Tuned weapons: Blai tuned the emotes of an elven short sword You miss someone and fall right on your bumm. You pretend to be strong but fail horribly and someone takes minimal damage. You stare at someone and say him that his ugly. You slip and yours blade accidentally slides into someone. You stab wildly and hit someone with the tip of the blade. You whoops and your fall onto someone puncturing a big hole in his toe. You giggle at someone. You almost takes pity on someone but then laugh and forgets that thought. You great ooglie mooglie and Maggie and the Ferocious beast eats someone. Grymlar tuned the emotes of Royal Guard Officer's sword You swear as the sword seems to loose its mind and refuses to hit someone. You smile as the blade nicks someone lightly in the throat. You cheer as the blade digs into someone and leaves a trace of blood. You gleam brightly as the blade smacks someone upside the head. You rear back and slam the point of the blade into someone's chest leaving him visably shaken. You call upon your inner power and drive the blade deep into someone's chest. You swing the blade around faster and faster, then fall upon someone raining down many blows. You leap forward with AMAZING speed and skill, driving the blade clear through someone and withdrawing it with a twist. You unleash the fury of the heavens, or rather hell as you wreak havoc on someone. Therigion tuned the emotes of a grey staff You send tails flying at someone, but they miss their mark. You scratch someone. You snap someone burning flesh and sizzling blood. You hit someone striking and immolating with multiple tails! You hit someone with a horrid crack. You crack someone with tails wrapping and burning. You pummel someone with multiple blows from the staff!. You burn someone with your EVERLASTING rage! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Fillsauron tuned the emotes of a beautiful silvan longsword You smirk in amusement,as you totally miss someone. You slightly touch someone. You colorfully paint  someone a 'Fill'  on the chest. You's sword contact someone ,and all is quiet. You disguise someone's identity,carving a mask on his face with the sword. You look at your sword, and suddenly slashes someone, unaware as his was. You try to miss someone,but inflicts a lot of damage,nevertheless. You smile at someone, and gently bisections you into two halves. You meditate deeply, and then causes the greater damage to someone. Nildnab tuned the emotes of a small knife You burn someone with the FLAMES of ANGBAND! You burn someone with the FLAMES of ANGBAND! You burn someone with the FLAMES of ANGBAND! You burn someone with the FLAMES of ANGBAND! You burn someone with the FLAMES of ANGBAND! You burn someone with the FLAMES of ANGBAND! You burn someone with the FLAMES of ANGBAND! You burn someone with the FLAMES of ANGBAND! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Salival tuned the emotes of a pernicious steel sword You cry on someone shoulder. You scratches someone and fall on your butt muttering "I should stop drinking ...". You eat old cheese, then burp at someone. You bite someone with your unwashed from two years teeths. You fart at someone. Gas attack! You throw several of your eggs at someone. . You poke someone in the eye. You flex like Arnold and smash someone like Terminator(tm)! You wield a shotgun and blast someone's head. Sarys tuned the emotes of a large steel longsword You miss someone. You miss someone. You miss someone. You miss someone. You miss someone hard. You miss someone very hard. You inflict no damage to someone. You miss someone with incredible force! You critically miss someone with decimating force. Glom tuned the emotes of a beautiful, deadly sword forged by Glom You miss someone completely. You scratch someone. You scrape someone with the blade. You pummel someone with the blade. You bash someone in the face making blood flow. You scream and hack someone with the sword opening several wounds. You hack at someone opening a gruesome wound! You eviscerate someone with a desctructive swing, tearing flesh and breaking bones!! You destroy someone sending innards and bloody tissue flying around!!! Salival tuned the emotes of a pernicious steel sword [tuned] You leap in fury at someone, but miss him. You slightly nick someone in the chest. You cut several of someone's fingers. You dance around with your weapon, slashing someone with blows. You skewer someone injuring him badly. You embroider someone's chest with blood. You leap forward and impale someone from end to end. You pierce someone in the lugn, making him cough blood. You beat the crap out of someone. Ash tuned the emotes of a gleaming sword You critically miss someone with decimating force. You critically scratch someone with decimating force. You critically graze someone with decimating force. You critically hit someone with decimating force. You critically hit someone with decimating force. You critically hit someone with decimating force. You critically inflict someone with decimating force. You critically massacre someone with decimating force. You critically hit someone with decimating force. Fimbu tuned the emotes of a crooked runed sword You flirt with someone coyly. You make goo-goo eyes at someone. You feel someone up. You kiss love to someone. You hit someone  hard. You hit someone very hard. You never want to stop loving someone. You drop the sword and hump someone!!! You miss someone. Rhoads tuned the emotes of a standard guard's sword You swing the sword dangerously near someone. You scratch someone's arm. You bruise someone's arm, causing some pain. You cut someone's arm, spilling some blood. You bash someone's face with the hilt of the sword. You destroy someone's flank with the flat part of the blade. You slash someone's chest with the sharp part of the blade! You charge agains't someone, almost severling a limb! You draw the sword PRECISELY across someone's body and TWIST it, causing MASSIVE PAIN! Cliffton tuned the emotes of an elven short sword You attempt to stab someone but fails miserably. You lunge forward barely nicking someone with the blade. You lash out at someone leaving a small cut. You slash someone's arm while yelling for the Ship and Silver Swan! You whip the blade around gashing someone deeply, leaving nasty wounds. You hope for glory as you slash through someone's chest with the pride of a Footman of DA. You wound someone's arm causingexcrutiating pain. Your nearly obliterates someone's with the force of KoDA! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Mirevil tuned the emotes of a beautiful, deadly sword forged by Mirevil You barely miss someone. You cut someone superficially. You poke at someone with difficulty. You thrust into someone, squirting blood. You trash someone, raining blood everywhere. You slash into someone with fury! You cleave someone, inflicting M A S S I V E amounts of damage! You puncture someone in the middle, causing blood to G U S H forth! You D E C I M A T E someone with the U L T I M A T E strike! Natmir tuned the emotes of a pernicious steel sword You miss someone. You cut someone's cheek, drawing a red line. You cut someone's cheek, drawing a red line. You dissever someone. You mangle someone, rending its flesh! You mangle someone, rending its flesh! You cleave someone's abdomen with deep slashes! You ravage someone like a blood-thirsty beast! You destroy someone with a devastating blow to the head. Cliffton tuned the emotes of a sparkling sword You attempt to stab someone but fails miserably. You lunge forward barely nicking someone with the blade. You lash out at someone leaving a small cut. You slash someone's arm while yelling for the Ship and Silver Swan! You whip the blade around gashing someone deeply, leaving nasty wounds. You hope for glory as you slash through someone's chest with the pride of a Footman of DA. You wound someone's arm causing excrutiating pain. You nearly obliterate someone with the force of KoDA! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Elendriel tuned the emotes of a beautiful silvan longsword You daunt someone as the sword slices through the air. You laugh merrily as the sword slides into someone. You strike someone harshly as her face turns stern. You pierce someone's belly with the point of your sword. You raise the blade above her head before dealing someone a cutting blow. You draw a deep breath as she plunges her blade into the chest of someone. You wound someone deeply, letting blood spill upon the ground. Yourtears someone skin apart! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Cliffton tuned the emotes of a sparkling sword You attempt to stab someone but fails miserably. You lunge forward barely nicking someone with the blade. You lash out at someone leaving a small cut. You slash someone's arm while yelling for the Ship and Silver Swan! You whip the blade around gashing someone deeply, leaving nasty wounds. You hope for glory as you slash through someone's chest with the pride of a Footman of DA. You wound someone's arm causing excrutiating pain. You nearly obliterate someone with the force of KoDA! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Cliffton tuned the emotes of a sparkling sword [tuned] You attempt to stab someone but fails miserably. You lunge forward barely nicking someone with the blade. You lash out at someone leaving a small cut. You slash someone's arm while yelling for the Ship and Silver Swan! You whip the blade around gashing someone deeply, leaving nasty wounds. You hope for glory as you slash through someone's chest with the pride of a Footman of DA. You wound someone's arm causing excrutiating pain. You nearly obliterate someone with the force of KoDA! You critically hit someone with decimating force. Gazza tuned the emotes of a sailor's cutlass You miss someone miserably with an untrained swing. You nick someone's arm with a poorly aimed attack. You scrape the blade across someone's body, leaving a trail of blood. You cut someone neatly, with great finesse. You slam the sword into someone, bringing forth gouts of blood! You charge at someone, twisting the blade inside him! You ravage someone with a flurry of well-aimed blows. You devastate someone with a dazzling display of speed and agility!! You punish someone for straying from the Light!!! Mortis tuned the emotes of a heavy battleaxe You swing the axe, nicking someone. You clumsily scrape someone with the heavy axe. You punch someone with the haft of axe. You lacerate someone's arm with the cruel axe. You imbed the axe in someone's chest. You sever muscle in someone with blindin fury! You inflict deadly wounds to someone like an angry god! You slash someone over and over like a cylone! You scream with battle furry and shred someone with the might of Tulkas! Fredd tuned the emotes of a beautiful, deadly sword forged by Fredd You merfifully let someone live for another round. You tickle someone. You draw a F with shallow cuts on someone's body. You inflict several wounds to someone's body. You play tic tac toe with someone. You critically win the tic tac toe, making someone feel down. You slice someone making a nice snack. You kick someone's balls.OUCH!!!! You make a jigsaw with someone's body. (5000 pieces). Boffo tuned the emotes of a sharp, serrated blade Removed from the game by Ghorin. You miss someone. You molest someone. You abuse someone depriving him of his dignity. You flog someone like a Dominatrix wielding a whip. You penetrate someone opening an obscene new orifice. You tear someone open like a Virgin touched for the very first time. You sodomize the wounds in someone and says Are you feeling me now, Bee-yatch? You ravish someone like a Priest on an Alter Boy. You thoroughly molest someone without ANY lubrication, causing TOTAL humiliation! Kharash tuned the emotes of a malevolent sword You rehearse the 'wax on - wax off!' move to impress someone. You grab someone's arm and twist it in his back, that hurts! You punch someone with a flurry of blows! You swing your flat hand at someone, chopping him in the throat! You spin around and sweep someone's legs while screaming 'Wakano-Takano!'