RP Battle at Dol Amroth

Posted by
Durad [legacy]
25 March 2003 00:00:00

My client doesn't support color =( Cool read though!


  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    28 March 2003 16:35:01

    No no. DH are not woses. DH's group are a different group. :P And I'm being serious. They look upon those dunlendings who surrendered as traitors, and they were never a part of Saruman's plan. They are tribes from all over Dunland in Western Rohan together, with one leader, to kill the eorling King and retake their land.

    And I may be a little bit off, but it's what I remember from reading their theme.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    28 March 2003 05:15:30

    I don't remember Anatharn. I'm confused. Hold me?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 March 2003 03:54:47

    They were some short people, not dunlendings I believe.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    28 March 2003 03:17:48

    Hmm.. are you really sure that Ghan buri ghan and his tribe, the woses people, are dunlendings? Gotta align him next time I see him..

    They're humans, that's for sure, but I thought they were some different race, neither dunedain, nor eorling, nor dunlending.

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    28 March 2003 01:35:51


    The Dunlendings were raiding Edoras because Saruman (Charismatic manipulator that he is) convinced them that the land was rightfully theirs and that the Riders of Rohan were evil and had to be destroyed. The Dunlendings were familiar with the Rider's habit of torching enemy corpses after a battle, but Saruman convinced them that the Riders were actually burning captives ALIVE.

    After the battle of Helm's Deep, however, Gandalf and Theoden met with the chief of the pukhel men, Ghan buri Ghan. Theoden conceded that some of the lands did in fact belong to them, and gave them back to the tribes. In return, Ghan buri Ghan lead the Riders around Sauron's ambush, and down to the Pelennor fields.

    I guess Direkein's group is two or three days behind the rest of the mud, but that's OK. News travells slowly or something.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    28 March 2003 00:59:09

    I'm not sure either, I don't remember reading too deeply into the Saruman issue...I think it's right, but not 100% correct. Anyone know?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 March 2003 17:21:54

    If that is correct, then i stand corrected :)

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    27 March 2003 16:56:55

    Saruman lusted for the one ring. Saruman wanted power. Saruman controlled the dunlendings himself, as he had swayed them with his own speech. In fact, I think (am not sure) that the dunlendings didn't know of Sauron at all.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    27 March 2003 16:10:44

    Actually I think this was exactly what Sauron promised the dunlendings that followed him, Delgaur. He told them that if they helped to battle the eorlings and gondor they would - as a reward - regain what has always rightfully belonged to them anways.. control over edoras.

    Wether they should have 'known better' not to trust Sauron I dunno. They didn't have much of a choice anyways but I even think that they were convinced that Sauron would keep his promise. After all, there were others who were corrupted by and fell for Sauron's lies before.. (the numenors / Saruman / .. )

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 March 2003 13:37:23

    'They picked up 2 Daen Hecil also fighting against Edoras (to represent the dunlendings in gaining back their lands) '

    That sounds strange to me Fimbu....Surley you would not want Sauron to have control over Edoras? The Dunlendings of all should know he would never let you claim that land as your own :)

    Just a thought - though i agree with you parting from a playabilty pop since you both 'Evil' guilds

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 March 2003 13:34:22

    the Rangers walked far and wide over arda, knowing no permanent home,

    seeking only to aid the weak

    Your turning into the Eruhini :p

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    27 March 2003 05:55:02

    go exist, mofo

  • Author
    Trigger [legacy]
    27 March 2003 01:37:45

    too many people abused you for a pin cushion. go die/quit/corpseloot

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    27 March 2003 00:25:14

    What drugs are you on, Bakal? :P Screw Direkein! Too many people abused his head for a toilet.

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    26 March 2003 23:45:12

    Our original orders were to scout the passes ahead of the

    Fellowship. Now we have set up an outpost at Elrond?s direction,

    guarding the route between Lothlorien and Rivendell. In keeping

    with our ranger tradition, we roam Arda freely, seeking out the

    evil of Mordor wherever it hides. We defend no specific area,

    rather we seek out known spots of enemy involvement. We fight

    evil at the doorstep of Lothlorien, at the Woodhall of Gildor,

    the dark fortress of Dol Guldur, and occasionally as far south

    as Edoras and South Gondor. However, we are ever watchful for

    wherever evil may appear.

