Darmot quits, Lordevil dies.

Posted by
Therina [legacy]
24 April 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

Well, it's all in the log. Friend wanted to read it.


  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    29 April 2003 15:12:14


    1) Intulor explained why I didn't get it all, and I also do.

    2) Intulor owned, I never told him to go there, if I would have, he'd be standing there at first and I wouldn't have to go in there the first time. He just rules, that's why he foresaw what you were gonna do.

    3) Uhm, yeah, right. I started the log to late, I was really mad about your theft, so I didn't think of logging it, I started the log at north gate, I thought I had save buffer on, but it wasn't on that computer (ponders school)

    I would've made sure that Lordevil would've come up with you, not running like a chicken.

    And, this rp shit. I find it so much rp that I tried to kill you, but you ran to your room and hid under your bed. Then you logged off, you could've just ran and break us, go report us, then quit, but you didn't since you were to scared.


  • Author
    Darmot [legacy]
    29 April 2003 08:44:23

    May i comment this log myself. There are som things missing:

    1: Why is it only less then the half log.

    2: If you read the log, there is no brain behind that Intulor stood in the closet. If it was she must have told him to stand there. (Prof that this is not the whole log.)

    3: Therina started the log at this place because she could not kill me when i got lost in edoras (hrm well i got lost :P) i was running around with 80 hp and she could not kill me...i had no healing either.

    Well i read a comment, that I maybe didn't invite Lordevil, I did.

    The problem was that Lordevil was in such a band shape that he didn't have to time to type it...that is how i see it, he died with honor and fought well! May men remember his death, he sacreficed himself for a good thing.

    Therina did not take this as a rp-fight (rp-battle) why did she write the last line then?

    Well i saved her the fines of 2 attempt reports, she did still report me for the theft of a phial. I think that is rather pathetic.

    Maybe i am wrong about these things, glad to read your thoughts about what I have written.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    29 April 2003 05:50:24

    it was already out of her buffer by the time she decided to log, shut it

  • Author
    Larion [legacy]
    28 April 2003 21:14:43

    Not saying she messed up anything. I just think it would be fair to post the entire log so people could think 'Oh, so Darmot DID actually try to huntbreak her before he innbroke her'. Now don't get me wrong, i think innbreaking is just as bad as any other man (at least as most other men). I can't see why she tries to hide something she should instead be proud of.

  • Author
    Glifur [legacy]
    28 April 2003 21:05:11

    She wasn't the one messing up, so she hasn't got nothing to hide/be ashamed of. He on the other hand, messed up a bit. Trying to cover up his failures? Sounds like it, yes.

  • Author
    Larion [legacy]
    28 April 2003 20:56:26

    Hmm, don't know what to think really. On the one hand I have Darmot, who i talk to every day IRL. On the other hand I have Therina who claims to be telling the truth. I'd like to think that BKD are no liars, I'd also like to think that Darmot, my clanmate and RL friend is no liar. I'm having a real hard time trying to figure out what to decide for myself. Appearantly, the log isn't logged from the very second when Therina attacked. Since they are already fighting when the log starts. Is it possible that Darmot tried these huntbreaks before she started logging? And if so, that she decided to not show Darmot's attempts to break her. I hope someone will sort this out for me... =S

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    28 April 2003 19:17:59

    'He tried many huntbreaks, Isengard, Tenzeks camp, Amruin gh and maiden (had a missalias for that one, therefore he got lost).'

    He only tried to break me at maiden, but didn't even succeded with touching her :P And, as you could see, he tried closet.

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    28 April 2003 14:47:41

    I read it!

  • Author
    Larion [legacy]
    28 April 2003 12:36:10

    Wonder if anyone actually reads the comments on this log anymore...

    Ah well, worth a shot. Let me just make things a bit more clearer to you guys who, like me, wasn't actually there. The reason for Darmot quitting was rather simple, Real life called. Some people actually, believe it or not, put coming to school on time before breaking someone on the mud. The log isn't quite complete aswell. He tried many huntbreaks, Isengard, Tenzeks camp, Amruin gh and maiden (had a missalias for that one, therefore he got lost). When he reached adornas he had around 30 hp left, thinking innbreaking was better then dieing. Now, here is what i think, it was wrong to innbreak. Have nothing more to say really.

    Oh and Therina, well done! That could've been a very nice kill :)


  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    26 April 2003 15:54:13

    Good one here.But quitting after making to the inn doesnt seem lame to me actually.Anyway good manual anti-hb tactic.Like you did in thrans troll cave Therina.

  • Author
    Etoile [legacy]
    25 April 2003 23:22:51

    Wow, Dookie! I remember you- Hi!

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    25 April 2003 20:28:56

    Nice log, and off topic, I hate you Rhoads :)

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    25 April 2003 20:06:29

    I wonder if anyone realizes that these new rules are just retarded. More importantly, I wonder if anyone realizes that it's ok to do away with these new rules once you've enforced them and found out they're dumb.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    25 April 2003 18:40:33

    I'd like to say something about all these comments, but I feel I shouldn't. It'll grow inside of me and then consume me. I liked the log.

