
Posted by
Azbakhar [legacy]
18 March 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

He thought he could get away with this!


  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    03 April 2003 18:12:44

    Hate to do this to ya Wasach,

    You stated:

    'May I remind every member of BkD of the members of the Fellowship and who is among their ranks. Does he not stand at the gates of Gondor and stride into battle with the King of Gondor? Does he not shed his blood and spill the blood of evil in the name of Gondor and of Light?'

    This is one khazad. One khazad from one out of 7 other houses. We are dwarves and we do not fit well into one stereotypical mold. Gimli does it not for Gondor, but for the sake of his friends ;)

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    27 March 2003 08:03:05

    'With that, I end my part in the discussion here.'

    ... About time we got rid of your lies and misconceptions. Thank you for finally stopping! :)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    27 March 2003 00:39:14

    Wow, Balinul actually made a true statement! That's absolutely amazing. However, I don't really care who was at fault, the whole thing never should have happened. The Dwarves of Erebor should not be killing morals in Gondor (of course this is my opinion and obviously not one shared by anyone else). As stated by your own guildmates, the only reason they do so is for the easy quantities of gold made off killing easy npc's and that Gondor is so huge no one guild can actually protect it.

    So I stated one more time (and hopefully the last) that KoDA and it's allies should just forget the BkD exist. It's what they, with their 'we worry only about ourselves and our mountain' attitude, want.

    Once again I apologize to my friends in the BkD for my words but honestly, I'm tired of dealing with the self-serving nature of your guild. One second willing allies and friends, the next (and usually for reasons known to no one) bitter enemies.

    With that, I end my part in the discussion here. No need to reply to my statements made here, either in this forum or on the mud.

    Wasach Pathor

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    26 March 2003 21:18:45

    Wasach, agreed, we did go for the kill on you and your pal. That much we agree on. However, we did that as retaliation of your 'enter-trigger-headbutt' tactics.

    Apparently we disagree about how the events came down back then. Apparently we aren't going to agree on it. You got your perception. I got mine, and most obviously, I tend to belive mine is the correct one.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 March 2003 18:49:18

    well it is true Balinul, you guys did do that but to make it completely true, I have said...

    'moved to the room to the east and with disregard to the BkD-KoDA treaty began bouncing in and out of the room with triggers set to headbutt either me or my fellow Knight. Then after this was done a couple times, we set our triggers and reacted in kind.'

    Now that is a true statement, anything else is a falsehood created to cover the disrespect showed to a treaty forged in honour between the two Guilds.

    Keep in mind Balinul that this was discussed immediately following the incident and your friends already admitted they violated the treaty first. Cut back, just a whee bit, on the dwarven ale.

    Wasach Pathor

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    26 March 2003 18:03:57

    'First, I will remind Balinul that it was him and his mates that set their triggers to headbutt my fellow Knight and myself while they bounced in and out of the room.'

    Thats not excactly true, now is it Wasach? *tsk*tsk*

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    26 March 2003 07:59:56

    So this is changing from a log site to a blog site? Hmm missed that one.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 March 2003 01:32:03

    As if things weren't bad enough, having to deal with this crap on the mud...

    First, I will remind Balinul that it was him and his mates that set their triggers to headbutt my fellow Knight and myself while they bounced in and out of the room. We retaliated in like and I don't know exactly how hunting works but being followed to the entrance of Pelargir might count, considering the number of rooms. However since I was not looking over anyone else's shoulder at the time, I'll submit that the dwarves were merely fast and lucky with the directions they chose.

    As for the relations between BkD and KoDA, before and after this instance...

    I have always, and quite proudly, called many dwarves of the BkD my friend. I have gladly given my life for them and helped them whenever I could, even to the point of being punished by the Council of Knights. Including every GM, with the exception of Nurgamazur (didn't like him but had fun exasperating him), I know some BkD still might hold ill will for the personal disagreements I had with Nurgie and they were indeed personal and had nothing to do with our respective Guilds (atleast from my point of view).

    I find Azmar extremely humerous, he does make me laugh so. I have hardly ever asked for aid from anyone, nor do most Knights with the exceptions of RP battles. As for Dwarves asking Knights for help, considering that (and I'm only guessing here *cough*) the majority of your guild does kill in moral areas (not solely mind you) that would be rather preposterous. As for a Knight killing in Erebor, there are not many evil Dwarves and those are weak and pitiful, quite deserving of mercy. The Knights swear an oath to defend all that is good and moral in Middle Earth. As much as I despise a moral guild (and you had better check with Valinor because THEY call you a moral guild) killing in Gondor and as much as I'd like to split their skulls when they do...it would be beneath the Knights to do so AND it would also be a boon to Sauron to see those that SHOULD be allies, be enemies.