    So here we are. sitting outside lothlorien, in the shadow of the Misty

    Mountains, wondering what we are to do with ourselves. well, when

    this theme was settled on, we had envisioned that we would not so much

    IGNORE loth as refuse to allow ourselves to be CONFINED to loth.

    the Rangers walked far and wide over arda, knowing no permanent home,

    seeking only to aid the weak and to oppose sauron wherever he exerted

    his strength, whether in direct combat or by discovering his hidden

    places and destroying them as they could. These are goals that VC have

    always held, and we dont feel that they are limited to ranger, dunedain,

    elf, dwarf, or warrior. or any other race or profession. so when alkath learns of a good way to defeat the vile Watcher in the Water, that is in our theme. When fingondor mentors a newbie, that is in our theme. When reeth and calenril roam mordor and slay the officers of sauron, that is in our theme. when we go to the aid of the Lady of the Wood, or to the Riders of Rohan, that is in our theme. when we pursue those in the game who abuse the young and the weak, that is in our theme. And lord knows, when we chug sour like there was no tomorrow, that is in our theme.


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    26 March 2003 20:22:42

    Direkein is the man. The rest of you can shut the fuck up.

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    26 March 2003 20:03:26

    Paranoid of what Glifur? Turning the MUD into a dumb fucking style of play? yeah, I am.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    26 March 2003 16:30:50

    As for Amruin's theme...there isn't really much that COULDN'T pass inspections. :P I mean, we're all moral. We don't kill morals. The only thing that could be wrong is that we take all races, and all professions (I personally don't agree to that one. I don't believe a thieves should be allowed.) As for races...we let in all. Humans mainly, and we accept SOME dwarves, hobbits, and elves. Why? Theoden King befriended a hobbit, Merry, himself. Now, hobbits are rarely seen in Eastern Arda, and speaking in character, we shouldn't even know they're hobbits (unless told otherwise) but instead think they're children. As for elves, was it not Legolas who, in the books, tamed a horse of Rohan and almost immediately began riding it? For dwarves...I don't neccessarily totally agree with it. But so long as Gimli is a friend of Rohan, I don't see why -not-...I mean, if you're going to complain about us having elves who are as good horse riders as dunedain, then why don't WE complain about Daen Hecil having eorlings? :P Because the eorlings are helping you? I thought you were killing the forgoil here. I think this is my last comment for a while, and please, no flames. :P

  • Author
    Glifur [legacy]
    26 March 2003 09:24:07

    Gawd, Direkein seems paranoid. :P

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    26 March 2003 09:08:25

    Direkein, I didn't point that out to in any way bash you or call you ignorant for not knowing. I pointed it out so people would know the facts. Just like you pointed out lots of things in your comment.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    26 March 2003 02:20:40

    It should be pointed out that if we're fighting VC, KoDA, and Amruin and freelancers all at Dol Amroth, it's unreasonable to expect the 3 DH members, or the 4 SoU members online to fight them alone. Anyway, I found the circumstances leading up to this event completely thematic. SoU were destroying edoras, claiming Middle Earth for Sauron and moved on to smash Gondor. They picked up 2 Daen Hecil also fighting against Edoras (to represent the dunlendings in gaining back their lands) and 2 Udungul on the way (emissaries from Sauron's vanguard to their obvious allies). I understand that Tolkien is not all good and evil, Dirk, but that doesn't mean alliances were impossible.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 March 2003 00:45:25

    Will do so :P

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    26 March 2003 00:19:01

    I do not doubt that you know every single line of your theme off by heart, Rhoads. But please spare us the reading :P I seriously doubt that it's THAT interesting for the rest of us here ;)

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    26 March 2003 00:17:18

    Will someone please explain to me how VC keeps getting dragged into these discussions when we've not even said anything? :-p

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 March 2003 23:46:45

    I would post our theme doc if needed, but some guilds like to 'keep most of their theme secrets' so they can trash talk others and when trash talked be able to say 'you dont know about our theme so shove it'.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    25 March 2003 23:35:25

    everyone's themes should be posted somewhere in one forum, so that if anyone has anything to say about it, they know where to look first before making themselves out to be asses!

