^ Stryper: It's another "Wareagle was out drinking once...." story ^ Snarf: can i be in it again, since last time the story fell apart? ^ Wareagle is gonna deny everything ;) ^ Stryper: Yeah, Snarf. You missed the other two, though ^ Snarf: was i in any: ^ Stryper: i don't think so ^ Namina: I wanna be in the story. ^ Wareagle is always a good boy... ;) ^ Stryper: No you don't, Nam..I like you ^ Namina pokes Stryper hard. ^ Snarf snaps his paws and continues to clean himself ^ Namina: Oh. ^ Keea goes "ooo' as the thunder begins to roll over her house. ^ Namina: Well, then you at least have to make sure Wareagle is a porn star in the story. ^ Wareagle erms ^ Thorgon: nickname 'The Wiggler' ^ Stryper: He was a porn star in the last one ^ Wareagle: Namina don't help him ;) ^ Namina: He has to be a porn star in this one too. That's what he does! ^ Quenn rips his mail armour off ^ Snarf: he's a porn producer, not a star ^ Namina: Quenn! Christ! Put your clothes back on. ^ Stryper: Ok... ^ Stryper: Here's the cast for my stor ^ Dorianna waves goodnight ^ Stryper: Story ^ Wareagle wasn't in that story.. it's all a lie! ^ Namina: later dorianna ^ Stryper: Wareagle: male porn star ^ Quenn nearly pukes at the smell of his dog farting ^ Davyid: thanks for sharing that one ;) ^ Stryper: Namina: Female porn star. Quenn: transsexual porn star ^ Thorgon: and Quenn's dog ^ Wareagle acks ^ Namina: I thought you liked me. =P ^ Ketan: And Quenn scores a 3 on the Tactometer. ^ Stryper: Snarf: the porn star's drug dealer ^ Quenn puts his mail back on ^ Davyid: And can I be an Elven Porn star? ;) ^ Grifter: I thought Wareagle was the eunnich? ^ Stryper: And Osse: The Porn Director/Mob tyrant ^ Quenn: if you are going to treat me like that you dont get a show! ^ Wareagle: If Quenn is involved... i'm definatly not into that story ^ Thorgon: what about the 'fluffer' girls? ^ Namina: Thats not what you said before Wareagle.. ^ Taker: Can I be the person that sprays the water on the actors to keep them looking wet and sweaty? ^ Stryper: I might put Dalamar in Quenn's place ^ Quenn is the what now? ^ Dalamar: huh? wha? ^ Stryper: Oh, and Taker is the waterboy ^ Wareagle erms ^ Taker: Yeehaw! ^ Snarf: the w w w w waterboy? ^ Thorgon: yeah, the fluffer girls.. get the guys 'ready' for the scene.. ^ Wareagle: That's not much better Stryper ;) ^ Quenn: Dalamar and me have to be the same person, welded into oe ^ Stryper: Now I have to figure this out so I can put it on the family comm ^ Snarf: bah, screw the family comm, they can comm off ^ Namina: Heh, anyone with a family, please comm off. ^ Stryper: Ok...once upon a time, there was this famous movie director named Osse ^ Stryper: Osse was a funloving chap, who liked his liqour a bit much at times. He as also, fortunatly for him, married to a porn star, Namina ^ Namina wrinkles her forehead. ^ Taker: Oh, what a cute couple. ^ Snarf: shh ^ Jasumin: I'd kill em :P ^ Stryper: One day, Osse ran out of liqour, but needed something to get him going before his pretty wifey came home ^ Taker: Though, that depends on your definition of "cute" I suppose. ^ Thorgon: enter quenn ^ Quenn yeah? ^ Stryper: So he called up his local snarf dealer, Snarf ^ Snarf slips something to Osse ^ Davyid: LOL > legend davyid Davyid the sindar Sorcerer (Heroic) On for: 35m 33s Age: 26d 8h 22m 20s Gender: male Info: Behold! The Shadowmage lifts his hands to the heavens, and seeks release Can be mailed: Davyid@Meglivornth ^ Stryper: Osse toots up the snarf, and is immediatly just BLOWN AWAY > ^ Wareagle has the strange feeling that Stryper will be in trouble after this story ;) ^ Quenn shushes War ^ Snarf reminds everyone you can shoot snarf, snort snarf, smoke snarf.. inject snarf... ^ Stryper: So Osse's wandering around his house in the clouds, bombed out of his mind, when this transsexual guy, Quenn, strolls up and starts hitting on him ^ Stryper: Now, Osse may be wasted, but Osse's no fool ^ Quenn grins ^ Boggle: poor stew mom, she had a husband, kids, a dog, and a cat *sniff* now someone took her away! ^ Stryper: Osse don't get down like that, so he slaps Boggle across the face for interrupting, and hits the transsexual in the face as well ^ Quenn ouches ^ Namina: When did Boggle.. oh. ^ Stryper: Well, Quenn is upset by this unattention by the Great Osse, and runs to go confide in his secret lover (but only when the secret lover's drunk) Wareagle > legend osse Something Ossevil this way comes. Rank: Overlord (male) Last on: 1m 55s ago. Age: 56d 14h 49m 52s Info: Thank god for giant teddy bears. Plan: Give me whiskey, when I get a little frisky, because it's a mighty good thing, when you get a little dry. Give me tobacco, when I get a little sickly, and give me heaven, before I die. ^ Taker: Is Quenn M->F or F->M ? ^ Wareagle UGHS ^ Quenn cackles ^ Inglorion: Osse just logged off :( ^ Garmir: probably invis ^ Jasumin: A story like this is enough to