Koranthana saves Ainaruth from being pk'd

Posted by
Hainter [legacy]
26 February 2003 00:00:00

Chewy and some other people are about to kill Ainaruth when he mysteriously disappears. its funny :P

Miriel says: ^ Chewy: whats it called when a Maia interferes with a pk?
Miriel says: ^ Soun: A maia interference?
Miriel says: ^ Drizzt believes it's called ainur abuse
Miriel says: ^ Popovod: illegal, thats what its called.
Miriel says:  ^ Drizzt looks at koranthana
Miriel falls down laughing.
^ Drizzt belives Durmanhoth has sucken yet another level, needing aniur to take
     them away from pks
You roll on the floor laughing.
HP:176 EP:161> Miriel says:  ^ Drizzt belives Durmanhoth has sucken yet another level, needing
     aniur to take     them away from pks

^ Derex: Then why did you suckers run when I entered the room?
Miriel rolls on the floor laughing.
^ Wildchild wonders if the red sword is a 2h weapon.
-> Miriel gives a High Five to Drizzt.
^ Drizzt: because we had to report this disgrace
^ Derex: I hit Chewy, Chewy hit the door and the rest did to so shut up.
You hmm.
HP:178 EP:163> ' derex
You say: derex
HP:178 EP:163> l
    You stand within a large circular room made of gray stone.  
In the center of this chamber, chairs surround a grand table.
Upon the walls, detailed maps hang depicting the land both east 
and west of the Misty Mountains.  On the far east wall is a
proudly hung banner of the Amruin.

