Amusing Tidbits 4000 with the NEW T7 attachment!

Posted by
Fimbu [legacy]
01 March 2003 00:00:00

It slices! It dices! It's Amusing Tidbits!

You tell Bebop: Where's Rocksteady?

HP:230 EP:230 Warrax tells you: osama bin laden will bomb iowa
Warrax tells you: I told him last night on the phone
Warrax tells you: I said
Warrax tells you: osama..
Warrax tells you: please bomb iowa
tell warrax lol
You tell Warrax: lol
HP:230 EP:230 Warrax tells you: and he said.. ya ayuhallazina amanu amelossalehate
Alexa tells you: Blackfang, a long black knife is now on sale as lot 97, minimum
     bid 180 gold FRESH-disamed
Warrax tells you: I talked to him on the phone
Warrax tells you: I said..
Warrax tells you: I said osama.. kill klouse
Warrax tells you: he said.. who is klouse?
Warrax tells you: I said.. some guy from the mud
Warrax tells you: he said, what's the mud?
Warrax tells you: I said, just KILL HIM YOU MOTHERFUCKING ARAB
Warrax tells you: then he prayed to allah and sent an email
Warrax tells you: but his hotmail wasn't working
Warrax tells you: it said, your mailbox is full.. so I said..
Warrax tells you: I said Osama.. you have too much porn in your mailbox
Warrax tells you: and he prayed to allah and deleted all the porn
Warrax tells you: then he said ok I will bomb Iowa for you, you can tell
     Fairfax cause he's mexican but don't tell Klouse
Warrax tells you: then I said.. Osama.. how do you know Fairfax? you just
     said you didn't know what mud was..
Warrax tells you: then he winked at me.. and whispered.. "I had a ranger
     char back in 98"

^ Rhavin: yeah, no head makes me about as frustrated as a pervert with
     paulsy trying to draw a vagina on an etcher-sketch

You tell Aegon: Had it on a bicycle rack, tried pulling it down and it fell on
     my knee :P
=HP:210 EP:210= 
Aegon tells you: ICK
Mischief chases shadows as they go by!
!Mischief leaves down.
Aegon tells you: you must hate that bike :p
tell aegon It was pretty fucking funny though, to see a kid laying on his back with his bicycle on top of him :P
You tell Aegon: It was pretty fucking funny though, to see a kid laying on his
     back with his bicycle on top of him :P
=HP:210 EP:210= 
Your head is clearing.
tell aegon ah, nah, I hate the little black kids that beat me up and took it away when I was 6
You tell Aegon: ah, nah, I hate the little black kids that beat me up and took
     it away when I was 6
=HP:210 EP:210= 
Aegon tells you: ah, some guy stole my bike from our house in ****. I
     chased him in the streets but he huntbroke me

Mithgil: One time I wanked it 13 times in a day.
Alexa tells you: a large harvester's pack is now on sale as lot 452, minimum bid
     120 gold 
^ Ulkavik: no way
^ Mithgil: Yes way.
^ Etrius: Thank you for sharing that Mithgil :-)
^ Rhavin: 13?
^ Etrius: Did anyone else get a scary picture in their mind?
^ Shachmir: Yes
HP:200 EP:200 Butterbur scurries back and forth between patrons.
^ Ulkavik: Ive only done it 8 times in one day
^ Rhavin: You're a machine!
^ Undertow: i dont know.  it depends if mithgil looks like widower
^ Mithgil: No
^Why don't you use that energy towards finding a fat girl or something
^ Shachmir: Why don't you use that energy towards finding a fat girl or
HP:200 EP:200 ^ Mithgil: I look infinitely better than widower
^Seriously, it'll make you go blind
^ Shachmir: Seriously, it'll make you go blind
HP:200 EP:200 ^ Mithgil: Hasn't yet
Revor enters.
^ Undertow: ive gone 6 times on several occassions.  never able to beat my
^ Rhavin been blind for years

^ Azmar lost every bit of respect for KoDA when they let Lordevil be a

HP:190 EP:39> You killed Fox.
Fox has died.
corpse of Fox runs away into the wilderness.

