Korlath doesnt make it to errrmm wherever he was g

Posted by
Tyfus [legacy]
18 February 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

For the last time, dont report attempts without hunt at Tenzeks camp, cause Daen Hecil WILL be over you.


  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 February 2003 14:43:41

    hey, i actually agree 90% with Dire.
    However, the treaty we have does not include bandageing and all that crappy nice nice stuff ... it leaves it open :)
    If someone bleeds, i for one will not bandage.
    I belive SoU are of the same.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    21 February 2003 04:42:42

    Holy crap that was a long post.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    21 February 2003 02:08:35

    Direkein, you fucker, you'll be hearing from my mother.

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    21 February 2003 01:39:03

    P.S. And unfortunately, I need to add this because people can't figure it out. This isn't meant to offend Meilikki, or Korlath, or Delgaur, or Aule, or Caber's mom, or...blah, blah, blah. Its meant to say that I disagree with the traditional form of rp that has been accepted here and I'm making a stand. if you don't want to live by it...great do your thing, but hopefully you'll read between the lines a bit and see thats it 'OK' to question tradition and to make changes when they are needed.

    As was mentioned earlier (and I thought was rather insightful) its a damn shame that I have to post logs or even talk here to clarify what it is I'm doing.


  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    21 February 2003 01:27:34

    There has been alot of discussion from various parties on the subject of what we consider RP, so let me share with you a few thoughts and maybe it will increase your understanding of what we are trying to do:

    Korlath enters.
    Korlath attacks Tenzek.
    Direkein says in dunael: Leave or you will be killed.
    Korlath hits Tenzek.
    Tenzek hits Korlath.
    Without warning, Direkein stabs Korlath from behind!
    Korlath leaves south.

    (One hour later)

    Korlath enters.
    Korlath attacks Tenzek.
    Without warning, Direkein stabs Korlath from behind!
    Korlath leaves south.
    Direkein leaves south.
    You follow your leader south.
    (hunt to the edge of the camp)
    Korlath leaves south.
    Direkein says in dunael, 'Stay out, asshole'
    Korlath tells Direkein: hey you didn't give me a warning before attacking
    Direkein tells Korlath: Well no shit, dumbass. I gave you a warning an hour ago, and if you're too dumb to fucking remember it, well I'm not gonna repeat myself 30 times for your dumbass benefit.


    Rhoads the Amruin hits you hard.
    Direkein the Dunlending hits Rhoads.
    Rhoads falls to the ground.
    Rhoads is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged.
    Direkein bandages Rhoads.
    Rhoads says: 'Whew, that was close. Isn't this fun?!'
    Direkein says: 'Yeah, this sure is cool, go heal and we'll do it again. Boy, Tolkein sure new what he was talking about when he wrote those books about implaccable enemies sparring with one another.'
    Rhoads says: 'he sure did, you neat guy. Hey maybe after we heal, we can go make love with our faces...I love you Direkein'
    Direkein says: 'I love you too Rhoads'


    Hochopepa the First Knight Wannabe has invited you, Wyngel, the Corsair Commander to his rooms at Dol Amroth.
    Wyngel enters.
    Hocho says: 'hi! Sit down grab a drink. Lets talk about that 'rp treaty' that every guild but yours has signed'.
    Wyngel says: 'sounds great! hey, nice digs you got here'
    Hocho says: 'thanks. I'm glad that you, my mortal enemy decided to come and sit here and make a treaty with us. If more people would just sign treaties like this there would be less understanding, and Tolkeins world would be a happer one.'
    Wyngel says: ' I agree. I can't wait to sign this treaty! Maybe next time you guys can come to my ship, and we can go sailing and suck on daquiri's and stuff'
    Hocho says: 'Sounds so fun, hey, while your here, will you sign my baseball card?'


    Meilikki tells you: Oh yeah? You want a war...fine, we'll get us, and VC, and BkD all over your ass. they are our allies and we have a TREATY that says the dwarves of Erebor will protect edoras to their last breath.'
    Direkein tells you: 'Umm, huh? Dwarves being in edoras protecting it makes no fucking sense'
    Meilikki tells you: 'it makes perfect sense thematically, we have a TREATY to prove it!'
    Direkein tells you: 'well, if you want to start a war with us because we kicked your ass in edoras fine. if you want to bring bkd into this fine! I'll call my friend Caber, the GM of the Eruhini and he'll fight with us to kick your ass!'

