Shalligan dies

Posted by
Delgaur [legacy]
04 March 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

Hammer down! Lowbie kill apprently, on hit list none the less. Im told alot of peolpe dont like the guy though, so figure i would post. good timeing though, nearly got there to late!


  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    08 March 2003 09:30:57

    So, that first little bit in the Log -you just recorded that for my auction tag?

    I definitely recall Gimli telling the Council at Rivendell that the only reason that North Mirkwood/High Pass is still travellable is that the Beornings patroll against Sauron's orcs. I'd have to say that while the Beornings may not care much one way or the other about Elves (for example) they're pretty firmly aligned with the 'good guys' in the LotR.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    06 March 2003 23:50:22

    tolkien clearly wrote the books because some text game was gonna be made from them were you get to pk newbs

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    06 March 2003 15:37:36

    Ugh. When I say fine line in the first sentence, I meant to say permanent divide.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    06 March 2003 15:35:09

    If you will read my last comment, you will see that I do not believe that there is a fine divide that separates the people of Middle Earth. In fact if you recall I have argued against this idea multiples times when the Sons have been attacked for killing anything evil. What I AM saying is that free peoples of Middle Earth, despite all of their internal strife and differences, will be forced to fight Sauron to ward off the threat of his hegemony. There have been many wars amongst the people of Harad, as I am sure there have been amongst the people of Rhun. But they have all declared their allegiance to Sauron. You make note of the petty strife between the orcs. But you would never see any orc desert from Sauron's armies, for who would have him? Necessity binds the orcs, Haradrim, and Easterlings to Sauron, and would do so even if they did not want to conquer those territories not under his control. And while the elves, dwarves and men do not fight Sauron together, they still must fight him, or face destruction at his hands. There IS a line dividing Middle Earth, even if it is an artificial one forced into being against the will of those it divideds.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    06 March 2003 13:03:16

    This is what Tolkien himself had to say on the topic:

    'Some reviewers have called the whole thing simple-minded. just
    a plain fight between Good and Evil, with all good just good,
    and the bad just bad. Pardonable, perhaps (though at least
    Boromir has been overlooked) in people in a hurry, and with only
    a fragment to read ... But the Elves are _not_ wholly good or in
    the right. Not so much because they flirted with Sauron; as
    because with or without his assistance they were 'embalmers'.
    They wanted to have their cake and eat it: to live in the mortal
    historical Middle-earth because they had become fond of it
    (and perhaps because they there had the advantages of a superior
    caste), and so tried to stop its change and history, stop its
    growth, keep it as a pleasaunce, even largely a desert, where they
    could be 'artists' -- and they were overburdened with sadness and
    nostalgic regret. In their way the Men of Gondor were similar: a
    withering people whose only 'hallows' were their tombs. But in
    any case this is a tale about war, and if war is allowed (at least
    as a topic and a setting) it is not much good complaining that all
    the people on one side are against those on the other. Not that
    I have made even this issue quite so simple: there are Saruman,
    and Denethor, and Boromir; and there are treacheries and strife
    even among the Orcs.'

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    06 March 2003 10:24:13

    *lol* I gotta say that I agree with Nogothrim's last comment.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 March 2003 05:02:03

    Nogo's ideas are awesome

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    06 March 2003 03:15:43

    Hey, just cause the gods are retarded doesnt mean you have to act retarded. Let them have thier faggity public nukings and let the newbies cheer. THAT, is the price we pay for not paying to play.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    06 March 2003 03:01:40

    Or the game beat you.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    06 March 2003 02:43:47

    Paraiko, I agree somewhat with your newbile, black and white, view of middle earth. But I think it is utterly retarded and fake to limit your Rp to something so clear cut.

    On the mud it is not the lowbie orcs intruding erebor or the Mordor gate guards that represent the threat of Sauron to the 'good' aligned guilds it is YOU the SoU,DH,etc that are supposed to inflict evil. But, as we all know the evil guilds of arda are really very nice fellas who try thier best not to make anyone mad. DH may protect thier lands but they are too fucking gay to completely destroy Amruin like thier counterparts in the books would do in a split second if they had the power. SoU has no desire at all to kill members of VC. CoU and KoDA are perhaps the two most pathetic guilds in history.

