
Posted by
Demandred [legacy]
13 February 2003 00:00:00

Posting for a friend. Draimon screws the pooch.


  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    17 February 2003 19:53:44


  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    17 February 2003 18:11:31

    Yes Tantor, let's not indeed. Don't flame. If you have no real arguments defending your various points of view, don't bring it up at all. As usual, this applies to everyeone else I didn't catch in the act ;-).

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    17 February 2003 12:13:03

    Luv is in the air!

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    17 February 2003 11:15:31

    correction lets not bring this stuff up

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    17 February 2003 10:05:18

    Wooo woh there dude, no need to go so far as questioning someone's sexuality, Im straight like a ruler.

    1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 11' 12'

    Ok I didnt call you a homosexual faggot loving ass ramming cock sucking guy that loves the same sex gay man....because im not like that! so lets bring this stuff up?

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    17 February 2003 08:05:36

    You got to admit Holic he is creative with his descriptive words:) Even if he is a flamer.

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    17 February 2003 06:33:45

    Holic, why dont you go suck your friends (if you have any) left testicle while you fondle his right?
    fucking dumbass nobody asked you


  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    17 February 2003 01:55:01

    Tantor, would you shut the fuck up? You're not making any sort of sense and you're being belligerent and no one cares.

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    16 February 2003 21:22:43

    Dude ur lame heh, I never said i had so much skill
    I probaly have very little skill compared to the omther 46day old players, but i wont care, I know that i can perform a h-u-n-t-b-r-e-a-k so u can suck my dick on that one, and demandred is a quite skilled player so dont know wtf ur talking about. and then back to the 'old players' dude Whats in our past is over hence its the past, now there is nothing but the future.


  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    16 February 2003 11:36:56

    Holic's accent is hilarious...Ive talked to the guy its funny

  • Author
    Lathen [legacy]
    16 February 2003 10:25:56

    i wanna hear the country-redneck/mexican-migrant worker accent :P

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    16 February 2003 10:05:30

    Oh yeah, why would you MUD'ers want to talk to me anyways, I'm nuked :P

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    16 February 2003 10:00:22

    Yeah yeah, a country ass Texan. I'm sure that would be hilarious for you sissy-puss yankees.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    16 February 2003 09:01:38

    Not that it has anything to do with the topic at hand, but Holic, you need to hook up with us the next time we do voice chatting. Everyone's got their own funny accent, but I think yours would be nice to hear, too.



  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    16 February 2003 05:05:38

    If you were not bashing me then I sincerely apologize. Yes, I talk rather fluently in rl but I have trouble saying what I want to say in typing, or on paper. Sorry about that Holic.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    16 February 2003 04:23:08

    Ah damn, I forgot something that I wanted Paraiko to see. Here we go:

    - ~*Holic*~

    Like that ^ :)

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    16 February 2003 04:21:27

    I didn't bash anyone. I asked a question and tried to clear up some misrepresentation on your part. However, accusing people of having shortcomings that are probably your own is another deal altogether that I won't go in to.

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    16 February 2003 04:09:04

    wonder what happened to Drizzt...he was fun

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 February 2003 01:37:59

    I think he meant the marshes of DALE not dead marshes :)

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    16 February 2003 01:19:20

    Ah here we go with more senseless bashing, Holic with all the shit you talk about players, It just leads me to wonder, you really have some psychological problems. Second, I can speak ANY which way I want,it's your lame ass fault you read it.

    I got my point across *shrugs* its irrelevent, and yes I suck at spelling *grins*

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    15 February 2003 23:17:03

    For my third comment I present a question. Do you not have the slightest idea what a complete sentence, wait... complete thought is?

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    15 February 2003 23:15:59

    Not to mention it was 2 Megs.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    15 February 2003 23:15:30

    Spike never used the dead marshes.

