
Posted by
Ultilh [legacy]
14 March 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

I killed him, but he was afk. I would have left, but I knew he would have reported me for attempt, so I just took his life. Start bashing at me for idle killing, I don't care :)


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    22 March 2003 13:02:35

    Martok, you've missed what Gazza said obviously :P

    Ultilh isn't a Rim, trash talking about Rims on a log that has nothing to do with us is irrelevent :P.

    But I still love you.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    18 March 2003 02:01:49

    I'm not away from the mud, but i'm not playing either...The mud is just a chatroom for me right now, and this page is just amusement.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 March 2003 01:31:04

    The fact that you can't seem to get away from the Mud using this page :)

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    17 March 2003 23:30:38

    I'm annoyed yes, but because you fucking keep bringing it up like it was something cool you did. This happened 3 months ago, and if i'd knew you were going to fucking keep talking about it like it was something to be proud of I would have refused to accept the gold and killed your ass instead.

    Rhoads, What makes you think i'm going to?

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    17 March 2003 22:29:46

    *laugh* Talan you seem pretty upset, which makes it worthwhile no matter the amount of gold. *chuckle* Now do the predicted, and throw an insult back in my face. Or just deny that you're not upset about it, but your constant whining about how it 'didn't matter' just proves that statement to be utterly false.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 March 2003 21:50:12

    So Talan, when you coming back?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    17 March 2003 20:50:56

    Theodrek, read the rest of my comment. I said he should stop bragging about it like it was some sort of accomplishment. Killing someone using treachery is the easiest thing in this game. Not only that, but he paid me almost 15k in fines by himself, then brags about it like it fucking mattered.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    17 March 2003 17:54:02

    I'm not sure what Chrono did to my alt, but I'm done arguing. You're right Anatharn, I don't even type anymore, my whole client does everything for me, and I'm an unskilled loser. I wish I could find someone with amazing skills like you to teach me, but everyone hates me because I'm a nooB. *sigh*

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    17 March 2003 16:49:02

    'Without that element of surprise you would never have had the chance to kill me.'

    I believe that's one of the whole things about PK. :) Did you expect it? No.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    17 March 2003 16:05:25

    It's not my fault that 3 of the targets I killed were idle..After they implemented that change I would guess that there would be no way for me to know if he was idle until 5min, and then I can't attack him. He wasn't idle in this case, but I knew that he would report me if i left since he did report me before in solo attempts. I had to take the kill, although I wish he would have tried to break, even if he did report me afterwards. Would you people stop thinking that I think i'm a badass? I'm no where near people who are good pkillers. All I do is TRY to take out the enemies of the guild I am in...At least give me some credit for the little nice kills I had. I only see you people talk on this log page if my kill was crappy, and I never saw 75% of these names on threads where I had a nice kill or something.


  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    17 March 2003 14:44:04

    Yah sorry about that Gazza, I mean I like the people in rims, but I just got to trash talk you know!!! its the way arda is these days!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 March 2003 14:43:11

    Maibe like Anatharn trying to kill others whose messed with his alt?

    Either way, Italacus is cool :P go ita

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    17 March 2003 11:22:03

    *smirk* Italacus thinks he's the hottest shit ever because he's in BkD and because he accomplished a few kills on people that were idle.

    In truth he's just a poor kid with nothing but a halfway efficient client that is doing everything for him. Oh, and he's using that char to take vengeance (with idle-killing of course) for what people did to his alt.. what a hero.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    17 March 2003 10:33:04

    Hahaha, go ahead, just say think you made me run away and hibernate like a little girl cause i couldnt kill you.


    I guess people would laugh at you if you just blatantly said that....I guess its a good thing you just implied it like a little pussy.

    Truth of the matter is, I hadnt played for 180 days when you killed me, and I had no intention of playing for very long when i was around, everyone knew this.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    17 March 2003 07:29:26

    Talan, I would never be ashamed to kill you. You seem to think I did it for my alts case, but truth of the matter is; I just think you're a twat. Yes, the I got the guild the money, wasn't mine, but I got it. Plus everyone I talked to in BkD, were glad that you died. You want to keep crying, or you want to do something about it? Oh wait, you hibernated after you died and missed a lot of PKs. Now you'll probaby go into something about 'That isn't why I hibernated you piece of shit... blah blah..' Save it.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    17 March 2003 03:58:09

    i suck

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    17 March 2003 01:33:09

    Well then you cost your guild 10k. If you were a true asset to the BKD, you would be more ashamed of that than paying it out of your pocket.