    and my examples can go on and on....my point is this: your 'RP' is not my 'RP'. In fact, i think what most people call 'rp' on the Two Towers is the most messed up shit ever. So don't expect me or my guild to sign your ridiculously out of theme treaties to placate you and your guild of sparring whiners. I've stated what the Daen Hecil will do. Live with it, or don't, cause I don't give a shit. But I'll be as good as my word and I'll RP my way.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    20 February 2003 02:07:20

    Hey, if it works well, and catches on, i will happly admit i was proved wrong, and start serioiusly looking at useing it.
    But for now i will stick with the RP combat agreement signed by, i think all guild apart from 3.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    19 February 2003 23:39:12

    Well Delgaur, It's working so far, and I enjoy DH's roleplaying, so I'm going to give it a shot! Too bad for you if you insist on being left behind.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    19 February 2003 22:28:26

    Well put Mr. Antragon. ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 February 2003 22:04:54

    I think I was more polite than you deserve, them let's try this, DON'T tell your rl friends your chars cause you already know they tell people, keep making the same mistake is just dumb.
    There is always time for a change.

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    19 February 2003 20:44:14

    *smirk* you are truly an idiot, people are hardly given a chance to change, tell a rl friend who your new char is, 3 days later everybody knows, and if you knew anything, ive changed and seperated characters quite a bit, but keep making uneducated statements, all amruin is good for

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 February 2003 19:53:07

    Lathen, don`t be an ass, what I said it is true and you know it. I did not put my VIEW of RP in it, I SAID that some people that there will always be complaining. All the people that say that it is thematicaly to use hunt (which is an unthematic command byt itself) to kill your enemies, should also agree with the light changes for instance, afterall, it is thematic also isan`t it? :), yet, most people simply complain about it how it sucks to kill now.
    You don`t know me well enough to say that crap :P
    And Draimon, when you learn the concept of char separation and theme I will maibe consider your views.

  • Author
    Lathen [legacy]
    19 February 2003 19:49:29

    weak and clownlike? :P

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    19 February 2003 19:44:17

    and if you piss off the people that you are fighting, good job, you actually fucking accomplished something, dumbasses = everybody here except, me, cadarn and nogo!

  • Author
    Draimon [legacy]
    19 February 2003 19:43:19

    people complain and say if we hunt rp, it will just result in newbies getting slaughtered and becoming inactive, i say good, it will root out the real players, and get some theme to this mud, instead of just sitting at an npc and protecting it, go around everywhere, kill your enemies, do what you want, not what other people think you should do

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    19 February 2003 19:10:00

    Just go quest a hauberk and ignore sturdy armour, it sucks anyway.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    19 February 2003 17:11:17

    I have played the game for enogth years to know how things work and have seen the many styles or 'RP combat' have evolved here.
    and if i dont RP in the sligtest, somehow i dont think i would have ever been a GM of any guild, ever.

    and Dont judge or attack my character and my RP when you have never talked to or even had combat with me on this game. Your not a Beorning. You know nothing.
    I dont judge or slander you.

    Use DH as an example. (No, im not picking on you Fimbu, before you start)

    I said Hunting will not work, or be very difficult for them.
    And it is exactly that.
    KoDA dont like it and report them.
    Many i know will not partipate in RP combat with them.
    Many others apprently Report them.
    Others constantly wine and moan at me about them hunting.

    I tell them to suck it up, or dont put themself in a position to be involved with them.

    But my opion on useing hunt in RP still stands.
    dont like what i say, dont read or reply to what i have to say.
    That simple.
    That way i dont have to reply :p

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    19 February 2003 16:40:32

    Just fucking do what you want, if you an handle the outcome, then do it, if you cant, then dont.

  • Author
    Lathen [legacy]
    19 February 2003 16:13:29

    quiet rhoads, you're always the first to complain about what someone else considers RP when it doesnt fit in your little textbook definition

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 February 2003 15:28:55

    I just want to add that when people find ways to use RP to kill they all stop considering the gameplay, because it is more real, but of course, when people make changes to make the game more real that same people are the first to whine about it :|

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    19 February 2003 14:17:16

    And rougan, i dunno if i am retarded or you are retarded but you missed my point entirely.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    19 February 2003 14:02:49

    Delgaur is too caught up into thinking about how other people will react. YOu are the exact fucking opposite of Beorn. Just dont act like you Rp even in the slightest. Just say, 'rp cant happen'. Maybe when you have played this game long enough you will start to set higher goals for yourself and your guild.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    19 February 2003 13:35:02

    if that worked nog, then great. But it dont.

