And they say they don't level bash

Posted by
Horuss [legacy]
04 June 2003 00:00:00


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 June 2003 23:34:32

    I don't see any element of 'taking us on' here. You've attempted me once... and there was the bang on Caber to start the war.. And you attempted Azura. Where's the fighting back you're talking about! C'mon, I'd like some action here please!

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    07 June 2003 16:29:41

    Grady, we are not afraid to take you on alone. As a matter of fact, that's what we have been doing and will continue to do. What we've asked other Guilds for is our business and theirs, not yours.

    As for how good or a bad a player I am? Well, you'll find that out as the difficulty in completing that contract presents itself. I mean, it's not like people haven't been trying to kill me since I came back from hibernation. Azura just got lucky is all.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    07 June 2003 02:14:22

    put a 'for' where necessary in the last post, just noticed.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    07 June 2003 02:12:50

    Lo! I dont think I ever felt the need anyone's sympathy, did I? ;)

    I lost the point in your last post, Grady. The reason Im commenting here is not to insult people; instead I got this account to defend my guild from the baseless or, at best, biased crap going around, and that's what Ive been doing. Any problems, talk to me in mud, Im back soon.

    And check your last post, and pose yourself the same question. When have you ever had the chance to get to know any of us, let alone all of us?

  • Author
    Grady [legacy]
    07 June 2003 00:52:26

    The small contract is because you're not very good, Wasach. Either at roleplaying or playing the game in any facet. You can keep trying to rouse your members, but the fact remains that none of them are any good, furthermore you aren't either. So by killing your newbie members, that'd mean that what, 100% of your members are dying?

    At anyrate, insulting our characters is pretty stupid, Rougan. When have you ever had the chance to get to know any of us, let alone all of us? Or is that you being cute by trying to get sympathy from other guilds?

    Moving on, for however proud you people claim to be, how ballsy can you be in the end if you're having to ask every other guild on the MUD for help? Its just DH, or is the all-mighty Knights too weak to take us alone?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    06 June 2003 13:48:55

    and Intulor finally succedes in being funny!

    btw, have all my enemies lost all respect for me? A 3.6K C is insulting...or have I been gone so long that I'm not considered a worth while target?

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    06 June 2003 11:03:05

    no, i have the creativity of a marmot :P that and a short fuse which causes me to spit out whatever lame 5th grade insult i can come up with at the time :)

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    06 June 2003 09:37:05

    We're a guild full of dumb fucks?

    Lol, I thought you were more creative than the average DH, Intulor.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    06 June 2003 06:27:44

    I don't see what kissing Julius' ass has to do with this (and since I'm rather certain he isn't into that kind of thing..) so I'll ask you to keep your fantasies to yourself.

    Never claimed we were King of the Hill and your statements show just how little you understand us. We however understand you and your guild very well.

    Jaren, I think it's a healthy and good sign that older members of a Guild stick with it for a long time, particularly through such a tremendous change. Although, I did like you guys a whole lot better when you were killing SoU and not newbie Squires of my own Guild. Perhaps I'm just biased...

    g'night all

    Wasach Pathor

    Swan Knight of Dol Amroth

    Defender of the Realm

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    06 June 2003 05:26:41

    such class wasach. i've never said, nor acted, like i was the best. if i did, i wouldn't be kissing julius' ass so much and giving credit where credit is due.

    i never told anyone that we didnt want to go to war you fucktard. i told them that our kills had been restricted to those on a list for a day or two until we got more important matters worked out. now, you're either a dumb fuck, or your guildmates who relayed the information to you are dumb fucks. either way, you're a guild full of dumb fucks. despite all the deaths you and your mates have seen, you still manage to blow smoke out of your ass like it never happened, pretending to still be high and mighty. does it make you feel better to be laid to waste and act like you're still king of the hill?

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    06 June 2003 04:44:40

    Not DH's fault the older emembers were smart enough to never leave the guild :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    06 June 2003 04:27:20

    Fimbu, it's not that we don't make the's just that for some reason the rest of the people in the game think you guys are such hot shit, they are scared to help us.

    Personally, I don't get it...but then again if I was a GM of a Guild, I'd be afraid you'd kill all my newbie members.