    May I remind every member of BkD of the members of the Fellowship and who is among their ranks. Does he not stand at the gates of Gondor and stride into battle with the King of Gondor? Does he not shed his blood and spill the blood of evil in the name of Gondor and of Light?

    It is sad that you cannot see past your greed to easy kills and would rather be Sauron's whore with fat purses. Valinor did you a favor if they did place restrictions forbidding you from killing in Gondor.

    If you ask me, the Knights should label the entire BkD guild, persona non-grata. Forget they exist for those that wear their heraldry are false and are but pawns of Saurons.

    As for the honour or dishonour of the Knights, those that live in glass houses should not throw stones. The Knights (lest you all had forgotten) are but men and women, mortal and thus subject to slip and fall from time to time. I know full well the pains taken to maintain the rigid Code they live by and NONE OF YOU, who have not even made the attempt to play at such a level, have no room to talk. If you think it's so easy or the Guild is in need of improvement playing up to their theme...sign on up or close your cake-holes.

    It's a shame Ahocho didn't lock the post of the mails he got from Rolf and Valinor or you'd all have alot of crow to eat...

    and with that, I bid you all adieu

    Wasach Pathor

    P.S. to all of my friends in the BkD, I am sorry for my strong words but it seems you are in the vast minority.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    24 March 2003 16:48:36

    How do you like the adjective 'nitpicky' Fimb :)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    24 March 2003 00:00:12

    Why is it considered OK to use 'Thematical' as a word? I always thought 'thematic' was the adjective...

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    23 March 2003 23:33:53

    This is a little late for me to start commenting but I want to reply to Hocho's comment before.

    'The BkD can kill in Gondor and KoDA can kill in Erebor. While this is not deemed thematical by the administration.'

    Why is it consider not deemed thematical to kill evil dwarves in Erebor?


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 March 2003 22:41:29

    Both guilds have enough reasons to disliek each other, but looking into the matter and talking to both sides seems to me that both are wrong and right at the same time, I think it sucks how both sides are trying to save face and see who comes up as the bad ass.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 March 2003 22:40:20

    You people are both fools, both guilds, really. Seems like 2 kinds whining to each other to see who is less wrong.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    23 March 2003 10:36:15

    Hahaha, Azmar. Can't help but laugh at the lack of truth in your serial accusations. Tell people what you know, I mean, I think they all wonder what you're gonna make up next.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    23 March 2003 04:19:11

    And a knight telling bkd to fuck themselves and questioning our sexuality is in theme? Rougan, you ARE a disgrace to the knights and should not have been allowed to continue in their number.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    23 March 2003 02:58:18

    I think you should be kicked out for sitting there and watching me bleed to death! Bastard :P.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    23 March 2003 00:22:25

    Can you really tell me why I should be kicked out? I guess not, and you are just talking crap. Sorry for the lack of tact, Azmar,but you should not have talked as if you knew something.

    Me a disgrace, you are getting funnier each and every moment. Go go dwarves, people just witness how elaborately you role play in this environment, like by triggering spit on people. Seek the disgraces in thyself, would you?

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    22 March 2003 20:29:10

    Ahocho, the deaths of those 2 koda were perfectly in line with the current treaty signed by BOTH our guildmasters. The only violations were by YOUR knights not by bkd.

    Furthermore, you MAY have mailed rolf, he has never said anything about that letter so maybe it got lost if you did mail it but it certainly didn't get to the guild as a whole.

    For you Rougan, You should ahve been kicked out long ago. Your actions have totally disgraced your guild and you and dwain are the main reason why this went so far.

    Rather than honestly seeking resolution between our guilds, you went whining to the ainur and nothing you can do or say can change that. Your lack of respect for bkd in this matter and some of your members hostility toward us caused our relationship to degenerate, BKD followed the rules of the treaty until that treaty was broken by YOU.

    Azmar StonePipe

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    22 March 2003 12:47:59

    *laugh* Oh, I remember that time in Gondor at the Captain's Cutlass. We were a group of dwarves that tried to claim that sword. Two KoDA show up and started defending while we fought the captain. That took us down and we went east to regroup and heal. Apparently those two KoDA thought it would be fun to mess around with us while we regrouped.