    This is what happerns.

    Guild A hunts in RP.
    Guild B who invades the camp, either 1. die from being hunted and get pissy. 2 report and piss off Guild A becuase they were hunted.
    3. Actually Turn the hunt around, and Kill the attacker...makeing them pissed and member form Guild B up on there hit list (no win situation)

    Now, if everyone gets scared and does not invade the Areas of Guild A, then they are shooting themselfs in the foot....whats the point in defending an area, if no one ever goes there?....it makes yourselfs obsolete, as you eliminate part of your porpose on the mud( Yes i know, more to it than just RP combat)
    Sure it make you look like the big bad guild, who everyone is scared of, but thats only fun for a little while....people soon get restles and start screwing over there theme.

    If they dont get scared, and report all the time for being hunted.
    Guild A will either 1. stop attacking, or 2, go through a Character a month due to high fines.

    It does not work, and will not work.
    This has always been my opion on hunting in RP combat.

    I actually WANT people to come back to attack beorn, becuase its much more fun, and increases our activitys as a guild, me hunting and killing them all is pointless it makes them not want to come back on there own.....a party of 5 killing beorn is no fun to anyone.

    And i cant belive this dicustion is still going on :p
    Each Guild to there own i say, let them do it there way.....Time will evolve the way they work, untill they find a situation that fits.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    19 February 2003 13:16:51

    Yeah, it would have been nice if all of us were able to keep it all in theme. However, the sad part starts just at that very point.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    19 February 2003 12:41:42

    Damn, i thought my posts were gay...thanks cadarn

  • Author
    Cadarn [legacy]
    19 February 2003 12:41:38

    Can someone pull my face out of Nogo's ass, please?

  • Author
    Cadarn [legacy]
    19 February 2003 12:40:49

    You are too fucking godlike, Nogo.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    19 February 2003 12:25:33

    Rougan, I dont understand your post. You are saying that if the defenders kill an invader, by hunting, the invaders will start using strategy to attack the defenders. Then the defenders and the invaders will get so mad at each other that they will gang bang each other and the end result will have nothing todo with RP.
    I dunno but that sounds like perfect RP to me. I always think in terms of Durin's folk so i bring up the goblin wars. Moria goblins kill thror, that was an RP kill btw. Dwarves get super pissed, LEAVE thier homes and start 'gang banging' the shit outta every goblin stronghold in the misty mountains. Goblins are gangbanging the shit outta dwarves every chance they get till finally they have a big showdown and beat each other into dust at Azanulbizar. I'm sorry Rougan but harming your opponents to the maximum extent possible is very in theme. Most especially in your scenario.

  • Author
    Jackal [legacy]
    19 February 2003 11:48:15

    Baba ba ba ba

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    19 February 2003 11:45:41

    I think hunting in role play battles takes a lot from the RP element of the battles sooner or later. Let me summarize what happens:

    The defenders (who nw hunt) do their job and hunt/kill the invaders.

    The invaders start to launch the attacks only when they have superior firepower, and defenders are less in number, or not at all.

    The defenders who are less in number start not to defend the lands which they have previously killed for, when they are outnumbered.

    People who are killed in RP battles start not to be able to keep the deaths in RP terms and seek vengeance by gangbang parties.

    Retaliations follow retaliations, and hance, in the end noone cares about the RP elements of the battle, and all the focus is given on gaining superior firepower, setting flawless triggers, aliases and what not, and harming the aggressors to the extent possible by any means.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    19 February 2003 11:08:49

    WHat i mean is, you lose style when you come out and explain your own RP. If you are able to keep playing under your OWN rules sooner or later people will figure it out and you can have other people explaining to newbies how those mean DH guys work. Like explaining a quest or an area...you will just be PART of the game. This speeding up the process crap by posting logs could be considered weak and maybe even clownlike.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    19 February 2003 10:47:27

    Gotta say 'Hats off' to DH for thier RP. Lose some points for posting your crap though. Who needs the fimbu/logpage microphone???
    Keep your RP in the game and stay true to it, hella nice.
    BkD got smoked by gods for doing that ONLY because the lvl 10 quest was in erebor (we all know how the gods feel when actual players start exerting control over the direction of the mud through thier own given skills. Nuke ya in tha face!!). You guys are home free.

  • Author
    Lathen [legacy]
    19 February 2003 07:12:59

    do something besides hibernate for 90 days 3 or 4 times feldon, because that's all you have done.