  • Author
    Guilherme [legacy]
    25 March 2003 23:24:14

    Well, just like most of DH said when changed theme, 'dont say about something you dont know!' :) Valacirca isn't an elven guild and is not located in Lothlorien. Do a find on one, I bet you wont see Lothlorien on it. Most of the guild must be dunedain or ranger, not elves, although they are accepted. The theme review already changed Valacirca (remember? it used to be near Dawyin). Galadhrim is the elven group that defends Lothlorien and im sure they wont accept dunedains. What Jiread said is right, they are part of Dunedains of North.

  • Author
    Apeture [legacy]
    25 March 2003 23:15:53

    I'm moral, there sapphires were all broken!

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    25 March 2003 22:30:30

    Hrm, going back to the log i like how the evils have both mels and sob at this fight, adds a tasty unbalance to the whole ordeal.

    Of course I'm sure they had enough sapphies to counter that. (if they had any ounce of sense that is.)

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    25 March 2003 22:27:03

    Holy Shit, Jiread...call me ignorant. Seriously, I have always assumed that the Valacirca was a guild based upon the elves of Lothlorien. I had no idea that they were the 'Rangers from the Northwest Area of Arda who had found favor in the eyes of Galadriel, the Valacirca quickly evolved into a community of tree-dwellers of all noble professions and races united to spread the Light of Justice to all those in Darkness.'

    So let me get this right...The Valacirca are 'ALL noble races' living in the trees of the Golden Wood (a place that in the books that I read at least were very protective towards having whoever-and-their-dog walking through, much less taking up residence), that exist now (as adopted sons) to defend Caras Galadon whether they be elves, dunedain, dunlendings, or whatever. Yes Jiread, that sounds perfectly thematic and in accordance with the books to me as well. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

    Man, with friends like Jiread, who needs enemies? Can you say 'Theme Review'?

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    25 March 2003 21:51:15

    Hey Direkein, VC ain't elves. VC are Dunedain of the North. And in the book a couple of Aragorn pal Dunedain's of the North came to Rohan/Pelennor Fields.

    VC has a perfectly 'thematical Tolkien book reason' to aid Amruin.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    25 March 2003 21:08:58

    Woh. I just got overshadowed by Direkein's post. Lemme go read that.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    25 March 2003 21:07:43

    DH...let me see if I remember right. Dunlendings, you do not do dealings with orcs. Now, I'm quoting as good as I can recall from your (DH's) website. You just want your lands back, (West and Eastern) Rohan that were wrongly taken from you and given to the eorlings from the dunedain of Gondor. Right? And you do not like Sauron or his forces, and you have no dealings with his orcs...or other races. I'm going on faded memory of it now. :P But, here you are, partying with Sauron's personal servants (SoU) and his easterlings (Udungul). I like!

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    25 March 2003 21:04:49

    My feelings towards Erebor protecting Edoras has absolutely nothing to do with geographical differences, so whoever has started that rumor or stated it, can get it outta their heads.

    I would not encourage SoU, CoU, or Udungul to join me in raiding parties against various cities. Has it happened with other members of my guild? It's apparent that it has. I highly doubt it happens to the degree of VC assisting in Edoras or the like, but I'm really not interested in debating over how many times something like this has happened.

    I just want to offer my reasoning on why I'd prefer to 'go it alone'. I am interested in roleplaying my Theme. I am interested in slaughtering the Strawheads and their Thief-King and in killing the Gondorians who gave away our lands when they had no right to give them. To me, this MUD is not about Good vs. Evil. If I wanted to roleplay Good vs. Evil I'd go play electronic chess. Its my belief that Tolkein was more complex than that. So do I have a problem with raiding Edoras and being repelled by VC, BkD, KoDA, and Amruin? Absolutely. And it has nothing to do with Erebor being so far away, it has to do with Theme. KoDA to me has a great reason to be there. It goes beyond some treaty that has been made in game. Its thematic from the books that an alliance exists. Theoden came to the aid of Minas Tirith and the people of Dol Amroth brought their armies.

    I can't remember reading anything about armies of elves and dwarves on the Pelennor. Now i know people will say, 'well, this isn't the books'. To them I say, 'gee, thanks'. I understand the sacrifices that have been made for playability. However, this playability doesn't state that this place is good vs. evil. If you are roleplaying this way, then its my arguement that you have barely touched the surface of what the conflicts in Middle Earth were about.

