For the glory of Daen Hecil

Posted by
Mizrahi [legacy]
09 March 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

I awake to find my village under attack, and with the major aid of Kalathen, and later on Connor and Direkein, teach the raiders a bitter lesson.


  • Author
    Theona [legacy]
    20 March 2003 12:58:09

    Hmm, <insert random flaming here>.

    There, now that I've done my part.

    Great log, laughed all the way throu it... makes me wanna play again =P

    Thats a wicked nice pit btw, glad it didn't excist 6 months ago ;)

  • Author
    Emtec [legacy]
    13 March 2003 11:44:59

    Thumbs up

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    13 March 2003 04:19:12

    Actualy Tarn, that was your comment number 1655, there, another useless piece of information provided by yours trully :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 March 2003 01:42:20

    So you are saying that if I played and wasn't in hibernation, I wouldn't talk shit? (yes I know that was directed at fimbu, but I figure since I dont play and like to talk shit I'd answer anyway). Well, talking shit is fun, so I'd do it anyway and then get pked cause its funny.

    (comment number: 39458p345345034 million)

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 March 2003 01:33:31

    I'm not saying you suck, I'm pretty sure you're better than average. I'm just saying that if you weren't in DH, you wouldn't be able to talk the shit and make threats to people and still back them up. Then again, if you weren't in DH, you wouldn't really have a reason to.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 March 2003 00:40:29

    Welcome to Tarn's comment o' mania!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 March 2003 00:40:04

    I think Fimbu will be rembered for his tidbits, not his pking ability.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 March 2003 00:38:21

    Well if anyone wants to play eastern realm, my account name is computershtuph so just message me. I'll even help rush you a bit. Well, unless your a VC, then I'll just kill you... :)


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    13 March 2003 00:37:57

    True Brahm! If you haven't seen me do anything amazing, I must suck!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 March 2003 00:28:54


    I just have some level 77 druid, lv 59 barb, lv 30 zon, but then again I just started playing again about 2 weeks ago

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    13 March 2003 00:08:26

    Dunno if I even still have my accounts on europe realm..I played D2 there like half a year ago. Leveled a paladin to 99 and an amazon to 92. Got about all the top unique items except for windforce. But it got boring real quick.. it doesn't have 1/10 of the attraction that T2T has imho. D2 gets boring after a few months, but T2T stays top for years.. don't know for sure why that is.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    12 March 2003 22:56:21

    You people just need to stop? The kills were good, the people in there were being discourteous to their village, so why wouldn't they die? Moving on to Diablo 2, someone tell me about it. Is it very fun?

    Don't get around a computer too much these days having to find new ways to pass my time. :/

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    12 March 2003 19:51:13

    Anyone else that plays east realm for diablo 2 hit me up on aim at t2tfiend. Then we can go pk some VCs!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    12 March 2003 19:49:28

    I got mad gems on several chars and lots of other random shite. Still have a ways to go on getting some real good eq though.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    12 March 2003 19:32:46

    That may be true, I may not have any evidence to support my claim, but then again i haven't seen any evidence to prove it wrong. :P

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    12 March 2003 18:51:55

    simple answer to the 50% ghost thing...ake sure you win! :p

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    12 March 2003 17:52:43

    what Realm, Theodrek?

    Perhaps I can hook you up with some decent stuff :P

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    12 March 2003 16:54:05

    And damn you, Tarn. Here I was, all proud with my level 32 Paladin, with a 80-380 attack. You need some gems? I'm collecting, I think I got a perfect Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz, and Ruby...working on getting a Perfect Diamon and Amethyst, I have a spiffy three socketed tower shield I'm just dying to use. Ooh, and I have some Kris...unique, 'The Jade Tan Do Kris' does 180 poison damage over four seconds.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    12 March 2003 16:52:06

    When 50% of the involved members die, some decide they don't want to RP anymore. Maybe to go level, maybe for the fact of - you died, and that's...what. 1/3-2/3 of your exp? And 30K gold gone easily? Some people like to Roleplay, but don't like to have to make some 600,000 exp and 35,000 gold afterwards. And some don't have the time to continuously relevel. You may say 'So don't, just jump back into the fray!' Well, losing one level can seriously effect your fighting. :P And if you die twice, hell.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 March 2003 14:19:58

    I think that the main problem concerning these Pk/RP endless arguings, is the fact that pkill is constantly opposed to roleplay while imo it should not.