    So, they set triggers to come in, headbutt the same target and immidiately leave. They repeated this a few times, and we figured we might play that game as well. So, we did the same thing and quickly destroyed those two KoDA.

    They tried to play tough, and we accepted the deal. Apparently that led to alot of uproar. Shortly after Wasach left KoDA and well, this thread pretty much describes the other consequenses.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    22 March 2003 01:30:04

    In the usageing of largefying wordicals, one should be carefulness as to not wax too eloquent and overreachable one's grasp of thematical English.

  • Author
    Ahocho [legacy]
    22 March 2003 01:08:07

    I have refrained from comment thus far, since I do not think such things should be discussed here upon the log site, yet now I see that I must set some facts straight. Cause some of the things said here are simply not correct and give a false image of the true situation.

    This indeed starts with a party of 5 or 6 Dwarves attempting to get the Captain's Cutlass. 2 Knights appeared and resumed to defend his the lives of the good dunedain at Pelargir. They were killed indeed. This was against a treaty that the KoDA had at that time with the Baruk Khazad-Dum. The first step that we took was indeed diplomacy. For one month I (Being Ambassador and AGM of Dol Amroth at that time) have tried to talk to Rolf (who was King at that time) and others inside BkD. I have lost the count of the endless mailing that I have done with Rolf. You have stated that we have not tried to mediate this thing out with your guild. I believe such allegations to be incorrect. As we offered many a solution in our negotiations. All of these were turned down. Thus as fruitfull in our eyes came from that. (As I see it we have a right to determine our own position in cases as these) Then the next step in our course of action....

    We decided that it was now time to seek retribution for the morals that have fallen by the Blades of Dwarves in Gondor. After quite of long time doing nothing against these attacks from the BkD. Thus we prepared to invade Erebor and see to it that our fallen comrades were avenged. We were on the point of going through with this plan yet we were stopped by Valinor. They forbade us to kill in Erebor. If we did proceed thusly we would be fined. As such was the position of the then Overlord of Theme. Then a thing happened, which many of you have stamped as us whining to Valinor. All that I personally then did was mail the Overlord of Theme posing him the logical question following his action: why we were not allowed to kill in Erebor, while the Baruk Khazad-dum could freely kill in our lands. (If one brands this as whining, that is your own opinion. I see it not as whining). The next action taken by the Overlord of Theme was warn BOTH guilds (in words similar to the following): Because it is unthematically to kill and reside in eachothers lands, you are from now banned to kill there, if you ignore this warning this may have consequences for the future.

    We then listened to this warning and decided to halt our pending attack on Erebor. From this time onward we of Dol Amroth have tried to seek ways to remedy this impasse. Sometimes received with good words and others our plans were deemed not so good. This is logical of course. Yet it never came to anything substantial.

    Until a few days ago it was announced to by Valinor the Dwarves that kill restrictions on all morals of Gondor were pending.

    Current situation to my knowledge: All pending restrictions have been removed. The BkD can kill in Gondor and KoDA can kill in Erebor. While this is not deemed thematical by the administration.


  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    22 March 2003 00:50:23

    Lol, yeah, Im blind by my own so called stupidity. One doesnt need to back insults up, which is good for Azmar.

    I dont care whether you respect me or not, for the record, Azmar, nor had I ever whined about anything dumb or unthematic you guys are doing, altho I think some of what you've been doing can be termed such.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    22 March 2003 00:39:08

    Since rougan is so obviously blinded by his own stupidity I will post the primary cause of discontentment between our guilds.

    About 6 months ago, a party of 4 bkd and 2 dwarven friends were getting captains cutlass, 2 koda showed up to defend. The KoDA were too honorable (notice that i give them the benefit of the doubt) to run and were slain quickly, no hunting was involved. Rather than try to mediate this between our two guilds, the KoDA council went whining to the ainur for help.

    As such they got bkd banned from killing anything moral in gondor.

    This along with much disrespect from people like Rougan and Dwain are why the relations stand as they are.

    I hope this clarifies matters

    Azmar StonePipe

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    21 March 2003 18:08:16

    About the clarification on current bkd/koda relations....

    1: All KoDA members are banned from erebor on pain of death

    As if any KoDA want to venture that goddamn mountain. ;) But we may, from now on.

    2: No BKD member will defend any part of Gondor

    As if they do.