. You distract someone with impressive hands gestures, then suddenly knee him in the groin! You pull up a fantastic jumpkick at someone, who fall back on his bum! You grab someone's chest and swing him flying over your schoulder, watching him land on the ground like a heavy potato sack! You loudly scream the deadly 'KAI' word, leaving someone agonizing! Cliffton tuned the emotes of a sapphire sword You clench the sword tightly but miss someone. You lunge too far and barely scratch someone. You attempt to slash someone but merely graze him. You dash forward and manage to hit someone with savagery. You hit someone very hard sending him crashing to the floor into his own puddle of BLOOD. You hit someone very hard sending snot FLYING! You massacre someone causing bits of FLESH to fall to the floor. You inflict massave damage as you slide the blade into someone with no remorse. You critically hit someone with decimating force. Ronin tuned the emotes of a beautiful, deadly sword forged by Ronin You miss someone with a poorly-aimed swing. You nick someone slightly, making he laugh at your feeble efforts. You slap someone with the flat of the blade, causing minor swelling. You stab someone with a quick thrust. You deftly reverse your blade and bash someone over the forehead with the pommel of the sword. You raise the sword high above your head and drive it deep into someone's shoulder with devastating force. You plunge the blade with all your might deep into someone's chest and twist it violently, causing devastating internal damage. You slice the blade deep into someone's neck, splattering blood across your chest. You critically hit someone with decimating force. Kameuh tuned the emotes of a backwards sword You Fumble the sword creating an opening for someone. You strike someone with the sword causing little damage. You slice someone with the Sword, creating a THIN RED LINE. You dice with a flourish leaving a Z cut into someone's cheek. You moves with a swift catlike demenor,and thrust the sword deep into someone's lung! You sever someone's spinal column with a disturbing display of true swordsmanship. You roll to the left, slicing open someone's stomach and exposing entrails. You puke as the sword exposes brain causing someone's blood to spray into your open mouth. You glow in a pale light before you shout KAMEHAMEHA Suddenly there is a ball of lightning exploding through someone's chest! Sunflash tuned the emotes of Royal Guard Officer's sword You let fly with a Shoebox, barely missing someone. You flick the Shoebox at someone, leaving a nasty bruise. You fling the Shoebox wildly at someone, yet does little damage. You smack someonewith the Shoebox, causing disgusting red welts and bruises. You slam the Shoebox into someone, breaking bones! You crush someone with the Shoebox, grinding their bones down. You whale on someone, dishing out massive damage with his Shoebox. You shatter every single bone in someone's body with the almighty Shoebox! You annhilate someone with his mighty Shoebox, dealing out a storm of decimating blows! Ierod tuned the emotes of a nasty looking sword You try to tickle someone with a feather, but only manages to wave up air. You briefly feather someone and giggle. You tickle someone with a duster. You nearly tickle someone to death. You tickle someone incessantly, making him fall over in laughter hitting his head on a stone. You tickle someone very hard with a rough piece of sandpaper. You tickle someone to death, making him bleed out of his ears. You tickle someone with all your four hands, making him faint dead away. You critically tickle someone with decimating display of quick hands. Jonnee tuned the emotes of an elven short sword You swing your shining sword wildly in the air, trying to hit someone. You scratch someone. You slice someone. You drive your sword into someone, hurting his leg. You slash someone in the stomach, making he scream in pain. You brutally stab someone in the chest, making blood to flow. You swing a powerful blow into someone, leaving serious wounds! You massacre someone brutally, making the elven blade RED!!! You summon a power to the sword and decimate someone with a blue strike of lightning! Thessaly tuned the emotes of a beautiful, deadly sword forged by Thessaly You grumble as the sword dance past someone's face like a hobbit drag queen flouncing his skirts. You toss the sword expertly from hand to hand, giving someone a haircut like a miniature poodle. You snip the buttons off someone's trousers, causing he to trip and graze your knee quite badly! You poke someone in the tummy, forcing he to grab his belly and make a comincal noise. You  smack,poke someone upside the head and  him in the eyes with your fingers. You  move,look the sword in a blur of motion and redesigns someone's nose like Jennifer Anniston's! You  hop like a bunny rabbit and ensures that someone will never be able to breed like one. You  find,dig someone's old high school photos and mocks him so cuttingly he  his own eyes out with the tip of his weapon! You  blame, someone for the situation in Iraq! Feris tuned the emotes of a lotta-tailed whip You send the whip past someone, cracking the air around he. You crack someone on his hand, causing a grimace of pain. . You clip someone in the face, causing a drop of blood to build up. You whip someone hard. You pummel someone with the handle of the whip. You mangle someone with many tails! You choke someone with the whip, and he starts to turn blue! You wrap someone with tails, ripping flesh from bones! You  wHiP someone into submission!