    A good roleplay battle should _always_ end with at least 50% of ghosts, as well as a good pkill should always be roleplayed.


  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    12 March 2003 12:16:11

    Do something at all? You're still nothing..

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    12 March 2003 08:52:16

    do something besides quit, corpse loot, and make it your overall mission to harass fra/dh. then we'll discuss intelligence, or your lack thereof

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    12 March 2003 05:48:39

    I'd probably take that as an insult to my intelligence if I was Narwa. Well.. I don't know the guy, however, how much more stupid than Trigger can he be? Not too much.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    12 March 2003 03:39:26

    I wonder what the fuck you're talking about, Raen :P (but looking at the log, i'm sure you can see exactly what i'm talking about :P), Since Trigger is NOT Narwa, and never has been. I'd take that as an insult to my intelligence if I were Trigger.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    12 March 2003 00:27:06

    What's your point, Trigger? You're a good parrot, repeating what people tell you? Or you're still too scared to post under a name that would have some credibility?

    The fact remains that what Lotraz accused SoU of being so 'dishonorable' in is exactly what the FRA have become, and what the Daen Hecil are. I find it amusing that what the SoU had been doing for years in the name of roleplay (and being labelled an enormous assortment of despicable titles in the process), is now what is becoming the standard for roleplay across Arda, ushered in by a group of people, some of which had been the biggest chastisers of 'RP to PK' playstyle (Can we call this 'PK to RP'?). More thematic, yes, but just look at the hatreds and stereotypes that it creates.. almost TOO thematic.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    11 March 2003 23:46:37

    And I'm saying that you have no evidence to support your claim, Brahm :p

  • Author
    Raen [legacy]
    11 March 2003 22:58:19

    Wow, I was reading that log of my misstell. Narwa AND Trigger send me tells. Now, either he was playing 2 different characters, or it was being used by someone else. :P Who cares. It's only a game. I say well done! Marthaon wannabe! :P

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    11 March 2003 22:53:27

    kabuto: this coming from someone on the list of players always allowed in the village

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    11 March 2003 21:59:31

    How about we make a list of the best players in t2t history? I'll start...

    Kil- *someone punches him in the face before he can finish*

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    11 March 2003 21:35:13

    I like Fimbu, and a lot of other DH too. I just don't think that they're right talking the shit they do to me about theme and threatening myself and my guild while they do it. And the thing about Fimbu being in DH and threatening, etc. I see it like a guy with a gun, Fimbu's the guy, and DH is the gun. Without the gun, he doesn't have anything to threaten you with. Imagine a guy talking shit and pointing a gun at you. Take away the gun and what would happen if he were talking the same shit? Its the same for probably 75% of people in guilds/clans. Without friends, a lot of people wouldn't stand out. I'm not saying he's a shitty player, I'm just saying he wouldn't be able to talk all the shit he does and threaten people, if he weren't in DH. And its not my fault I probably had a shitload of RL business when you were in the guild, Trigger, if you even were(send me a tell when you see me on, we can talk about it). Shit, I was completely inactive for like a year or two, just getting on to read the board once in a while cause of RL.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    11 March 2003 21:17:07

    I seem to remember Lotraz complaining almost on a daily basis that SoU use roleplay as an 'excuse' to pk people in Mordor. How ironic that this is how the FRA have evolved.

    In the end, your hatred will consume you and you will become what you despise most.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    11 March 2003 20:43:10

    Tarn/Theodrek = Boring (but sexy)

    Rolf is sooo hot, and cool.

    Mizrahi is the man (my man). Miss you guys.

    Heading to Germany in May... if anyone cares or wants to meet me I may have some time. title it Germany or MUD

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    11 March 2003 19:47:41

    Hey, it will be just like the mud, considering my char does 2050-2700 damage each hit... at very fast speed (at 5 hits a click of the mouse). Still need to socket my wep with something cool though.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    11 March 2003 18:41:29

    I'm pretty sure he can still comment Longfinger. I just wish he would comment more often.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    11 March 2003 16:49:01

    Am I learning, Ehtyar?