keep him invis. ^ Thorgon: you should've made quenn the hermaphrodite ^ Snarf: quenn is a transexual here ^ Wareagle: this just can't happen... no matter drunk i can be ;) ^ Namina: It's because I told him that when I was pregnant and wanted peach ice cream in the middle of the night, he'd better be ready. ^ Stryper: Quenn is M->F ^ Stryper: In Wareagle's defense, he was usually wasted, and the transexual cast a spell on him, so he was in no way responsible for his actions This is the study of the Thain of the Shire. You see a large desk near the far wall, and the north wall is interesting to look at. The only obvious exit is east. A cluttered desk > move painting The Lord MOKI has decided that YOU must now FIGHT for your gold, and has used his Godly powers to prevent you from moving the painting. ^ Wareagle winces ^ Namina: A spell casting transexual. nice. ^ Wareagle: no it's not nice ;) ^ Quenn isnt really a Transexual, he was just hacked by Janus is all :O ^ Stryper: So Wareagle does his best to console his "'friend'", and calls up Snarf the snarf dealer ^ Narlg: anyone want to buy a vgc dwh for 180? ^ Stryper: Snarf comes trotting along, and pretty soon, Wareagle and his "'friend'" are flying along happily, beating Narlg on the head for interrupting ^ Snarf turns his comm back on.. that huntbreak didn't work ^ Stryper: So, we've got a buzzed Osse, a couple of wasted sickos, and you've got a drunken Stryper sitting at the bar, watching all this happen ^ Thorgon: Bring out the gimp ^ Dalamar: that is when Dalamar is most effective. ^ Stryper: Stryper's sitting and drinking, when all of a sudden, ^ Jasumin: uh oh ^ Thorgon: this porn sucks ^ Stryper: Who says it's porn? ^ Quenn blinks at Thorgon, you have been doing too much Snarf my firned ^ Namina: there just happens to be porn stars in this story. no actualy porn promised. ^ Stryper: Jasumin glares at Stryper. "We meet again, Anti-Me" ^ Thorgon: oh... ^ Stryper: Stryper glares back. "That we do" ^ Stryper: All of a sudden, from the back room, gunshots ring out. Wareagle and Quenn decided, in the heat of passion/drugs, to ice thier snarf dealer ^ Wareagle coughs ^ Quenn rips out his oozie and starts blasting away! ^ Jasumin: It's uzi chief. ^ Freak: ER in MD ^ Taker: Oozie!? Eeew! ^ Stryper: Uzi, for the spelling-challenged ^ Garmir: violence? i want in ^ Stryper: Siddown and shaddup, or you'll get violence ^ Taker oozes a bit. ^ Quenn is challenged, no doubt, i am a transexual idiot on snarf with a fully automatic weapon, what can you expect... shhh ^ Stryper: Well, the gunshots push the two Anti-Me people over the edge. They go berserk, tearing up the bar. All of a sudden, a shadow falls across the door. Osse steps in, with the beautiful Namina on his arm ^ Stryper: But Quenn, the transsexual who's hopped up on Snarf, remembers how he was snubbed earlier, and opens up on the beautiful Namina. Her upper body vanishes in a spray of blood ^ Quenn commits suicide ^ Stryper: Osse gets pissed ^ Namina: I suddenly don't like this story anymore. ^ Salem: giggles ^ Grifter: no! he broke the best part! ^ Wareagle: this is tearing my reputation apart! ;) ^ Namina: My upper body was very important to me. ^ Jasumin will save you all! ('cept Stryper) ^ Namina: That it! Cut! Rewrite it, now. =P ^ Stryper: So he immediatly starts nuking people, left and right. BANG! There goes Rendor. BANG! There goes Jazmin. BANG! There goes whoever ^ Snarf: snarf? ^ Stryper: BANG! There goes Snarf ^ Falin: tell stryper I want my 15 minutes! ^ Jasumin: Oh man my Snarf dealer! ^ Falin: damn it ^ Salem: glues Namina back together again. ^ Stryper: Well, Osse is hurt by waht he'd seen and done, so decides to make it right, and give the world a gift ^ Namina hugs salem :) ^ Snarf: he's going to start in the next porn? ^ Stryper: So he magically raises Namina from the dead, and re-endows her, being even more generous the second time ^ Namina peers at Dalamar suspiciously. ^ Stryper: Osse, however, knowing that current trends dictate a group thing, also decided to pull Jasumin in on the action ^ Namina WOOS! ^ Jasumin grins. ^ Namina: I like this porn. Two guys and little me. ^ Salem: and ME! ^ Jasumin: woohoo ^ Namina: Aww. =P ^ Namina: ;) ^ Namina: Well, okay. Salem too. *winkwink* ^ Jasumin: Bah, Namina, you like it ;) ^ Namina: Shh. :) ^ Sasy: If any thieves want to know a good target to go for go for Lancer, stole from him 6 times, and he barely reports too. :) ^ Stryper: Well, they all decide that they're gonna make the movie right there. So they pull off to the side of the road to shoot "Holiday Inn Sexxxpress part 4" ^ Wareagle starts to run faster so he can't hear their shouting. ^ Perlaien: Enough with the sex jokes ^ Perlaien: The only sex jokes on the main comm are going to be from me, Ketan, and Stryker, involving Grifter's mom. ^ Namina: Perlaien is jealous. ^ Namina: It's okay Perlaien. We'll send you a free copy.