    What i'm trying to say is the free races of middle earth joined together because they had to, to survive. If the forces of Gondor were strong enough to keep Sauron at bay then there is no way thier alliance with the Rohirrim would have been resurrected. Thats the way it should be on t2t. BkD should never make an alliance with anyone unless thier members start going inactive from dying to udungul. VC should never have an alliance with anyone unless thier members start going inactive from dying to SoU. ETc ETc etc

    There is no true threat to any guild in arda because the evil guilds are full of horrible roleplayers. The evil guilds have to force the good guilds to fight and ally for survival. Thats the way i see it and will always see it. IF you are an SoU and get nuked for 'harassing' VC by spam killing them then that means you BEAT this game.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    05 March 2003 23:14:58

    I acknowledge that there are indeed varying degrees of evil and good, but those people would still close ranks and fight side by side to survive the aftermath of Sauron's offensive, be it by joining or opposing him. That is precisely what happened at the Last Alliance: 'All things were divided that day, and some of every kind, even of beasts and birds, were found in either host, save the Elves only. (Silmarillion, p. 294)' This also happened at the Battle of Five Armies, and the destruction of Isengard. The desire for power is indeed a key part of the story, but once that power is attained, as it was Sauron had fully recovered and marshalled his armies, every creature in Middle Earth would have to determine how they will survive: bend the knee to Sauron, or fight to prevent his complete and utter conquest of Middle Earth.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    05 March 2003 22:56:46

    So, Longfinger, you are saying that if Sauron was victorious and all of the free races enslaved or killed, good has not been eradicated? And you are also saying that there are large amounts of people who would not care about that result?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 March 2003 21:23:52

    I thought arda was created just so people can kill VCs....

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    05 March 2003 20:11:26

    Paraiko you have a very superficial idea about what the books are about. Perhaps you should read more than the cover next time. It's no apocalypse and evil is obviously not destroyed with Sauron. Noone, not even sauron is wholly evil.. and noone, not even Gandalf is wholly good. The books are about power, and how power corrupts. How you can read them and miss that is beyond me. The only thing that is pure evil is the Ring, and the ring represents power. Sure most characters makes a choice between good and evil, but that is a personal choice, not a choice on which side to be on in an apocalyptic battle. The choice is between accepting the corrupting power (like Saruman) or refusing it (like Gandalf or Galadriel) I leave it as a litte task for you to figure out what the evil choice is and what the good one is.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    05 March 2003 18:22:44

    Rhoads, anyone with a little knowlage about the history of humans will know that :)
    They are all related in a distant way, Eorlings, Easterling, Beornings. Not sure aout the others, but Beornings were Decendents From Beor the old. I can never remmber that stuff, so would have to re-read a few points..

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    05 March 2003 17:51:10

    It is certainly very likely that there were neutral guilds BEFORE Sauron reappeared and began gathering his forces. However, Lord of the Rings, as is the great majority of fantasy works, is built on the concept of a bipolar, apocalyptic world. Good vs Evil. One of these forces is going to be extinguished. Every guild, in order to be thematic, would have to have chosen a side, for if Sauron were to win, neutral parties would be wiped out shortly after his direct enemies were. There is no way they would not be fully aware of this. So, they would try to ensure their survival by allying themselves with Sauron, or they would do the same with his foes. The idea that they would sit back and idly wait for their own destruction is ludicrous. That is why the Megs were unfeasible as a guild, and it is why all other guilds who have not declared allegiance to Sauron or the Wise are unfeasible now. Anything else is just a self-serving impersonation of a theme, with no place in Tolkien's world. And I'm sure that the fact that choosing a side would mean that significant kill restrictions would be imposed was not a factor in that unaligned guild's chosen 'theme' ;P.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 March 2003 17:25:25

    ** Ramdom Coment *** Rohirrins descend from beornings and mans of Dale, I bet most of you did not knew that ;)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    05 March 2003 12:53:48

    Fasdar - ever heard the saying ...... Assumtions are the mother of all fuck ups :p

    The parts Tolkien did not go into details on, are left open for our imgainations.
    Guilds (since that seems to be topic here) base there theme around something they know is in the Works of tolkien, and then, useing our own imagination, and mutual acceptance and agreemnet from the Gods/Powers etc, we create a guild theme.