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    11 March 2003 16:48:48

    I mean, it adds 1-300 lightning damage to my attack. But still, that's cool because it makes my attacks do 100-400 :)

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    11 March 2003 16:48:06

    Well, +300 to my attack

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    11 March 2003 16:47:36

    No, I wanna PK someone on Diablo. :D Mmm...Holy Shock...+300 to attack *drool*

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    11 March 2003 16:40:05

    What happened to them?

    Did he make his last comment EVER on this page again?

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    11 March 2003 15:49:57

    I miss Nogothrim's comments :(

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    11 March 2003 11:14:26

    Theodrek - if you plan on beating Tarn, you need to unlearn grammatical cohesion. Break every comment into three or four comments. Works a charm.

    And from the safety of inactivity, I have this to say:

    Ahahaha, schooled ya!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    11 March 2003 07:59:06

    ah, theo, you know you just want to go smoke a blunt

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    11 March 2003 05:17:57

    > like I really care, I'm just on here until the diablo 2 east realm > lets me log on, I want to eat lunch, or I want to go smoke a blunt

    Taarn...send me an IM sometime. :) Me like D2. (On AIM, TEothain...on Yahoo, Theodrekt2t) We need to go PK sometime.

  • Author
    Dwain [legacy]
    11 March 2003 05:12:16

    Ok, how about you all shut up. I am KoDA, what is wrong with me going for a peak into the village. So all you mofo's complaining about me being in there, shut up....I went in and died for going killing stuff in there village simple as that. So for all you people complaining about me being in there can like me sweet buttocks. I'm trying to be polite so I used buttocks. Thank you very much.

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    11 March 2003 05:06:55

    As a player, I really don't know anyone in the log beyond name recognition, maybe the odd chat here or there... so from my perspective, I have to see Mizrahi as the hero of the tale. He wakes up in his village to find that raiders have killed his neighbours. Not just warriors, but non-combatants, like Dyre the scruffy boy and the old elder. Ain't Dwain KoDA? That ain't very Knightly in my books. For Mizrahi to deal with the raiders with extreme prejudice gets my approval. It is also, without a doubt RP for him, outnumbered 4 to 1 to try to defend his village. The fact that he came out on top has a lot to do with MaD sKilLz, being right in his guildhall (easy access to healing gear, anyone?), and some timely assistance from Kalathen.

    In regards to BkD defending Edoras, and Kalathen helping to defend DH... dwarves are all about hospitality. Give'em a beer in your parlour just once, and they'll kick assholes off your doorstep forever... Gimli proved it first at the Battle of Helm's Deep.

  • Author
    Calenril [legacy]
    11 March 2003 04:17:56

    Good grief, I stopped reading after 40 or so comments. Guys, you guys need to meet in RL and get drunk together, and have fun instead of having these little fights in every comments thread :P

    Oh and heh. To the commenting of the actual log. Nice, and very nice use of the best weapon out there.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    11 March 2003 04:06:52

    It's funny how you two, who know so little of what either I have or have not done, have opinions about me! I can't help but notice that the only interaction I have ever had with Brahm is to help save his ass when Pking together, and to steal GRB from Rome when Brahm alerted me that he had it removed, besides other small encounters. And I've never encountered Gnork. I don't know Gnork. And I certainly never sent him tells about how displeased I was with BkD's actions.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    11 March 2003 00:51:11

    I could give a fuck about the pit, except for the fact, well, I want one!!!!!!!!

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    11 March 2003 00:08:24

    Hehe, I have to say that you all need to stop the theme discussion. I'ts impossible to

    follow theme in a game like this, and it would ruin the playability as well. We try to

    play thematic and I think that's fine. Anyhow, I don't see how BkD whined ... Brahm made a bold statement and that he should be allowed to. Fimbu began whining a tiny bit... and I'd have to agree with Brahm -- I don't think Fimbu would survive a very long

    time without his guild. I think the log was just fine and entertaining to read :) Bye!