    3: No aid of any kind will be extended to KoDA members

    As if we asked for aid of any kind.

    4: Requests for aid from enemies of KoDA will be entertained and may, at the discretion of the member asked, be tendered

    Yeah, I guess this will make a part of BkD feel much better.

    And yes, semi-hostility is the right term, for we had done nothing hostile against BkD territory, but in return received what you see.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    21 March 2003 11:39:30

    Also, BKD are NOT a moral guild. We tend to side with moral guilds in conflict solely because they do not threaten our home as Sauron so obviously does. Make no mistake, any who threaten our home or stand in our way are enemies of the bkd whether they kill elves or orcs.

  • Author
    Azmar [legacy]
    21 March 2003 11:37:56

    To clarify a few things on current bkd/koda relations....

    Currently due to conflicts we have had with KoDA the following rules are in place

    1: All KoDA members are banned from erebor on pain of death

    2: No BKD member will defend any part of Gondor

    3: No aid of any kind will be extended to KoDA members

    4: Requests for aid from enemies of KoDA will be entertained and may, at the discretion of the member asked, be tendered

    This is a result of several months of semi-hostility between our guilds and though there will be no war, we are NOT their allies.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    21 March 2003 02:48:25

    Mizrahi is correct, Dwain should have either emoted back or started a harrass log. I know Dwain as well as anyone else in the game and he's a helluva lot more hotheaded than I am.

    As a Knight, he should have held himself above Azkhsdhfdf's (or whatever the fuck his name is) actions and upheld the attempts by the leadership of two MORAL guilds to come together into a peace that they both should desire.

    Not all the blame rests on Dwain for sure but perhaps both Guilds should just let this one go and continue on with building their peace.


  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    20 March 2003 20:18:20

    same old, same old.

    change the track will ya?

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    20 March 2003 19:52:06

    You have no idea what you're talking about, retard. I give you a good piece of advice: shut your trap, cause you're making yourself look not only like the retard that you are, but also like blatant liar and hypocrite, accusing me of what you mastered to do on the mud.

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    20 March 2003 17:53:51

    like you would know anything about dh anatharn, and you definitely have no room to talk about alts. 'gee, let's see which alt i can use to intentionally try to piss of fra/dh members today, just because they're a member of the guild...then, hrm, let me think...yes yes, i'll do everything i can to pull their chain, then immediately harass log for 10 minutes and idle so nothing i do will show up in the harass log' shut the hell up.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    20 March 2003 13:18:21

    GM = lots of people at your mercy to do what you want them to :) hehe

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    19 March 2003 20:35:07

    First of all, spitting at someone is a scumbag move. Someone once spit at me at a bar and of course I attacked him (broke my knuckles on his face). I don't see how Dwain attacking him was a direct threat to Azbakhar's life, since Dwain isn't an assassin( I think). Just like in real life I think that when someone acts dumb like that they should (under certain circumstances) get their ass kicked. Dwain just wanted to beat Az up, perhaps show him a lesson. Didn't Dwain headbutt and attack when his weapon wasn't even wielded? Anyway, my though is, spitting at someone is baaaaaad.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    19 March 2003 16:58:35

    Need new logs. :'(

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    19 March 2003 16:31:20

    'I spit at him over and over but that's okay because he attacked me which shows that he's immature and sure I only spit at him because I know he'd attack me so I could get a free kill'

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    19 March 2003 16:30:40

    By fiction? I'm going by what I've read here so far. In the log, Azbakhar spit at Dwain numerous times. Dwain said 'fuck off' and attacked him. Azbakhar stated that before he said fuck off, he had spit at Dwain and Dwain said 'spit at me again and i'll (kill/attack) you.' And, as Azbakhar said... 'Rougan, Dwain had sent a tell to Glom before I had spit at him saying if I did it //again// he would kill me. So my natural instinct is to go spit at him.' Again? Meaning you WERE spitting at him, and you decided to be immature and go spit at him a few more times? Argh, keep one story and stick with it.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 March 2003 15:47:36

    GM = Hell (usualy)

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    19 March 2003 09:51:08

    Theodrek- its your 'I'm gonna talk to your GM about this' stance thats makes being Guildmaster the most reviled position on the MUD.


  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    19 March 2003 06:58:22

    Anatharn, thats easy: Its for the same reason the only difference between your characters is the name and the skills they have.

