KoDA vs CoU,Ud

Posted by
Reandor [legacy]
24 February 2003 00:00:00

Hell of a rp combat from my PoV.Too bad that shit happened as always and 2 died there.


  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    09 March 2003 03:15:05

    I've been in several 'RP' battles to the death, Reandor.

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    28 February 2003 12:22:29

    Rhoads is da man coming up soon.Another battle with deaths also.Stay tuned.Hey streaki why dont we see you in such a rp battle to death.You just talk but not act.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 February 2003 00:20:57

    Let they play however they want to play, thare are several diferent views of RP in this game and surely none of them are completaly right or wrong.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    27 February 2003 00:39:28

    Good things about this log: Jecia dies.

    Bad things about this log: Stupid state of 'RP' on t2t.

    We killed them!!! Damn it!! It's only RP!! It's only RP!! We're not supp!osed to hurt them!

  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    26 February 2003 11:35:33

    The game isnt about being maxed, and to those of you that cant enjoy dying sometimes in awhile you gotto die more often. Dying is a part of the fun in this game, learn to enjoy it.

  • Author
    Duk [legacy]
    26 February 2003 07:21:11

    Whee! My first comment here. :P
    Just a thought, but if you truly were rp'ing, wouldn't it be just as 'shameful' for want of a better word, to lose, and be forced to retreat while your enemies kill the people you were guarding, as it would be to die? And if there are few deaths involved with this kind of RP battle, you would see it happen more often, and more people would perhaps start to join in. That can only be good for the RP as a whole on the mud. Deaths in RP combat only favour those who can relevel extremely quickly, or who have massive amounts of gold saved up. This way even the younger members of guilds can be involved with RP, without having to worry about how much it's going to cost them.

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    25 February 2003 16:21:50

    Death in rp combats are two edged knife.Cuts both way.I already made my point.I am not killing people in RP combat.This is a love it or leave it situation if you are confronting me.But don't dare to question my RP.I am not someone having orgasm when I killed someone here (a bit excitement wouldn't kill me tough).We are all little children sharing the same playground and playing games in order to have fun.

  • Author
    Darqside [legacy]
    25 February 2003 15:51:18

    Answer to Feasul=
    I love playing ultima online so i am using UO power words
    1.Dark-An Lor
    2.Light-In Lor
    3.Lightning-Vas Ort Grav
    etc etc...

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    25 February 2003 13:05:02

    In my belief, all the things that are done open to the mud population should be IC (actions, says, emotes), other than that, all sorts of OOC conversations can go on and on. In this case, it would have been better if corsairs did not publicly announced their sentiments after the deaths, but do so with tells.

    But one shouldn't start to mix up IC with OOC and hate the foes that s/he hates IC even OOC. That's a common fallacy I observe.

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    25 February 2003 11:36:59

    I would have bought the leather boots if I was online.

  • Author
    Fasadar [legacy]
    25 February 2003 09:32:45

    It depends on how much you want to RP. If you are going to complain about them not wanting to kill in RP then maybe we should look at some other things.. No more OOC comms.... No more using the words 'cool' 'fuck' or anything.. It depends on how much you want to RP. If the knights and CoU want to have a friendly non leathal RP style thats up to them.

  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    25 February 2003 09:21:29

    Yeah, we should be proud of some scalps in RP...poor KoDA, but come on, they were 'defending' doesn't not dying defeat the purpose of an attack? :p

  • Author
    Izratan [legacy]
    25 February 2003 07:22:14

    Way to go Corsairs.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    25 February 2003 01:26:47

    I dont know what that was, but it sure as hell wouldnt be roleplaying.

    Roleplaying is defined roughly as behaving as a person from another background/time/place, in this case a Corsair from Umbar in the land of Dol Amroth.

    Ask yourself this, would someone who was roleplaying have lamented the death of two of the defenders of Dol Amroth?

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    25 February 2003 00:34:07

    If you guys had focused you might have finished off the whole bunch. Nice job though.

