The end of arda, event style Draugluin cackles: The end of the world is nigh. Prepare to meet thy DOOM! Mandos chants: The world will end in 15 minutes... The noise from the Event crowd settles to a dull roar. Mandos chants: The world will end in 14 minutes... A cry is heard from the Event fairgrounds. The Event has run out of BEER! Hordes of event partygoers rush to consume their final mugs. Mandos chants: The world will end in 13 minutes... The lasertag bots close in on the last contestant. The power generators for lasertag die out. The lasertag bots fall lifeless to the ground. Mandos chants: The world will end in 12 minutes... The Udungul put down the idiot boxes, Sauron seems miffed. Drunken olog-hai take up arms, having gotten the gist. Sauron's servants are wasted - the Hangover begins. Mandos chants: The world will end in 11 minutes... The Amruin and Daen Hecil break their alliance! Pretty Good and Somewhat Evil no longer rejoice together. The Secret Event Dwarven Tanks of Moria leave, unfound by Ardans. Solomon is relieved. Aule tells you: my portals appear only in the wilderness... Mandos chants: The world will end in 10 minutes... The final pie is thrown in someone's face. The Mirdain cackle at their royalties for creation of Event badges. The cheese booth gets a new shipment of cheese in, too late again. Mandos chants: The world will end in 9 minutes... Osse stands up and tries to walk to the beer tent, then falls over. Dalamar falls over 7 paces beyond Osse. Dalamar is thus proven to be a more experienced drunkard. Mandos chants: The world will end in 8 minutes... The Popstars, vials of coke in hand, prepare to leave for another year. Glorglas and Legolas break down crying "Noooo....Briiitney" BkD weep for their fallen popstar heroes, not bothered by Christina's beard. Mandos chants: The world will end in 7 minutes... A ripping sound fills the sky! Giant pink Oliphaunts land on Dol Amroth, squishing it. Olis scream: Vengeance for Hal-harondar! The Olis then pass out. Mandos chants: The world will end in 6 minutes... Pharazon the Golden sails west, quite randomly. Orcs dressed in day-glo orange jumpsuits give chase. Both are lost at sea, Pharazon on a "3 hour tour". Aule tells you: my portals appear only in the wilderness... Mandos chants: The world will end in 5 minutes... The Drunkards pass out. The Rim-Ainacam revive and arrest them all. The drunkards are unable to avoid the handcuffs, the Sheriffs are proud. Mandos chants: The world will end in 4 minutes... Thunder fills the skies as lightning zaps the Sheriffs back into oblivion. Dalamar pushes the boulder and takes possession of the Sacred Beer. Dalamar screams the warcry of the drunk: "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer" Carcharoth, as is his habit, then eats the Sacred Beer. Mandos chants: The world will end in 3 minutes... Beorn scorns his Beornings, the guild having blown his coffers at Blackjack. The Circaz begin firin da knivez, get carried away, and burn their tree to cinders. The Durmanhoth, ironically, finally stop playing the Game of Life. SoU and CoU are reprimanded by Melkor, having removed their I <3 Melkor tattoos. Mandos chants: The world will end in 2 minutes... The sound of a heavenly choir suddenly echoes from above! Castamir joins in on his kazoo, then returns to idling. Many Ardans look downward. Some are smarter and look skyward. Mandos chants: The world will end in 1 minute... A bright warm light shines from above as the voice of Eru sings: "Behold the Event, and what you have wrought, For with every Party, there is a Hangover, and with every Hangover a Party!" MudOS driver shouts: shutting down im