    Take beorns for Example (sincie i know more about them)
    There is in fact little about them in his works.....yet, Beorn, there is lots.
    So, some people tie the two togther....all beorning should be like Beorn.
    Others say no, they have simularitys...but this this and that suggests different, so this is how i enterpret it.

    I would say, this goes for most guilds in arda.
    If you see what i mean.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    05 March 2003 12:48:50

    Argh.. fucking Konqueror doesn't send newlines as CR+LF, so my paragraphes in the previous message didn't work. But at least we have Melkor's word that Konqueror is a good browser ;-).

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    05 March 2003 12:46:32

    Then there is the bussiness with the ring. Several guilds, at least used to, have in their theme something about what they wanted to accomplish, and several of those involved something with the one ring.

    But durring the time this game takes place, how many people //knew// about the one ring? :P. Not very many I am sure. Definately not entire guilds of people. I also think one should be careful comparing now to then. True, Tokien didn't go into extreme detail with things not pertaining to the main topic (of the books), but you can still learn a good deal from his various writings. Nothing really supports concepts such as guilds, lawsys etc., as they are implemented in the game.

    They are there for playability mainly, as I see it, leaning towards a thematic foundation to at least make it fit somewhat in and not come off as completely silly.

  • Author
    Fasadar [legacy]
    05 March 2003 12:13:10

    His works are fictional but they were based in a world with cultures alot like ours. We can assume that there were assholes who would do anything for pay in arda just like there are assholes who will do anything for pay in the real world... Mercs and contract killers are feasable.. But I don't think getting off fines for being a contract killer makes sense.. wouldn't the judge be harsher on you?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    05 March 2003 10:26:23

    Streak, you said something that made sence! :)
    for the simple minded Tolkiens works are 'Make Believe' 'A figment of some Guys imgaination'......and imagination we like, so, we use it as a guild for our own game, own imgination!

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    05 March 2003 09:56:35

    We do have a librarian, Tarn. =P Also, Tolkien's world is nothing like modern day, don't try to compare the two. '//Back then//' is not the way to look at things either. Tolkien's books are fantasy, not non-fiction.

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    05 March 2003 09:02:40

    You wanna solve all this shit? Flag the game, let people who want to RP with NPC's to RP with NPC's and the once who want to RP with PC's to do so. Not very difficult, and would avoid all these problems...

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 March 2003 07:50:48

    All of the guilds are feasible in middle earth. Sure they can have contract killers. We have contract killers in our present day world, why couldn't they be around back then? People work as mercs and have an affinity for wolves. Thats entirely possible. A group of people that like to molest horses. Thats definately plausible. I mean, why not? I mean, we have librarians, why can't arda have librarians?

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    05 March 2003 00:28:27

    The key is to remain in line with the ideals of Theme.

    Pretty much always, I think.

    Can't have microwaves and dishwashers.
    Shouldn't have to worry about what leaf was on what tree on the 15th.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 23:37:28

    I think the real problem is that a game like towers - a combat mud - is essentially unfit for extensive roleplaying. There are simply too many sacrifices in the name of playability. How would you travel from Dol Anmroth to Lothl?rien in less than one minute? How would people walk in and out of Mordor like it was a recreational area for everyone who likes Sauron's ideals?

    A lot of things like that just don't make alot of sense thematically, but are here for playability and because of the limitations of computer games like this. Contracts, guilds (for the most part), lawsys etc., it's all quite far from Tolkien's works. If you want absolute adherence, it must all go, but there will not be much game left.

    So attacking guilds on theme seems odd. No current guild is very realistic compared to the books anyway, and RP combat, lawsys, pk-mud and theme are four concepts that will never unite in my oppinion.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 March 2003 22:49:58

    or you could do what I did and just stop playing cause the changes in the mud have consistanly made it less and less fun

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 21:33:44

    I'm going to go train 60 tactics and blocking, cause we know most thieves are kickass fighters.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 21:32:21

    So, just because everyone other guild sucks at RP, your guild is going to join them? Because its hard, you're going to take the easy way out and play the guy who doesn't care? And about people who report and try to kill you.. that happens to everyone who protects NPCs. Since beornings apparently kill anything outside of their employee restrictions, why don't you just go down and kill in linhir, its much better gold than orcs, wargs, etc. Beornings do it, so technically it would be in your RP still...