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    19 February 2003 00:48:22

    Fimbu, you just die for dumb reasons in general, like knocking on mordor gates a million times as villainous and going afk when wanted

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    19 February 2003 00:36:07

    *fdls at Fimbus surname* Excellent!

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    18 February 2003 22:56:27

    I personally see any hunting in rp as an acceptable means of being at risk of being reported. Not everyone cares about rp, and while they might deal with stationary attacks like amruin fending off their meager little soldiers, being followed around edoras would be annoying. ANd of course its different if its one attacker hunting or a group of 4-5. Of course, they must now that the opposing party may be angered by a report and deal with the outcome. But really, it is up to the players to decide.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    18 February 2003 22:07:36

    I just hope when they hunt outside the camp, however far, they don't keep hunting just because the target is low and they have a chance of killing them, cause thats way past rp

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    18 February 2003 21:54:34

    Korlath would have reported in RP even if Fimbu hadn't hunted. He did it to two of ours the very same day.

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    18 February 2003 21:09:34

    I despise Korlath.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 February 2003 20:47:20

    Jesus Christ!

    Feldon - Yes, that's fine with me.

    Ulster - Don't you get it? If you did that, we'd kill you.

    Bradw - Oh no! You died in RP combat! Because people didn't stop! Tough luck, man. It's happened to me at least 3 times. It adds an element of risk.

  • Author
    Bradw [legacy]
    18 February 2003 20:10:07

    tyfus-i didn't report for being driven out of tenzeks camp, i reported because the 4 of you didn't stop combat after i had left, which subsequently lead to my dying.

  • Author
    Ulster [legacy]
    18 February 2003 18:53:52

    If I was to RP with DH, I'd report them for hunting outside the camp.
    I know it's not a rule to hunt outside the camp but that is all they
    care about. Whether they claim it to be RP or not... I don't care.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    18 February 2003 18:48:10

    Thats why i went to your GM first :p
    Its sorted and been dealt with.

  • Author
    Izratan [legacy]
    18 February 2003 17:45:11

    Crion and Crios banged me while i was a newbie just because i killed a few Beorning scouts. Now that im nuked, screw you biatches.

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    18 February 2003 17:37:55

    Hmm... I hunt in RP combat in Mordor all the time. I guess I must be a honourless motherfucker then. But hell, I at least don't report when attacked inside Mordor :p

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    18 February 2003 17:36:35

    Right Fimbu, so you chased Crion around arda due to him killing an NPC. So if some amruin gets annoyed that the peasant died, its ok for them to chase you all around arda trying to kill you. Riiight.

  • Author
    Izratan [legacy]
    18 February 2003 17:36:28

    I think Korlath is still fucking dumb. Cowardly. How the hell did he ever became a KoDA in the first place? What a disgrace. And yeah i hate his guts.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 February 2003 15:18:38

    Delgaur, I hope you feel better after being randomly vulgar!
    I also hope that you see my point, that if Crion doesn't give you the full story, you should just keep your mouth shut instead of using it to put me down or slander me.

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    18 February 2003 15:10:20

    In response to Bradw?s post, How come you even complain? You reported earlier when noone was hunting you, do you expect from us to not hunt you the next time?

    Its also sad to see how people come to Tenzeks camp just to spawn attacks so they can report, if you wanna be an asshole that making free gold for reporting us everytime we attack you in Dunland fine.
    But dont pretend youre after some roleplaying and please dont cry when you die.

    Props to Korlath for not whining after this log, he knew what he did and he probably knew what the price for it would be.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 February 2003 14:48:48

    I won't even say what I think about Korlath.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    18 February 2003 14:48:28

    Fimbu take the stick out of your ass :p
    So Crion never gave me the full story...but whos to say your not twisting thing? huh? :p

    And Trigger, i agree! we suck! *pokes*

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    18 February 2003 13:56:17

    Shortly after this incident, Korlath partied with two newbies and then dragged them to the Easterling warlord where they were quickly killed and he helped himself to their EQ. Korlath, your actions are cowardly. Its no wonder you came from KoDA stock. At least they had the decency to boot you the same way the Amruin just did. you've reported people in rp combat 3 times now. I'm really gonna enjoy more of the 'real rp' I just showed you. It should all be about hunting assholes like you and putting them down. Be seeing you real soon.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 February 2003 13:42:14

    Bradw - Generally we don't do that because some people get too whiny about hunting in RP combat, and perhaps by keeping the hunting limited, it'll be accepted by the rest of the population sooner and we can then expand the hunting to other situations in which it is thematic. So what that person did is rare.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 February 2003 13:36:40

    Why do I always have to answer the moronic posts? Blech. ;)

    First off, Tarith, I'd say that 'oh get over yourself' does not address the problem I presented before you in any way. If I'm wrong, telling you to shut might make me feel better, but I'd still be wrong.

