Logfile from Two Towers. _____ _____ __| |___| | ^^ . . . | _/ \ . . ^ . | |_| |_| | | / \ /\ . ^^^ \ / / _/ \_ . /^^| /~~~\_ | | / / \_ /^^^^\__ . /~ ^^^ \ | |_| | / _/ \ |~ _ \ _/ \_ | | / / \/ /_\ \ /~ \| | | __/ _/ _/ _-\ \/ | | __ __ | _/ / / \ / | | | | | | | / The / / \/ __/ | | | | |/ Two / _/ | | | | | Towers _/ / | | | | | __/ ==| |__| |__| | _/ ===__| | _/ ===== / | / ====== = _/ | ___/ ==== == == / | __/ ===== / The Two Towers is running the TMI-2 1.1.1 mudlib on MudOS v22pre8 Please enter the name 'new' if you are new to The Two Towers. Your other copy is still interactive. Reconnected. You say, "Ok!". Melkor says in Westron: I am imprisioning this character because of security concerns Melkor says in Westron: I will mail Draugluin with my concerns, and he will review your history and actions, and either release you or delete you. Melkor says in Westron: My reason: Melkor says in Westron: I find it very odd that a level 20 player here does not know where Bywater is. You say in Westron: alright, so, I'm in ainur prison for telling another player that I don't know where Bywater is? Melkor says in Westron: yep You say in Westron: what do you think that implies? Melkor says in Westron: i find it very odd that a level 20 player would be asking others 'where bywater is' You say in Westron: why? You say in Westron: I mean, what do you think it means? Melkor says in Westron: it could mean the character has been transferred. You oh interestedly. Melkor says in Westron: because it is impossible to play this mud and not know where Bywater is. You say in Westron: well, that you most certainly can check out. You say in Westron: and, I can swear, on my life, that that isn't true. The lights flicker and dim. You hear screaming from down the hall. You say in Westron: I am actually the oldest living newbie in Arda. Melkor says in Westron: save that for Draugluin, really. You say in Westron: I will be sure to. Melkor says in Westron: you dont get to level 20 by being ignorant of where bywater is. Melkor says in Westron: seeing how it is a major center of activity in this mud. You say in Westron: except for the fact that I'm not really active Melkor says in Westron: Etoile has spent 46 days of online time here You nod emphatically. Melkor says in Westron: thats over 800 hours Melkor says in Westron: to suggest that one can play here for 800 hours of their life and not know where Bywater is preposterous. Etoile has been around for 4 years. You say in Westron: no, it isn't, you just don't know me. You say in Westron: but there are plenty of people who do. Melkor says in Westron: bywater was the -ffirst town built in arda. Melkor says in Westron: for years it was the only start point Melkor says in Westron: it is also the starting point for many major quests Melkor says in Westron: and is one of the primary social gathering points in this world Melkor says in Westron: in other words: It isnt some 'out of the way location' Alexa tells you: a strong steel breastplate is now on sale as lot 89, minimum bid 180 gold Fresh Alexa tells you: Royal Guard Officer's sword is now on sale as lot 90, minimum bid 200 gold Fresh! You emote: Etoile has a very difficult time navigating spatial relationships, inside the MUD and outside. Melkor says in Westron: mmm not that difficult. you are level 20 Autosave. You say in Westron: after *four years* Melkor says in Westron: but as i said in the beginning: i will mail draugluin, with my reasons and you can take it up with him You say in Westron: I will be sure to do so. You say in Westron: I can even form a list of players who will vouch for how little I know. You say in Westron: how little I've *always* known. Melkor says in Westron: if this is a misunderstanding, then you can have my apologies in advance: I am simply trying to ensure that the character of Etoile, whom someone has spent over 800 hours of their life upon.. does not fall into improper hands. You say in Westron: well, it most certainly has not. Melkor shrugs. Melkor says in Westron: That, I do not know. Melkor says in Westron: and everyone says that. You say in Westron: hmm. You say in Westron: if Draugluin could log into Yahoo, I could prove it. You say in Westron: but he doesn't seem to be there right now. You say in Westron: he could also check IPs, but as I don't know how that really works, I wouldn't really know what to suggest. Alexa tells you: Tower Guard's helmet is now on sale as lot 91, minimum bid 150 gold Fresh! The Two Towers Azbakhar Firebeard the dunedain Deathmaster (Shadowspawn of (mortal) Osse is RFC-1542 compliant. BOOTP this, BABY! (Power) Total friends: 2 Total users: 132 Melkor says in Westron: ive contacted him. You say in Westron: wait Melkor says in Westron: well, emailed him You say in Westron: Osse knows me. Melkor says in Westron: i suggest you email him, too. You say