
Posted by
Netwarrior [legacy]
29 April 2003 00:00:00



  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    02 May 2003 21:17:21

    Hence, I'll say it again, there where quiet a few name changes, that you don't remember. But then again, I can't blame you for not having my information network, *laughs

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    02 May 2003 18:18:57

    Just for the record, Theodrek, that was Talbain who got the name change, back in December of '01. And no, I can't remember any name changes since.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    02 May 2003 13:40:09


  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    01 May 2003 18:44:10

    > Sarys

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    01 May 2003 18:36:53

    maybe - but most people i talk to claim i had my 'better' days under my old name - apprently i am to much of a push over/idler now :p *pokes Crion*.

    And dude - i was Eruhini - i was attempted daily :p my escape/death ratio was pretty good considering :D

    Come the end of it, i was pretty fast at breaking - hence the logs of 5+ people going after me in the end.

    If the same partys tried to pk me now, im not so confident i would get away though - not had that sort of practice since. Less people seem keen to attack me nowdays :( - but then again, everone is scared of me, right? :p hehe not :p

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    01 May 2003 15:07:59


    *now I'll flame* fucking newbies

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    01 May 2003 15:05:38

    Erm, Btw, Delgaur there were quiet a few times before you changed your name that everyone thought you were a moron that died all the time, finally you took the clue and learned your hb's, now, and probably are one of the best hb's around, but come on man don't bash someone, you weren't that great last year:)

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    01 May 2003 15:03:16

    Errm, I got quiet a few name changes in my day, and quiet a few hibernation realeases, but that was way before Draug came into power, so:)

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    01 May 2003 05:43:09

    Don't english speaks when you can't it talk =))))

  • Author
    Korben [legacy]
    01 May 2003 00:27:16

    I think Light at least deserves nuke but yup - reality!

  • Author
    Janos [legacy]
    30 April 2003 22:50:34

    I seem to remember Light nearly idle-killed me at Edoras once.

    He was rather a clumsy assassin to say the least.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    30 April 2003 21:37:05

    Newbie or not, he probably had one of the dumbest names ever. :p

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    30 April 2003 19:23:04

    Don't call a newbie someone who you don't know. It just makes you look like one.

  • Author
    Light [legacy]
    30 April 2003 19:22:34

    Bakal = uber moron

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    30 April 2003 15:38:26

    Netwarrior = uber newbie

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    30 April 2003 06:59:36

    erm.. Netwarrior.. have you forgotten you and Loshia attempting me at edo for my contract? i guess you must have a super short memory.. =)

    ya and to Hobbe: of course its not dumb if you get the kill.. but its not easy to pk now and further more to pk a warrior with full hp anywhere, unless he's lost or you many people with you... =)

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    30 April 2003 06:25:05

    wheres the fun in that?

  • Author
    Boffo [legacy]
    30 April 2003 01:29:19

    I would really like for this 'fake logging' of plain text to stop. If it's not a log, don't post it at a log page.

    Personally, I've never had a character nuked. I avoid this by not multiplaying and not cheating. It really works!

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    30 April 2003 00:18:09

    Oh man :P that was really no flaming. If someone creates bots you should be allowed to point that out.. or are you flaming him by simply mentioning what he does?

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    29 April 2003 23:48:09

    Hey Anatharn, drink some iced tea or similar before making comments.

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    29 April 2003 23:45:28

    There ain't no manual dude, but I still say it's typographically sound! :P. See? You made me drift off-topic, tsk tsk. But wait, admin is allowed to answer questions and such... I'm saved.

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    29 April 2003 23:34:02

    Stupid indentation. It's not natural and I don't want to rtfm! *blames Nicu*

  • Author
    Sarys [legacy]
    29 April 2003 23:33:31

    You guys crack me up.

    Thanks, darlings.

  • Author
    Tantor [legacy]
    29 April 2003 20:41:40

    Kujo Dont talk :P Rimsilval Idle Killer=Kujo:P dont talk about quiting if u do something just as bad

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    29 April 2003 18:42:17

    'Don`t let this thing vanish cause it ain`t right.' Boohoohoohoo *cry* *whine* *sob*

    Why did you put this up here two weeks after the actual nuke? Let me guess.. it took you that long to write a text with only one mistake every 2 words average, right? Cry me a river, baby.. this shit is pathetic.