There is a sign attached to the table.
    The only obvious exit is west.
 Alawene the dunedain Legionnaire (Angelic)
 Kryton the dunedain Sheriff (Angelic)
 Miriel the silvan Mountaineer (Angelic)
 A vote box rests upon the table
 Rohirrim's Private Board [21 notes]
HP:178 EP:163> ^ Drizzt didn't see you hit chewy
^ Kalgaur: i did
' Koranthana
You say: Koranthana
HP:179 EP:164> ^ Drizzt would have locked the door and fed you to the spider
^ Chewy notes that 3 ppl were about to attack ainaruth, when he mysteriously
^ Derex: You consume Chewy in burning light.
Miriel says: mysteriously? hmmm
^ Ainaruth: i was there so long..i figured u wanted to kiss me
' s  he can be a real dork
You say: s  he can be a real dork
HP:180 EP:165> Miriel says: i would like to stay here a sec and watch the comm fireworks.
^ Chewy: he was locked into one room...and I told the maia we were gonna pk
     him...and she took him away
You nod.
HP:181 EP:166> ' wow
You say: wow
HP:182 EP:167> ^ Anderson winces
Miriel says: wow
^ Drizzt: Funny how ainaruth was 'whisked away' by Koranthana
You throw your head back and cackle with glee.
HP:183 EP:168> rotfl
You roll on the floor laughing.
HP:183 EP:168> ^ Mathias: if you didnt already start combat, I dont believe its illegal for the
     Ainu to take them away
^ Popovod: easy fix: put him back in the locked room with chewy with his SRS
^ Popovod: easy fix: put him back in the locked room with chewy with his SRS' and
     let them fight it out.
^ Blaise: well the fight didn't start, and he has to go back to the same spot he
     came from anyway
^ Chewy: and the two other rimmies
^ Koranthana: Yes, yes he was. Keep complaining and I will be really mad. He is a
     GM, I am Lady of Guilds. Lady of Guilds interacts when GMs, I needed to
     talk to him. GET USED TO IT
^ Derex: Yes please do, I agree with Popovod 100%.
^ Drizzt: No you don't
You laugh.
HP:186 EP:171> You laugh.
HP:186 EP:171> ^ Drizzt has been put other places by ainur before
Miriel falls down laughing.
Miriel rolls on the floor laughing.
^ Valerian shrugs at Popovod...Ainaruth quits in combat
Kryton hmms.
Miriel says: what a load of umm... what's the word... Justifcation!
You fall down laughing.
HP:188 EP:173> ^ Ainaruth: 1) looking at me for 10mins is hardly an attempt.....2) im avioding a
     mishap froma few days ago...if ur so interrested in me....do it next
^ Popovod: obviously, but make him quit, not this whisked away garbage.
^ Chewy: one: you were there less than 30 seconds.
' I 'needed' to talk to him
You say: I 'needed' to talk to him
HP:190 EP:175> fdl
You fall down laughing.
HP:190 EP:175> Kryton smiles.
Miriel nods sagely.
' right at that moment
You say: right at that moment
HP:190 EP:175> ^ Drizzt: you could use tells like us 'mere mortals'
Miriel says: Must have been VERY important
You nod.
HP:191 EP:176> Miriel has a Koranthana look on her face.
Miriel says: NOW
^ Ainaruth: umm...i went south....and looked around..and killed a rested
     spider..and then u came in after knocking a few times...and that was
     hardly 30 secs Chump..err..chewy
You fall down laughing.
HP:191 EP:176> ^ Mathias: so how come you didn't just 'tell' Koranthana that?
Miriel says: I must talk to you NOW
^ Koranthana: If you wanna play with me, lets play. But your gonna lose. He is a GM,
     I am the Lady of Guilds. Get VERY used to me wisking GMs away
You fall down laughing.
HP:193 EP:178> Miriel smirks in amusement.
^ Chewy: GMs? or just Ainaruth?
Kryton smiles.
^ Drizzt is USED to aniur staying away from pk situations
^ Popovod: GM means free exit from certain death? sign me up.
Miriel says: I didn't see her whisk kelthang away from hanzu
' yeah, I wonder if Kel has ever been wisked away?
^ Anderson: Cool...I want to be GM!
You say: yeah, I wonder if Kel has ever been wisked away?
HP:194 EP:179> ^ Chewy wants to be a GM then.
^ Drizzt wants to be a GM then
^ Wildchild wonders if Kora is out to advertise her position tonight.
^ Ainaruth: i remember Ohtar being wisked away...but that was ok..and we WERE in
^ Derex: Yeah that ainaruth guy smoked you Chewy, mr 13th level *ROTFL*
^ Koranthana: Hold your tounge Chewy. GMs, I have whisked them all away before.
^ Chewy: thats right. he killed me, and I was about to kill him...and poof. he
     was gone.
You smirk in amusement.
HP:196 EP:181> ' this is good
You say: this is good
HP:197 EP:182> Kryton nods.
^ Mathias: Chewy, how long ago did he kill you?
Miriel says: Well, you know.. it was VERY important.
^ Ainaruth: u couldnt kill ur grandma
' I'm gonna log this
You say: I'm gonna log this
HP:197 EP:182> Miriel nods sagely.
^ Drizzt nods at chewy, it seems assassins are the only ones allowed to kill
     these days
' very very important
You say: very very important
HP:198 EP:183> ^ Chewy: about 3 minutes before we were going to kill him.
' Kora and Ainaruth are lovers
^ Drizzt: certain anuirs are making sure of that
You say: Kora and Ainaruth are lovers
HP:199 EP:184> ^ Anderson: Well, there is a moral to this story, don't attack GM's *shrug*
^ Blaise: you weren't fighting yet, that was 3 mins before
^ Koranthana: Okay, if you aren't gonna file a formal complaint against me, do it.
     If not, I would shutup, before I do it for you.
^ Mathias: 3 minutes...Okay, so he kills you, 2.5 minutes later, you're all set
     to kill him, and 30 seconds after that, he leaves...You had 3 whole
     minutes to attack -- what took you so long?
You laugh.
HP:200 EP:185> ^ Ainaruth: no nerves
^ Drizzt: getting him there
^ Wildchild: umm, get over it, live with it, whatever, just stop all the whining
     and bitching.
^ Mathias: 3 minutes is a *long* time, ya know ;)
^ Chewy: We were waiting for Kora to leave, because everyone knows that ainurs
     will stop fights.
^ Popovod: organization takes a while. specially if its on the spot.
^ Chewy had kill ainaruth typed in
' doh, dumb
You say: doh, dumb
HP:203 EP:188> ^ Ainaruth: Chewy coudnt organize a boyscout troop
^ Koranthana: I won't stop a fight, but when I need to talk to a GM, and he is just
     sitting there, I WILL port them away if they say it is okay.
^ Anderson: Look on the bright side, at least you didn't get fined :)
Miriel rolls her eyes.
Laryn tells you: a black halberd is now on sale as lot 81, minimum bid 130 gold.
^ Drizzt: There's your formal complaint Kor, hope aragorn likes it
Miriel lets out a resounding cheer.
Kryton smiles.
^ Drizzt: Now I have to go, cya all later
^ Blaise: plus when a Ainur sends the person back it to the SAME spot so its not
     like he didn't come back
Miriel says: yaaay drizzt.  who i don't even know
Miriel says: rimsilval.  cool
^ Koranthana claps for Drizzt
^ Mathias doesn't see what Koranthana is being screamed at for..
^ Koranthana: He has learned how to complain about Ainur who know more then him..
Miriel says: Blais is wrong
^ Chewy comms off.
Miriel says: Elendalas sent me back to a different spot once.
^ Kalgaur: just let him kor, it'll be something to laugh at later
^ Gilgoroth: No kidding, this is really fun. What a fun time here.
^ Gilgoroth comms off.
^ Koranthana: Yep, sure will.
^ Ainaruth: im having a blast....anyone else
^ Koranthana: What, does he think Aragorn won't ASK me what happened?
^ Thoras: So, how about them Cowboys?
Miriel says: Is she so sure Aragorn will believe her?
^ Solomon: nice weather we're having...
Kryton says: i wouldn't, i fi were hin
Kryton says: him
^ Thoras agrees.
Miriel says: damn, i have GOT to immort so i can give them a REAL coder.
^ Blaise: seen any good movies?;)
Kryton nods.
Miriel says: not her impersonation of a programmer
' hey now
^ Soun: Think it will rain tommorow?
You say: hey now
HP:214 EP:199> ^ Thoras: MiB rocked!!
Kryton says: wait, don't leave us
Miriel smiles brightly.
^ Solomon saw Jackie Chan's first striker - not bad at all.
' s   he is a very good programer
You say: s   he is a very good programer
HP:215 EP:200> Kryton says: on second thought...imort
Kryton smiles.
Miriel says: so am I, Kryton :)
' just messed up in the head
You say: just messed up in the head
HP:216 EP:201> Miriel says: err... Hainter.
^ Solomon: uh, First Strike.
Miriel bonks herself on the head.
Miriel bonks herself on the head.
[ Amruin ] Gilgoroth afk
bonk miriel
You bonk Miriel on the head.
HP:217 EP:202> Miriel giggles.
    You stand within a large circular room made of gray stone.  
In the center of this chamber, chairs surround a grand table.
Upon the walls, detailed maps hang depicting the land both east 
and west of the Misty Mountains.  On the far east wall is a
proudly hung banner of the Amruin.