    I could also ask why its no surprise you are still bitching about the megs. Frankly, I find that kind of questions irrelevant on this game, as alts are no more a secret than ... well, Rhosgobel? :)

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    19 March 2003 06:00:43

    Ok Theodrek, Mr. I know what happened even though I wasn't there. Enough said. Facts are better than ficition.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    19 March 2003 02:59:25

    Date: 19. Mar, 2003, 2:40:00 By: Azbakhar

    Then I spat at you over and over.

    > this is what you said to me. ^ Then you attacked me

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    19 March 2003 02:56:33

    And yeah, if someone spit at me like that (over and over) I'd have a talk with their GM...especially if our guilds were both on good terms. You'd say 'No, you'd just attack'...no, I wouldn't, because I know I can't PK anyone. :) Why even try.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    19 March 2003 02:55:16

    Azbakhar spit at Dwain. That's a personal insult to Dwain. Azbakhar put HIS guild relations last and spit, then Dwain said stop, and Azbakhar did it more times (even 'alias a spit dwain) if you'd notice. Who is acting immature here? Dwain, for defending his own honor? Or Azbakhar, for harassing Dwain until Dwain got angry and attacked. I'm not saying Dwain was right in attacking him - but, he wasn't wrong in doing it either.

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    19 March 2003 02:40:00

    Ok Dwain, you didn't say 'sucked ass' but you did say our RP lacks, and we are nothing. So whatever you think, this is what you said to me. Then you attacked me, and I killed you. Get over it.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    19 March 2003 02:20:40

    now why am I not surprised to see Lotraz defending BkD...

  • Author
    Dwain [legacy]
    19 March 2003 00:35:09

    I never said BKD sucked ass...you were just being a whiny little prick and acting like a jerk to me so I headbutted you, end of story. So don't try and fill my mouth with words.

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    19 March 2003 00:26:44

    Awww.. No one needs us? That just hurts my feelings.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    19 March 2003 00:19:41

    If this 'incident' is going to end in a war, I lend my services to both side :P

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    19 March 2003 00:17:22

    Great fight Azbakhar. I saw on this page how Dwain was fighting alongsideRakim of the Udungul, so I guess he is some evil guy that has infiltrated the Knights.

    Besides that, Dwain attacked Azbakhar supposedly to kill him (Since it was at Rhosgobel with neither dwarves or gondor men nearby). Nothing wrong about returning the heat on this one.

    Oh and yes, Anatharn is right. The dunlendings controls every single guild in Arda. Especially the ... uhm... <insert guildname here>.

    Gosh, did I just blow that secret? Duh!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 March 2003 22:35:07

    And who said we wanted BkD to be in our stuff? I personaly like most of the BkD members including Azbakhar, just think both guilds are wrong this subject :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 March 2003 22:32:37

    BkD should join Daenudunofunfang guild instead ;)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    18 March 2003 22:32:08

    *smirk* if you idiot would be able to listen to other people and not only to yourself you'd have noticed that with no word I said that DH is responsible _for this attack_, but that they're (at least partially) responsible for the slandering of Dwain and his guild, which you proved with your post, Direkein.

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    18 March 2003 22:10:25

    Its cool, Az. I'm glad you killed Dwain. He should learn that he can't go around acting like an individual and needs to put the guilds interests in front of his if KoDA is going to gain anyones respect. *snorts*

    Besides, you guys shouldn't want to join the Amrukodacircan Guild anyways. It will only weaken Erebor.

    Personally I agree with Anatharn the Paranoid. Its all DH's fault that this attack happened. Can't the rest of you see the TRUTH?!

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    18 March 2003 22:01:49

    Dwain had said that we(BkD) were not a good guild because we could kill in Gondor and he thinks that is bogus. Then he says we can't RP. Ok ok, that's enough. I'll RP. I don't like Dwain(the character Azbakhar) and so I will roleplay that.

