Crios, figure, figure

Posted by
Streak [legacy]
29 January 2003 00:00:00

I use a real break!


  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    30 January 2003 06:10:51

    Rogar be da samba-dwarf.

  • Author
    Alorian [legacy]
    30 January 2003 04:13:41

    why are you saying go streak go? didnt you kill him yourself once?

  • Author
    Rogar [legacy]
    30 January 2003 03:58:19

    GO STREAK GO!!!!

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    30 January 2003 02:38:00

    If you stop persisting to kill streak, then he will grow bored sitting around bree all day, thus making himself vulnerable. Patience is perhaps the best attribute of the assassin. Let him come to you.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    30 January 2003 02:01:45

    I agree with Prophet :)

  • Author
    Prophet [legacy]
    29 January 2003 15:06:41

    Guys it's plain and simple. If you want Streak to stop posting these pointless logs then stop the comments.

  • Author
    Alorian [legacy]
    29 January 2003 14:47:38

    tell crios Care to turn in the others?
    You tell Crios: Care to turn in the others?
    HP:44 EP:44 Crios tells you: why would i do that?
    tell crios To get on my semi-good side.
    You tell Crios: To get on my semi-good side.

    stfu. you dont have a good side, no one likes you. whoever the hell is helping you is just another dumbass newbie. dont pretend like you have real firiends. go back to fondling your 8 year old boys

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    29 January 2003 13:35:42

    Streak are you in any way related to Sunshine?

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    29 January 2003 12:50:52

    do 2n, 2e, town, ne, se, rent room, u

    Thats not a real huntbreak your dumb fuck.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    29 January 2003 12:16:28

    You tell *yyy*: lol I just got attempted by 3 man party

    Havent you learned how to count to 2 yet?

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    29 January 2003 11:50:55

    i kinda totally agree with demandred... you gotta leave bree and get attacked to prove your point.. =)
    but again streak's still a lowbie... so there really isnt much honor in killing such a helpless guy right?? =P

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    29 January 2003 11:37:16

    Correct, Jiread.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    29 January 2003 11:37:08

    So does this make him frustrated as well then?
    oh dont tell me, that applys to eveyone other than Streak!
    Idiots like this dont last long in a game full of frustrated males :p

    (no, im not frustrated, i have a prefectly health sex life thanks you, in fact i will be married in a few years too! - hum...that a good thing? :p )

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    29 January 2003 10:45:57

    So, from that tell to Marce we can draw the conclusion that Streak is gay, and he fancies sexually frustrated males the most.

    Uhm, like we didn't know that already.