    Apparently your true allegiance lies elsewhere...doesn't surprise me one bit after what you did with Italacus the first time.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    17 March 2003 01:13:52

    *laugh* Talan, I didn't pay that 10k. Anatharn, I'd rather idle kill than quit on people. You done yet?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    17 March 2003 00:04:21

    Italacus, maybe it would be best for you to stop bragging about a kill you had to pay 10k in guild fines to commit? Without that element of surprise you would never have had the chance to kill me. I assumed that you would obey your GM, i was wrong, and you killed me as a result. Do you really want to brag about that?

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    17 March 2003 00:03:24

    That's why I corrected my voting on Calenril's log to 4 long ago already. Looks like Martok isn't the only one who's behind the time.

    And Italacus' voting was (is) a 4, not 3.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    16 March 2003 22:54:16

    Anatharn: italacus voting this a 3 makes about as much sense as you voting calenril's log as a 1.

    Martok: ultilh isn't a rim. you're way behind the times old boy.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    16 March 2003 22:24:50

    *lol* Italacus thinks about this log:

    'Nice log. Slightly above average. Some cool things here and there'

    Says a lot about a person when an idle kill is slightly above average for him, doesn't it :P

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    16 March 2003 21:09:03

    *laughs* I could see and even agree with you on 1 idle kill, but this is like your 3rd in a row. *laughs* what can you expect from a rim though.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    16 March 2003 04:02:54

    Oh Tarn, I _strive_ for your skill.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    16 March 2003 03:32:07

    Yes you killed Talan Italacus, but it was lame and really doesn't count for much.

    BkD have been dumb since Dormin left.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    16 March 2003 02:33:16

    we need new logs, someone pk me and post it!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 March 2003 00:05:01

    Idle, afk same thing, either way as someoen said most people set triggers to not beeing lotted in this quest, so I take you had one.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    15 March 2003 23:29:12

    This is so funny. I posted the log to maybe hint that Anselmo was using a timer to get torch in the room he was in, and he was idle, but the timer went every minute or so? So really it's his fault. :P

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    15 March 2003 23:08:13

    Rrr... oh my, this has //so// much to do with the log!

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    15 March 2003 22:31:10

    And if I was idle, ultilh wouldnt have been able to attack me. :) Smart thinking, idiots

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    15 March 2003 22:20:34

    NOONE said I was idle, only idiots idle out in the open, I was having computer problems. And Brahm you are a fucking idiot, the one time Ive been pked was when I couldnt do anything about it :)

  • Author
    Hans [legacy]
    15 March 2003 20:21:47

    Idle at a none safe place is stupid, whining when someone kills you when you idle is stupid, beeing online with HEAVY lag and dying is even more stupid....heh seems I am stupid.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    15 March 2003 17:33:15

    Some people's only offense is a good defense, that and gangbangs.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    15 March 2003 14:39:33

    Idle kills have always sucked!

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    15 March 2003 13:01:38

    moral of the story - dont idle somewhere you can be attacked - especaly when you know there are people online who want you dead.

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    15 March 2003 12:55:08

    Rolf Oxehandler!

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    15 March 2003 12:53:53

    Rolf! You're in the event!

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    15 March 2003 11:41:12

    talan is frigging paranoid monkey who runs finds constantly and is always there when i unfade in mordor :/

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    15 March 2003 09:55:36

    Italacus, give Talan a break, he's one bad monkey. Sure I hate him as Rolf, but I respect him as a player and I don't want another war with him as my enemy ;)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    15 March 2003 03:26:41

    I don't see where Anselmo states he was idle Theo... And come on you guys... quit whining and talking out your ass. Nobody is going to think you are elite by the way you talk; look at the people that talk the most crap. Do you want to be them?

    oh yeah, Wheet Wheet!

    not to mention that all this is BOOOORING!!!!!

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    15 March 2003 03:15:35

    nicho immorted? ah hell we don't need another over inflated ego, his is already big enough..

    I have to agree with Lotraz though. If he is going to be contributing to this mud, it needs to be in a positive manner, and he shouldn't be allowed to insult mortal players as an immortal.

    Good kill Ultilh, if the moron is gonna idle out in the open like that it's his own fault, he has no room to be whining.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    15 March 2003 03:01:20

    Let me do a little guesswork-observation. Anselmo states he was afk. Note that he is also at the start of the DWS quest...who truly goes 'idle' at that room? Most people use tick timers or trigger when someone enters to start the quest. he should, if he really was afk, not idle at a popular quest in which he lets himself be vulnerable to be killed! :)

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    15 March 2003 02:35:20

    It's interesting you say this, Raqtor.

    Seen's as how all you've ever done is whine about people emote breaking and double breaking and shit, yet somehow idle killing is a-ok, since it's the target's fault after all.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    15 March 2003 02:02:23

    If Nichodemus really have immorted, why is he trying to insult people in the mortal world on this page? Is that not kinda... against the rules of the mud?