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    24 February 2003 23:16:42

    This is a perfect case and point on everything that is wrong with RP here at the Towers.

    What it should have been is : Jecia has died. Garik has died. *spit*
    [CoU] Corsair: Good, we killed a couple of those Gondorian fuckers.

    Look at my comment on the Korlath log.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    24 February 2003 23:03:16

    You are attacked by Hochopepa!

    *fdl* :P

  • Author
    Azarael [legacy]
    24 February 2003 22:56:42

    It's not combat if there is no risk of death and you aren't trying to kill your opponents. You people who complain that 'shit happens' and people die during a 'war' are the poorest excuse I can imagine for a real roleplayer.

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    24 February 2003 21:59:10

    This post is more like it. See folks? You can still be respectful and be enemies, or be 'evil.'

    This is proof of that.

    Respect thine neighbor!

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    24 February 2003 21:54:52

    Hey whom am I gonna fight next time if i kill all my enemies and reduce them to ashes.Love it or leave it.I strongly disagree with killing in rp combat.That's all.

  • Author
    Feasul [legacy]
    24 February 2003 21:52:05

    Whatsup with Darqside using Ultima Online Powerwords while casting spells? erm..

  • Author
    Borgrath [legacy]
    24 February 2003 21:46:17

    The short story

    Corsair 1: ARR!! Have at thee! Our enemies are sighted
    Knight 1: *ROAR* Defend the castle! Kill our foes!

    Long and bloody fight

    Knight 1 has died.
    Knight 2 has died.

    Corsair 1: NO!! WE KILLED THEM
    Corsair 2: UGH UGH UGH!

    Ironic isn't it. ;)

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    24 February 2003 21:29:17

    After 30 mins or so from the rp combat, I invited Garik and Jecia to join our keg party in our ship and they gladly accepted.Finding a good enemy nowadays is a bit difficult but I can name at least 2 of them for sure.Long live Two Towers!!

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    24 February 2003 20:20:50

    It all began with tag race in Alexa.
    Alexa tells you: I have the following on sale:
    Lot Seller Price Description Tag
    #732 Reandor 45 - Dol Amroth guard armour Poor sergeant, getting killed in his own castle not far aay from home in some wilderness(CoU)
    #739 Garik 123 - a corsair's cutlass Fresh,KoDA well hello, another corsair meets his destiny
    #752 Korath 50 - a pair of leather boots Corsair Booties! He got too close to Dol Amroth.
    #753 Garik 140 - a short, sharp, double-edged sword Fresh,KoDA Death to the Dark Lord's slaves
    #755 Reandor 250 - a great broadsword of Anfalas Death to all fools who try to protect Gondor futilely..(CoU)
    #756 Korath 130 - a gold lined shield fresh! Did he think he could hide from me? KoDA
    #757 Korath 110 - a large shining breastplate fresh! He tried to stop me, but I slipped, fell and my sword went into his neck KoDA
    #761 Vrtavrljuk 150 - a standard-issue sword of Gondor UD & CoU doo:P
    #762 Vrtavrljuk 150 - a dunedain captain's sword UD & CoU doo:P Freshy
    #763 Vrtavrljuk 150 - a standard-issue sword of Gondor UD & CoU doo:P Freshy
    #765 Gorbi 120 - a crude iron short sword die die Gondor die
    #766 Gorbi 120 - a sturdy oaken shield die die Gondor die
    #767 Reandor 50 - a sturdy chainmail vest What do you think pelennor was.A picnic place.Bah!(CoU)
    #768 Darqside 100 - a long heavy spear Slain by a corsair,Forlong's lifeless body lies over the fields of Pelennor
    #770 Maestros 50 - a shirt of silver chain death to gondor!
    #771 Babur 50 - a black helm [CoU] is on Pelennor!
    #772 Reandor 100 - a well-fashioned longsword No man you just can't fool around killing my orc.(CoU)

    Then you see what happens.