KoDA honor

Posted by
Rapture [legacy]
27 April 2003 00:00:00

I always thought Role Playing should not be forced upon people. And to think that I never understood why everyone hates KoDA that much :-)


  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    02 May 2003 11:37:44

    Take it to the MUD guys. Use the shitty comm or your swords :-)

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    02 May 2003 03:28:30

    pardon me for defending myself against anatharn's bullshit

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    02 May 2003 03:01:11

    Read my statement moron, It doesn't matter what you say or who you are in rl on this log page, so saying it is irrelevent. Just making an obvservation:)

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    01 May 2003 23:06:57

    martok, moron, read the whole string of comments before you respond to something.

    Date: 27. Apr, 2003, 20:51:43 By: Anatharn

    I think Intulor urgently needs his first fuck in RL. :P

    But I guess nobody would ever want to touch a skinny skeleton with a gay curly hair-mat if you look at his picture at the T2T homepage :P

  • Author
    Duk [legacy]
    01 May 2003 16:00:36

    Quick note: Not all moral people enjoy the death of immorals. Take Frodo's statements about the hobbits who had 'gone over to the other side'. They were certainly be considered immoral by our standards, could even probably be found killing in protected areas by our standards, and yet would not be killed by probably the most honourable person in the books (debatable yes, but hey). The method Frodo chose was to simply subdue the hobbits, but since that is impossible in our playability, perhaps driving them off without killing is the best option available? Feel free to start flaming me. ;)

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    01 May 2003 15:11:18

    No Rougan, that would be a terrible mistake. Sometimes its good for you to stalk your opponent, blah blahb lahb lah

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    01 May 2003 15:10:30

    btw Lotraz, Did I ever tell you how, deeply engrossed your statements are sometimes:)

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    01 May 2003 15:09:16

    I'm 3 foot tall with a 10 foot dick, so whats your point Intulor?

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    30 April 2003 18:45:42

    How do you role play evil if you don't role play? :)

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    29 April 2003 18:09:05

    'ban this, ban that'. bloody hell.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    29 April 2003 09:19:57

    Just a second of thought...

    How about coding PvP combats such that after, say, 5-10 minutes of non-interaction between the parties, it comes to a natural end? Assassins might have reason to argue there, but I think, for most of the time, like 10 mins would be enough for them to re-catch the enemy or get reported.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    29 April 2003 09:12:09

    Then Necsipaal, once two players get in combat, they should keep on fighting forever until one of them suicides, departs or until both of them decide to stop, nevermind the reboots, logging offs and what not? For all's sake understand that stopping is a peripheral tool and not a thematic element of the game.

    Think for a moment that stop command is removed. Can you bring up the consequences and how successfully not-stopping will be abused?

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    29 April 2003 04:49:54

    'and advise the evil weak thief to go kill some allies beornings'

    The last time I checked, Beornings and KoDA were certainly NOT allied!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    28 April 2003 22:44:27

    I have to agree with you Jiread, well if you allowed your mercenaries to get the command too :)

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    28 April 2003 14:19:35

    Heh, would be cool with a 'free horse' command for the Horse Lords. Could make quite the mess. ; )

  • Author
    Dookie [legacy]
    28 April 2003 13:48:53

    how about - he was putting the hourse out of his misery?

    His owner was evil - and abuseing his horse - Hevron could not attack him for fear of report - so sent the horse to a more happy existance.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    28 April 2003 12:49:35

    I fail to understand this whole area protection roleplay. I mean, where is the damn roleplay in this 'stop' command that has become almost a sacred law of 'Roleplay' fights.

    At any rate do you believe that two well known enemies would drink together a cup of tea (or just snarl at each other fiercly like two statufied dogs?) just for the reason none of them are in the area they protect? Makes no bloody sense to me.

    One can still imagine that a true _honorable_ paladin could hunt down his opponent and with majesty bandage his wounds or let him go, this is most unlikely to happen as far as an evil roleplayer is concerned (though every subtilities of roleplay are good imo). Still during war time the most general trend is to hunt one's enemy down, not to let him go or bandage his wounds, with the threat he could come back to kill your friends and families. Samelike, your inimities does not thematically stop at the borders of the area you protect. What is the point in waging big threatening words against an evil bastard of Sauron if when you meet him at rhosgobel you just groan and pass your way?

