Karos dies.

Posted by
Light [legacy]
11 April 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

For the solo reporting you did you will die again! Note: This is before the attempts he posted.


  • Author
    Tyfus [legacy]
    22 April 2003 14:42:13

    <<It is not fun to play when people wanna kill you all the time for not a game reason.<<

    poor baby...

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    15 April 2003 23:21:02

    If you are a mortal you should act like the Gods DO NOT EXIST. If you ever see the gods as an option then you are being a fag and you need to have someone call you just that.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    13 April 2003 21:22:51

    Well I have to agree.. reporting cheaters is ok, and I would do that as well. I can't say I am an angel myself, but I don't whine about the consequences either. When that is said, I have to agree with what was said about how the Ainur punish also.

    It can in many situations seem very random who gets punished for what. People like Westar etc. could build up a quite impressive collecrion of warnings with no consequences, while others get nuked (plus their alts.. nice mp'ing there Melky ;-)) for the most ridiculous things.

    Sucks? yes.. what's the alternative though? Democracy? uhm.. sure.. unfortunately the community as a whole is not at all mature enough to handle that. Some are, but that's not enough. So I guess we have to live with that the people the Ainur like, can do shit no one else can.

    ..but the Ainur are sometimes hypocrites and corrupt.. it's just hard to get rid of. There are many examples, and I reported some at a time.. of course without results, since it's just statement against statement.. and who do you believe then? Ainu or player?. Not a hard question to answer.

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    13 April 2003 18:49:17

    Listen LIGHT netwarrior and everyone else. I dont know who is who and I dont care. I don't think it was fun that someone was nuked.

    BUT! Light is saying he has the right to kill me since I killed his RL brother. that is not RP.. He has right to kill me, if the one I killed asked him to kill me, not as a brother but as a char (though I would've done the same.. hmm) Any ways.. I didin't ran off to the gods..

    The reason I mailed an ainur, telling you all this so you get it in yer heads!

    THE REASON I MAILED AN AINUR IS BECAUSE THE BOTTERS ALT AND LIGHT CAME AND KILLED ME! THAT IS WHY! HIS ALT! Any one gets it? his alt is a lvl 20, the one I killed was like 7-10 don't recall.

    So.. MP yes. Not my fault he was nuked.

    AND I DIDIN'T MAKE LIGHT GET NUKED! I never said no shit to no ainur about light, just about the BOTTER!

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    13 April 2003 17:07:46

    why doesn't it surprise me that Nogothrim doesn't understand why botting (or anything) is a nukable offense? Someone's still bitter there I guess.

    Fact is that there are definite rules about some things and botting is one of them. You only have to type 'help bot' and you get a detailed explanation of what botting is and that it is not allowed.

    quote: '(..) This most definately is grounds for the removal of your character, or possibly more. Do not do it. Botting is bad.'

    Just like in every other place too, there are rules on T2T and if you can't stick to them (because you think they're not reasonable or whatever) you have to face the consequences. Easy like that.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    13 April 2003 15:54:11

    Nuked for PKing a noob....You have no rights as a player on T2T, light. They can nuke you whenever they want for whatever they want. People have been nuked for doing less and people have gone unpunished for doing much more. The idea of 'harassment' was created by the admin to camouflage the truth. To make it look like there is a code of conduct and rules that are set in stone. The truth, however, is that you are at the mercy of the whims of whatever admin is dealing with your situation. (So get as many admin involved in the decision as you can)

    You got screwed and if Karos was the one who ran crying to the gods then he represents what is the worst in Arda. People who use gods and 'harassment' to fight thier fights are the lowest of the low.

    My opinion on the matter is more extreme than you losers. Using lawsys, reporting people for bug abuse, reporting people for harassment....are tactics used only by the most pathetic. But, it is the gods who are most at fault for this type of behavior :(.

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    13 April 2003 15:06:34

    I was nuked because I killed Karos. He killed my irl bro and I avenged him. You tell me, is this a reason for a nuke?

