Memorial of Two Durms (well one durm one ex-durm)

Posted by
Jen [legacy]
05 February 2003 00:00:00

Toto and Pageon, i will miss you Don't read if you don't want to, and don't complain about lame logs in the comments section either cuz i warned you not to read it.

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                    | ;  :|

Factol has been nuked!
legend factol
Factol was nuked at 00:29 02/5/03
Factol Karan the dwarf Strongarm (Angelic) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 7d 13h 28m 18s                       
Info: Factol Karan, risin spirit of a soul long passed. 
Nuke Reason: botting
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Toto has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
legend toto
There are no legends about anyone of that name.
HP:170 EP:160 legend toto
There are no legends about anyone of that name.
HP:170 EP:160 legend toto
There are no legends about anyone of that name.
HP:170 EP:160                 NO    ============================   YES
         +-----------||       Did you cheat?     ||-----------+
         V            ============================            V
    +----------+     +---------+      +-------+        +------------+
    | Did you  |  NO |   Does  |<-----|  YOU  |   YES  |   Did you  |
    | harass?  |  +--|  anyone |      | MORON |<-------|    do so   |
    +----------+  |  |  know?  |----->|  !!!  |    +-->| willingly? |
         |        v  +---------+ YES  +-------+    |   +------|-----+
         |    +--------+                           |          v NO
         | NO | Damn,  |         +--------+        |    +----------+
         +--->| wrong  |         |  Try   |--------+    |   Yeah,  |
         |    | answer |         |  Again |<------------|   right  |
         |    +--------+         +--------+             +----------+
         |       |                   /\  YES
         |       |            +---------------+
         |       |            | CAN YOU BLAME |
         |       +----------->| SOMEONE ELSE? |
         |                    +---------------+
         |                           \/  NO
         |  YES         ==========================
         +------------>||   N U K E    T I M E   ||
Pageon has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
legend pageon
Pageon was nuked at 00:36 02/5/03
Pageon the dwarf Consumer of Souls (Engulfed) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 45d 19h 1m 14s                       
Info: Servant of Melkor, Bound to Sauron. Darkness will again prevail. 
Nuke Reason: helping with gold transfer(s)
HP:170 EP:162