    I mean, I understand it's just more easy and less risked for playability, but for all's sake stop pretending 'roleplay fight' and area protection are roleplay standard, for they are not, they are fake roleplay, they are playable standards but what makes me get really angry is the fact most people are opposing their coward playable roleplay to playerkill as if it was the standard of anti-roleplay, while imo to kill one's enemy is just the true achievement in what roleplay usually means (ie to be totally in character and that OOC considerations like 'I'll loose exp and stats' do not even enter in consideration.)

    Now Sir Hevron my apologies if you really attack any potential enemies on sight, though I have to agree with Narlg on several points.

    What do I see in this log?

    I see a knight attacking a weaker than him (not really knightesc) and when this weaker do not agree on his roleplay attitude the honorable attacks the poor horse (who has done no harm and could have been more rightfully be given back to us, Rohirrim).

    Worst, when the weak thief runs away for his horse's sake and begin to kill wolves (who are actually probably more dangerous for Dol Amroth fellows than this weak thief) the honorable Knight mercyless stalk the horse down and advise the evil weak thief to go kill some allies beornings instead (had you said rohirrims, I'd have choped your head off, IC), how logical for a knight roleplay is that?

    After all, considering true roleplay matters, the lad could have attacked Rapture first or insult him (you were not here to judge of it, Sir) and the poor thief could have been right to go see a judge if the big knight was attacking him... Once again, when you attack someone, you intend to harm him, you just cannot say 'oh it's for fake, go outside the area I protect you evil one and I won't harm you anymore' and pretend this is roleplay. Still to attack a weaker than oneself is not really a knight attitude or standard of knight roleplay.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    28 April 2003 12:44:50

    'Unlike the immoral guilds, all morals guilds care if their people get killed'

    You just laughed me off my chair, strawhead.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    28 April 2003 12:26:50

    Righto Raqtor, whatever you say.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    28 April 2003 11:55:04

    Packs and weapons? Nah ;-)

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    28 April 2003 11:40:11

    There's top notch eq on both evils and goods (except armour and uniques).

  • Author
    Rapture [legacy]
    28 April 2003 11:09:12


    //Most immorals kill immoral NPCs for good eq, why not go kill some for gold too?// -Trempk

    Do moral people really think immorals like killing evils? Do you think that they would still do it if there were moral NPC's with top nodge equipment?

    And because most people kill immorals does that mean that I am not allowed to try not to?


    //Oh, and just for my 22cents, if you don't want to RP, don't show up in an area you know is under RP protection and not expect to be attacked.// -Cliffton

    I am sorry to say that I am having problems finding an area where little me can make decent gold and EXP without stepping on protected lands. Godor plains are protected by KoDA. Even the elen scouts in Lothlorien forest are protected and the beorings in the plains too.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    28 April 2003 10:28:44

    In fact he choice that KoDA made - taking care not to really kill whom we are defending our land from - was taken to prevent the annoyance caused on all players and especially the newbies.

    On the other hand, I agree that the motive to kill in a rp combat is nothing to frown upon; given that motive is not exercised in an ex-post situation, i.e. after the rp combat ends. However, planning the whole rp combat thing on scoring the kill would again be off the fence in my point of view.

    Lastly, I want to remark that one can bear the motive of just running off the enemy in a rp combat, and not to kill her/him. That shouldn't be frowned upon either, as done by many rp-to-kill fanatics.

  • Author
    Izratan [legacy]
    28 April 2003 05:10:09

    Knights are dumb this way.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 April 2003 03:45:13

    Well, I wouldn't have attacked his horse, that's for sure.

    Interesting log btw

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    28 April 2003 02:52:27

    Heh, totally Trempk :)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    28 April 2003 02:41:38

    Unlike the immoral guilds, all morals guilds care if their people get killed. Its not our fault that nearly all the things protected by immoral guilds aside from about 3 NPCs are worthless to kill. Most immorals kill immoral NPCs for good eq, why not go kill some for gold too?

    Blah, Hevron should have captured the horse and brought it to Rohan for Amruin instead of slaughtering it. :p

    From now on just ban everyone that comments on stuff that has nothing to do with them. That'll teach them.

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    28 April 2003 01:46:16

    Attcking the guy's horse just comes across as vindictive and petty, in my opinion. Rapture was polite, stated he wasn't interested in roleplaying, so his horse gets beaten up. If the guild in question wasn't KODA, I wouldn't bother mentioning it (unless it was Amruin: props to Jiread for pointing that out), but for a guild of allegedly high moral standards, it comes across as pretty childish. It looks like Hevron just got angry that Rapture wouldnt play along with him, and decided to take it out on him in the way most likely to annoy him. Understandable, but not when you're representing your guild.