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    15 February 2003 19:57:56

    I would love to play again, but hence I'm hardbanned for some unknown reasons:) Tantor you brought up the rl shit, I didn't. I questioned your skill is because you rant and rave about how skillfull you and demandred are.The shit that you only once in your mudlife pull off, back in OUR day was common place. And if you didn't do this shit you would go home with your tail between your legs trying to find another mud to play. And let me address Brahm real quick. The fact that you can sit here and say that Summem has no room to talk is unquestionably RIDICULES. I've played with him through the years (I'm not saying I am the best) I've seen what he has done, with many of his characters. And frankly today's players are found wanting.

    The fact that any of the mudders pull anything off today is rather simply. People before them where doing it, and they got the idea of trying it themselves. Hence (not taking away from Spike's kill at all but its an example) Spike used the deadmarshes to kill 3 megs. How would he know to do this? Either he had it done to him, or he saw someone do it before him. We all know Drizzt Paved the way in using the deadmarshes. What we do, or you players do has been done many times before by someone else. Summem is one of those old players that have done it all, he's seen it all. I won't give away mp info to prove this , but its ignorant to say he can't talk. That's like Fjant logging on with another name saying he has no room to talk. That's like Nogothrim, todays players rant and rave about how he wont shut up. But that dwarf has more room to talk than anyone new player of todays age. What I'm trying to get at is,

    1:) What we do today is just a flicker of what happened in the old days.

    2:) Summem can say what he damn well please. If I was you, I would be taking tips from the man, and ranting how he can't talk.

    3:) I think this frostbite and pain killers have gone to my head:)

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    15 February 2003 19:40:35

    *laughs* They just don't have a clue Summem, not at all:)

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    15 February 2003 17:07:50

    Do people think that signing their name after a comment is somehow more intimidating? Especially when they do it with one letter, then they look like a real badass.


  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    15 February 2003 07:10:40

    Martok sorry :) haha see told ya i was drunjk

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    15 February 2003 07:10:14

    Ill let Martalk answer this one, im too drunk :)

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    15 February 2003 06:50:59

    No Martok My RL is just fine, thats why i dont spend as much time on the mud anymore....At least im fucking still playing the game, you and summem are (hence the posts by eachother) are not in the game...so you should no room to talk about how our skill level is so maybe u could just chill out relax and get stoned? it will help alot

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    15 February 2003 06:46:54

    hehe good one ill give you that :)
    Brahm do you have msn? or something?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    15 February 2003 06:44:00

    mmmm Im better than Summem and it gets on his nerves...I love getting you going :)

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    15 February 2003 06:38:01

    you perhaps should open your eyes then Brahm...Ive done my part, killed good players and shitty players. Im not saying im the greatest or anything but I for sure dont suck. I was good in general....killing and escaping and lots of people know that. So thats all that matters.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    15 February 2003 06:29:36

    Rotfl. Well, i might not be as good as some, but I haven't seen anything special out of you, Summem. You do seem to be good at killing a bunch of newbish players who can't walk straight though. :P

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    15 February 2003 06:09:29

    Martok damn you are hilarious...i think we should both play again :)

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    15 February 2003 05:52:12

    *rotfl* Tantor read my comment again ,

    wow, if you are so quick to jump the rl bashing, that just leads me to realize that you really are upset about your life, and have your own inner demons to work out. If you are pissed about your rl don't take it out on mine

    Mine's just fine *shrugs*

    You are just an idiot , lighten up you dumb fuck

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    15 February 2003 05:21:34

    we never once entered thrands inn. mmmm Im better than Brahm and it gets on his nerves...I love getting you going :)

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    15 February 2003 04:36:20

    Well, just look at the log of gman drinking that poison like a moron, thats the room they always sat in, with aliases to thrans inn.

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    15 February 2003 04:20:45

    Right there Brahm is lying, Anyone who was smart new I was never in the thrans inn. Proves Brahm = idiot

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    15 February 2003 03:00:52

    Martok? wtf...Shut up you are dumb? why the fuck would i care you any of you are 'old players' not my fault i didnt discover this game when it started or a little after it....and at least that means ive had that much more of a real life then you you fuck. Well there is one thing us 'new players' (dont like to talk for all of us) but you old people can come back but we will still play even if we are lvl 1.