  • Author
    Dookie [legacy]
    25 April 2003 14:43:14


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 April 2003 13:48:47

    One last comment here, about the flaming.

    These flaming rules were made to NOT remove the comments, this is our last shot of atempting to make this place better without removing the comments, so if you like them, follow those rules.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 April 2003 13:36:43

    Ok, I will try to sum up what will happen from now on. You people really impress me, I don`t check this page for around 7 hours (work + classes) and more than 50 comments that have NOTHING todo with the log show up. It is not that hard to stick the commenting to the log, of someone provokes or anything like that, be the mature person and ignore it, if for some reason the comment was not removed, MAIL or mud mail me and I will see what I can do, it is hard to deal with the bunch of crap talking people here.

    Now that I got the time to review this thread, most of the flaming comments was removed and Karos was blocked, why Karos was blocked? Well, because I am an asshole, but if you feel you need a better reason, ask me about it and I will give it to you, this is not the place to discuss blockings.

    Everyone who was provoking flaming here got a simple message as a warning and not a real warning, so in other words, I felt that people deserved a chance, our objective here is nto to block everyone, but to show you that our work here is serious. As much as some of you dislike me in the mud and I dislike some of you, I try to keep my work here as much as proffesional as I can, so, if you have problems, mail me, I will answer, critics too, but constructive ones, mails with YOU SUCK, YOU FAG and all that crap won`t even be read.

    Now, let`s try to be a little more mature for now on shall we?

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    25 April 2003 13:12:36

    I don't get why Darmot didn't invite Lordevil to his inn room... Panic?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 April 2003 13:09:31

    *waves at Karos*

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    25 April 2003 13:05:55

    Btw, I thought 'flaming' was supposed to be more closely patrolled now. I see no evidence of this.

  • Author
    Direkein [legacy]
    25 April 2003 13:03:47

    Anatharn, how dare you accuse me of not RP'ing? The sole reason I do not attack you is because you would report me at the drop of a hat as you no longer can see beyond your personal animosity to even pretend to play the game anymore. As proof of this ask anyone that has ever been attacked by me OUTSIDE of the lockup zone in Tenzeks camp, the area I defend.

    What area do you defend Anatharn? Oh thats right NOTHING. Unless of course we happen to be there killing an npc. If we are at flask, you shield Glorfindel. Why? To defend him? to RP? No, to fuck with us because you can. You'd turn around and kill Glorfindel if we left. You couldn't give a shit about Roleplaying in the slightest.

    Don't you ever accuse me of being incapable of roleplaying. I'm embarassed that I'm forced to listen to you and be constantly harrassed by you. Grow the fuck up for a change.

    If you wonder why I don't attack you anymore at Tenzeks, it is because you DO report in RP and I'm forced to ignore you because you are incapable of showing the slightest ability to separate characters or get over the past. So at least let me try to ignore you instead of having to listen to your hate speech. I will never attack you or defend my area against you because I can never trust you. My history of dealings with you has shown me that you are a liar, cheater, bug abuser, quitter, etc etc. Until you show me that you are able to be something else, don't expect me to 'roleplay' with you. I can't afford to.

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    25 April 2003 09:00:21

    Why are some people rating one or two? I don't think it's worth that little, nor is it worth a 6 :P

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    25 April 2003 03:54:50

    Bah, flaming is boring nowadays. It is so old fashion! We should look for new ways to entertain ourselves.. How about, hmmm, cannot think of anything nice atm, but I am sure someone out there has an idea!

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    25 April 2003 03:54:09

    Thats alot of long comments. Who wants to sum them up for me?

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    25 April 2003 03:42:16

    Haha, Gazza fades after huntbreaking. Loser.


  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    25 April 2003 03:19:43

    Let's face it, whenever an assassin doesn't kill a victim, it's always the victim who is lame. That's a universal truth. I'm surprised fading after huntbreaking isn't risqu? yet.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    25 April 2003 01:23:35

    Doh, Sorry about that, I keep getting off track when we're supposed to comment on the log. This is a cool log, Nice job Intulor getting to closet like that, although I hardly think logging off once you've reached your innroom counts as 'quitting'.

  • Author
    Leto [legacy]
    24 April 2003 22:44:58

    Exactly...it's not the Victims responcibility to die. It's the Assassins responcibility to kill.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    24 April 2003 22:34:45

    There's nothing wrong with breaking at an inn. If the assassin can't kill you before you get there or can't find a way to take the inn out of the picture, they deserve to fail.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    24 April 2003 21:54:15

    Hobbe is cool and who disagrees with me is a moron.

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    24 April 2003 20:55:11

    Well sorry if things are taking a twist my comment was not ment to push Hobbe into the dust just a little 'hey watch what you are saying we all have been new at some point'.