    I disagree with whoever said that being evil was roleplay in itself; there are certain things that only evil aligned players can do (wanting to steal stuff from ppl in Mordor does not count as rp in my opinion, for example), so he's not necessarily roleplaying by wanting to maintain an evil alignment.

    I have a lot of respect for KODA and their roleplay; in my humble opinion this wasn't one of their finest moments, and Rapture had a valid point in posting this log.

  • Author
    Hevron [legacy]
    27 April 2003 22:50:24

    again, Reorx died because he refused to stop, we stopped many many times after we left the field of battle. If i had come back to tenzeks camp and been killed i would have said it was my own fault because i was low on hp and returned but we didn't. so yea, funny how that works.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    27 April 2003 22:48:00

    Wow. My comment wasn't about the log, and I didn't even remember the silly rules until I posted it. Oh well.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    27 April 2003 22:47:00

    Hevron, accidents happen. Yes, Intulor killed you. But please think back a week or two, when DH was defending Tenzek against you and Dreadson. Reorx was helping us, and when he ran into either you, Dreadson, or both, in the streets of Edoras, you guys were still in combat, and he died. Did you hear him throwing a holy fit? Or making comments on the log archive like 'And btw, there's a difference between me and KoDA, I don't try to pk people in Edoras after an RP fight!'

    Funny how that works, huh?

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    27 April 2003 22:46:54

    It's pretty annoying trying to follow all of the hundred different threads in this commenting. Btw, Horsies are pretty nice, shouldn't be killed.

  • Author
    Hevron [legacy]
    27 April 2003 22:45:07

    Necsipaal your wrong bro, i have attacked and been killed defending many many times, i have attacked a party of 5 unarmoured and unarmed. Yes i have attacked Direkein and Rendor and many other 'Famous' names i am an equal opertunity knight.

  • Author
    Hevron [legacy]
    27 April 2003 22:39:13

    ok, first i would like to appologize to the Beornings for telling him to go kill there, i was tired and irritable(no excuse just a fact).

    Now, Rapture has killed in Gondor before, and as it was stated by someone we protect a rather VAST area and its not hard to get around us finding you. His happy little threat of report just made it so i was gonna make sure he was gone and his horse was the most expiedant course. If his horse had not been there i would have attacked him and paid the fine(but lets face it why pay a fine if you don't have to!)

    i would like to just add this little bit of difference between DH and what i did, when you leave the area we protect....we stop, we don't come and find you and try to PK you outside of the battle area(Intulor)

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    27 April 2003 22:30:23

    Well, I have to understand Rapture point of view here, I mean, I think in general guilded player 'roleplay' against unguilded lowbie, because they won't do any harm. Was Rapture a famous name, I think Hevron would have thought twice before protecting his cherished little NPCs, though I'm not sure a busy knight would have even cared of the pityfull life of a lad in Tolkien's world, and he 'd have rather ride up to the pelennor field where the real battle is.

    Anyway, I am maybe making assumptions, but let's switch chars and let's pretend Rapture was let's say... Direkein, I'm not sure Hevron would have tried to attack him at the first place, because he would know that if he had, there possibly might be some bad repercussions on his head. and unfortunatly, people are _not_ willing to die for their cherished NPCs, and you people dare to call that roleplay???


    What you guys call great <roleplay is making big words and annoy the hell of lowbies guildless players.

    I remember when I was levelling up, a year and a half ago, the same troubles always happend to me, I had no name, I always quested and traveled alone (I never was a fan of party killing), so I was the perfect target for beornings, knights and amruins, since I was evil at that time.

    What I did, is hardcore roleplay, for me when you attack someone you intent to kill him and you have to just accept the consequences of your act. Since my character is against report, I always stood and never left the rom until the guy badaged me (and then I backstabbed the guy so that he'd finish his 'roleplay' and actually kil me)

    I even asked Darknova to kill me once because I was not able to defend the assassin of DG.

    Now, things are different, if anyone wants to engage me, in the contrary of Rapture I stat that I'll just use it to get a free kill. ANd who could blame me? If you attack someone, prepare to face the consequences, if you love the silly lad so badly, prepare to die for him.

    People don't though, they prefer annoying poor guy that are tying to level because they know they won't suffer any consequences of it?