  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    15 February 2003 01:47:02

    No, I don't think that and shouldn't because it never happened. I've never sat in mirkwood 30 rooms from thrans with an alias to go to the inn there and just idle for hours and hours in that same room.

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    14 February 2003 23:50:35

    *laughs* Brahm You should look back on the comment you just made, and think to yourself *hmms Didn't I die doing that exact same thing?

    Take a chance *shrugs* Summem has been pkilling far longer than anyone on this mud, he has earned the right to speak, if you don't think so then you are just an ignorant fuck.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    14 February 2003 23:48:27

    Attacking someone who knows where they are with an alias from the room, like 30 rooms from thrans is completely worthless, unless i wanted to gangbang you.

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    14 February 2003 22:57:11

    follow me through the break?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    14 February 2003 22:50:42

    I never got a chance to kill you, cause you were either in your inn in combe, or one of your spots in the plains or mirkwood ready with an alias to break.

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    14 February 2003 21:33:35

    Brahm is just mad cuz he could never kill me, dont mind him.

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    14 February 2003 21:26:47

    grr, did it again, 'who doesnt know where'

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    14 February 2003 21:26:24

    insert know between know and where :/ i type faster than i think

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    14 February 2003 21:06:39

    um, rhoads, chances are pretty high that if they are a newbie who doesnt where a few trainers are, then they probably wont be worrying about who pk'd who every day or come to this log page.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    14 February 2003 19:55:47

    Nobody gives a shit about summem anyway

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    14 February 2003 19:30:55

    Summem not being able to talk? That's like fucking saying Kazin can't talk, FUCKING IDIOTS wow, arda is crashing and its burning with idiots who don't know jackrabbits. You know, I really think we should all call all the old players get them all back and lets see how long these so called players of today last? Wouldn't that be something..

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 February 2003 18:41:47

    Yes you need awareness, see, that`s my point :P

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    14 February 2003 18:00:54

    YEP. I didnt know that lethy...till see the log, but why remove? I think I didnt get it right..cause I cant climb...need awareness?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 February 2003 17:46:26

    Yeah I know, but rules are rules, if I could I would simply open the log and edit the line. The normal players know lethy, but several newbies don`t. Either way, a vote will proly be cast for us to make a padronized policy for log removal.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    14 February 2003 17:10:18

    Every non-newbie player at least should know Lethilspyde and others, but... well it clashes with the Ainur's (sometimes weird) ideas of //absolute directions//. I don't know what to think, but apparently some Ainur feel it is //legal// to hunt someone who then runs you through e.g. Lethilspyde, but //illegal// to be hunted and alias to run there. Makes sense? You be the judge ;-).

    At any rate, as long as the alias isn't there, it's at least fine.

  • Author
    Brockhurst [legacy]
    14 February 2003 15:59:05

    Why does everyone one say 'Go back to Solon!' how bout you go back to were ever the hell you live.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    14 February 2003 15:35:40

    Come on Rhoads. It's not like the alias he left in the log was even a special huntbreak and I'd barely consider it quest info. Lethilspyde? Come on... who doesn't know that one? :P

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    14 February 2003 09:43:57

    Oh Tarn, just shut the fuck up for once. :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    14 February 2003 07:28:22

    such wit
    And why should I not be able to talk? just because I'm hibernated doesn't mean I know any less about this mud or not have an opinion on shit that happens on it

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    14 February 2003 07:06:15

    Why does demandred have to show u skill (if or if not) he has ? He doesnt need to prove to people like you that he is a 'Good PKer' You dont have to be 'Good' as long as you get the job done. At least he trys it and it is about 5 times easier to kill with someone else then by yourself thats double or triple (however many people) the damage that that person recieves, which makes him die faster...so if he was just getting the job done and not trying to show skills then he did the best job in the word?