    Another thing : breaking at an inn room and quitting is different than doing it at pebble, if not instant like trigger you slip todo fade, because the hunter has a possible way of following through and thereby prevent quitting without at least the quitter tag.

    To the log nicely done Therina/Intulor quick thinking

    ps. Nicu and Muad : It's almost impossible to stick completely to commenting the logs, the problem is that it is what there is said in previous comments that needs a reply. And some will say something that does not only apply to this log but to things in generel.

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    24 April 2003 20:52:43

    Therina, this log sucks. :P I mean, he huntbroke you. Well, I guess the inn room is a little unfollowable. Oh well eh? Well, you did an amazingly crappy job at fighting too! :P Oh well.

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    24 April 2003 20:51:38

    *laughs at Intulor* dont forget the Coke ;)

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    24 April 2003 20:39:51

    pull up the lawn chairs, i'll bring the pop corn. these two going at it is damn funny.

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    24 April 2003 20:31:08

    My dear Hobbe tobbe tjockis mobbe. I was talking about you opening your mouth ;) Then, I said stuff about the breaks. So HIGHLIGHT! My comment on YOU saying what a quit is. ADN! You said you hate guild and Inn breakers and how lame it is. bah. read your damn comments.

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    24 April 2003 20:22:05

    Karos i want you to find where i sade he was a quitter and then high light it and comment it. Because i read my comments and i can't find it but maby you can?

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    24 April 2003 20:18:46

    Arg! Excuse me btw . Therina. You did a nice job. It was a good kill.

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    24 April 2003 20:12:15

    And, I have to apologize to every one. If my english is bad. Do not comment me on how bad it is. I am trying my best. Read the lines. and understand the point, I might misspell alot. who cares. as long as you guys understand.

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    24 April 2003 20:10:13

    I don't get it. I better check if Anatharn is my alt ;) man that guy's oppinion is 100% right. IMHo that is ;)

    The cool thing is, that Hobbe, you opened your mouth bitching about me commenting everything that was going on. but you never opened your mouth when I was active. that's odd. And In my opinion if you inn break someone, Why not quit? NO! you have to break me in at the pebble before you log off! THEN! you can logg off. Tha tis not quitting.. So it's kinda funny don't yall think?

    So.. to conclude the whole thing...

    1: if you break in an innroom, and quit, it is a quit.

    2: if you break at a pebble or wathever, then quit. It is not.

    hmm.. I think they are the same ;)

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    24 April 2003 19:08:55

    'sade i hade'

    Now that was hilarious, Hobbe :P

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    24 April 2003 19:07:22

    Well, I've seen more beautiful ways of huntbreaking, Ana :P

    That legend is true. He logged off directly after putting his things in box.

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    24 April 2003 18:50:20

    Not inn guild break i mean. shrug

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    24 April 2003 18:50:03

    Eh this isent right. I been a member in Beornings and BkD in Beornings i used Inn once i never used BkD as break.

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    24 April 2003 18:33:05

    Haha. Hobbe has lived his char life in a hole? ;)

  • Author
    Karos [legacy]
    24 April 2003 18:24:31

    Leander, was about to say the same here. me and a friend once attacked you hobbe and you Guild breaked us..

    Heh, It's kinda cool when people complain about others, and they've done the same...

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    24 April 2003 18:21:32

    Huh? What? huh? What? huh? What? huh?

    I used a guild break once in my hole char life and that was because i hit my guild alias and got backstabed after i hit it and that was Vraltjuk something that did that attack. Leander are you seeing flying dwarves also?

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    24 April 2003 18:13:07

    You have guild broken me twice Hobbe

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    24 April 2003 17:53:06

    Well i hate Guild breakers as much as i hate inn breakers

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    24 April 2003 16:28:53

    Not that I really care about those Innrooms anymore or breaking in them, but:

    What is the difference between:

    1) Being attacked, then going to an innroom, put all your gear into a strong box and then go to sleep.

    2) Being attacked, then going to your guildhall, put all your gear into an armoury, and then go to sleep.

    And, nicely fought by the way! :)

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    24 April 2003 16:12:19

    Nice breaking skill Darmot and i also remember Darmot and other from his clan saying innbreaking is so damn lame. But its kind of cool that hes switching inn room thats skills.

  • Author
    Smek [legacy]
    24 April 2003 14:32:01

    It's worth a 5, that's what I call assassin skills. Thinking of closet and innkeeper etc.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 April 2003 14:26:14

    Good job

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    24 April 2003 14:04:47

    Another Cuban!

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    24 April 2003 13:58:46

    At least its a new log and its kinda cool

  • Author
    Durad [legacy]
    24 April 2003 13:58:33


  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    24 April 2003 13:49:28

    Oh, forgot to say: Thanks Intulor!

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    24 April 2003 13:42:46

    Sweet. :)