Julius gets a little too close for comfort

Posted by
Crion [legacy]
02 June 2003 00:00:00

I just thought this was kind of amusing timing.


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    04 June 2003 02:15:54

    Crion is a sexy, but he seams a little paranoid to me. It's not like you would've died had he attacked you.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    04 June 2003 01:03:36

    so back to the log, that Crion seems a bit of a bitch to kill. Wish I knew him and could shake his hand, maybe catch an autograph.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 June 2003 23:02:20

    Sure, sure, at least we all agree with my first comment

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    03 June 2003 22:59:56

    im not guessing trempk. you dont want you alts being known, pick better friends who wont tell me and complain about the ainur who verified it *smirk*

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    03 June 2003 22:52:56

    Trempk, please, stop.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 June 2003 22:26:41

    Anyway, I'm glad I'm not a great playerkiller, because I don't want Intulor getting his mouth anywhere near my ass.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 June 2003 20:55:56

    Sure intulor, keep guessing, i don't know who you think i am, but you're wrong. Cause I know you weren't in rims when my other character was. Anyway, since I keep my characters seperate and dont use him to steal healing from/or help kill people for amruin, people don't know how good i really am. Maybe if the only thing I was interested in was pkilling I could show some stuff. But then again, of course, everyone who doesn't pk is worthless, I keep forgetting that, especially morals.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    03 June 2003 20:26:11

    Nicuramar just updates once in a while, I believe he has been busy with some RL stuff of his own. Anyway I dont see the need of a representative for each guild because guild rules dosen`t apply here, just most of the mud rules (except here you can curse, more or less) and the site rules which are not very hard to follow. Guilds mean nothing.

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    03 June 2003 17:31:49

    I think there should be a representative from every guild or area just to balance this log page out. :P Whatever happened to the creator anyway, nobody gives him credit anymoer? :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    03 June 2003 15:10:12

    He needed an answer ;p

  • Author
    Grady [legacy]
    03 June 2003 14:04:08

    That's nice Rhoads, talk shit to Intulor BEFORE you suggest we all stop flaming.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    03 June 2003 12:52:38

    Still better than you Int :P Anyway, let`s stop the personal insults before it turns into another flame war.

    This place has been a lot better in this sense since Anatharn got blocked, let`s not start it all over again.

    RHOADS (TM) --> (This assinature is JUST for Intulor :) )

  • Author
    Rogar [legacy]
    03 June 2003 10:02:40

    thats a cool log, nice work there.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    03 June 2003 06:14:54

    maybe life isn't for you

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    03 June 2003 06:14:43

    you all suck at life.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    03 June 2003 06:03:01

    eh trempk, i've been your guildmate in 2 different guilds. even in a guild, you arent shit.

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    03 June 2003 05:50:40

    Crion isn't a shit without a guild!

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    03 June 2003 05:42:40

    And you aren't shit even with one.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 June 2003 05:13:58

    Intulor ain't shit without a guild

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    03 June 2003 03:56:40

    ugh why doesnt the ignore feature work on the log page as well :/

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    03 June 2003 02:50:01

    I wouldn't use an inn to break if I was caught at Rhosgobel Agrun.

    If you ran into me around Hobbiton/Bree . . . well . . . Inn would be the first place I'd go. :P

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    03 June 2003 00:35:51

    it's not ass kissing, it's respect for someone whose skill level i'll probably never reach.