    This is Combe's infamous Leaping Stallion Inn. Here you can 'rent 
room' for only 5 gold pieces, and gain access to the beautifully
furnished upstairs room, in which you can 'sleep'. There is usually
someone here who you can ask about the inn and sleeping.
    The only obvious exits are up, bar and northwest.
 The carnage of Borwain [2]
 A small knife (engulfed in flames) [2]

Korlath tells you: lets make a murder DH clan :-P
^ Sneaky: what is a fancy looking key for
^ Narehgemin: something fancy i bet ...
^ Gyro: A fancy looking door?
^ Rondo: This comm sucks when Chrono and me aren't here...
^ Sneaky: it is for somewhere in minastirith
^ Gyro: Ok, Its a fancy door in MT
^ Sneaky: well it say something about the head of the guards in mt or
     something to that effect
^ Rean: what does raiment and verily mean?
^ Gorestel: Raiment is clothing
^ Fofester: Verily means 'truly'
^ Rean: thanks your two
^ Rondo listens to the Cowboy Bebop theme song
"korlath actually I think DHs  need challengers
Korlath does not have a stone to receive your message.
<<HP:230 EP:230>> legend korlath
The ghost of Korlath
On for:  20m 18s                          
Age: 0s                                   
Korlath has recorded a life story.
<<HP:230 EP:230>> ^ Fimbu: Never report in Rp combat.
^ Fimbu: legend korlath. That's what you get.

HP:110 EP:58> A dark and scary alley(s and n)
A short spear
Duck follows you.
Duck enters.
HP:110 EP:58> Walking north, you nimbly step over a previously unnoticed trip wire.
A dead end(s)
Duck follows you.
A dark and scary alley(s and n)
Corpse of Duck
A short spear
A short spear

[ Daen Hecil ] Flasd: i'm going to find some sheep and tend to them, and go
     live in the hills

***** The epic of Wombat and Serex*****

^ Langor: "Wombat turns the corner into a dark, deserted alley.The only
     light comes from a flickering torch at the end of the alley. In the

^ Langor: distance, he can see his ship, the Bethagan. He begins walking
   briskly towards it when he hears a footfall behind him. Whirling, he draws his

^ Langor: rapier and takes a quick step back. Clothed in a flowing black
     cloak is a strange apparition. Suddenly, the cloak falls to the ground,
     revealing a

^ Langor: short Dwarf wearing a g-string and carrying a whip. The Dwarf
     says: Hey there, sailor boy. My name is Serex. Looking for a good time?"

^ Langor: Smiling, Wombat allows himself to be lead down the hallway by the
     pudgy Dwarf. Stopping at a door labelled "3A", Serex turns to Wombat and

^ Langor: says in a husky tone: 'Are you ready?' Shivering with anticipation, 
    Wombat just nods. Serex fishes a key out from his ample cleavage, unlocks

^ Langor: the door, and leads the way in. Closing the door behind him,
     Wombat takes in his surroundings.....A bed, a lamp. Perfect."

^ Langor: Wombat jumps from surprise as Serex dives towards him. He 
    sidesteps and Serex falls to the bed. Winking slyly, Wombat says softly:

^ Langor: 'Here comes the Captain' as he gently removes his shirt and
     advances towards the bed...."

^ Langor: Wombat begins sotfly running his hands over his companion's hairy
     legs, while Serex merely purrs and begins writhing on the bed, moaning
     with pleasure.""'

^ Dalamar: Dwarven hookers? Men or women?
^ Reorx: Doesn’t matter, it’s hairy either way.

You strike up a tune in Westron:

          All the ladies love a candle,
          It set their parts aflame,
          It comes in many sizes,
          Made of wax it will not wane.

Drinian bows with the eldritch grace of a Dunadan.
Your headache clears up.
You play a short interlude poorly in Westron: 
          They pick the size that satisfies
          And thrust it to the hilt,
          Unlike the fleshly version,
          When they're spent it doesn't wilt.