    And you call this roleplay?


    I call it cowardice.

    Cowardice mays be a roleplay and a style though, I just don't think it fits very well with Knights :P

    Imo, all Arda should just be lawless anyway, just like Mordor, but for high levels , so that people wouldn' whine too much :P

    Rapture should maybe have let him attack, and call an assassin friend to kill the honorful knight down, but then he'd have been treated llike crap because people whine when you kill in roleplay, which is however the only healthy realistic _and_ thematic roleplay attitude to adopt.


  • Author
    Cliffton [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:37:11

    Lol, heh, that would be amusing Caber.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:35:30

    Wow, 50-something comments while I was sleeping. For the record, I would have kicked the shit out of the guy's horse, too. And then I would have followed him around, shielding everything he attacked. :P

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:22:06

    Count me in Raqtor!!

  • Author
    Cliffton [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:21:22

    Wow, rather interesting description of oneself.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:18:35

    something is failing here

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:17:50

    im 6 foot, 190 pounds, and my head is shaved. any other bullshit you want to make up?

  • Author
    Cliffton [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:17:22

    Oh, and just for my 22cents, if you don't want to RP, don't show up in an area you know is under RP protection and not expect to be attacked.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:16:17

    You must have missunderstood me when I said gangbang. I would never kill that sexy stud. It had nothing todo with killing ;-)

  • Author
    Cliffton [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:10:26

    Who would wanna kill Rhoads, I mean really...

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:05:52

    Who wants in on the gangbang on rhoads? signuo her... Oh lost the signup sheats ;-(

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:04:54

    my picture isnt on the t2t website you moron

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:03:57


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 April 2003 21:01:41

    Aww guys, comon, why this have to happen in every god damn log, if it is not Anatharn flaming Dh is Dh flaming Anatharn, hell, I am going to create a log called 'Anatharn vs DH' and let you people rant all you want there, I swear ;)

    Let's stop this before it hits the grounds of MP info, it get's very very close all the time, I am actualy surprized no one even mentioned one of Anatharn's alts yet (don't even consider saying it, it will grant a warning or a block for sure).

    I know this is an off topic comment, but the hell, it won't stop, I am not taking sides before anyone start complaining here, both you people are wrong in this matter in some stance :p

    btw, all the comments that have NOTHING todo with this log will get removed now.

    That coming from your favorite persona to hate, me :p

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    27 April 2003 20:59:02

    well, seriously people.. I'm just trying to argue something with Lotraz in a civilized way and this idiot Intulor starts jumping on me yet again, spitting his lied accusations at me one more time.. I wonder if YOU would stay patient and cool there.

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 20:55:18

    I am playing evil and got to agree with Hevron here.What if people suddenly come up with 'I don't want to rp today' attitude? We have seen people killing the other one for reporting in rp and I agree with them also as long as they are telling the truth.Although there are no written rules about rp, there are some agreements between guilds at least about some rules.No one can force you to obey these but at least you can't show some people like bastards at least to me.

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    27 April 2003 20:54:29

    Aww! now you've gone and done it ;( .. And I had such fate in you not to.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    27 April 2003 20:54:01

    And here we thought Anatharn couldn't sink any lower, we were sadly mistaken...

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 20:53:33

    Lets not get into Real life Shall We?

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    27 April 2003 20:51:43

    I think Intulor urgently needs his first fuck in RL. :P

    But I guess nobody would ever want to touch a skinny skeleton with a gay curly hair-mat if you look at his picture at the T2T homepage :P

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 20:45:15

    Just think of it this way Rapture, Defending Guilds are just a thing in arda that will make it harder for people to lvl, earn gold, exp what ever. Just think of it as Its to rule the weak people out of the game, and the others that just keep coming back and do anything to get that stuff the players that stay. Just think of them as a Obstacle that u need to overcome or just dont level


  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    27 April 2003 20:45:07

    Dumdidum. Take a cold shover people. Together.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 20:17:20

    if you get locked in, it's because you're a jackass and you like to try to fuck with DH with every character you have. it's for PK, not rp, so stop acting as if you know how we rp or not. the only thing you've ever rp'd was being a jerk. case and point, a certain mc case that was filed against you. you're a moron, jerk, and harasser. do us all a favor and go away

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    27 April 2003 19:44:36

    nearly similar rules? I would say that there's quite a big difference between hunting in RP battles and not hunting in 'em.

