159> ^ Mithgil: You just wait :p ^ Hurm wonders if the Spider-clone will make an apperance ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: I need him in a week. ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat: Will do. ^ Nyssa: he is trying to trade me for a newer model isn't he ^ Mithgil: Anthlar leaves. ^ This is too twisted. ^ Anthlar: This is too twisted. HP:190 EP:160> ^ Nyssa: you know klouse used to always say that to me HP:190 EP:161> ^ Mithgil: Leere: Here's the sample, boss. Suddenly you have a massive headache. ^ Mithgil: Leere drops the sample right into the sample of Lotze's DNA, but nobody notices. HP:190 EP:141> ^ Nyssa: uh oh ^ Mithgil: Next scene! ^ Nyssa: acks ^ Nyssa: the suspense comm hist HP:190 EP:141> ^ Mithgil: I need more people. ^ Nyssa: you have used oh... uhm ^ Mithgil: Whatever. We'll keep doing it with these people. ^ So who was sample 4?! I can't wait! ^ Anthlar: So who was sample 4?! I can't wait! HP:190 EP:143> ^ Scapegoat: When is Nyssa going to tell Anthlar she is carrying his baby? ^ Who will lotze be mixed with?! ^ Anthlar: Who will lotze be mixed with?! HP:190 EP:143> ^ Mithgil: Next scene: Nyssa is in Lotze's old corporate office. ^ Nyssa: What am I wearing! ^ Mithgil: Talking on the phone. ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Yep. Uh huh. Righto. Yea. Sure. Ok. Bye. ^ Hurm: you are wearing sausages. Your headache clears up. ^ Mithgil: Hurm enters. ^ Nyssa: that's kind of greasy ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Hurm, you bastard! ^ Mithgil: Hurm: Miss me? ^ Nyssa: how dare you leave me for jete! ^ Nyssa smirks ^ Leere: gasp ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: How dare you leave Leere for Jete! ^ Nyssa: HAHAHAHA ^ Jete: hahahaha HP:190 EP:143> ^ Mithgil: Next scene: Nyssa is in Lotze's old corporate office. ^ Nyssa: What am I wearing! ^ Mithgil: Talking on the phone. ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Yep. Uh huh. Righto. Yea. Sure. Ok. Bye. ^ Hurm: you are wearing sausages. Your headache clears up. ^ Mithgil: Hurm enters. ^ Nyssa: that's kind of greasy ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Hurm, you bastard! ^ Mithgil: Hurm: Miss me? ^ Nyssa: how dare you leave me for jete! ^ Nyssa smirks ^ Leere: gasp ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: How dare you leave Leere for Jete! ^ Nyssa: HAHAHAHA ^ Jete: hahahaha ^ Mithgil: Hurm: What can I say, I was only using that hunchback for his money. ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: You should be ashamed. Get out of this office, now! ^ Hurm: and his other *abilities* ^ Hurm: like finding brains at 4 am. ^ Mithgil: Hurm: Ah, but I have come for business. ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: I don't want to do business with you. ^ Nyssa: not very profesisonal for me to wear sausages ^ Nyssa: does this mean hurm is hungry ^ Mithgil: Hurm: But, you must first know what it is. See this? ^ Hurm: nope. it means i'm freakin weird. ^ Mithgil: Hurm shows Nyssa a picture. ^ Nyssa uh ohs ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: How did you get that picture?!?! ^ Mithgil: Hurm: Ah, I have my sources. ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: What do you want?! ^ Mithgil: Hurm: 20 billion dollars. ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: You know I would have to sell the company! ^ Mithgil: Hurm: On the contrary, why don't you just GIVE me the company? ^ Undertow holds his pinky up to his mouth: 20 billion dollars! ^ Nyssa: is hurm really lotze? ^ Gack, I told her not to walk nude in the cemetary. ^ Anthlar: Gack, I told her not to walk nude in the cemetary. HP:190 EP:155> ^ Nyssa: did i kill the clone ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Never, you scum! I'll find a way to route you. Hamonk shouts in Westron: 10 min left on item #200 ^ Mithgil: Hurm: Mwuaahahaha. You have three days to comply. ^ Mithgil: Next scene! ^ Nyssa: At least I still have Anthlar? ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat and Leere peer into the cloning tank. ^ Mithgil: Leere: What do you think, boss? ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat: I don't think it's going well. ^ Don't worry nyss, I'll defend you. ^ Anthlar: Don't worry nyss, I'll defend you. HP:190 EP:159> ^ Mithgil: Leere: Should we let it out? ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat: We'll have to. ^ Undertow: this is sorta reminding me of the steve martin movie where he is a brain doctor ^ Nyssa: want a sausage? i seem to be wearing them lately ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat presses a few buttons and the clone is awakened. ^ The man with two brains ^ Anthlar: The man with two brains HP:190 EP:161> ^ Mithgil: Out steps: ^ Undertow nods at anthlar ^ Wareagle: sure ^ Mithgil: Wareagle. ^ Jete: hahaha ^ Wareagle: i want a sausage ^ Mithgil: Wareagle: Waaahahar. Raaararagh. ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat: We've created a monster! ^ Wareagle: uh, right. ^ Nyssa: We have more people ^ Mithgil: Leere: Waaaa! Let's go! Run! ^ Nyssa: Tieraya and Wareagle! ^ Wareagle peers ^ Nyssa screams ^ Nyssa: and rhaywien HP:190 EP:166> ^ Mithgil: Wareagle: Wait! Wait! Oh screw it. Hmm, what's this say... I am the genetic offspring of both Lotze and Tieraya?! ^ Mithgil: Tiaraya: That's right. ^ Wareagle: errrr ^ Mithgil: Wareagle spins around. ^ Mithgil: Tiaraya: My child, at last! ^ Wareagle: I only listen to women :P ^ Mithgil: Wareagle: Mwahahaha. I have your memories now. ^ Ehtyar: You mean Tieraya, Mithgil? ^ Mithgil: Yeah, whatever. ^ Nyssa: he isn't known for his typing, but look ehtyar is here now ^ Mithgil: Tieraya: Let's go rule the world, son. ^ Mithgil: Next scene! ^ Wareagle: uh right... ok stay on comm, wait for me... :P ^ Mithgil: Ok, this is getting boring for me. All done for tonight. ^ Nyssa: NOOO ^ Hurm: awwwww ^ Jete: gawd man you suck ^ Mithgil: Ok, one last scene. ^ Jete: yay ^ Nyssa smiles ^ Hurm: WOO! ^ Mithgil: Jete and Hurm and Undertow are in their mansion on the hill. ^ Nyssa: they have a mansion! ^ Nyssa: oh yeah they do ^ Mithgil: Hurm: Mwahahaha! This is going all acording to our plans! Laryn tells you: a goblin backpack is now on sale as lot 201, minimum bid 130 gold Holds a plethera! Getting off soon! ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, in busts Nyssa and Anthlar! ^ Nyssa oohs ^ Jete: oh crap ^ Undertow: am i still in this story anywhere? ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: We've discovered your hiding place, you fiends! say I hope i stab her in the back :P ^ Mithgil: You're Undertow/Beorg. ^ Jete wishes he had a tommy gun. ^ Hurm: can i destroy them with break-dancing now? ^ Nyssa: no ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: We've got your plan figured out! ^ Nyssa: I want to use the ice pick again Laryn tells you: a short but sharp tusk is now on sale as lot 203, minimum bid 120 gold All bloody and gorey by soon Fresh! ^ Mithgil: Jete: No, how?! ^ Hurm break-dances at Nyssa in a threatening manner. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: You don't think the paper trail lead us right to your secret objective, a prostitution ring on the moon? ^ Nyssa waves the ice pick at Hurm ^ Nyssa giggles ^ Mithgil: Undertow/Beorg: What?! How did you find that! bah You smile and say: Bah! HP:190 EP:182> ^ Jete: hhhahahahahahahhahahaha ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, in busts Wareagle and Tieraya! ^ Mithgil: Wareagle: Raaah! We're here to kill you all! ^ Hurm: MOON HOOKERS. ^ Mithgil: Tieraya: You bastards. You thought I was dead. But I'm not! Mehrbod appears from the shadows. Mehrbod enters the game. Mehrbod looks at Bree Public Mcouncil Board [21 notes, 2 new]. ^ Mithgil: Everyone else gasps collectively. ^ Nyssa gasps ^ Jete: when did we kill her? ^ Crowus gasps. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: My love, I thought you died in a car crash! ^ Leere laugh ^ Mithgil: Hurm: I thought I had that car crash arranged! ^ Hurm gasps, then coughs a bit. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: What, you bastard?! ^ Jete: ahhhh ^ Mithgil: Wareagle: Yeah. I remember it all. ^ Nyssa: so i dont' get anthlar ^ Nyssa: but i keep the company right ^ Rhoads: DIe you all ^ Mithgil: Tieraya: Anthlar, you would have found me if you just looked! I hate you, bastard! ^ Jete: shut your trap rhoads Autosave. ^ Rhoads: Quiet ^: eeks. ^ Anthlar eeks. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: I can see that your soul has been corrupted by Rhoads, the vampire! ^ Jete: mmmmhmmmm ^ Hurm: is rhoads a MOON HOOKER? ^ Nyssa: can I stake him with the ice pick? ^ Mithgil: Rhoads flies in as a bat, then in a poof appears as a vampire ^ Kamara doesn't want to know ^ Mithgil: Rhoads: Mwauahahaha. Minions. Fools! ^ Mithgil: Nyssa jumps on Rhoads, and drives the ice pick into his heart! ^ Nyssa oohs ^ Nyssa: i'm so violent ^ Mithgil: Rhoads explodes in a giant poof! ^ Jete: claps for Nyssa. ^ Rhoads: Yes she hunted me once with Morthar and i died, that sucked ^ Mithgil: Tieraya: Nooo! My master!!!!!!!! ^ Crowus: and how long has this story been going on? ^ Mithgil: Wareagle leaps upon Nyssa! ^ Rhoads: I am still supposed to kill her for it, but that would involve work, and sinceraly i have a lot of it ;) ^ Jete: 10? 15 mins? ^ Rhoads pokes Nyssa ^ Nyssa: yes i did ^ Mithgil: Anthlar takes out a gun and blows a hole in Wareagle's head. ^: has logged it, and will post it on the log page. ^ Anthlar has logged it, and will post it on the log page. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Nyssa: nice to know spending the skills was a useful thing ^ Mithgil: Tieraya lunges at Anthlar, but is blocked by Jete. ^ Nyssa: Anthlar and I are lovers ^ Mithgil: Jete: Nooo! Do not kill my lover! ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: What?! ^ Nyssa: what! fdl You fall down laughing. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: That's right, me and Jete are secretly in love. ^ Jete cheers! Laryn tells you: a shiny, black longsword is now on sale as lot 204, minimum bid 125 gold Fresh! (CG) ^ Nyssa giggles ^ Mithgil: Hurm: No! You bastard! ^ Nyssa weeps ^: goes, "Woo!" ^ Anthlar goes, "Woo!" HP:190 EP:190> woo You go "Woo!". HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Hurm grabs a broom, breaks it in half, and rams it through Jete's midsection! ^ Hurm: they killed kenny? ^ noooooooo ^ Anthlar: noooooooo HP:190 EP:190> ^ not jetey! ^ Anthlar: not jetey! HP:190 EP:190> Laryn tells you: an emerald brooch is now on sale as lot 205, minimum bid 75 gold Increases Influence for rangers ^ Hurm: hey..that was almost a broom-handle enema! ^ Mithgil: Jete: Why.... we could have all loved each other... my friends... ^ Mithgil: Then Jete dies. say Let me kill everyone :P You say in Westron: Let me kill everyone :P HP:190 EP:190> say and then suicide. You say in Westron: and then suicide. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Leere weeps ^ Nyssa: am i trapped under wareagle's body? Mehrbod leaves south. ^ Rhoads: That would just be.. heehee You heehee. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Rhoads: Discussing ^ Jete: oooooo i got the goooood death! ^ Mithgil: Anthlar uncovers Nyssa. ^ Rhoads: Discusting! ^ Jete: nah the icepick thingy in the neck was cooler actually tell jete I'm sorry, my love! You tell Jete: I'm sorry, my love! HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Hurm: You bastards. You will die. .Jete tells you: yes! :( ^ Mithgil: Tieraya: No, I will kill them! ^ Crowus: nonsense I tell you... ^ Nyssa: i seem to enjoy jumping on people and stabbing them with ice picks ^ Mithgil: Hurm and Tieraya, so enraged, begin to grapple with each other. ^ Mithgil: Simultaneously, they rip each other's heads off! ^ Hurm: Sweet ^ Nyssa: bloody fdl You fall down laughing. HP:190 EP:190> pat mithgil You pat Mithgil on the back. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Naosami: Suhweet ^ Crowus: Eww!! say Genius. You say in Westron: Genius. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Ok, who's alive still? ^ Nyssa: I am and Anthlar ^: raises a hand ^ Anthlar raises a hand HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Ok, I got it. Laryn tells you: a living staff is now on sale as lot 206, minimum bid 130 gold fresh Amruin ^ Hurm: the narrator. ^ Naosami: I haven't died in a week :) ^ Mithgil: Undertow/Beorg: Aaah! Too much violence! ^ Leere: Am i alive, or in the story? Laryn tells you: a cat-hide pack is now on sale as lot 207, minimum bid 110 gold fresh Amruin ^ Nyssa: no you died already i thought ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: You! I thought you were dead! Martox enters. ^ Mithgil: Nyssa walks towards Undertow/Beorg slowly, icepick in hand. Martox leaves south. ^ nooooo, don't let her die! ^ Nyssa: uh ohs ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, in burst Scapegoat and Leere! ^ Anthlar: nooooo, don't let her die! HP:190 EP:190> ^ Nyssa! ^ Anthlar: Nyssa! HP:190 EP:190> ^ Nyssa acks ^ Undertow: damnit mithgil, if you kill me again... ^ Nyssa shrieks ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat: Do not kill him! He is my magnum opus! ^ Mithgil: Leere: Yeah... too lots of work to find that brain. ^ Crowus: wtf? ^ Jete: cap his ass! ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Aaah. Undertow was my brother, but he betrayed me to Lotze! ^: is confused. ^ Anthlar is confused. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat: This is not Undertow! This is a clone of him, with Beorg's consciousness implanted into it! ^ Nyssa: what will be funny is to read this all ^ Crowus: and where are you pulling this story out of mithgil? ^ Nyssa: again ^ Mithgil: Out of my ass. ^ Nyssa: it sort of makes sense ^ Crowus: thought so... ^ Undertow: at least mithgil is honest about it ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Beorg, aah! I hate Beorg! But I can't remember why! He must die, however! ^ Hurm: hey... it referenced MOON HOOKERS, so it's all good. ^ Nyssa: That sounds like something i'd say ^ Mithgil: Nyssa lunges at Undertow/Beorg! ^ Nyssa: If it's beorg's brain, is it really still you undertow? ^ Jete: is it over yet? ^ Mithgil: Scapegoat, thinking quickly, injects a sedetive into Nyssa that works so quickly she falls on the floor before she can kill Undertow/Beorg. ^ Crowus: I wouldn't think so... ^ Nyssa: I'm dead ^ Nyssa falls down dead. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Nooo! You killed her! ^ Hurm giggles. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar shoots Scapegoat dead with his revolver. ^ Crowus: EEk ^ Mithgil: Leere: You idiot! That was just a sedetive! ^ Nyssa: oh wait, its aa sedative ^ Nyssa: I'm sleeping ^ Nyssa snorez ^ Nyssa: i mean ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Call me an idiot, will you?! Take this! ^ Nyssa snores loudly ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, Leere pulls off his mask to reveal... ^ Mithgil: He is really Kamara! ^ Kamara: Huh? ^ Mithgil: Kamara: Noo! Don't kill me! ^ Jete: oh gawd man! ^ Leere: and Kamara's actually Leere. ^ Kamara: can't I drunk heal in peace? ^ Nyssa snores ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Sister! What! How did you get involved in this crazy mess?! ^ Crowus: I didn't know you had all this stuff shoved up your @$$ mithgil... ^ Mithgil: Undertow/Beorg: Nooo! I know Kamara! She is a vampire! ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: She can't be! ^ Nyssa: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ^ Crowus: again with the vampire.. ^ Mithgil: Undertow/Beorg: Yes, and she's a MOON HOOKER too! ^ Crowus: lol ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: What?! Nooo! ^ Undertow eyes kamara ^ Kamara: I am a vampire!! and I will eat you all!! ^ Nyssa snores more ^ Kamara starts with Tow ^ Mithgil: Undertow/Beorg: But I only realized she is a vampire. She will die! ^ Hurm: MOON HOOKERS! ^ Nyssa: if i'm sleeping who is going to ice pick everyone ack You ack! HP:190 EP:190> ^ Hurm: nyssa - mithgil. comm list ^ Mithgil: Undertow/Beorg sprays napalm all over Kamara by sneezing, since he has genetically engineered napalm snot! Tuned to the comm line are: Anthlar, Crowus, Ehtyar, Hurm, Jete, Kamara, Leere, Mithgil, Nyssa, Rhaywien, Scapegoat, Swamp, Undertow HP:190 EP:190> ^ Undertow: oooh! ^ Hurm: in a fit of deus ex machina. ^ Mithgil: Kamara melts into a puddle. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Nooooooooooo! You killed my sister! ^ What the... ^ Anthlar: What the... HP:190 EP:190> ^ Nyssa snores ^ Kamara gurgles ^ Mithgil: Anthlar tries to fire his revolver at Undertow/Beorg but it just clicks! Laryn tells you: an unornamented longbow is now on sale as lot 208, minimum bid 200 gold Fresh!!*traded at edoras tradeshop!! ^ ack. ^ Anthlar: ack. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Undertow/Beorg walks towards Anthlar slowly. ^ Crowus: toxic avenger??? ^ Nyssa snores more ^ bah ^ Anthlar: bah HP:190 EP:190> ^ I'm dead ^ Anthlar: I'm dead HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: U/B: I will kill you! Bastard! ^ dead me. ^ Anthlar: dead me. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Anthlar cowers in fear. ^: cowers in fear. ^ Anthlar cowers in fear. HP:190 EP:190> Laryn tells you: a serpent sword is now on sale as lot 209, minimum bid 130 gold fresh Amruin ^ Nyssa: no i'm still sort of alive, i could potentially wake up and save you ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, an ice pick is shoved into U/B's skull! ^ Nyssa oohs ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Nyssa! You saved me! ^ Crowus: who??? tell nyssa good call :P You tell Nyssa: good call :P HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Oh crap. Someone predicted my plot element. ^ Crowus: woohoo. ^ Mithgil: That was bad. ^ Kamara scrawls over and gets her slimy waste all over Mithgil ^ Mithgil: I'll do something else. Back up a bit. ^ Nyssa awws ^ Hurm: no way! ^ Fdl ^ Anthlar: Fdl HP:190 EP:190> ^ Nyssa: too late! ^ Hurm: SO it is written! ^ Mithgil: Undertow/Beorg walks slowly towards Anthlar. ^ Crowus curses really loud. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar cowers in fear. ^ Now I WILL die. ^ Anthlar: Now I WILL die. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Leere: A janitor walks in and wipes Kamara off the floor. ^: cowers in fear. ^ Anthlar cowers in fear. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, Undertow/Beorg steps in the slimy puddle of Kamara and melts as well! ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Joy! I'm saved! ^: acks ^ Anthlar acks HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Nyssa wakes. ^ And is killed ^ Anthlar: And is killed HP:190 EP:190> ^ Nyssa: so like his sister saved him ^ Nyssa: that's so poetic ^ But Now i'll die. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Now, love, we can go and RULE THE WORLD! ^ Anthlar: But Now i'll die. HP:190 EP:190> Autosave. ^ Crowus: in a disgusting kinda way... ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: cackle with me! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA! ^ Undertow: damnit mithgil. at least let me kill more people before dying this crappy way ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ^ Nyssa smirks ^ Nyssa heehees ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Kiss me. ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Ok. ugh You go, "UGH!". HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Nyssa and Anthlar begin to make out. ^ Crowus: corney.... say will i kill her, or will she kill me :P You say in Westron: will i kill her, or will she kill me :P HP:190 EP:190> ^ Kamara is healed and rolls out with the janitor cart ^ Nyssa: I asked for kissing ^ Mithgil: Suddenly, Nyssa jabs the ice pick into Anthlar's midsection! ^ Crowus goes and pops a bag od popcorn. ^ Nyssa: i was kind of hoping jete and hurm were going to make out though ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: Ahahahahahaha! ^ Mithgil: Anthlar: Why.... ^ how.....could.....you ^ Anthlar: how.....could.....you HP:190 EP:190> ^ Hurm: hey.. no necrophilia. ^ Mithgil: Nyssa: I only wanted to RULE THE WORLD, ALONE! MWANHAHAHAHA! ^ Mithgil: Anthlar dies. ^ Nyssa: i'm so cruel ^ Crowus: how demented... ^ Nyssa wins! Alexa tells you: a dwarven war shield is now on sale as lot 95, minimum bid 150 gold fresh ^ Anthlar: Nyssa wins! HP:190 EP:190> ^ Nyssa: MUAHAHAHAHAHA Alexa tells you: an elven shield is now on sale as lot 96, minimum bid 130 gold exc unall ^ Mithgil: Nyssa cackles a bit, but suddenly a blot clot that developed while she was laying limp on the floor reaches her brain. She has a stroke! ^ Mithgil: Nyssa dies! ^ Hurm: YES! ^ Nyssa falls down dead. ^ Hurm: HAHA! ^ Mithgil: The end. ^ Nyssa: Heehee ^: cheers wildly. ^ Anthlar cheers wildly. HP:190 EP:190> Alexa tells you: Tower Guard's helmet is now on sale as lot 97, minimum bid 150 gold exc unall ^ Hurm applauds ^ Nyssa: That was fun! smooch mithgil You give Mithgil a wet and sloppy smooch! HP:190 EP:190> l You are in the Council room of the Prancing Pony Inn. By decree of the High Council of Arda, this room has been fashioned to keep the people informed of the goings on in Minas Tirith. The walls are painted white and the room is clean and fresh. Here you can rest, relax, and update yourself with current events. A sign is posted here. The only obvious exit is south. An empty glass Mithgil the dunedain Man-at-Arms (Angelic) A torch A stool A well-crafted boat Bree Public Mcouncil Board [21 notes] HP:190 EP:190> ^ Leere cheers happily. ^ Mithgil stretches and smirks contentedly. Alexa tells you: sturdy armour is now on sale as lot 98, minimum bid 150 gold exc unall HP:190 EP:190> ^ Crowus: Do it again!!!! ^ Undertow: actually, jete and hurm making out would have added a certain 'flair' to the story ^ Hurm: yeah... maybe, if i remember the password, i'll put that up on the T2T story archive site ^ Nyssa: i agree ^ Well, jete and I did have an affair. ^ Anthlar: Well, jete and I did have an affair. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: Ahaha. Funny thing is, I really did stretch and smirk contentedly. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Hurm: yes. Flair. 16 pieces of flair. ^ minimum. ^ Anthlar: minimum. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Hurm: indeed. ^ Nyssa: the next soap opear ^ Nyssa: should be ^ Fingondor has arrived. ^ Mithgil: That took like 45 minutes. ^ Nyssa: As Middle Earth Turns ^ Nyssa: ok? ^ Hurm: Revenge of MOON HOOKERS. say Shall I do this one? : ) You say in Westron: Shall I do this one? : ) HP:190 EP:190> ^ Mithgil: I've alreay done As Arda Turns before Mithgil arcs a curious eyebrow. ^ Hurm: that's the subtitle. ^ Nyssa: oh Mithgil says in Westron: Log it? ^ Nyssa: All my Ardans? say Narrate. You say in Westron: Narrate. HP:190 EP:190> ^ Undertow wonders where his CD with 'office space' is located at shrug You shrug. HP:190 EP:190> Mithgil shakes his head. mgrin You grin mischievously. HP:190 EP:190> bah You smile and say: Bah!