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    04 March 2003 19:30:03

    That Beorn is a badass, but he is good exp :P

  • Author
    Haplo [legacy]
    04 March 2003 19:23:58

    I only tried to explain the things where you people talk about. What I do with roleplaying outside defending beornings I didn't even talk about. I do much more then just defending. I make my gold by killing Orcs, wargs, trolls and the odd easterling for example. Also how I behave as Haplo. Maybe I'm not the best roleplayer, but atleast I try.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    04 March 2003 19:00:47


    Your suckery at roleplaying is apparent when one realizes that you actually believe that roleplaying can only be done by protecting npcs.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 18:49:21

    Beorn is strong-ish. But ive not seen anyone attacking him for a while

  • Author
    Haplo [legacy]
    04 March 2003 18:43:30

    Beornings suck at RP? Well, all gulids suck at RP if you ask me.
    The thing only is, of all guilds we have the hardest time to protect our NPCs. They are spread over a large area and they aren't that strong, so anyone can kill them. Also a lot of newbie low levels, who do report and also a lot of high levels who only kill beornings to get us to attack them, so we can't report them after we have been killed. Not many people are actually out there to roleplay with us it seems and if they are, scouts are dead before you can actually defend them. We don't have a strong Balforth or an intire castle full with strong knights.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 18:11:38 liked the log? :p

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 17:30:27

    Well, nearly everyone agrees that the beornings suck at RP in about every way imaginable, except their own members/friends and their alts. And they're stubborn as hell, so all this argueing is a waste of time.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    04 March 2003 16:15:09

    LOL not many comments here about the actual log ;-) use the new forum or something ;-)

    I find this part disturbing.

    *You hack a large gash into Shalligan's body.
    Shalligan is near death.
    >HP:230 EP:28
    >HP:230 EP:28
    Shalligan falls to the ground.

    Why would he fall over when he is only ND.?
    And why the extra prompt.?

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    04 March 2003 16:14:10

    I didn't realize the quarrel between DH and KoDA was such a problem! I was having fun... I guess I was wrong.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    04 March 2003 15:53:16

    1. RP Combat treaties are necessary peripheral tools to minimize the friction among players with different paradigms. They are not expected to be thematic, for they don't mean to serve that role. If only you had been wise enough to ask yourself why have all these people created such an agreement, the annoying quarrel between KoDA and DH would never have existed.

    2. One needs to look from both sides when criticising a guilds for not defending its NPCs. I think noone can deny the existance of people that abuse the defending schemes of guilds to make gold out of lawsys. And for the record, I for one can remember some FRA member doing that frequently. Some change in lawsys system is definitely needed.

    3. Completely removing the lawsys will lead to a mud based player killing via gangbanging. I think I wanna see skills of a different kind, you?

    4. I think many guilds need to reshape their alignment and NPC killing constraints. Finding out excuses to make your way to superior power is easy, wielding that power on your thematic grounds is not.

  • Author
    Haplo [legacy]
    04 March 2003 13:29:45

    Ok, here goes about our theme.

    Beornings are impartial, atleast Beorn and Grimbeorn are. All other NPCs are between immoral to heroic. (I have been running around the plains to check this ;))

    Our guild's alignment is also Impartial, although a bit more moral then immoral. We don't allow the SoM alignment. If we really should roleplay Beornings, then we shouldn't leave the plains or woods, wear armour other then warg hide stuff and use crude weapons, have an alignment other then moral, impartial or immoral, maybe heroic and only allow the race Beornings. As like all other guilds we compremised to have as much RP as posseble. That means we do allow Demonic to HoE. This is also why there are no 'rouge' beornings and why many of our members are infact Demonic.

    I also saw something about Beorn is dead, that is actually true. He should have died of old age many years ago, but it seems he's still around so we protect him.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 12:26:17

    exactly, and it struck home, and was a good point.
    Even if a little aggresive :p

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    04 March 2003 12:18:07

    I said that because i was pissed at you when you were saying stuff like:

    Yeah DH RP makes alot of sense but I dont think it will be accepted. So I am happy to go on rping like a moron. But, if other people start Rping like DH then I will gladly accept that style of play.