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    18 March 2003 21:36:36

    Hehe, mate. You even had spit at Dwain aliased. ;)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    18 March 2003 21:30:29

    'What dwain did was irresponsible regardless of what azbakhar did since it was an emote fight at first, but then dwain turned it into a physical....his fault' (Ultilh)

    I'd say both, the spit emote as well as the actual attack that started combat between them was pretty much UNphysical. It's all just plain text :P

  • Author
    Glifur [legacy]
    18 March 2003 21:27:01

    Gawd, spit at me and I'd have your head twenty times. Uhm, or well, if I could, that is. :P

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    18 March 2003 21:02:50

    Rhoads, maybe you should like use your imagination? Oh i bet Azbakhar did go piss off Dwain just because Dwain was wearing a wrong color shirt

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 March 2003 20:59:07

    Spitting is no where near on the same scale as attacking someone. If I say 'Rhoads, you are a moron.' And he attacks me, am I unjustified in killing him?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 March 2003 20:55:00

    Why provoke in the first place Glom? Don't try to defend something that was just wrong man :P

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    18 March 2003 20:24:59

    Yes, so if you are provocated you can act like an idiot?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 March 2003 19:38:40

    Well AS Azbakhar said, it was clearly what he wanted, a clear provocation Glom

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    18 March 2003 19:15:28

    Well think about it Jiread. I emote something and you attack me, i kill you.. now whats wrong actually with that? I shouldnt use emotes anymore? Or maybe you should consider not to attack people who you know dont like you, eh?

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    18 March 2003 18:43:57

    Wasn't Azbakhar's spitting at Dwain personal? Yes, you said it. And it's wrong when Dwain does something that has todo with personal hatred to Azbakhar?

    Having a hard time following you here. :P

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    18 March 2003 18:26:02

    When azbakhar spit at dwain, he made it clear that he doesn't like him 'personally'. Dwain then forgot about GUILD relations and put his personal hatred out there and attacked him. He could have just spat at him, or even hell he could have tried to bother him more until az attacks him, thus ruining guild relations from the BkD side, not KoDA.

    What dwain did was irresponsible regardless of what azbakhar did since it was an emote fight at first, but then dwain turned it into a physical....his fault.

    And about the gondor thing, oh well, i just gave up on guild restrictions when they were started anyway. It makes politics between guilds dealing with ainur, which isn't the way it should be. They should let the guilds sort these things out, but restrictions are just a way of saying: We dont' trust guildmembers to obeying their orders, and we want to control it. Oh well, maybe they put it in for a different reason, but that's the apparent one to me...

    -Ultilh, the silly dwarf (Goes back to his ale)

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    18 March 2003 18:13:45

    Of course he attacked him. He spat at him.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 March 2003 17:48:46

    This is ridiculous :P Rougan, Dwain attacked Azbakhar. Talk to Dwain about fixing guild relations, eh?

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    18 March 2003 17:42:53

    And a few other things...

    > Dwain wields a sapphire sword. <---- Dwain, I'm Angelic. :)

    Maybe he thought that you, like some other BkD (who won't be named were Demonic/Shadowspawn. :)

    And I think Durad was asking what align you were because he saw Dwain hit you with a sapphy, and said '...now that can't be right...'...which is what I would've said. :P

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    18 March 2003 17:40:21

    That means you had spat at him before? Ahh! So it's okay to do it as long as you spat at him before and he said to not do it or he'll kill you. Makes sense!

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    18 March 2003 17:01:01

    Anatharn, we have 3 alts of DH, and they are all inactive on both characters. So *sticks his tongue out at you!* :) Rougan, Dwain had sent a tell to Glom before I had spit at him saying if I did it again he would kill me. So my natural instinct is to go spit at him. I'm a stubborn dwarf you don't like it, go mind yourself.

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    18 March 2003 15:53:42

    KODA sucks so much. Rougan tried to kill me after donating the stuffed corpse of their prince.

  • Author
    Glom [legacy]
    18 March 2003 15:15:42

    Well, to be honest i dont really think this is the place to discuss guild relationships. Rougan, maybe you could start that discussion in the MUD, eh?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    18 March 2003 14:52:46

    that was kinda lame

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 March 2003 14:31:14

    Fiesta, Dwain was trying to lock up when he saw he was getting hunted.

    Acusing KoDA of whining to Ainu to not make dwarves kill in Gondor is also lame, simply because the ainu imposed that KoDA cant kill in Erebor when they wanted to strike back, it is simply right to make it both sides.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    18 March 2003 14:22:54

    So the answer to my question is as simple as Azbakhar did not like Dwain, or knights, up to what I can figure out. However, if you guys do not act as a guild, but a gang of individuals who just like -or maybe not like- each other and who act in their own best interests, it is impossible for you to earn respect or trust as a guild.

    Anyhow, I think it should be more of your leadership's concern than mine, except that I am frustrated to see this right after a friendly letter from your guildmaster.

    That's about all I'd say about this log.