in Westron: I can't send him tells? The Two Towers Alia the dunedain Alchemist (Villainous) (mortal) Smeg the dunedain Accomplice (Immoral) (mortal) Waste the dunedain Swordmaster (Moral) (mortal) Arthgon Laughinghouse the silvan Swordmaster (Heroic) (mortal) Apeture Painophil the dunedain Archmage (Immoral) (mortal) Blace the dunedain Warlord (Villainous) (mortal) Gothwin the silvan Lady Death (Moral) (guildmistress) Teak (Maia) Total enemies: 8 Total users: 134 A mean looking guard walks over to your cell and smacks you in the head. The guard says, 'Shut up, I got a headache' You say in Westron: how do I mail here? Melkor says in Westron: email to towers@angband.com What? You say in Westron: I can only email? You say in Westron: you sitebanned me? Melkor says in Westron: its a temporary, automatic ban Melkor says in Westron: happens automatically for 30 minutes with every imprison You think really hard. Like a wave crashing against a seawall, Osse arrives. You thank Osse. Osse says in Westron: Hello. You say in Westron: Hello. Osse says in Westron: A bit of trouble, then? You say in Westron: Melkor thinks that I'm not me because I don't know where Bywater is. The lights flicker and dim. You hear screaming from down the hall. Osse says in Westron: So, the question here is... are you You. Osse says in Westron: OK then. Osse says in Westron: I will ask a few questions that only yuu could know, and you'll answer them, and everyone will be happy. Blace tells you: Smeg told you: etoile in ainur prison FOR NOT KNOWING WHERE BYWATER IS Blace tells you: :p Osse says in Westron: for example. At the mudparty that ended up taking place in your apartment... which two of your female friends showed up? You say in Westron: Annie and Stella You say in Westron: and you kind of hit on Stella You say in Westron: just a little. You cough. Osse says in Westron: yes I did. A bit. She hit back, though. Osse mutters to himself. Osse says in Westron: OK. Melkor nods. Osse says in Westron: When we went to eat... what did we have. You say in Westron: pizza Osse grins. You say in Westron: at the kosher restaurant place J-2 You say in Westron: Jerusalem Pizza 2 Osse says in Westron: and we had to travel 40 damn blocks through manhattan to get there. You say in Westron: and it was far. And Curuntar couldn't find a bar in Times Square Melkor says in Westron: ok, im satisfied Osse says in Westron: who was going to lead us to a 'cool bar' from the pizza place, which ended in a 20-miute very cold walk... Osse says in Westron: yeah, curuntar. Osse mutters to himself. Melkor says in Westron: sorry for the inconvenience. again: I was only looking out for your own benefit. Osse nods. Melkor says in Westron: dont want anyone taking etoile away from you. Osse nods. Melkor says in Westron: on a related note... Melkor says in Westron: having a basic understanding of the mud.. like.. Where Bywater is.. would be helpful;) You say in Westron: if I played, probably Osse says in Westron: Some people stay around to chat with friends and whatnot. You thank Melkor. shrugs. Melkor says in Westron: i just dont understand how you got to level 20 withought that knowledge You say in Westron: precisely, Osse. Osse says in Westron: though yeah... Bywater is kinda... central. Osse pats you on the back. You say in Westron: well, considering I started in '99, took a two year break, and haven't really played since... Melkor boggles at the concept. Autosave. Melkor says in Westron: 800 hours of online time, and you dont know where one of the key social centers of arda is? Melkor says in Westron: ... okay. if osse vouches for you, im fine with that. im mystified though. Melkor says in Westron: sorry for the inconveneience You say in Westron: Ari, if he still played, could attest that I'm as useless with directions in real life as I am with the MUD. Melkor says in Westron: thats fine.. You say in Westron: it's alright, I'm glad Osse was here to help clear things up. Melkor says in Westron: and i could understand this if you were like.. a level 10 Melkor says in Westron: but lev 20 is an entirely different affair. Osse says in Westron: Not everyone takes it all as seriously as we do ;) You say in Westron: you don't want to hear my history of mudding, do you? Melkor says in Westron: anyways, osse vouces for you.. in fine with that You thank Melkor. You thank Osse. Osse says in Westron: yes, I do. Let's let the poor girl go. You smile softly. Melkor says in Westron: and you are welcome. Melkor smiles. A guard escorts you out. Bywater(w, n, e and s) A message stone A sign is posted here for new characters. Bywater Newbie Board [18 notes, 6 new] You tell Gothwin: woo, that was close. You tell Osse: *fdl* You tell Osse: thanks for that, could you imagine how messed up it would be if I got nuked? You tell Osse: "Nuke reason: She couldn't find Bywater"