    Meaning, You shouldnt give two fucks about what other people are doing. You have a responsibilty to play your role to the fullest and not let the popularity of issues even enter into the fucking equation.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 11:57:59

    Well, every Guild has it fualts. And every one has the own opinons on what them fualts are.
    As Dire has expressed his.
    In addition different Guild leaderships will change things for better, for worse, as time evolves, changeing what they think is bad, for good....but at the same time, they might change another thing, from good, to bad.

    Bottom line is, every guild in arda, imo, has the basic foundations of a guild theme. Every Guild also has a long list of problems that people dont like, about that theme.

    And Ketan, sorry, seems i was not clear on what i meant.
    I recualled Nogo say something along the lines of this (or this is how i took it and it made me think).

    1.You should be like DH, and not give a fuck what others think or say about the way you do stuff. Its your guild, not theres.
    2.Its your theme to not give a shit about anyone but yourselfs.

    As for the bandageing part....i have never agreed to bandage in RP. The only point i had/have beef with was hunt. Sure, i may bandage if i like the person....but then, thats not exactly good RP is it, but its the way of the world here on ttt.

    If i have said something different in the past, then fine - You told me so :p

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    04 March 2003 11:44:27

    The next thing that should go is contracts. Having a tolkien world built around contract killers is, moronic. Or if you only speak Nogo: 'clownish'.

    When Boromir died at Amon Hen he didnt get a message saying:

    Stop claimstealing u faggit!

    Regarding the first part of the discussion: Beorn is dead, dead, dead.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    04 March 2003 10:37:43

    Don't interupt Nogo when he's talking to himself, Jaren.

  • Author
    Izratan [legacy]
    04 March 2003 10:03:11

    The Beorning's NPCs are HEROIC. And Beornings only RP when they see someone who's attacking NPCs are at a level lower than theirs. Its true! Its true!

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    04 March 2003 09:51:34

    Careful Nogo, you're beginning to sound like Marsellus :P

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    04 March 2003 09:26:44

    Yeah and that will be more incentive for players to become a part of thier racial kingdom, you fags call them GUILDS, due to the fact that guilds/powerful clans will be the only groups powerful enough to provide a system of laws and reimbursements (protection) that is halfway reliable. Omg i solved the problems of the mud.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    04 March 2003 09:20:37

    Hmm..thats kinda stupid anyway. Delete lawsys for anyone over lvl 14, that'll do the trick. Contracts would be cool then at least.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    04 March 2003 09:12:40

    Well...i kinda fucked up with my commas there :(

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    04 March 2003 09:07:00

    Powers: Step up to the plate and delete the use of the lawsystem for all guilded players. The lawsystem is the greatest opponent to Rp this mud has ever known. The power of PK and the, very connected issue, of gathering gold/eq are all that the playerbase of t2t needs to create and enforce thier own systems of law.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    04 March 2003 08:29:23

    Hey, what the fuck, Daen Hecil never kills anyone without warni...oh, wait. This is pointless. I'm just going to pkill you for babbling about shit that you have NO IDEA about.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    04 March 2003 08:28:58

    VC don't defend anything.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    04 March 2003 08:26:28


  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    04 March 2003 08:15:49

    Rogue faction? Rogue faction?! We're worried about a Rogue faction in Beornings when Amruin have DWARVES riding horses? Or when an SoU will kill the Beast Master to 'save' the Globe from an enemy group? When BkD will start accepting wizards? When Valacirca won't take the time to defend any citizen of Caras Galadon? When Daen Hecil goes and . . .hmm, well . . .we're pretty cool actually.

    But you get my point right? Everybody wants to have their cake and eat it too. Believe me I was FRA I know all about it. Having our cake and eating it too was practically our guild theme.

    Is this a problem? You bet your ass it is, and the only way its gonna get fixed is when either the Theme OL and Guild OL step up to the plate and call people on it, or when WE as players who claim to roleplay grow some fucking balls and live up to the standards we set for ourselves.

    Think defending Tenzek is fun? Nah, its a pain in my ass. I get tired of wasting time and money roleplaying and defending a npc from a bunch of Amruin , KoDA scum...but its the standard I set for myself. How overjoyed are Amruin when they consistently have their asses handed to them trying to defend Edoras from practically every single evil player on the MUD? No wonder they feel like they have to call on BkD and VC (also terribly unthematic :P). But at least they defend. At least they live up to part of the standard. . .