    'If a DH attacks a dude killing in Tenzek's camp it is a crime in the eye of the lawsys. But, if an Amruin or KoDA attacks some dude in Edoras/Gondor it is great RP?'

    - No, Lotraz. Both situations that you pictured would be roleplay, but you left out the important part.. you should've mentioned that DH lower the flag in the dunlending camp before they attack an invader with 5 people in there (or hunt him). And that is the point..

    Caber has attacked me like 20 times by now while I was killing the guards in front of Tenzek's camp or the dunlending warrior. Ask him if I ever reported him in such a *plain* *usual* *standard* *old-fashioned* roleplay situation. I would really like to see what would happen if Amruin would make a party of 5 people as soon as they noticed someone cleaning out their city and then would go to the lady's room with a key and trigger for 'enters' todo lock door in the hope one of the intruders would enter. If you would stumble into such a trap and get shit kicked out of you by 5 people you would know what I mean, Lotraz.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    27 April 2003 19:08:48


  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    27 April 2003 18:56:28

    >>the DH defined roleplay IS the definition of what a crime is

    Oh, and that is grand as well. If a DH attacks a dude killing in Tenzek's camp it is a crime in the eye of the lawsys.

    But, if an Amruin or KoDA attacks some dude in Edoras/Gondor it is great RP?

    Lets get real here... attacking another player is always a crime in the eye of the lawsys (Except ofcourse in Mordor or when the attacked is faded). But, some players has defined attacks under certain circumstances to be RP. Other guys has defined nearly similiar rules, except you get a more realistic fight in the defended area?

    The matter of fact however is, that both circumstances are 'Player defined RP'. Both however are crimes in regards to the Lawsys.

    Can someone help me spell hypocrit? (Or was that even correct spelling?)

  • Author
    Rapture [legacy]
    27 April 2003 18:56:03

    Anatharn. I like to RolePlay and fight with other players. Its ok to get my ass kicked from time to time by some big warrior with Guild equipment.

    Though I am also a thief trying to max my char. And I would like to be able to kill some NPC's to make EXP and gold.

    If Hevron is eeger for a RP fight there are many fights to find. He could go defend the guards in Linhir where there are always 2-3 people slaughtering or go pick a fight with one of the evil guilds NPC's.

    What you are saying is that I should not be evil if I cannot handle that there are NO NPC's I can safely kill? You must consider that every time I engage in RP combat I will end up fleeing with my tail between my legs. I am a thief who plays evil. Thus the equipment I can get is an elven chainmail and whatever leftover shield I can find in shops/auction.

    Sure Hevron managed to iritate me and I had to hide my horse and kill on without it. Still I dont see what the horse had done to deserve this :-)

    And Mizrahi. Dont think I havent tried every other way of avoiding theese RP attacks. Saying some colorful REPORT statement is the only thing that seems to work.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    27 April 2003 18:45:36

    Because thats all you ever do. Meh, its pointless trying to explain to you anything, back to my silence.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    27 April 2003 18:45:23

    So Anatharn, are you whining over a whine, like I am right now?

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    27 April 2003 18:29:41

    Good job, Hevron!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 April 2003 18:25:26

    So, when DH does stuff like that people praise them and when a KoDA does it is bad? :P

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    27 April 2003 16:32:59

    I can bring two explanations on how people can actually defend what Rapture did here:

    1. They don't even try to role-play defend an area.

    2. They want to quench their obsessive feelings about KoDA.

    Pick whichever.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    27 April 2003 15:39:13

    Say what?

    God your a fucking whiner Rapture. Hevron is shown to be badass in this log in a way i never knew Koda could be. He's playing by arda's rules and not the rules of some fucked up notion that we have historically here at t2t called 'RP'. If he doesnt want you killing his npcs, hes obliged to make you stop ANY WAY HE WANTS, including killing you. If you dont like it, fine, report him, but thats the way it is.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    27 April 2003 15:10:51

    Funny shit that you are defending KoDA in this case Anatharn.

    1) In this log, Hevron tried to push a KoDA defined way to RP onto Rapture. Rapture's response was to swiftly reply, that he did not feel like participating and would use the lawsys to defend himself. Hevron sees this and attacks what he can get at, the horse.

    How many times have you, Anatharn or one of your zillion alts, been forced into participating in a DH defined RP, and replied you would not accept and use the lawsys to defend yourself?

