Regarding comments.

Posted by
Gnork [legacy]
24 March 2003 00:00:00



  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    05 April 2003 15:12:21

    Date: 14. Sep, 2002, 19:26:02By: Denezar

    Yes Vittorio, and its interesting how someone can be hated by 99% of the mud, be a corpselooter and all around bastard, and then make a new character, help a few people in some pks and be everyone's best friend.

  • Author
    Cogline [legacy]
    28 March 2003 19:31:28

    It is my opinion that people who do 'lose control over themselves', as someone phrased it, are really exposing themselves and are to be pittied. Nevertheless, old Cogline has had many a laugh reading the flaming debates and the often very, in my opinion, creative flaming insults. Something I would not like to be without. Those who deserve respect are usually those who resist the temptation to flame or, when deciding to go into a verbal combat, do so with grace and excellence. We, who read this logpage, see and learn a lot about a character and the person behind the character, through the subtle msg a comment provides. I therefore move to stronlgy urge this house to strongly oppose this sad motion but fourth by Mr. Gnork.

    /Cogline, old fashioned

  • Author
    Glifur [legacy]
    27 March 2003 18:07:27

    Hey Reyhan, why try to get Streak to leave his inn. He's never on anyways, thank god.

  • Author
    Reyhan [legacy]
    27 March 2003 16:46:05

    Streak, your a fuckwit. Grow some balls and fucking leave your inn then you can talk as much shit as you want.

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    27 March 2003 02:17:23

    Reyhan: I'll post as many times as I feel like posting until the styles work properly.

  • Author
    Reyhan [legacy]
    26 March 2003 23:59:26

    Wow, I guess I see Nicu's point about only 10% of comments actually pertaining to the log itself.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    26 March 2003 21:24:33

    That's actually pretty damn clever :P

    I'm copying that one for my own personal use.

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    26 March 2003 19:16:05

    Good one, Bakal

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    26 March 2003 15:31:10

    Haha, like the last 4 comments or so reminded me of this fight between some brainiac girl and some basketball stud at my school.

    The basketball stud was talking to shit to her for some reason and she said: 'I will not enter a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed.'

    Zing? ZING!

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    26 March 2003 13:44:44

    Like anyone cares, Tarith.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    26 March 2003 13:37:41

    If you desire proof of this, I will send you some manuscripts and end this war of words right now. Otherwise, I think our conversation has ended.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    26 March 2003 13:27:51

    Do not challenge my education Linna, my grasp of the English language is far beyond your years.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    26 March 2003 12:22:24

    Free me? I dont give a shit. Powers come and go. Any moron with some free time and the ability to suck up can become one. THe only god i will ever respect is the one who has the self control to always be invis (But NOGO if gods are forced to be invis all the time then no one will want to be a god). The last thing i want is you guys to try to help me. I only brought it up to illustrate a point not to get free.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    26 March 2003 12:18:48

    free willy

  • Author
    Varazon [legacy]
    26 March 2003 11:51:03

    Free Nogo? Where? Btw why cant we get a chat room *whines*

  • Author
    Reyhan [legacy]
    26 March 2003 10:13:30

    streak, stop being a fucking dumbass and posting the same shit 2 times. I have seen like 5 logs now with streak posting the same god damn thing 2 or even 3 comments in a row...

    FREE NOGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Author
    Linna [legacy]
    26 March 2003 09:49:33

    Tarith, you dumbass, he said using swear words shows bad english. An insult is an insult whether it has swear words or not. He didn't say insults that weren't made painfully clear to you were bad, just that using a swear word was. I call you a dumbass cause you don't know what you're talking about, I made my own informed opinion. Try grabbing a dictionary or completing higher edecation. :p

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    26 March 2003 07:55:59

    //I disagree, people who swear all the time to me seem like a bunch of 14 year old kids who have just learned the word 'fuck' and wants to use it for everything they can to look cool.//


  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    26 March 2003 07:55:18

    //Date: 25. Mar, 2003, 19:08:59 By: Rhoads

    I disagree, people who swear all the time to me seem like a bunch of 14 year old kids who have just learned the word 'fuck' and wants to use it for everything they can to look cool.