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    11 March 2003 00:04:46

    I'm just doing my duty to make logs get more comments. =) I'm not arguing because I don't like it - I think the pit is pretty cool. I'm arguing just for the sake of arguing. I'm going to beat Tarn's record of comments! (HAH)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    10 March 2003 23:55:27

    first of all, it wasn't an insult, secondly, lighten up man, i was just poking fun at your comment about Trigger :P.... i know him well, and when people start saying stuff like 'DH wouldn't let him in', it's my right to make comments.

    and i love my life, i ain't 15 and i dont need to log on here to deal with stress, sorry :P.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    10 March 2003 23:05:43

    Oh good for you I guess,

    What I meant was:

    finally I see someone dying in the pit.


  • Author
    Drotnaz [legacy]
    10 March 2003 22:45:17

    I was the first person to die in that pit on the first day the village openned. What do you mean finally?:P

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    10 March 2003 22:36:42

    Hehe finally someone dies in the pit.


    Glad to see people whining about it too.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 March 2003 22:21:24

    I don't see why you people are still arguing about the god damn pit, sure they can throw you in the pit if you are in the room that has an exit called pit, but no one forced them to go to that area as no one forced them to go into the pit, gezz.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 March 2003 21:58:55

    Nobody else has an invadable guild area either. I'll repeat what I said earlier - It's they're own fucking fault. They came into the village. They were attacking. Is Mizzy supposed to just stop killing them as they return and say, 'Alright. You guys can continue now, because killing you a second time would just be unfair!' Stupidity killed them. What Mizrahi did was completely thematic, and it was an amazing job, taking down a party of 4 like that.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 March 2003 21:50:47

    Actually, Kalin ended up in the pit on accident, he had faded and was trying to find his way out due to never before going to the village. Unfortunately, Draimon was the party leader and was hunting Kalathen so he got dragged in.

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    10 March 2003 21:14:01

    Good question Lotraz, what are these guys doing here together considering their alignment etc.Talking about theme but not mentioning this point...Can any moral explain this?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    10 March 2003 20:28:52

    All the people I attacked were attacked out of the pit and most of them were also killed out of the pit.

    I didn't force anyone into the fucking pit.

    You ought to know that a 'pit' isn't the ideal fucking exit if you wanna escape a friggin place. Anyone who'se stupid enough to get himself stuck in a goddamn hole in the ground after killing in my village doesn't deserve our mercy, and that's RP as you goddamn know it.

    Theodrek, quit being a fucking rectal pain and make the least effort to act like a character in arda would.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    10 March 2003 20:24:22

    and no i dont have an amruin alt nor have i for about 3 years

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    10 March 2003 20:23:48

    edoras = erebor, i always type those wrong :/

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    10 March 2003 20:23:00

    For a few of the issues about BKD that came up:

    1) I at least and I know many other routinely check every room in erebor to make sure anyone inside hasn't killed (by seeing if anyone is in and if tehy are in using the 'align' command)

    2) If someone is in there killing we will IMMEDIATELY attack them and comm that an atatcker is in edoras. If the attacker is >15th level its a death sentence and we WILL hunt if able and do are ebst to kill them. If they do not die right then they will die later if they do not have a VERY good reason.

    3) I routinely 'align' random people i see and if you have the 'mass murderer' community align you are added to hitlist and killed. BKD abide by rp agreements in edoras or udungul camp etc but if you are killing in erebor, expect to die or spend a lot of time running and trapping bkd assassins.

    Hope this helps clarify some things...


  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    10 March 2003 20:22:42

    First time for everything i guess. *shrug*

    I wonder where that random insult came from Kujo? I have no idea who the fuck you are, so doubtless you have no idea about my intellectual capabilities. However, judging by your comment, i'd hazard the guess that you're some 15 year old boy resentful of life throwing insults on this board because of your inability to deal with stresses normally.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 March 2003 20:02:22

    So I guess you are right, I have nothing better atm to do then argue with people on the log page (and keep myself as the number 1 commenter)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 March 2003 20:01:18

    like I really care, I'm just on here until the diablo 2 east realm lets me log on, I want to eat lunch, or I want to go smoke a blunt

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 March 2003 20:00:28

    haha I rule you all with my l33t log page skills! Including Delgaur!