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    02 June 2003 23:54:11

    Intulor, stop kissing his ass, he said he won't kill you already! :P

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    02 June 2003 20:41:59

    if i were an assassin who wanted to solo julius, i'd probably just offer him 50k to let me do it :P

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    02 June 2003 19:35:42

    well, i got lost in gorgorth when julius attempted me a few logs down - i kept cool and found my way , this mean im cool? :p

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    02 June 2003 19:31:07

    If I were an assassin who wanted to solo Julius, I wouldn't trigger carrock because i'd know that a person like him has a better HB in mind. But if, say, I were going after Streak, I'd trigger innkeeper todo kill innkeeper :P

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    02 June 2003 18:47:54

    I dont mean to be off topic, but Delgaur brought up a nice point.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    02 June 2003 18:45:40

    If you do not believe in my inference, then I offer you this explanation. How many times have you seen someone try to break an assassin first time at maiden or carrock...and what do you think the experienced player would trigger first? Its a combination of knowing your assailant and knowing the terrain. Aliases are often not enough...ask yourself what do you know about the area you alias a quest for, have specific directions for...If you missaliased, would you know where you were? Simple things like this seperate the players and cause you to make the distinction. But really, it is nothing you can't build on. To be afraid of dying for a moment of safety is detrimental to the learning experience. You want to figure out shelob's tunnels, then explore it. If you die a few times, the knowledge you have obtained does not also die. There are many more examples...just learn from your mistakes.

  • Author
    Tarith [legacy]
    02 June 2003 18:29:46

    true, its not called skill, its called experience, and its common sense that makes use of the experience. The use of 'skills', 'power players' etc is just word salad that has no real meaning. Its only the public that gives meaning to these words.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    02 June 2003 17:46:37

    Well, Common sence and Maxed stats/skills :p

    I still say there is no skill to playing a txt based game :)

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    02 June 2003 17:39:30

    Yes, but, Agrun, is there someone better then him currently? I don't really think so. He puts skill, and tactics into his PKs.

  • Author
    Gnork [legacy]
    02 June 2003 17:34:52

    Fimbu, if you didn't have your guildmates to navigate you, you wouldn't be able to find your way back to your GH from Edoras.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    02 June 2003 17:03:52

    Well Fimbu, that is called beeing smart and knowing where your enemies are, that is very important, specialy considerign you can be jumped by 6 people in mordor :P

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    02 June 2003 15:16:40

    Julius WAS no doubt the best pkiller. However, he hasn't been up to date with new techniques and stuff, and so I don't think he's THAT good as he was before...He's still bloody amazing though :P

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    02 June 2003 13:19:53

    following on what Delgaur said, didn't a similiar thing happen at Gundabad with Duniv?

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    02 June 2003 13:19:15

    if im going to kiss your ass julius, i'll do it on the mud, not here :P

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    02 June 2003 13:10:14

    I can't tell you how many times this sort of thing happens: moral goes into mordor, has constant finds being ran on all possible enemies, and fades as soon as one of them comes near mordor. This one is funny because it's so agonizingly close.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    02 June 2003 13:08:00

    crion and crios were in mordor, and both faded right before a party of bad guys enterd, exact same fashion.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    02 June 2003 12:47:13

    That was amusing

  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    02 June 2003 12:41:48

    Aww, Intulor, that's sweet. You sure that's not just because you have a 7k contract? :P

    ! suiluJ

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    02 June 2003 12:11:45

    Ash's trigger-hide.

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    02 June 2003 11:51:28

    I remember an older log similar to this?

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    02 June 2003 11:20:39

    julius is still the best pker i've ever seen, whether he's active or not. i don't think i'd want to be on the receiving end of his sword.

  • Author
    Netwarrior [legacy]
    02 June 2003 10:33:17

    Hahahahah :)) Way to go :))))) Not a Julius day :)))))) Erm what is with those durms ... soon we will tell legends to our children that at some time durms were active :))) Good log ;P

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    02 June 2003 07:41:51


  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    02 June 2003 06:47:43

    why can't you alias cast fireball to 'fb' like everyone else :P

  • Author
    Calacirya [legacy]
    02 June 2003 06:14:18

    way to go Crion! thats some pretty sweet timing for that finder person too

  • Author
    Azbakhar [legacy]
    02 June 2003 06:07:38


  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    02 June 2003 05:48:30

    ROTFL. Crion style :)