    Tarn-You shouldnt be able to talk ur hibernated

    Nicuramar-Demandred isnt a teenager :P

    Summem-Heh i think you should die just for calling someone like streak..shivvers or just for using that name-and you shouldnt be able to talk this character isnt even in the game.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    14 February 2003 05:41:07

    Bakal, i think i posted that log, and all Amzel contributed to the pk was one hit as i recall, so you can go back to solon and shut the fuck up. Draimon, stop whining ya bitch, i'm just showing everyone that your only mortal and you fucked up. Tarn.... nah, your not worth the effort, go back to selling your ass to fags on the corner. Nick (You know who you are), you were a good friend, but after you and the others decided to stab me in the back, you can just go fuck yourself. To the rest of Arda, i'm gone for the next month, I'm moving to Melbourne for a promotion, and i dont know when i'll see a computer next.

    Later all.
    ~ D

    PS: Nicu, i'm no teenager :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 February 2003 01:04:20

    Aliases Mara, aliases, it is quest info and besides that was in the original rules to remove it

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    14 February 2003 00:24:58

    Mara, I would never remove huntbreak aliases, although I would prefer if you didn't post those. But there is no common oppinion among the moderators about that. Muaddib for instance advocates info removal including huntbreaks, and other things that I wouldn't remove. As for the non-administrators like Rhoads, it depends on who recruited them and such things. Not an ideal situation, I know :-/.

  • Author
    Mara [legacy]
    13 February 2003 23:52:02

    so lemme get this right rhoads, we aren't alowed to show huntbreaks no more? even though there is a website linked from the towers website that lists a good portion of the breaks?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    13 February 2003 23:04:16

    Streak reminds me of food.

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    13 February 2003 22:46:55

    Demandred reminds me of streak

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    13 February 2003 22:15:50

    Hmm.. Rhoads we need to talk ;-).

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    13 February 2003 22:12:58

    I did, due to the fact that it countains hunt break aliases and that sort of stuff, i asked him to remove and repost :P

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 February 2003 20:51:06

    Hey Draim, why did you remove the last log?!

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    13 February 2003 20:05:26

    *shrug* Probably the hormone thing.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    13 February 2003 19:57:34

    im 58 years old, its not a teenage hormone thing

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    13 February 2003 18:24:18

    There are other ways to do that, same goes for Demandred. But I guess it's a teenage hormone thing ;-).

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    13 February 2003 17:57:26

    He's just getting a point across, Nicu :)

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    13 February 2003 17:44:36

    Bakal and others you need to chill out. Whenever you are about to write a comment, relax, listen to some calm music and drink a cup of.. whatever you drink.. then write the comment, wait an hour, and then look at it before you post it. ;-). Ok, maybe a little too much, but seriously... I think we can keep the discussion a little less flaming, if we all pay attention to how we words things. Please.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 February 2003 17:36:44

    haha, demandred is a moron

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    13 February 2003 17:03:32

    Maybe the 'Solon crew' aren't so bad after all ;-)

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    13 February 2003 15:37:39

    Your fucking comments make me wish I had logged those 3 solo attempts you made on me as a lvl 13 thief you fucking crazy wacko Demandred. You failed 3 times and in the end sure you got me with Amzel faded. OMFG! WHAT A FUCING JOKE! HE NEEDED A MAXXED WARRIOR AND HIMSELF TO TAKE OUT A LVL 13 THIEF! WHAT A FUCKING JOKE! Keep talking shit man. You can't bring anything else to the table.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    13 February 2003 15:05:39

    HaH! Your welcome to try me anytime n00b. Why dont you bring Rakim along next time and so i can fix two problems in one go.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    13 February 2003 14:53:24

    looks like you are posting for an alt and not a friend to me, and yeah, what a joke to get a noob with mels to 10 hp, what a lame attempt, i guess ill post another shitty log to show how much i suck

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    13 February 2003 13:00:57

    The joke? You ran instead of sitting there and letting your friends take out the figure.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    13 February 2003 10:40:08

    The joke: He tried to kill a DLSG lvl 16, who was lagged, who was a long way from a break, AND FAILED! And if you check the log carefully, you'll see he didnt hunt after loth sp, reason? Ran outta ep...like i said...joke.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 February 2003 09:04:38

    who was this posted for, and why is he a joke because he almost killed your friend?

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    13 February 2003 07:44:12

    First time since he logged on that he left Edoras. Your a fucking joke man.