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    10 March 2003 19:37:55

    it's not dh's fault other guilds weren't creative enough to come up with ideas such as the pit when applying for guild status

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    10 March 2003 19:09:58

    Camillus! How have you been man

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    10 March 2003 18:49:31

    I'm a fucking idiot that has nothing better to do then argue with people on a log page

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 March 2003 18:27:29

    I love how DH managed to get a room that traps people and not them. No other guild has anything this cool and DH shouldn't have something cool like that. Oh and Demandred is a moron.

  • Author
    Drotnaz [legacy]
    10 March 2003 18:08:44

    All of you shut the hell up. Take your fucking arguement over to somewhere were people give a rat's ass. its called the comment section not the 'Hey I'm a fucking idiot that has nothing better to do then argue with people on a log page' section.

    Say you liked the log or not or just shut up. I'm getting real sick of guilds just thinking everybody wants to hear what they are doing. Fuck off and just play.

    Great log by the way Miz. Thats some odds you went again. Definetly a masterpiece.

    but still..the rest of you...fuck off

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    10 March 2003 17:44:20

    'All they had to do is leave, otherwise I'm not obligated to spare their lives.'

    Some of them were kind of stuck in a pit. :) A shame how that works out, no?

    So, this wasn't DH RP - it was DH PK?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    10 March 2003 16:44:26

    Come to my village, I'll give you a pit...

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    10 March 2003 16:26:00

    ummm Mr. Mizrahi sir, *raises his hand*, Where can I get a pit to kill things? =P

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    10 March 2003 16:04:18

    Hmm Okay.

    Talan the healing was edited out because of the spam. Though I now realize, this log was spammy enough so I guess it would've made no difference. Guess I didn't want people to see what we got in that uptime or something. Either way doesn't matter now. :P

    Theodrek, I didn't say this is an RP log. I said it's a log. All of my kills were for the sole purpose of protecting my village. Now, Kalathen has issues with Draimon, he did his thing. I also thing it was a bit lame of Rakim to report me for murder after I logged off, but hey, I should have seen it coming, and I'm glad the report is for murder and not for attempted. :) Everything goes either way here I guess.

    Ultilh, we hunt people until they leave Tenzek's camp or the village. This is a pretty known thing by now. All they had to do is leave, otherwise I'm not obligated to spare their lives.

    Anatharn, we refrain to protect from you or your clones, because you run away, report, and burrow in an inn room. We'd like to be thematic and kick your ass, but then, playability won't allow it until our village and Tenzek's camp will become lawless for kills on/by members of the DH. Just a thought.

    And I don't think this log is convinient to read either. I just think I did a fairly good job, despite all the typos and lack of concentration.. It was still 2 vs 4, in the time they were still somewhat orgenized, before Rakim managed fry himself. :P

    Camillus is cool.

    Rhoads has a tail.

    Any other questions that require my attention? :P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    10 March 2003 15:37:24

    Holy shit, anyone else see that Demandred comment? Shit, he's tough.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 March 2003 14:58:39

    As a dwarf, I like battle. The gate guards apparantly had befriended Gimli. I respect Gimli and consider him a friend of mine. Whats wrong with wanting to crack some skulls with some friends of a friend. I don't think Saruman's army stopped the attack on Helms deep to tell Gimli to go back to Erebor. For whatever reason I was in Edoras, I was there, I didn't call on my guildmates to help. Lets say I see Gimli getting attacked on the pelennor, I shouldn't defend him because I should be in Erebor? Imo, if I'm going to defend Gimli outside of Erebor, I should be able to defend anything outside of erebor if I can find a perfectly good thematic reason to.

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    10 March 2003 13:21:51

    Err.. *Calm down. Referring to this log French is cool, but i could use some english lectures.

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    10 March 2003 13:20:20

    Come down fellows :P It's just a game not anything dead serious.

    First of all.. No one can claim that bkd does not patrol erebor (end of discussion). My opinnion is Dwarves shouldnt defend Edoras, since it's not our business. And that could be why some of us dont protect that town.

    Bye bye for now!