    So either its time for the 'Powers' to stand up and clean house, or for us as players to learn how to live the 'roleplay' we constantly bullshit each other with.

    Now the following isn't about everyone in these guilds, but its some possible observations WE as players can make about our roleplay:

    BkD: Don't start accepting wizards
    Amruin: kick out your dwarves and sindars and silvans, or ask the Powers for a fucking race change.
    Valacircans: Save your people, I don't care how large your 'area' is. Learn how to defend.
    Beornings: You are the 'good' guys. Accept it.
    Daen Hecil: How about actually waiting for someone to attack in Tenzeks camp before lowering the flag to trap and slaughter some newbie?
    KoDA: tear up every single dumbass 'roleplay treaty' you have made with evil guilds and grow some fucking balls. Live by your word, and expect others to live by theirs, your papers aren't good for anything but wiping my ass.
    Corsairs: Spend less time killing orc couriers, Tenzek, and other evils with good gear that don't happen to show up on your employee list...and more time burning DA Castle and Minas Tirith to the damn ground.
    SoU: If you see someone in Mordor killing evil npcs, I don't give a shit if they are 'allies' or 'friends'. kill those fuckers.
    Glorglas/Gwith-i-Mirdain: Do you guys even exist? if so stand up and be counted for hells sake, or ask the Ainur to erase your sorry cost of memory from the CPU.
    Udungul: Invest in some players that don't live in Iowa. *laughs* Sorry, I couldn't resist.
    Rimsilval/Durms: Thank god you guys are getting changed because the old useless themes are dead. Make the most of it and don't screw it up like the rest of us have. LIVE your Theme.

    If there is anyone who I didn't offend here, send me a tell. I've writen a form mudmail that will tell you where you can shove your particular problem.

    So in Summary: If you are gonna play a roleplaying game, have the balls (sorry ladies, its a figure of speech) and roleplay in theme

  • Author
    Fasadar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 07:51:59

    Heres another question.. Does DH have an alignment requirement of evil? If so why so? As far as I know they don't support sauron any more than say, bkd or amruin. They just happen to hate Gondor and Rohan due to the fact that they feal they were robbed of their land.. So they are not inherently evil like SoU or CoU...

    I don't know if they do have an align requirement but should if they do they are alowing themselves to be govourned by the Gondor based propaganda about evil and shit.. Not good..


  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    04 March 2003 07:26:59

    yes, we all know THAT is the reality, but that doesnt mean it should be?! I mean what the hell do you think we are discussing? Also there are other aspects of their theme that doesnt make sense from a tolkien point of view, disregarding the 'rougue' faction. But really, I will not drag out this tired issue anymore.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    04 March 2003 07:07:46

    I always skim. It's my rule. This can lead to dangerous misunderstandings, but here goes:

    Beornings, our in-game guild thusly named, have demonic or 'more evil' members known as the Rogue faction?

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    04 March 2003 06:47:49

    The shadow sword quest is very weak when it comes to dropping align. Don't be like 'Oops, I'm accidentally Demonic/Shadowspawn, and it's probably from doing this quest,' unless you did the quest like 80 times. And I hope you were kidding about Nogothrim, man. You've been criticizing the fuck out of Daen Hecil for their method of RP, and then you're suddenly like 'Wow, Nogothrim really made me realize something: I shouldn't be bandaging my enemies!' I can't believe that. I thought you were an idiot for the criticism, but at least I had a little respect for you.

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    04 March 2003 06:21:44

    Shalligan salutes with the power of a

    Didnt think sailors in general were renowned for their power :P

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 04:49:41

    Erm I meant 'Why would beorn only willingly...'

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 04:48:46

    Theodrek has a point. Why would beorning only willingly let in morals into his house and at the same time not care what align you guys were?Can your guildmembers get into the house through the main entrance no matter what align they are?

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    04 March 2003 04:30:03

    Well 90 percent of you are excellent at insulting, however, 90 percent of you are horrible at argument.

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    04 March 2003 04:19:59

    Erm, no you're a newbie if you can't read. We were talking about Beorn's house. :p Anatharn, you're seriously the worst at this 'insult' thing. Give me some competition at least.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    04 March 2003 04:12:49

    So you're a 'noob' now if you don't know the beorning guildhall?
    I'd say knowing it makes a noob.