  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    26 March 2003 02:25:14

    At any rate, if people have pro's or cons for the suggestion of limiting the scope of the comments, and requesting other conversations go to the forums, you can .. post about it in the Log'o'mania forum, or contact us by mail.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    26 March 2003 01:11:19

    You people are talking about removing comments, or did you not read the log and just go straight to comments Rhoads?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 March 2003 00:49:17

    Who was saying anything about removing swearing or language filters? what was just said is that sometimes it only makes the 'swearer' look dumb.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    26 March 2003 00:14:07

    Oh yeah, the jailing of Nogothrim for that is in poor poor taste.


    Altogether now.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    26 March 2003 00:07:57

    For the sake of the uneducated, I present this idea to you: Why not create a word-filter that would catch curse words and the like. Not to remove them, oh no no no, but to give the visiter 2 options under their account profile. 1) The normal, cool people would just see the page as normal with all those interesting flames still roaring away. 2) You pacifists whom are doomed at your fear of words, would see an edited page where when they visited the comments section would not see posts that had those words on it.

    I see this really as the only balanced way of keeping both camps happy, other then one side taking a fascist stance and promoting that everything be changed to suit their mild needs. I like the flaming, on off days it gives me something to laugh at. I don't even read the logs unless someone I know is dying in it, or unless I read the comments and there is some bragging or complaining about the workings of that log.

    Anyways, grow up people. I don't like commercials on TV, but you don't see me inciting a riot to have them removed do you?

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    25 March 2003 23:38:56

    Linna, you fail to understand what was being said, curse words certainly can be used to emphasize an argument, but a curse word alone is merely an insult without valid point behind them. Thus calling you a fucking idiot would mean nothing if I didnt point out your ignorance!

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    25 March 2003 22:35:28

    Alright, I would like to address a few of the points that are being made in this thread.

    First, the site is not (as you all know) an official part of The Two Towers, but we still have some of the //rules// that apply to the two towers, such as no alt info etc.

    I don't know if people are punished on the mud for what they say here, and it's not my fault if they do. Draugluin handles that, and I am never told, asked or otherwise involved.

    Second, I agree that comments now a-days are 80% flaming and 10% other posts.. and then the last 10% are comments to the log. As Muaddib stated earlier, we are thinking about restricting comments to be just that -- comments to logs, not other discussions.

    The forum would be a good place to take such things, but please observe that rules also apply there, ie. it's still not allowed to share alt info or to flame or spam excessively.

    Third, the indentation that some people are complaining about, probably arises from not knowing how input fields work in a browser. When you write something, you should //not// press enter until you are at the end of a paragraph.

    What is considered a paragraph? Well, I am not here to repeat school information, but it's pretty much up to yourselves. Whenever there is a logical break in the text, it could be considered a pragraph. That's where you press enter one or more times, not before.


  • Author
    Reyhan [legacy]
    25 March 2003 19:55:41

    Some of you guys have some stupid ass arguements. Point 1 is that this page is not an official part of the Mud. People need to deal with that. Second, Nogo is the man. He tells it like it is. I mean come on now. Since the day i started mudding, this page has always been a place to randomly (or not so randomly) flame someone. Fuck changing the page, Fuck anyone who thinks this page should be changed, and Fuck Gnork for starting this fucking pointless arguement.

    (or as you illiterate bastards who think that swearing is bad would say it: Golly jee, I really think this page shouldn't change. Its a groovy place to talk out problems in a civilized manner.)

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    25 March 2003 19:18:05

    Leave the comments section alone.Where else can we find the pleasure of spam and flame otherwise?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 March 2003 19:08:59

    I disagree, people who swear all the time to me seem like a bunch of 14 year old kids who have just learned the word 'fuck' and wants to use it for everything they can to look cool.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 March 2003 18:32:14

    The only thing swearing does is help get ones point across. If someone says: 'I'm mad.' You know they're mad, but if someone says: 'I'm mother fucking pissed off!' Then you know they're really mad. Point made? I think so.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    25 March 2003 16:29:33

    The people use swear-words don't have a grasp of the language myth is pretty annoying. On the other hand, so is excessive cursing :)

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    25 March 2003 15:15:27

    sime, don't insult someone's english when you suck at it yourself

  • Author
    Linna [legacy]
    25 March 2003 13:35:12

    Saying english professor's don't swear? I think you are wrong.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    25 March 2003 12:35:23

    Linna using swear words only shows that they are bad at english, nothing else, Swear words are not used if you know other words that explain stuff better.