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    18 March 2003 13:33:58

    I liked this log. Mainly because I don't like Dwain.

    With time I have learned that not all koda suck, but Dwain does, and if I was an assassin and was in that position, then to hell with guild relations, Rougan, I would have killed him as well.

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    18 March 2003 13:14:53

    erm.. the question i wanna ask is why didnt he drink his vial?? he couldnt possibly be full for the entire log...


  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    18 March 2003 13:02:17

    Can someone tell me what I was whining for? I just asked a question, and what I see is some BkD who doesnt know what to say but tries to insult my guild in the first way he could think about. However, I still know some decent guys from BkD, so just can hope they will prevail in the end.

  • Author
    Fiesta [legacy]
    18 March 2003 12:59:10

    i thought rhos was easy enough to huntbreak solo assassin.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    18 March 2003 12:28:51

    well, duh.. I'm not accusing anyone in particular of being a DH alt. I'm just saying that they have their alts in all other guilds of arda (without saying names) and in BkD too. But that's what you'd have guessed already anyways, so just ignore what I'm saying :P

  • Author
    Glifur [legacy]
    18 March 2003 12:22:38

    Ah! :P

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    18 March 2003 12:19:23

    I'm DH

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    18 March 2003 12:19:13

    you missed the '(' ')' brackets, but nevermind

  • Author
    Glifur [legacy]
    18 March 2003 12:16:05

    Yeah, except this was BkD, Anatharn. :P

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    18 March 2003 12:10:30

    Hehe, poor KoDA..

    I really pity you for you are the new target of DH (and all their alts) now. When they were still FRA they were picking on SoU and Meglivornth especially back in the days. At that time you still had your peace and a name with a good reputation. Now DH will slander your name into nothingness.. the closed season is over, but try not to let it destroy your guild.

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    18 March 2003 12:06:41

    Awesome post Utility!

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    18 March 2003 12:03:28

    Bah, spam him with emotes for the purpose of a free kill. If I'd have been Dwain I'd have started a harass log instead of attacked him.

    Classy BkD.

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    18 March 2003 11:57:22

    Geez, he spat at him. I would've attacked ten times over.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    18 March 2003 11:42:04

    My comment did not mean that ALL members of the guild are dishonorable. I was saying that some members in there are one of the most dishonorable, but they don't parade it like the big assholes of the MUD do.

  • Author
    Oiraelen [legacy]
    18 March 2003 11:34:54

    I do not often comment on this page but I will not let someone insult my guild and myself like this. IF you want to say that Rougan is whiny fine. Go ahead. I'll leave it to him to defend himself if he feels the need. I will not however let someone go around calling **ME** dishonourable when they do not even know me. I can generalize about any group I want to but what may or may not be true about the most vocal of a group is not always true about those who don't talk so much or get noticed. If you want to call me dishonourable do it to my face and not in some generalization on some stupid OOC board on the web and I'll be happy to.. discuss it with you.


    p.s. The site is great as is the comment system but the people who post on here make it stupid.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    18 March 2003 11:12:00

    And how the hell do you italicize? I forgot :P

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    18 March 2003 11:11:50

    The KoDA are just the whiniest guild of all aren't they? If anybody attacks our land we will inform the ainur and whine to them until they make you not do it! The most <i>honorable</i> guild in arda and they have the most dishonorable members.

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    18 March 2003 10:34:18

    Azbakhar is of importance, mind you. Anyway, don't attack a dwarf if you're a silly knight.

    HAAHAH. Goodbye -- I'm leaving for about a year.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    18 March 2003 10:11:41

    BkD should really know their place. It is ridiculous to see a little dwarf trying to annoy a knight (and maybe the annoyance fulfilled its mission if it was for a free kill)while their leadership tries to rebuild the ties between the two guilds. Can someone of importance from BkD explain me what tbe hell was that for?

  • Author
    Glifur [legacy]
    18 March 2003 09:30:54

    Ain't that a daisy. :P

  • Author
    Glifur [legacy]
    18 March 2003 09:26:35

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. BkD killing Knights.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    18 March 2003 04:00:57

    Blah, everybody knows Outside Rhosgobel, Fimbu.

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    18 March 2003 03:05:37

    No, I think I'll keep it up here.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 March 2003 02:01:59

    Remove the log, too revealing of a cool place :P

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    18 March 2003 00:44:02

    Shrug damn when i once open my big mouth i cant shut it... Sorry for all the spam peopel... Chuckle