    And hell who cares if a botter got a char nuked? I personally think you and him should get all of your alts nuked and be hardbanned from T2T. You always pull the same shit when starting a new character.. activating your script and letting your PC do the rest until he's maxed. Apart from that, Light DID multiplay because he attacked Karos not only with Light, but also with his alt, so the 'my RL brother helped' me number somehow doesn't work.. unless you got 2 RL brothers now suddenly who attacked Karos each with one of their chars (or should I say 'bots'?). To me you're all the same anyways.. Light, Netwarrior and all the other hundred bots of yours.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    29 April 2003 18:31:01

    *fdl* what a whining shit

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    29 April 2003 18:25:27

    if you read more into my comments - im saying you should not have been nuked - becuase it was obvious you were not the same person - and its bad for any typist for get nuked unjustly.

    My nukeing was fair when i look back at it - at the time though i felt i was innocent as i was not a hardcore abuser.

    I used it once when i found it, more out of curiosity and testing around with it - i soon found out i should not have used it at all :p

  • Author
    Netwarrior [legacy]
    29 April 2003 17:16:41

    and Delgaur you did not heard of me because I ain`t bragging around for what I did. And am not going to compare to you cause by the time you are speaking of you were just an idle name. And I don`t want to argue with you. I bet there are people who will miss me. And such who won`t miss me. At least I was sad when I heard you were nuked for the Exp bug. I was sad although I did not know you at all. Blah various people various feelings ...

  • Author
    Netwarrior [legacy]
    29 April 2003 17:11:52

    Donsux what the hell does this have to do with me ?

  • Author
    Hobbe [legacy]
    29 April 2003 17:00:20

    Donsux it isent stupid if you succed the kill. But if you fail then it was stupid. :D

  • Author
    Donsux [legacy]
    29 April 2003 16:55:47

    heh... Netwarrior's a nooB at pkilling thats for sure...

    its quite dumb to try a maxxed warrior perfect shape at edoras... for one..

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    29 April 2003 15:02:11

    Netwarrior - you made next to no impact on the guild. I heard little of you during your time there - considering i have been the Face of the guild for the last 3 years - i would hardly say i was 'not around' :p. You are and never will be anything compared to me :)

    Nor will you ever achive what i have.

    My point was - you wont be missed. - and - how anyone can get two completely different people with different abilitys mixed up? its beyond me. - i at least rated light with some ability - as for quitting - cant say i heard or saw that,so cant comment.


  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    29 April 2003 14:48:33

    Meh, too tired to think of something witty to say. And seeing as Rhoads is on my ass for being a flamer, i cant use my usual compliment of swear words. I've seen some bad nukings lately, and even when Powers admit they were wrong, they still stand by there decision, no matter how fucked up.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    29 April 2003 14:29:28

    Regardless, I've seen a lot of people who needed a namechange more then said person did.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    29 April 2003 14:28:29

    Hm. The only thing I want to comment and agree the fact that same person got a name change (I believe the last one who was given a name change was Discoduck...and maybe Talaban, if that was his name...which was in 2001.) and is now, as Netwarrior says, a level 20... *shrug*

  • Author
    Netwarrior [legacy]
    29 April 2003 12:21:41

    ROTFL :P Delgaur do you happen to remember the times when I was one of the 3 people who kept beornings guild alive ? I bet you don`t. You did not even log ...

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    29 April 2003 11:33:53

    Light = run of the mill assassin

    netwarrior = complete and utter newbie.

    How did anyone get these two confused? :p

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    29 April 2003 11:24:56

    If I was power, I would have nuked you just for using 'u'.

  • Author
    Netwarrior [legacy]
    29 April 2003 10:50:42

    Kujo I got nothing against you :) yeah Thins are what they are. Move on :) well said. But it is damn hard to lose a character that u leveled without getting a single gold piece from anyone. and when it is your first one it hurts .....

  • Author
    Galuf [legacy]
    29 April 2003 10:15:09

    I just wanted to have the POWAH to be the sole rater of this log. Thank you.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    29 April 2003 09:14:46

    shit happens, get over it, move on

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    29 April 2003 08:43:06

    I've attempted you once, netwarrior, on your alt, and it was near Bree as a 2 man, Ultilh and I I believe. If you died it would've been funny simply because you died so close to Bree :P.

    so link to them, i don't care, it's only revealing your own alts :)

    That also doesn't justify you trying to quit on me :P.

    Butttt no hard feelings, i just wanted to say that i thought you were Light as well.

  • Author
    Netwarrior [legacy]
    29 April 2003 08:36:08

    Talk to me kujo :P don`t make me put links to logs of funny as hell attempts on me.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    29 April 2003 08:27:10

    Meh, I thought you were Light as well.

    The similiarities are there, Light quits in combat, you try to quit on me, you have all the same friends (hence maybe being brothers, *shrug*).