    Delgaur - Once again, that's a lie. I was angered by Crion's actions in Tenzek's camp and frustrated by the death of Tenzek. I had warned Crion not to reenter the camp several times and he just kept slinking in and doing little bits of damage. I decided that my rage was considerable enough to pursue the issue further, so I chased Crion around. Then when I found out he was in SRS, I ran right away, sure that I could finish my pray. When a friend bashed the door for him *shrugs* that was that. I never hunted him once during the whole episode. Explain to me what I did wrong?
    PS. Another lie - I was not in combat from Tenzek. I attacked him again. We had stopped because he seemed to have a strong OOC desire to. Can you for once get your facts straight, Delgaur? You'd think that if you didn't know things, you'd just shut up about them instead of making them up...

  • Author
    Izratan [legacy]
    18 February 2003 13:08:41

    Shut up korlath died so all cheer

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    18 February 2003 11:37:06

    i think most of you who are complaining should be worrying more about your own RP, or lack thereof. wasach, old friend, believe me when i say korlath deserves whatever he gets. he's disgraced your guild. delgaur, i like how when your guildmembers see someone attacking a beorning on the fields, they only come back and defend if it's someone they are capable of killing. if it's some high level with a unique or something who can beat the piss out of them, they dont even try.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    18 February 2003 11:28:47

    and Crion was tracked back to SRS lock room, by fimbu, still in combat from his 'Defense' of tenzek ;p apprently thats RP too :D

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    18 February 2003 09:44:50

    Korlath died! Excellence. Dishonourable worm.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    18 February 2003 08:40:37

    oh get over yourself fimbu.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    18 February 2003 05:29:56

    and it does happen, i've seen a log of it.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    18 February 2003 05:29:22

    hunting in rp combat is actually pretty good, IMHO, makes shit a lot more exciting, but the only thing i'm (for what it's worth) opposed to is lowering the flag in tenzeks camp to trap people inside, that's not real great.

  • Author
    Bradw [legacy]
    18 February 2003 05:12:35

    i was hunted (and killed) by DH all the way back to edoras, and they claimed it was rp.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 February 2003 04:29:38

    Ultilh, anybody's welcome to hunt me anywhere. I'll hunt (that is, if i'm partied with an assassin) in/to the edge of Tenzek's camp, and in the Daen Hecil village, because that's the guild rules. Yeah, Tarith, as you can see, it really is a good idea to report Daen Hecil for RP combat! Riiiiiiiiiiight...

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    18 February 2003 04:05:09

    Ok so KoDA can hunt inside DA castle, amruin can hunt in edoras, SoU can hunt near balforth, and so on...I'm going to love this RP :)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 February 2003 03:32:52

    actually, the funniest thing (and the coolest) is that Fimbu has named himself after a cheap blended scotch!!

    btw, hello all. Happy Valentines and St. Patricks Day!!

    *waves to you from the barren land of no bandwidth dial-up connections*


    btw, if you actually need to type 'hunt xxxx' INSIDE tenzeks camp, that's rather sad. I can't wait to play with the DH when I return...

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    18 February 2003 01:32:11

    Tyfus says:The hunting is only inside tenzeks camp and a little bit out of it

    oh good, sounds like you guys have some clear rules on this =P very scientific

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    18 February 2003 01:30:41

    report them all if they hunt you like that

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    18 February 2003 00:59:35

    as for fimbu's comment. he's here to make us laugh

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    18 February 2003 00:58:56

    read what it says feldon, 'dont report attempts without hunt'

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    18 February 2003 00:46:13

    Sure it is.

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    18 February 2003 00:44:52

    The hunting is only inside tenzeks camp and a little bit out of it

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    18 February 2003 00:39:16

    You expect people to not report you for hunting in rp combat? That is funny.

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    18 February 2003 00:30:27

    Fimbu...they know it

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 February 2003 00:28:19

    Also, don't report attempts with hunt in Tenzek's Camp, because the DH will be all over you.

  • Author
    Heath [legacy]
    18 February 2003 00:25:11

    HAHAHA fucker, thats what you get for bad RP