Leela had a C.

Posted by
Cane [legacy]
03 April 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

I claimed Leela's C and carried it out, poor girl don't think she knew what she was doing. Also Tarkel attacked me while faded got to him later but he finally broke me in his inn room with 7 hp, and started telling me how he would kill me when he got maxxed but oh well.


  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    06 April 2003 03:37:17

    i wanna know when Delvar was a good assassin :P

  • Author
    Cane [legacy]
    05 April 2003 15:24:09

    Yes I know some who have done the same trick and yes if I had used one of my highlevel assassins I would have gone away for Cane the challenge was more in beating the character not the player...

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    05 April 2003 13:43:18

    Actually yes, Cane. Both alternatives that you mentioned would have been better than posting this log and bragging about how you killed 'a poor girl that didn't know what she was doing'. I was once playing a level 14 char or so who had a 1k contract. I got attacked by Delvar who was a good assassin at that time. I knew it was him because I already noticed him stalking me long before he actually attacked as an anonymous figure. I had some save aliases in that area where he attacked me, so I decided to not run away until I saw my HP dropping below 100. Instead I played the unexperienced newbie who had no clue what was going on (only to see what would happen). So I acted like 'You say: please stop' 'You say: someone help me..' and such funny things. I was quite surprised when the figure (Delvar) said 'OMG', rolled his eyes and left the room. He let me live when he thought that I was absolutely no challenge for him.

  • Author
    Cane [legacy]
    05 April 2003 09:14:51

    As a response to Anatharn's statement about some scripter having his client kill some newbie, I am a little confused here because not even one trigger was set except trigger to hunt, didnt even fire my bele anti break alias so I guess it was just my char and gear killing her, and a second thing when you go claim a C how can you know if you are up against a newbie or a good player with a new char? I claimed a C on a person 4 levels above me just to try if I could succeed doing it. Besides I have also killed belegost miners if I needed some gold quick for auction or something and I am not too new to this mud? Just curious what would you do? lay off when you saw she couldn't break you? Or hide the fact that you had killed a newbie by not posting it?

  • Author
    Linna [legacy]
    05 April 2003 01:33:05

    I don't see the big deal, it was a contract and bound to be fulfilled sometime.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    04 April 2003 23:02:40

    i fail to see what posting logs has to do with anyone's knowledge of how a certain char is on the mud.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    04 April 2003 17:36:11

    Information on Lathen:

    User creation date: 27. Mar, 2002

    Number of logs posted: 0

    Number of comments made: 37

    Number of logs rated: 3

    Now that's the typical shit-talking person on T2T :P posts comments about how others have no skill blah blah, but didn't even post one log himself. Certificates himself an evidence of incapacity.

    Well, since you seem to be halfway able to discuss something, Cane, I will tell you why I didn't like this log. As you said yourself 'poor girl don't think she knew what she was doing', I don't know how other people feel when they're reading a log of just another script kiddie having his client slaughter a helpless girl who obviously just started playing and didn't know what was going on at all, but for me I can say that it makes me angry and that I dislike seeing this kind of stuff.

  • Author
    Lathen [legacy]
    04 April 2003 15:36:23

    dont worry cane, anatharn's just jealous because he's not capable of killing anyone unless they come after him solo and he manages to lock them up with 3 flasks

  • Author
    Cane [legacy]
    04 April 2003 13:02:59

    I don't seriously know who that is Anatharn its not like the title or desc. of this log shows any signs of me bragging about skills or anything. Its just that if a level 10 like me hadn't taken this C some highbee surely would have. (don't think they would have posted it though)

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    04 April 2003 04:52:32

    1)Wizards should always (always<always[always{always}]>) have a staff with them.

    2)If you're over 5th level, there's better uses for your time then hunting the poor ol' lost miners. Leave them for the Newbies.

    3)Isn't Cane about the same level as his victims? If so, good on'im for taking contracts that would otherwise have to get filled by high level assassins.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    04 April 2003 00:30:08

    yeah, why was it taken down?

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    03 April 2003 22:55:14

    smirking to yourself...isnt that a sign of the apocalypse?

  • Author
    Lalo [legacy]
    03 April 2003 21:02:09

    Leela in the next time, cast fireball!!!!, or strike with a srs.

  • Author
    Lalo [legacy]
    03 April 2003 21:01:41

    Leela in the next time, cast fireball!!!!

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    03 April 2003 20:43:06

    Uhm, I believe his name is Cane, Anatharn. ;)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    03 April 2003 20:41:01

    This log sucks.. such logs can happen, but I'd never post them. Who is that wannabe who thinks he's a big number for killing newbies?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    03 April 2003 20:02:27

    Why was Toruh's log taken down?

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    03 April 2003 18:41:59

    oh well, Toruh's log was a cool log though.

  • Author
    Cadel [legacy]
    03 April 2003 18:36:30

    OWNERMAN was in the log!

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    03 April 2003 17:28:41

    Yes Kujo it was.

    A bit of advice :) If Draimon wants you to post something it is an almost certain hint, that you should not post that :) *JK*

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 April 2003 17:04:21

    was Toruh's log taken down?

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    03 April 2003 14:38:57

    Ainu should make another place for contracts. Like Laryn and Alexa. One for biggers and one for smallers.

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    03 April 2003 14:37:58

    go cane go

  • Author
    Glifur [legacy]
    03 April 2003 13:43:24

    I saw Cane today, he was standing in the Prancing Pony. And he smelled like shit.

  • Author
    Cane [legacy]
    03 April 2003 13:21:54

    Thanks Hobbe my fan number 1. Now you can just complain to Tarkel for inn breaking me, he tried to quarry break hunt in bywater first...really nailbiting extreme wild hunt :P

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    03 April 2003 13:07:27

    Shrug... She got lost in Belegost? chuckle... funny stuff but still we need some nail biting pk's including huntbreaking