Ok, I will try to sum up what will happen from now on. You people really impress me, I don`t check this page for around 7 hours (work + classes) and more than 50 comments that have NOTHING todo with the log show up. It is not that hard to stick the commenting to the log , of someone provokes or anything like that, be the mature person and ignore it, if for some reason the comment was not removed, MAIL or mud mail me and I will see what I can do, it is hard to deal with the bunch of crap talking people here. Now that I got the time to review this thread, most of the flaming comments was removed and Karos was blocked, why Karos was blocked? Well, because I am an asshole, but if you feel you need a better reason, ask me about it and I will give it to you, this is not the place to discuss blockings. Everyone who was provoking flaming here got a simple message as a warning and not a real warning, so in other words, I felt that people deserved a chance, our objective here is nto to block everyone, but to show you that our work here is serious. As much as some of you dislike me in the mud and I dislike some of you, I try to keep my work here as much as proffesional as I can, so, if you have problems, mail me, I will answer, critics too, but constructive ones, mails with YOU SUCK, YOU FAG and all that crap won`t even be read. Now, let`s try to be a little more mature for now on shall we?