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    15 March 2003 01:08:09

    Idle-killing is no one's fault but the idler's.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    15 March 2003 00:59:53

    Bah dont want to get idle killed?

    Dont idle outside! ;-)

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    15 March 2003 00:53:59

    You havn't killed _me_ Talan, but I've killed you :) *lick* Tarith, I guess you didn't make your posts clear and I didn't read them right, which caused me to think you were insulting BkD. If you wern't, I'm sorry for confusion.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    15 March 2003 00:32:53

    hmm im not talking trash, only pointing out the fact your actions reside in contradiction, and in regard to anselmo and ultilh, i know from fact that he has had a field day in breaking him all ready, and nearly locked him up today. As for being double tapped... Yeah, i learned a valuable lesson, and I am a quick learner. You will find it hard to mimick such feats. You should not threaten me, nor my guild online. I have not said anything about BKD, and refrain from discussing these issues though a throwing of words on a log page merely utilized for entertainment. You want to sling your mud, I will not dirty my hands as well.

    ANd Nirrab=yeah, I realized that line came out wrong, but in hindsight does not reflect my real opinions on the issue. Sorry for the confusion in argument.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    15 March 2003 00:31:11

    Hmm..seems to me i've killed nearly half bkd myself *shrug*

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    14 March 2003 23:58:11

    Nicho, you were trying to raise funds for an alt to be in bkd while I was gm, don't speak.

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    14 March 2003 23:38:39

    Quote from Tarith: It is the risk of assassination..kill the target or pay.

    Correct me if im wrong, but he did kill his target didn't he.

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    14 March 2003 23:36:11

    Nicho, quit insulting my guild ;)

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    14 March 2003 23:25:52

    Oh yeah you immorted, wow I'm being insulted by an ainu? Makes my ego go up abit.

  • Author
    Nichodemus [legacy]
    14 March 2003 23:13:20

    Uhhh... guys. I'm not Udungul.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    14 March 2003 23:12:16

    If you, Udungul, are going to try to insult BkD. At least have it done by a member who hasn't been killed by BkD. Makes more sense to me.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    14 March 2003 23:11:15

    Yeah Nichodemus BkD suck. That is why I solo'd you in Bree when two people attacked me. My guild must be the worst guild in the game, but then where would you stand?

  • Author
    Rakanishu [legacy]
    14 March 2003 23:03:44

    Heehee.. I just saw a BKD kill a dwarf.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    14 March 2003 23:02:07

    If you're an asshole and talk shit, you shouldn't run the risk of going idle when you know people hate you.

    And don't pretend ultilh couldnt have killed him otherwise, cause he isn't that tough, he's like deadlok, but worse. I can see at least 8 times he's been killed solo, just on this page.

  • Author
    Nichodemus [legacy]
    14 March 2003 22:57:02

    Everybody knows the golden rule: BkD sucks.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    14 March 2003 21:26:34

    Tarith you keep talking trash and BkD might get bored and kill what was it.. 7 UD in a day again? I had fun double-tapping you, and I wouldn't mind a few more dead trash talkers.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    14 March 2003 21:14:08

    hmm a log needs to be made with italacus in it, titled 'do you like it when lame shit happens to you, Italacus?' You are no different than any of these slugs.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    14 March 2003 21:08:45

    *licks Ultilh* Good show!:)

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    14 March 2003 21:07:39

    But, I highly doubt if you had left he would have still reported you. A little communication goes a long way.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    14 March 2003 21:05:46

    this sucked. Disgusting behavior, but I guess you need to take your kill the only way you can huh. If you feel it is all right to idle kill someone thats fine, but to hide between a shitty excuse such as 'I would have left, but I knew he would have reported me for attempt' is Bullshit. Listen, that is the natural reaction to an attempt that you should expect. It is the risk of assassination..kill the target or pay.

  • Author
    Kabuto [legacy]
    14 March 2003 20:50:51

    Logs of late have been shit. What's up with you guys? Somebody start a war.

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    14 March 2003 20:47:34

    And the only reason he posted this is due to the fact that he failed to kill me, again

  • Author
    Anselmo [legacy]
    14 March 2003 20:38:17

    The only thing this shows is how stupid Ultilh is for attempting someone in gund

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    14 March 2003 20:29:42

    I have to agree with Rhoads.. You are terrible Ultilh.. Thats why im proud calling you my brother.. *Pokes

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    14 March 2003 19:39:39

    If its an unexciting idle kill, why post it?

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    14 March 2003 19:37:32

    Barak Ultilh! Ultilh ai-Anselmo!

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    14 March 2003 19:00:13

    that looked pretty hurtin

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    14 March 2003 18:58:59