There is a sign attached to the table.
    The only obvious exit is west.
 Alawene the dunedain Legionnaire (Angelic)
 Kryton the dunedain Sheriff (Angelic)
 Miriel the silvan Mountaineer (Angelic)
 A vote box rests upon the table
 Rohirrim's Private Board [21 notes]
HP:218 EP:203> Laryn tells you: a black halberd is now on sale as lot 82, minimum bid 130 gold.
^ Mathias: awww..you can't make the old men run away screaming anymore? *sigh*
^ Elthor holds up Chewy's skull and howls making Arda shake.
' yeah, but um..trust me, s  he is probably the best here
You say: yeah, but um..trust me, s  he is probably the best here
HP:219 EP:204> legend chewy
Chewy the silvan Magician (Moral) 
On for:  3h 52m 32s                       
Age: 40d 10h 19m 24s                      Gender: male
In other worlds known as Catching raindrops in his mouth( ) 
Can be mailed: Chewy@Rimsilval
HP:219 EP:204> l
    You stand within a large circular room made of gray stone.  
In the center of this chamber, chairs surround a grand table.
Upon the walls, detailed maps hang depicting the land both east 
and west of the Misty Mountains.  On the far east wall is a
proudly hung banner of the Amruin.

There is a sign attached to the table.
    The only obvious exit is west.
 Alawene the dunedain Legionnaire (Angelic)
 Kryton the dunedain Sheriff (Angelic)
 Miriel the silvan Mountaineer (Angelic)
 A vote box rests upon the table
 Rohirrim's Private Board [21 notes]
HP:220 EP:205> ' its a shame is has to be wasted
Kryton nods.
You say: its a shame is has to be wasted
HP:221 EP:206> ' with someone so stupid
You say: with someone so stupid
HP:222 EP:207> l
    You stand within a large circular room made of gray stone.  
In the center of this chamber, chairs surround a grand table.
Upon the walls, detailed maps hang depicting the land both east 
and west of the Misty Mountains.  On the far east wall is a
proudly hung banner of the Amruin.

There is a sign attached to the table.
    The only obvious exit is west.
 Alawene the dunedain Legionnaire (Angelic)
 Kryton the dunedain Sheriff (Angelic)
 Miriel the silvan Mountaineer (Angelic)
 A vote box rests upon the table
 Rohirrim's Private Board [21 notes]
HP:222 EP:207> ^ Derex: Valerian and Ainaruth are both cheaters.
^ Koranthana: Okay, I just teleported Flint to me. I hope no one was trying to kill
^ Koranthana rolls her eyes
^ Ainaruth: ROTLF
HP:190 EP:179> ^ Flint: No one would dare ;)
^ Blaise: oh darn i had been playing to kill him for a whole 30 mins:)