    OH WAIT!! That's what you did to the Knights until we couldn't ignore it anymore...amazing how that works, ain't it.

    Basically Fimbu, we will fight you. When we can, where we can, how we can. You can't win, you will never get any concessions from us, you will never force us to disband, you will never force us to abandon the castle, never. Your whole idea that if you threaten people to leave the Dol Amroth community or they will die (repeatedly) or to leave the Guild or die (repeatedly) is bullshit and you can polish it up all nice and shiny, turn it sideways and shove it right up your candy ass.

    Wasach Pathor

    Swan Knight of Dol Amroth

    Defender of The Realm

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    06 June 2003 04:21:47

    I predated Dorianna by about...3 years :P

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    06 June 2003 01:46:43

    You couldn't kick my ass with an ass kicking machine, Theodrek.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    06 June 2003 01:41:01

    And just what is wrong with Dorianna? *kicks Rush's ass* :\

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    06 June 2003 01:04:41

    Kudos to Jaren for managing to ever be in a guild with Dorianna without trying to kill her!

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    06 June 2003 00:47:57

    If you guys would make some sort of effort...

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    05 June 2003 23:29:56

    Keep trying to see the truth in my words, Sean. ;)

    And you could never defeat ussss, savage villagepeople!

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    05 June 2003 23:17:04

    Keep telling yourself that Rougan, everyone needs something to cling to in order to keep pride in the face of defeat.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 June 2003 23:16:36

    Actualy Jaren was a vc for a period of time, very long before I was here ;) and not as Jaren of course.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    05 June 2003 22:57:07

    It would be more truthful to say pure good players, or pure evil players are imbalanced against players who kill anything but the friends of their guild employees (because they would then have to pay for it), be it a servant of Sauron, or a servant of Eru.

    Ironically, this again is a moral issue. Nothing to do against it.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    05 June 2003 22:53:17

    *chuckle* Is that all you got Intulor? You are starting to sound like a broken record, say it a couple more times and it'll be official. You are such a good player, I mean THE BEST, I mean why else would you tell a couple KoDA members that there was some kind of 'internal problems in DH' and you guys didn't really want to go to war with us and wanted a cease-fire...

    OH WAIT! I know what you'll say, you told lies to lull us into a false sense of security...right, fucking pathetic is what you are. Come see me in the game, with or without your guildmates. I don't hangout in my hall, so you'll have plenty of opportunities.

    Jaren (who I don't recall ever being a VC but who knows...) and Fimbu are right, the time for talk has eneded, it is time to fight.

    Wasach Pathor

    Swan Knight of Dol Amroth

    Defender of The Realm

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    05 June 2003 22:04:23

    Man, stop this bullshit whining, EVERYONE gets killed, it's a fact of life, I have absolutely no sympathy for any of you, when I first started playing I died a lot, Durms and CoU made a sport of it, and it happens to everyone almost. The weak whine and cry about it and will eventually suicide, good riddence I say, the strong and wise will learn from there deaths, learn from the mistakes, learn to fight back and learn to survive, and don't give me any of the defeatist 'morals are too unbalanced' talk, I was a valacircan :P

    So what are you? One of the Strong or one of the weak? I guess we'll find out, soon enough.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    05 June 2003 21:52:13

    This is really really boring. Stop arguing and complaining already. Just play the game for enjoyment. Oy vey.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 June 2003 21:37:51

    Well Betus, it is a waste of time to try to discuss it really. It will never help, I am starting to believe like Balinul said, this is game is possibly just about PK unfortunaly. Some people just try to disguise it with poor RP or not disguise at all, not sure what is worse, if that kind of people just said 'I don`t give a damn' or if they continue with this pretending.

    Not poiting fingers at anyone in particular, but I do suggest you to stop trying to discuss it, it is really just a waste of time.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    05 June 2003 21:26:02

    Flasd please read carefully my comments, I'm really trying to avoid missunderstandings for my poor language;

    What happened first time was a PK, and I wasn't hunted FROM Tenzek (as I usually read DH do) but hunted STARTING at Sapphy FOR killing Tenzek, as I'd said I can understand I got killed (it's your way to RP, ok then, it's good for me).