    2) Anatharn wrote: 'Rapture. I fail to see where Hevron commited a crime in any way against you'. Neither do I Anatharn, yet you so elegantly choses to see another played defined RP, the DH, as something that is a 'crime' towards you, even a crime you need to use the lawsys with?

    Honestly, what this log is about is the right to roleplay or not. Rapture claims you should be able to turn off player defined RP at will and you Anatharn blames him for this idea, yet you so very often does it yourself?

    I think the conclusion we can draw of this is, that this mud is not created to be a RP mud, ... this is a PK mud where the game is to kill other players and do this for as long as possible until you need to recreate your character. In other words, this game is about fighting other players and the code known as the lawsys. Let me finish this rant with a quote from one of the coders:

    'So... go and kill a NPC or two before returning to killing that wretched players'

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    27 April 2003 14:15:04

    Honor shmonor, Hevron did whatever it took to get you away from his npcs. Props to him, and Rapture, you're the only one coming out badly from this log, having actually put an effort into making a colorful 'I will report' say. Loser.

  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    27 April 2003 14:08:20

    A corsair is always handy to kick a KoDA's ass :)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    27 April 2003 14:06:28

    Hmm.. maybe you should point out what exactly you didn't like in this log of yours, Rapture. I fail to see where Hevron commited a crime in any way against you. Look, you say that you are 'playing evil' (that's a quote from one of your comments). You could perhaps party around with other villains - perhaps Corsairs of Umbar - and make gold together with them in Gondor.. then you would be able to fight KoDA away when they attack you or your horse. But in the log you say that you report roleplay attacks.. but you still want to 'play evil'? ..without roleplaying? I'm just a bit confused.. do you want to roleplay now or not? If you don't, why do you care about your alignment?

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:57:08

    FDL Rush. A flame ;-)

    No he was not hunting as you can see him being busy after entering and never following more than one room ;-)

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:47:10

    fdl rush

  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:46:48

    OMG. I must admit KoDA do an alright job at RP, but an even better job at dieing and an even better job at been lame and killing a horse. Teehehe

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:30:17

    LoL they funny thing with KoDA and sapphy is they use sapphys allways without align. I mean yesterday i was heroic (not even disguised) and a KoDA attacked me with sapphy without looking at me. then he noticed i was heroic and change weapon to ANFIDURL. lol that was fun.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:30:13

    Can someone answer my question?

    And that was a flame, Raqtor. Muaddib, remove his comment.

  • Author
    Byron [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:30:12

    wow... KoDA yet again amazes me

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:23:30

    But I wish he wouldn't have attacked that poor horsie. : (

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:21:20

    And over 200 NPC's is extremely hard to always keep track on and to defend. Shouldn't be too hard to kill half of them undisturbed. But what do I know anyways? I never kill there. : )

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:20:11


    I am shocked. A koda without a sapphy wielded????

    Tell me this log is doctored! this seems to be impossible!!

    Oh wait. They started using crimsons as backup when they are our of sapphy's?

  • Author
    Rapture [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:16:50

    LOL Hobbe. Its easy for you to say. You are not playing evil.

    Is there a place where evils can make gold in peace? Sure Hevron tells me to go kill Beorings but I am sure that someone would want to try and protect them as well.

    Also KoDa is protecting over 200 NPC's wich is way too much. They should stick to protecting NPC's inside the towns and settlements. Just to leave something evils can kill without being hunted by a big guild.

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    27 April 2003 13:08:04

    The worst thing is i kind of agree with Hevron here. I mean you know KoDA protect gondor and i think that somepeopel that play a RP game sudenly want to step out and say i wont RP with anyone so i will report if you protect your peopel from me. I mean comeon this is a RP game go play CS or something. I think Hevron did the right thing.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    27 April 2003 12:55:48

    Thats one particular reason i've always hated KoDA. My philosophy has always been dont get mad, get even. I say bring the hunter, lock the guy up, and claim whatever you get from HIS corpse.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    27 April 2003 12:54:18

    better question, when did KoDA allow assassins in?

    or am i retarded and he wasn't actually hunting?

  • Author
    Tanar [legacy]
    27 April 2003 12:44:34

    Horse killing.. nice going ..

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    27 April 2003 12:36:02

    When did the KoDA become so scary? I found Hevron quite intimidating from looking at that log.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    27 April 2003 12:34:30


  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    27 April 2003 12:28:42

    Go pick on beorning warriors?? Hevron ?! What the hell????