  • Author
    Sime [legacy]
    25 March 2003 12:32:18

    I agree with Gnork, the comment part is 70% harassing comments.

    Should be removed.

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    25 March 2003 09:46:04

    How about making the comments so only the person who posted the log can read the comments. That way you can make comments to the person who posted the log an flame him, but nobody else?

  • Author
    Linna [legacy]
    25 March 2003 09:10:26

    Why does everyone think curse words devalue the meaning of a person's arguement? The people who think that are the ones that are wrong and are trying to find something to cling on to so that they can believe they are right. I'd prefer those people to either sling mud back or to come up with valid points. Not moan about the other person's choice of words.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    25 March 2003 05:14:46

    Yeah, there's only so much you can say about the log itself. I read the comments to learn the circumstances around the death, whether it's vengeance for something, just a random kill, or whatever. Juicy tidbits like that.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 March 2003 04:28:55

    Uh, yeah. What Caber said awhile back! Bitches! Nogo is the man... that's about it.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    25 March 2003 03:18:55

    there is more to this mud then figuring out alts and flaming people?

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    25 March 2003 03:15:56

    Nogothrim-Can't say I agree with all your points, but I admire the passionate stance from your end.

    As for what I would like to see change: I like to read arguments instead of insult...use some intelligence before you speak, simply calling someone a 'fag' or to 'fuck off' is as much an insult to yourself as it is to the individual.

    peace mofos

  • Author
    Gilf [legacy]
    25 March 2003 03:13:24

    Not to mention really boring..

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    25 March 2003 03:05:29

    As Talan stated, People do get in trouble for posting alt info.

    As for 'excessive insane flaming', People do get in trouble for flaming on this log page. I'm still imprisoned for flaming Draugluin.

    So people ALREADY get punished for posting alt info and for 'excessive insane flaming'. If you clowns are thinking about putting FURTHER restrictions on what people can and cant say you are gonna screw up. This logpage is not dangerous to the mud, figuring out alts and talking trash with enemies has been around and will be around forever. This logpage merely provides a popular forum for what otherwise would be occuring elsewhere. OH YEAH! you wanna protect all the young queers out there from reading cuss words. Gimmie a fucking break *rotfl*

    Who the FUCK wants to read comments like: 'Nice kill.' or 'Nice solo, Theo' ????? Either destroy the comments section all together or dont do a damn thing to it. Anything in between will be a fucking travesty IMO.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    25 March 2003 01:31:59

    I think the point was missed here about the comments that someone earlier made: It's not a matter of just 'not clicking', as Muaddib noted (sorta) with his idea about changing the rules, people SHOULD be able to read comments and not have to deal with mp info, excessively insane flaming, etc. Your suggestion of 'don't like the inappropriate stuff, go away' is akin to me suggesting that if you don't like someone harassing you or cheating to kill you repeatedly, quit logging on. While that might be a solution that stops you from being harassed, and your enemy from cheating, its hardly a good solution.

  • Author
    Reyhan [legacy]
    25 March 2003 01:29:10

    In response to Leander. IF that were the case, this wouldn't be an 'unofficial' log page but an official one. By its being unofficial, to me, it means that the rules assosciated to the mud do not always pertain here.

    again, just my 2 sense.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    25 March 2003 01:28:58

    Hehe.. and then a whine/flame-filter to ignore messages from those groups of people? Although I know from experience that ignoring //some// messages in a thread is pretty confusing.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    25 March 2003 00:42:23

    You know what would be fun? If the administration could put little animations next to commenrters. They can have some flames for the flamers, a little face crying for the whiners, and so on. Just a thought for future updates!

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    25 March 2003 00:15:05

    Actually Gnork is talking out of his ass.