    I said I NOW know DH, not in my first contact with you.

    I don't want to being checked on how many times I've been attempted (it was irony!! I was replying Delgaur comment) I also don't want to being checked how many times I've died I know it very well ;) I don't want DH being nuked, I only want to play!! Maybe I'm not good explaining the difference...

    And this kid is learning a lot and is being helped by a lot of people, almost the same number of people that those who only seem interested in destroy him...

  • Author
    Flasd [legacy]
    05 June 2003 21:12:31

    LOL Betus, what happened to you was a PK. If you think you know DH very well, and think that we don't PK, I suggest you do a bit more research.

    I won't go through the trouble of re-explaining our rules for hunting within Tenzek's camp. I'm sure you'll figure it out.

    And you want the ainur to check into how many times you've been attacked during RP???

    LOL! Somebody help this kid.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    05 June 2003 20:36:00


  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    05 June 2003 19:32:46

    Let's stop trying to get these fools nuked, won't help nothing. Let's get out there and whack 'em the real way instead.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    05 June 2003 19:04:08

    If I'm checked please check attempts also, I've lost count of them. Ok a lot of them have been RPing (defending castle or helping others) but they count too, right? xD

    Better if I post one of the few attempts I've scaped and then we can comment on that log, ok?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    05 June 2003 18:28:44

    *ponder if Draug will do a history check on betus too!* :p

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    05 June 2003 16:45:12

    Its not a level bash if there's still cause to kill him. He could leave the mud and get himself out of the forray, but until then he's still a very much prized head.

  • Author
    Betus [legacy]
    05 June 2003 15:24:47

    This is my first comment, first of all, sorry for my english (english is not my first language as you can easily see ;).

    I've been reading a long time ago logs and comments on this site, now I'm registered cos I think is time to comment my thoughts here, I'll post my logs also (hope you enjoy them!).

    Going on topic of the log and the general discussion about RP, Pkilling, Guilds, etc.. etc..

    I've been a Knight from one month now, I remeber my first contact with KoDA (3 or 4 months ago), for all of you to know, I'm a completly newbie, this is my first (and only one!) char at Towers, I've no alts, and he's 20 days old (almost 1 year of RL playing), I was always playing solo and meeting other players, then I knew KoDA and I feel their theme suits me cos it was the way I was playing (so it's estrictly RP right?).

    But then started the trouble, one day I helped a friend killing Tenzek, yes I knew that area was protected by a guild but I didn't know nothing about DH guys (now I know them well ;) and I thought DH will protect their NPC as I saw KoDA protect ours... but it was a mistake, I was hunted and killed at Sapphy after killing Tenzek.

    This was two weeks before Jonny death (I've good memory, and I have logs also, and logs don't lie), after that I died one more time helping my guild friends, sadly our castle is usually raided by groups of 4 or 5 enemies.

    After that, Jonny was killed (Jonny was the one who hunted me, for Direkein to kill me, 1st time, I'm not saying anything against him, for sure he followed orders like I usually do), and after that all you know the history...

    So my point is: it's a lie DH don't hunt and it's a lie all this began cos someone hunted Jonny, it started before and it started by the continous raids and deaths by the DH people RPing or not.

    In the past I enjoy playing this world, now I know I'll be hunted each time I left my GH and probably I'll killed (I'm not very skilled ;), last month I've been killed almost 3 times and attempted 1 or 2, I can understand I have to die, but I can't understand why have I to die OR not to play.

    You can consider this whinning or moaning or whatever, my intention to post it is only to share with you my history and my point of view, I'll continue playing, surely I'll continue diying (and it's very hard to me to relevel but...) but I don't think I'll kill someone in any case (simply I don't like it), for that people who enjoy playing killing: ok, that's your way, you enjoy that way, but let the others also play...

    Now you can blame on me if you want xD

    Betus Storna, Squire of Dol Amroth

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    05 June 2003 14:11:34

    i think his point was that this would have been death number three ? i dunno.