You play a short interlude poorly in Westron: 
          Nice and greasy, slips in easy,
          In the back or in the front,
          Candles come in many sizes,
          To fit any womanly want.

You play a short interlude poorly in Westron: 
          A candle will not wander,
          A candle's always true,
          And a candle won't get jealous,
          If a different candle's used.

You play a short interlude poorly in Westron: 
          When too tired of her waxwork,
          To amuse or abuse herself,
          Or she buys a bigger candle,
          It won't feel 'left on the shelf'.

You play a short interlude poorly in Westron: 
          Every lady loves a candle,
          It gives pleasure in the night,
          And if she wants to finish things,
          she can set the wick alight.

HP:100 EP:90> Trap says in Westron: my dog just seems to always be there when i need it
The hound gets distracted and runs off to play.
Trap args.

A muffin sings: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday
to you!
Happy birthday, dear Anthlar!!! 
Happy birthday to you!!
All the shit lying around here sings:
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Anthlar!!! 
Happy birthday to you!!

Warrax told you: it's as if there are two people in my head?
Warrax told you: FUCK ASS FUCK FUCK
Warrax told you: I will carry two conversations with you
Warrax told you: one in capital letters and one in normal scripts
Warrax told you: It seems that the most recent evolution in human beings
     has been the part of the brain associated with speech
Newcomer told you: Mine is fucked up, I can't load saved game.
Warrax told you: some researchers point to female infanticide as having had
     a part in the evolution of testosterone
HP:230 EP:230 Hrafn says: nah, we were discussing new guild, if we had any name yet
Warrax tells you: arabs did female infanticide, they buries their baby girls
HP:230 EP:230 Warrax tells you: I NEED FOOD.. FUCK.. NOTHING IN THE FRIDGE
tell warrax maybe there's some babies
You tell Warrax: maybe there's some babies
HP:230 EP:230 Hrafn leaves out.
Warrax tells you: T caused some changes in the evolutionary path. The final
     outcome seems to suggest that females choose their mate according to
     their speech ability. However, it seems as if before that evolutionary
     step, i.e before speech, mating was based on testosterone development and
     physical strength
Warrax tells you: PUT THE FUCKING MIKE ON, YO
Warrax tells you: ASS IS FAT FRAME IS LITTLE
Warrax tells you: I think that females do not appreciate random bursts of
     incoherent speech
Alexa tells you: a sailor's cutlass is now on sale as lot 95, minimum bid 200
     gold Exc... same cutlass.... only used to get a fresh one
Warrax tells you: AHAHAHAHA

HP:223 EP:165= 4e
rent room
Do: starting commands.
=HP:223 EP:165= Inside the West Gate of Bree(n, e and w)
 A wealthy looking chubby man
=HP:223 EP:165= West main street of Bree(n, e, se, s and w)
 Ratty the goat
=HP:223 EP:165= East of main street(n, e, s and w)
=HP:223 EP:165= East main street of Bree(n, e, s and w)
=HP:223 EP:165= Do: Commands completed.
=HP:224 EP:166= Prancing Pony Common Room(ne, e, d and s)
 Naery the dunlending Orc-target (Impartial)
 A trash can
 A drunken sailor
 Butterbur is here, gossiping and serving ale [42 rumours, 35 new]
=HP:224 EP:166= Prancing Pony Inn(n, e, u and sw)
 An innkeeper
 A sign... look at it!
=HP:224 EP:166= You don't have enough gold.
=HP:224 EP:166= Prancing Pony Private Renting Room(d)
 A many-tailed whip
=HP:224 EP:166= get whip
Prancing Pony Inn(n, e, u and sw)
 An innkeeper
 A sign... look at it!
Thank you for staying at this inn, hope you enjoyed your stay.
There is no whip here to get.
=HP:224 EP:166= u
You have not rented a room.
=HP:224 EP:166= tell fimbu oh no
You tell Fimbu: oh no