    Powers already do warn people for posting alt information on this page. I've been warned by Draugluin for it.

    So taking that out of the equation, theres no reason for moving the flame wars to the comm.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    24 March 2003 23:16:09

    Making quest info pages is a nukable offense, so why shouldn't mp info in comments be punishable too?

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    24 March 2003 22:58:23

    And by the way people should also stop replying to earlier comments towards them with other characters giving away themselves.

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    24 March 2003 22:58:03

    Leander, I guess that would be the best. But it is not gonna happen I think. This log site is not an official part of the mud as far as I know. Also, it would give people behind this site unfair advantages and power. It is not gonna happen. And caber, i know the flaming on the main comm... it's not gonna happen... people would get warnings or maybe nukes for sharing alt information with the main comm... bum bum. Nicuramar, please remove it.

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    24 March 2003 22:54:21

    I think the only problem with the comment section is the give away of alt information. And the solution of a problem like that is pretty simple. Make a closer connection between the admins from T2T and those of this log page, and thereby make mudrules for sharing alt info to also apply here.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    24 March 2003 22:25:58

    Is it still considered flaming if its true?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    24 March 2003 22:10:35

    There are so many other things to do to vent out anger, Caber. I agree with Etrius on this one though. It can be really funny to watch people go 'Ooh, fuck you! I'll own you anywhere if it wasn't for ...', and then the other countering, etc. Can't we all just get along?

    No! We can't! Die Kilth! Go to hell! Stupid fuckwit knownothing!

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    24 March 2003 20:27:03

    Borkaz, I didn't say it like that. Were you around when the comm was active and the log archive wasn't? That's just what would happen. Someone would go 'legend whoever,' and then people would either be like 'haha, nice gangbang, losers' or 'Haha, that prick is finally dead!' or whatever, and then the entire contents of one of these comment threads would be played out on the comm. It doesn't matter if you think it's mature or not, and people aren't going to go 'Oh, wait, Borkaz says we shouldn't vent on the comm, so I guess I'll just stop doing what people have done for the past few years.' That's just how it goes, man. It's healthy for people to have a forum to let their anger out. Again I say: if you don't want to read it, nobody is forcing you too, but that doesn't mean you should try to act all high and mighty and preach to everyone about dignity and respect. When playerkilling turns into a thing where people get killed, revive, laugh, and shake their killer's hand, then maybe you'll be right. Until then, it's just how it is. *shrug* Take away the comments and it's back on the comm, whether it has the 'Borkaz seal of approval' or not.

  • Author
    Reyhan [legacy]
    24 March 2003 19:56:06

    Wheeee, Fiesta wuvs me too! Ok, after reading all the comments, why not turn this into a forum discussions Gnork? I mean you of all people should know to do that by now

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    24 March 2003 19:42:18

    The comm isnt made for flaming, so isnt this site. So it's not: 'Hey if I can't flame here, then I'll do it on the comm. It's neither here or on the comm, imo.

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    24 March 2003 19:40:16

    Gnork is totally right.

    All the flaming is totally childish in my opinion. If you cannot adress someone with some dignity (OOC AND IC) and start to flame, then you have lost control of yourself, of using your brains and of your ability to get respect from alot of players, I think.

    Some of the comments are totally not-done and not mature.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    24 March 2003 19:40:05

    I agree with Talan 100%. Pkilling is pkilling, and someone's always going to be pissed off when it happens. Where would you rather have them venting their rage? On the comm, like they used to, or here, where you don't have to read it if you don't want to? Nobody is forcing you to click the link to read comments on a log, and if you think you're above all the flaming and it's just too immature for you, then maybe you should have the self-control not to click the links. It just makes good sense.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    24 March 2003 19:21:19

    I agree with Bakal. The silly flaming and idiotic comments are what gives this site its charm.

    I doubt I would visit as much if the comments sections were removed.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    24 March 2003 18:57:27

    Gnork... go to hell? Leave the comments. It's what makes this page worth visiting nowadays.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    24 March 2003 17:21:42

    Reyhan may have saved his own life by commenting and saying that the other guy started combat...if he didn't say it, someone else may have killed him for it. :)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    24 March 2003 16:59:06

    So what? Who cares what people think anyways?