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    10 March 2003 12:31:00

    Obviously not as good as you talk are you Draimon. Hahaha! YOU DUMB FUCK! Nice work Miz.

    ~ D

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    10 March 2003 12:00:19

    i was definitely a total newbie around a year ago when you were begging me to join udungul talan. who knows, maybe im still one, but since you dont know, dont comment.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    10 March 2003 11:42:15

    heh, well then I guess thinking might not be your strongest trait.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    10 March 2003 10:59:39

    Amazing, i'm actually starting to think trigger is more annoying than streak. And hes a total newb, i doubt DH would have let him in.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    10 March 2003 08:32:59

    Seems like Narwa is getting pissed because of a game as well.

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    10 March 2003 08:16:33

    I only rate logs that deserve a 6 or so. For now. Maybe someday I will rate more. I am not a hypocrit either.

  • Author
    Narwa [legacy]
    10 March 2003 07:57:51

    And you people can call me a worm with no fucking name, no fucking past and future. Well guess what? Who the hell needs a name on this stupid mud? Stupid fools.

  • Author
    Narwa [legacy]
    10 March 2003 07:53:21

    All of you are morons, dumb fucks, typists with no lives. Get a grip, stop getting pissed just because of a game. DUH.

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    10 March 2003 07:22:57

    since you obviously dont know shit about me anatharn, how about you just shut your hole. im sorry if i've been in a few guilds that you haven't. then again, no one would take you because you're a complete fucking moron.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    10 March 2003 07:18:13

    Oh, right...

    Trigger has been a LOT of things. He's been the president of the US in his RL and he has travelled all over the world already.

    But in truth he's just a pitiful worm with no name, no past and no future as well.. too sad.

    Azbakhar, I rated this log with 1 because of the 'RP' hunting. You for one shouldn't be criticizing other people's ratings though since you're rating about EVERY single log with 6 (as far as I remember). So shut it, stupid hypocrite.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    10 March 2003 07:17:15

    I remember one day after eating a particularly nasty piece of elven lung (the guy was a smoker) I had a bad bout of nausea. I was walking out to the latrine to wash down the bad flavour when I came across Rolf trying to... oh whoops... wrong log. Anyway, there arn't many people that can take a guild on solo so these 'you arn't anything without your guild' are probably true for anyone.

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    10 March 2003 06:51:34

    BkD was the first guild I ever joined, and that was a long time ago. I've probably been a member when you were. It's been the same way the whole time I've been an active member.

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    10 March 2003 06:41:55

    notice the 'when i was a member' part of that. and this was before you were a member, so i dont expect you would know

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    10 March 2003 06:27:38

    Hey Trigger, I myself patrol Erebor. I've seen Rolf, Baradgul, Sime, Shaik, Mimak, Torulf, Byron, Ugrim, Brahm, and many others do it also. Alias free. And, you must not have been so active yourself, because Brahm helps a whole lot with the armoury. Every time I am on, and he is, we quest at least 3 peices of gear for the armoury each. Brahm is indeed our master of warfare, which makes him have duties other than getting gear for the armoury. He logs on todo his job.

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    10 March 2003 04:36:15

    brahm, after having been a member of both guilds in question, i can say bkd doesnt know how to rp for shit. at least when dh kills in the name of rp, they do it while the people are still in the camp. bkd sees people attacking as they pass through to their armoury and attacks them whenever it's convenient, whether it's right then, 20 minutes later after they're already out of erebor, or a week later when you've got enough dwarves on to gangbang the fuck out of someone. if it werent for the fact that you have to pass through erebor to get to your armoury, you wouldnt defend period. i never met one khazad who went on a patrol of erebor just to look for people attacking. i'd dare say that YOU wouldnt be shit without bkd, so dont be bashing fimbu. when i was a member, the only time you logged on that char was to pk or help pk. you didnt help put shit in the armoury, you didnt go out with parties to help someone who needed some fast gold or exp. you grabbed whatever the best equipment was that was in the armoury and headed straight for the durm guildhall with dark rings and waited for a target to come out.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    10 March 2003 04:02:37

    Yes Brahm, I remember your perfectly thematic excuse. 'Apparently Gimli met this north gate guard on his way through here, and because Gimli said hello to him, I'm going to defend this city against any attackers!' Sounds good, doesn't it?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 March 2003 03:59:58

    Yeah, change your stories now. The time I'm referring to, I was sitting at the north gate of edoras and saw you guys attacking. There were 4 or 5 other BKD on that didn't come because no one called them. Then I catch shit for being in the wrong place at the right time. I had a perfectly good thematic explaination for the situation if my character had actually been in edoras at the time (which he was) and you all kept bitching anyway.