    I can plainly see that even members of my own guild disagree with me. Some of them want nothing more than a fight. I'm interested in a little more. Excuse me if I want to delve a little deeper into the context of Tolkein instead of fighting the Battle of the Five Armies over and over. It was not the Dwarves or Elves that have taken my ancestral home away from me, so why should I fight BkD or Valacirca? Why should I spend time in Erebor or in Lothlorien organizing large scale rp battles there? I should not expect (as Longfinger so eloquently put it) to be fighting a division of elven archers defending the Hornburg. If you think otherwise then I'll ask you to stop watching some dumb fucking movie by Peter Jackson and go pick up a book written by J.R.R. Tolkein.

    Roleplay how you want. I'm not saying that you have to listen to what I say, I doubt you will. But my suggestion, to my own members and to other guilds, is to play a Theme. It can be much more interesting than all the good guys against all the bad guys. I'll continue to 'whine' about this Brahm. Maybe this will explain why I feel the way I do about this sort of thing. For playability's sake I put up with a dwarf wandering around DA castle, or Mordor....but for RP battles, I'd much rather see them In-Theme. *shrug*

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    25 March 2003 20:38:17

    Gimli helped them, so why can't I? I was only one dwarf and I still got my ear chewed off.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    25 March 2003 19:34:55

    More because it's bullshit that dwarves would be helping Amruin, who I doubt they've even heard of in their isolated, 'Just protect ourselves' attitude, than for Udungul to systematically raid the main bases of good men in arda, starting with edoras and MT and then moving on to Dol Amroth, picking up people as they go along.

    But I don't care about that. I think it's fine to bend theme a little bit so that you can be involved in a battle.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 March 2003 19:06:27

    He is talking about how people whine when one or two BkD decides to help us because it is 'too far from Erebor' and yet, when Udungul comes to help people attack in Dol Amroth (wich is farther), people don't. Basicaly he is saying what Brahm is saying.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    25 March 2003 18:12:43

    what the fuck are you talking about theodrek????

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    25 March 2003 17:22:33

    Its not that Direkein. No one whines about other guilds helping people except for DH. SoU, Udungul, CoU, Amruin, VC they all expect it, cause its always been that way. But when DH tells me that I can't help fight in edoras when I'm there and see a battle going on.. Yet at the same time, they wouldn't care if the same people from far away would help them in edoras, like they don't care if udungul helps them. Its a double standard, and very hipocritical.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    25 March 2003 17:12:39


  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    25 March 2003 16:34:54

    Because Erebor was too far away from Edoras for them to protect north gate, but Erebor isn't too far away from Dol Amroth to let Udungul help kill guards?

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    25 March 2003 14:30:11

    I disagree. If we all have a perfectly good reason to be in DA, what's the problem with a larger raid?

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    25 March 2003 08:32:11

    I have to agree with Brahm, I personally dislike Daen Hecil partying up in this way. Although I would say that SoU, DH, and CoU have a perfectly legitimate reason to all RP in DA. I'd rather be seeing DH going it alone, however Brahm I'm not gonna feel too bad about it as it was apparent to me that KoDA was hardly alone in defense of their castle. So if you're asking me to stop 'whining' about this sort of all moral guild vs. all evil guild behavior, please feel free to stop it anytime, and we will follow suit.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    25 March 2003 06:39:17

    Funny how DH whines when BKD are in edoras fighting, yet they could care less when Udungul and Sou are helping them in DA.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 March 2003 06:15:23

    Fun maibe,but not like the best logs ever eh Chord :)

  • Author
    Chord [legacy]
    25 March 2003 06:07:28

    RP battles are F-U-N, fun (whatever that means). Nice log!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 March 2003 05:28:54

    But since you guys seem to enjoy it maibe I will dig some up ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 March 2003 05:27:32

    I particulary dislike those RP battle logs, specialy those with a bunch of people in it, but that is just me.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    25 March 2003 05:13:02

    That hurts.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    25 March 2003 05:12:57

    To give proper credit, Ellsabiea also died in the defense of Dol Amroth.

  • Author
    Apeture [legacy]
    25 March 2003 05:08:23

    That was a true rape and pillage!

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    25 March 2003 05:07:27

    Sorry bout the no color, my client cant log in color. PIece of crap!