  • Author
    Fiesta [legacy]
    24 March 2003 16:16:23

    example why shouldnt comments be removed:

    at the log qurage (or whatever his name is) showed it like reyhan was a newbiekiller and complete asshole.

    after that reyhan commented that qurage attacked him first and fireballed him so he had a friend to hunt and didnt know his level.

    if he couldnt comment that people would think he was a newbie killer

    (no personal feelings about that log just made an example)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 March 2003 14:05:42


  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 March 2003 13:56:31

    Gnork, such things can get you killed you know:P

  • Author
    Jackal [legacy]
    24 March 2003 13:17:49

    I dont know Linna but,I agree

    FREEDOM!!! ;)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    24 March 2003 12:54:56

    I agree totally

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    24 March 2003 11:32:22

    A very good example of what I speak is the spartan log.

    They are already talking about ass fucking etc.

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    24 March 2003 11:30:17

    and line wrapping go to hell!

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    24 March 2003 11:29:54

    It may not be clear to you, but anyone can post what they like and

    they cannot be punished on the mud for doing so as this log site

    is not an official part of the mud. And people are doing what they like. Constantly doing things here that would get them nuked on the

    real mud. I agree, the log page is a good initiative but the possibility to post comments to each log should be removed. We gain

    nothing from it, except for alt information, flames, and lameness.

    The discussion board and rating system are fine, but remove the god

    damn comments on the logs :P

  • Author
    Varazon [legacy]
    24 March 2003 10:11:56

    Ooh chat room chat room!

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    24 March 2003 09:58:42

    What would I do without the comments section? ;)

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    24 March 2003 08:57:34

    The new idea me and Nicu were working on to try and fix the drifting comment subjects is to tighten the rules regarding comments. By that meaning that the comments to a log should only be about the log and should net be destructive.

    If people want to discuss how Muaddib is a lame idler who stays in his inn room all day and only kills in 5 man gangs. They can make a forum with that topic so people who doesnt want to read it can avoid it.

    We were actually discussing a chat room and private messages for the site users. But as you all see, that would just be insane :-)

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    24 March 2003 07:15:00

    If you remove this then people will just flame each other on the comm...which is worse?

  • Author
    Linna [legacy]
    24 March 2003 07:13:56

    If you don't like the comments, try not reading them instead of trying to get rid of it, which ruins fun for other people, You punk. :p

  • Author
    Deragor [legacy]
    24 March 2003 06:39:02

    If people didn't flame every little thing, comments would be fine. But since it doesn't work like that, I agree with it being removed..

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    24 March 2003 06:33:07

    Until we can all gather around for a kick-boxing tourney (which, as we all know, settles all disputes), this is the best way to take out aggression on each other!

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    24 March 2003 06:28:40're a product of your own wants and needs. :P And I have to agree...yes, the comments are a bit off the wall. But I think it's good, because it's letting people get aggression out. And it's fun to read. :P And good point to it leading to all of the subthreads.

  • Author
    Reyhan [legacy]
    24 March 2003 06:16:44

    I have mixxed feelings about this. On the one hand you can't openly say 'hey this log sucked! don't post htis kinda crap again' or even ' hey man sweet job. i why don't you do blah next time?'... but on the other hand taking out the comments will just lead to people bashing on eachother on the forums with billions of thread and subthreads running off eachother making a giant jumble of garbage that could have all been avoided by people posting comments that pertain to logs rather than say alt info.

    like usual, disregard the lack of english skills. I am a product of Bush's fine academic programs

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    24 March 2003 06:13:44

    Seems logical and accurate.

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    24 March 2003 05:57:11

    He's also right as well as being righ.

  • Author
    Crion [legacy]
    24 March 2003 05:56:50

    Although comments are fun, Gnork is righ.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    24 March 2003 05:35:23

    Nice solo.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    24 March 2003 01:36:30

    This didn't really need to be a log, but in any case I agree... Though, the comments from those who can't keep their testosterone under control can provide some good entertainment when you're bored ;-)