    And Fimbu, I'd like to see you survive a week talking all the shit you do if you weren't in a guild. Without DH, you ain't shit. So keep talking.

  • Author
    Brockhurst [legacy]
    10 March 2003 03:58:46

    Alright enough with the threats to BKD, If a war is going to happen lets do it not just say, 'We would destroy you.' Also stop defending yourself, nomatter what you say its not going to change the other persons opinion. So what is it again leap for roots to get out the the pit? or is it true about the list?

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    10 March 2003 03:56:21

    Fimbu, most of the dwarves in BkD are very moral. There are a few that do kill morals. But I know for a fact that 70% of the guild is of a high moral alignment. Most of us have friends in other guilds as well. So we will help them. Just like in the RP battles with those outrageously strong 'legends'. Amruin helped us in the battle to defense Erebor.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    10 March 2003 03:38:39

    And Ultilh, I'd be in full support of you hunting to defend Erebor. I think it'd be smart for you not to follow people outside of Erebor, much like we do in our camp, because then it stops being defense. If you leave the place you're defending, you aren't there to see the next invasion...but anyway, I think you should go for it, but I don't know if BkD would be prepared to deal with the constant whining and negative public opinion. *shrug*

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    10 March 2003 03:36:08

    Brahm, there's a difference between Amruin going 'Oh shit, we need help. BkD, please come defend a town you have no business being in!' and a guy who disguises his race dunlending most of the time, spends almost all of his time with us, sits around and watches over the Dunlending camp like the rest of us, etc. If you, Brahm, want to defend Edoras, then go join fucking Amruin. Kalathen knows he can't join Daen Hecil, but spending all of his time with us sure gives him more of a right to be there (he even alerted us to the danger) than you and your little dwarven buddies have to be in Edoras.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 March 2003 03:14:39

    Well them don't complain when people help us.

    Why that much 'violence' about that Fimbu? Isant that all about a good fight? More Dwarves more people to fight I don't see why you complain about it man.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 March 2003 02:50:53

    You shouldn't mistake threats for bitching and whining.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 March 2003 02:50:40


    1. BkD shouldn't fuck with Daen Hecil because we'll kill you, not because it's bad RP.

    2. I personally don't have a problem with dwarves roleplaying defenders of edoras. But for Defenders of Erebor who kill morals all the time to help amruin is kinda weird - that's all. It's kinda weird. Rather unthematic. Oh well.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 March 2003 02:45:34

    Bad log, good kills and all, but I have to say it.. DH is a bunch of fucking hipocrites.

    Its bad RP for Dwarves to fight against them in edoras, bitch and whine bitch and whine, but its perfectly all right for them to help protect their village.

    And I hope Kalathen was just joking saying that 'they wanna fuck with our village.' Cause I know DH wouldn't let dwarves live in their village. Shit, they have to halt an attack just to bitch at one who's fighting against them in Edoras.

    Its ok though, cause it was a pk. Fuckers

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    10 March 2003 02:14:49

    First I gotta say NICE ONE GUYS :P Great stuff going on.

    But I do have a question: If DH are hunting in RP (That is, if this log is RP and nobody was reported) can we all do that? I mean can I hunt in Erebor for RP?

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    10 March 2003 02:10:28

    duh, Azbakhar, his friends died in this log, and it's a log of (FRA), sworn enemies of the ATM (AnatharnTypistMilitia)! He'll never give them any sort of praise.

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    10 March 2003 01:50:13

    Notice, Anatharn rates this log a 1.

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    10 March 2003 01:48:59

    Since Ivon seemed concerned...