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:48:49

    No Theo, you're a nooB:p Any person can access any part of the house no matter what their align. You do have to be Angelic or higher to do a specific command, but you can easly go around it.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:44:11

    Well, I remember -something- with the Beorning house is Angelic. :P Like you can't get into a certain part if you're not immoral?

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:41:01

    *You prick Shalligan with a tentative motion.

    You make him your bitch Del! ;)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:32:02

    i think all beorning npcs on the mud are in fact impartial when you align them.- the scouts at least.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:31:19

    im not argueing this here. for the best part, its no ones buisness but ours. - got a problem, want some answers? be polite to me on the mud, and i just might answer them.
    If you took time to do a little reseach on us, you would know the answers.
    Fact is, our theme is our theme, accepted by Valinor, even origonaly proposed by a god(eruhini change).
    I can in fact name only two member i am sure are and, i really have no idea.....most of them are HoE or angelic.

    and no, i will not deny that Tarith may have a point, in that the leader of the guild would not be a Rouge.

    as for laketown, who cares for laketown, we dont.
    Orcs overun it, great, more of them out of there holes for us to kill!

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:27:56

    i dunno what you're smoking theo, but last time i aligned beorn, he was impartial

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:18:21

    If they hate orcs so much, why are they helping them take down esgaroth by killing the city's leader?

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:15:26

    Actually, the Beornings in nature were Angelic. Maybe that's why Beorn himself is Angelic and not Demonic. Even if they didn't like orcs/wargs/elves/dwarves, they were still Angelic. They were good guys. :P Christ.

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:07:40

    Ok, a Beorning being Demonic or SoM is a little rediculous. I can totally agree with members not caring what they kill, in other words killing everything, in other words you will be around impartial. Im almost certain that there is a REASON that your align goes up or down depending on certain quests. So, how bout the truth?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 03:06:53

    yup we hate orcs and wargs...and we all kill them.

    sorry Tarith, that was not meant to be directed at you, or was just something he said, and actually noticed how truefull that should be.
    sorry again for any confution :)

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:57:58

    Your right, but why isn't this an appropriate forum to discuss RP?(just curious) it seems this is a good place to get feedback and acquire understanding from many viewpoints. Granted some are juvenile, but others are helpful. However, I will give it a rest, and I will discuss these things with you through mudmail. And Do NOT threaten me on here either, YOU know better than that, Delgaur.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:54:35

    I thought beornings hated orcs though. I guess some are v. good friends with them though, since there are exceptions.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:51:04

    that pretty much sums up our theme - kill pretty much anything we want.
    What do beornings care for outsides? very little...they only like the elfs and dwarfs around them becuase it suits them.....they sure dont trust them.

    But this is not the place to talk our theme, right....your better than that tarith. I have a mail box for this.

    Nogothingy sumed it up there otherday, and made me realise something....i should be more of the attitide, i dont give a shit and will kill you if you piss me off. rather than, hey, lets RP and bandage each other!

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:42:46

    did I say role model? I said model. That is not exactly the same thing. Your Gmship should reflect the guilds ideals, not your ideals. Thus, to put it in a better understanding, the guild theme is your role model, and should be the exemplary model of the basic theme. Thus, a rogue beorning is the exception to the rule right? Perhaps I am being idealistic in wanting to believe you have a theme, or as it looks, as long as you stay away from SoM you can kill whatever the hell you want.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:41:06

    Shows how much they care about their RP.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:23:55

    it more than easy - the quest i do - for example, the shadow sword...make me more evil on aligment....
    and screw role modles, they choose me to be GM, they did not have to :)

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:16:28

    Why would I be jealous =P, I use it enough to make me happy. If your the gm, you should be the beorning model, not the exception. Its kind of hard to just 'slip' to SoM, even for us immorals, yeah, you know it...

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:12:37

    we dont allow it. and yes, i have sliped a few times :p i just go kill some orcies after.

    anyways, your just Jealous :p

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:09:28

    ah much better =P, btw, i love it when beornings use shadow sword. lol
    You must be really tempted to go to SoM, or wait do you allow that now??, are you one of the 'rogue' beornings?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 March 2003 02:07:26

    well - beats me what happerned last time.
    I re-posted about 5 times removeing triggers an shit too.
    Not that i needed them.