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    13 April 2003 14:58:42

    I'll never understand why botting is a nukable offense. Its dangerous as hell and any mortal char that sees you doing it can easily get a free kill on you. Why the IMMs feel its thier place to punish the botters, i dunno.

    And Get it straight you morons

    Killing someone for reporting you - Good RP.

    Reporting someone to a bullshit lawsys - BAD RP

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    12 April 2003 12:13:10

    I didint get a name change. I chose to end karos. It is not fun to play when people wanna kill you all the time for not a game reason.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    12 April 2003 10:19:41

    varazon, i imagine since he was the one being harassed, draugluin probably granted him a name change, so what's the big deal?

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    12 April 2003 09:43:11


  • Author
    Varazon [legacy]
    12 April 2003 03:46:41

    |-HP:210 EP:210-| legend karos

    There are no legends about anyone of that name.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    12 April 2003 02:18:49

    Light and Anatharn chill out. ..again ;-).

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    11 April 2003 21:58:51

    Light was nuked for MP Violations.

    I guess that explains a lot.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    11 April 2003 20:20:35

    Since when was it expected that you don't report solo attempts? It's encouraged, and I see its use and don't report solo attempts myself. But, using it as a reason for killing someone is a bit childish. Stop throwing kiddy tantrums :-p

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    11 April 2003 18:25:42

    I'll translate that..

    Lightish: english:

    friend - alt

    killed - (rightfully) reported for botting

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    11 April 2003 17:43:30

    Date: 11. Apr, 2003, 15:13:53 By: Light

    Date: 11. Apr, 2003, 14:17:42 By: Light

    'It wasn't for reporting, It was because you killed my friend. Just a revenge '

    Are you blind or something? Or can't you read?


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 April 2003 17:34:54

    Why did you attempt him in the first place Light?

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    11 April 2003 16:00:44

    Superduperultrafat! Greatest word ever? I think so.

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    11 April 2003 15:32:00

    The comments on these logs keeps coming superduperultrafat quick. Everytime I refresh (that'd be like once in every 10sec) there's a new one. Kinda like almost atleast.

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    11 April 2003 15:28:29

    Someone has to end this thing :P This is my last comment on these 4 logs.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    11 April 2003 15:18:04

    Uhhh, relax Light

    It's not like I would care about if you care. :P

    It's just too funny how yet another bot of you.. sorry, 'your friend' :P gets nuked and all your chars start to jump on the poor person who reported your botting. Don't you think that this is quite hilarious?

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    11 April 2003 15:14:46

    And I don't fucking care about Anatharn's dumb comments. Lets stop spamming the log page with *bla bla he killed me so I'll whine!*

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    11 April 2003 15:13:53

    Date: 11. Apr, 2003, 14:17:42 By: Light

    'It wasn't for reporting, It was because you killed my friend. Just a revenge '

    Are you blind or something? Or can't you read?

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    11 April 2003 14:42:55

    Of course. But then this game aint no fun. he is not role-playing. and the T2T is a roleplay game. Am I right?

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    11 April 2003 14:40:21

    Keep reporting his gay ass, Karos. He can only kill you while you're level 12 - 13 and his fines will increase every time you report him. He'll take more damage from that than you will.

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    11 April 2003 14:37:20

    Well I am sick of this. I am getting attempted all the time ;)

    Sure the attempters suck. but comeone. I am getting killed because I reported a botting and he got nuked.. SO? This is a freaking Role-playing game and no one seems to role-play.

    And light, what the heck is the fun of killing a lvl 12? Gonna prove that you can kill? You showed me already ;) Now please stop bugging me :P

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    11 April 2003 14:22:30

    Woohoo!! Light can kill a level 13 (?) with MELS? That's about the best I have ever seen from him.

    I'd report Light for multiplaying too, since he can't keep it seperate between (all of) his chars.

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    11 April 2003 14:17:42

    It wasn't for reporting, It was because you killed my friend. Just a revenge. And you maybe misunderstood my description. You will die from my hands for reporting, not you have died for it

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    11 April 2003 14:07:23

    Cut it out, it wasn't for the reporting I died again. it was because I reported your friend for botting!