    My combat with dwain started earlier. I logged on and walked outside my keep only to see Dwain standing there grabbing an item that belonged to one of the men that guard our gate. I initiated combat and he left, I went to the pit to see if anyone else was inside and then a minute or two later dwain stumbles in. I wasn't going to stop a combat that had started earlier, so if you have an issue with it, bitch at Dwain for coming after me. If you'll notice from the log, I wasn't even armed :P

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    10 March 2003 01:36:22

    I'm surprised no one asked yet, but why the hell was the healing edited out?

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    10 March 2003 01:30:55

    Oh, and nice work Mizrahi... Very slaughterhouse.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    10 March 2003 01:30:23

    Rakim shields Dwain, and you inflict massive damage to Rakim.

    What is that? Ok, Im not uptodate on what is going on. But, is Dwain not some KoDA freak, and Rakim just another Udungul alt?

    How on earth did that combination fit in this picture?

  • Author
    Hans [legacy]
    10 March 2003 01:04:40

    Nice art Mizrahi.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 March 2003 01:03:56

    I think they have 2 lists, Friends and Enemies, guys on friend list can enter the camp and leave the bear, I think at least.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    10 March 2003 00:54:10

    Uh I think Dwain came back to get his gear. :P And if I remember, one of the only set things is that you do have to give the gear back...

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    10 March 2003 00:50:04

    I really wonder how Kalathen and Connor left the pit after the end of this log.

    I was stuck in there too once after I made my way into the camp. It's a nice trap. Guess I was lucky that DH weren't in pk mood when I was in there or they might have interupted me slaying the dunlending baby, but they didn't really seem to care and let me do my job. Lucky me!

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 March 2003 00:42:48

    Oh my god. Not only is this an amazing job, but it's a great log.

    To those of you who don't think they should have killed Dwain a second time: Don't be such a moron. Dwain is a sworn enemy of the Daen Hecil. He came back to the camp. He was invading it. It was his own fucking fault and stupidity.

    Mizrahi + Kalathen = not weak and clownlike

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 March 2003 23:52:29

    But, I'm going to rate this a 6...even if bad guys won, and I don't like who died, it was still a good set of PKs

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    09 March 2003 23:33:15

    >It's a pk, don't whine, though I realize that may be too much to >request of a strawhead. :)

    Then choose :P is it a PK log, or an RP log? :P

  • Author
    Mahamodie [legacy]
    09 March 2003 23:29:31

    The only way to leave the pit is if you killed the bear, and we can't allow that, can we? :P

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    09 March 2003 23:22:38

    All was nice and acceptable for me till Dwain was killed at the end of the log. It was just too ugly, he was only trying to leave. We're just people behind this fucking keyboard. There's too much hatred.

  • Author
    Smek [legacy]
    09 March 2003 23:07:20

    This log is one of the best ever I think... 2 against 5 ;)

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:47:44

    It'd be a great log if it wasn't just a jumble of crazy colors and blinding amounts of garbled filth. :)

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:45:48

    I thank Necsipaal for the lessons in French grammar :)

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:43:30

    This log gives me wind. In a nice way.

    Nice workings Mizzy. :-)

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:34:53

    This log was like me killing idiots in mordor...long and ugly.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:34:00

    Uhm, Kalathen took vengeance on Draimon when he completed his contract because they have their own personal conflict. It's a pk, don't whine, though I realize that may be too much to request of a strawhead. :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:29:47

    Great work there.

    Kalathen tells you: i got his contract --> Didn't DH complained like hell when BkD fullfilled Taidhbhse's C in Edoras? Why do the same :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:20:38

    haha you guys suck

    haha you guys died

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:20:35

    It's our guildhall, except that we went for less of a 'hall' and more of a 'village.' And it's obviously not only available to us, or else there wouldn't have been a party of 4 people tearing it up. :P

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:20:00

    Well, if Rakim, Dwain, Kalin and Draimon were in it, it's obviously not only avaliable for Daen Hecil. Heh, dumbass.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    09 March 2003 22:10:54

    Oh crap. I don't know why, but I really didn't enjoy reading this log. btw, what the hell is that place? is it like... a whole village, only avalible to the DH?