  • Author
    Rougan [legacy]
    05 June 2003 10:43:03

    Im touched to see how caring Draugluin can be.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    05 June 2003 08:39:40

    beats me, i havent watched the simpsons more than about 5 times in the past 3 or 4 years :P

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    05 June 2003 07:03:06

    I remeber now, a stupid idiot....... doh

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    05 June 2003 07:02:33

    Wait, if Intulor is Mrs Lovejoy, and i'm Intulor's wife, then who am I (other then extremely gay)?

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    05 June 2003 07:00:28

    There we go, the accusation of levelbashing I've been waiting for.

    I could smell the initial accusation coming, so I did some research.

    Folks, dying 2 times in the last 17 days of May (period, not just to one person or group of people) and 0 times in our very short June is NOT going to be levelbashing. It just won't be. I'm sorry.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    05 June 2003 06:58:38

    I think I remember something about calling Intulor Mrs. Lovejoy... I think I was right.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    05 June 2003 06:16:49

    shaddup wasach, moron, you're much better at getting drunk and complaining about how you're such a loser and couldn't keep your girlfriend.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    05 June 2003 02:50:52

    Wait, let me get this straight...

    You threatened (and kept) killing Kashmirny until she left DA *coughthankscough* but tell her to take her RP sister (Ellsabiea) with her or she (Ellsabiea) is going to get killed along with her (Kashmirny). Even though Ellsabiea hasn't done anything to a single member of Daen Hecil?

    WoW you guys are cool.

    Now you say that because he is a member of Amruin, Horuss will continue to be killed until he leaves?

    WoW!! You guys are so cool.

    What about KoDA, are you gonna keep killing me until I leave the Knights? Or how about the VC, is there anyone in there you will keep killing until they leave? SoU, anyone in there you guys are gonna keep killing until they leave? Or durms, or BkD...oops, forgot their members are trying to join your Guild too. Or maybe Krakkur should just learn to seperate his characters better. Running around mordor with Udungul and DH is not very cool for a BkD to be doing (in my humble opinion).

    Maybe the Powers will amend Melkors rule so that you can only have ONE character in any Guild.

    I doubt it keep on keeping on.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    05 June 2003 02:28:42

    ah really?

  • Author
    Grady [legacy]
    05 June 2003 02:24:42

    Its not a level bash if there's still cause to kill him. He could leave Amruin and get himself out of the forray, but until then he's still a very much prized head.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    05 June 2003 01:44:12

    *utilizes his considerable skills at cut&paste*

    'Date: 04. Jun, 2003, 12:52:28 By: Fimbu

    Yeah, Caber decided we didn't need to kill him a third time. Weirdo :P'

    While two or 3 times is not considered a levelbash by some...*cough*

    I would like to say how nice it was of Fimbu to offer Draugluin a partial explanation...

    :) g'day

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 June 2003 18:05:37

    skyman sucks :p

  • Author
    Flasd [legacy]
    04 June 2003 16:28:23

    It was a joke, Ansa... fuck nevermind.

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    04 June 2003 13:14:04

    Caber triggered the waterfall, Skyman. Read the log before commenting, would you? :P

  • Author
    Skyman [legacy]
    04 June 2003 12:55:51

    they didnt trig waterfall in lorien?

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    04 June 2003 12:52:28

    Yeah, Caber decided we didn't need to kill him a third time. Weirdo :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    04 June 2003 12:48:26

    Lucky for you that Caber did not attack :P Good thing you scaped at least.

  • Author
    Rendor [legacy]
    04 June 2003 11:39:41

    Horuss' first log? Hrm....

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    04 June 2003 09:08:16

    Why shouldn't he? Caber wasn't in combat with him?

  • Author
    Flasd [legacy]
    04 June 2003 08:08:48

    I think he should have been unable to fade at the mere presence of Caber.

  • Author
    Intulor [legacy]
    04 June 2003 07:57:58

    im sorry, what does someone attempting you have to do with a level bash? newb

  • Author
    Horuss [legacy]
    04 June 2003 07:20:26

    Sorry for not entering a description this is my first log. I will work on it next time.

  • Author
    Jaren [legacy]
    04 June 2003 07:16:11

    Who said that? :P

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    04 June 2003 07:16:10

    Did I hear 'levelbash'? Explain!