I die..

Posted by
Agrun [legacy]
12 June 2003 00:00:00
Player Kill

Watch delgaur kill me. Oh by the way, nice note there, somebody wanna step up like a man and tell me which of the members of Thieves guild put this on me?


  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    15 June 2003 00:43:39

    Death.. sounds a little drastic ;-). First of all I refuse that I am treating people differently depending on who they are. In fact, friends and other who know me often tried to get this or that person blocked or warned and I denied it unless there was as much ground as with any other person. Except for Elcolonel (who apparently wants to beat me up in real life and accuses me of making him feel farther away from his God), I treat everyone the same.

    That said, it can certainly seem like I warn people randomly. That is because I don't always read all the comments on all the logs etc. etc., but only now and then. And then I just kinda catch the ones I happen to stumble across. But I don't want 20 emails from people I warned, telling me 10 other people I should also warn. I don't have time for it all.

    So maybe we should not warn at all? Well, a lot of people are a little tired of the way the comments are working. I agree that warning for flaming your own guildmates might be a little too much, but hey, I don't know who is in guild with whom here. Also, Nagash maybe you have a point in that telling the poster that he sucks, is on topic. Well, the warnings this time weren't for off-topicness, but for that pretty uncompromising way of letting people know what you think about them. Focus more on the log and the actions in it, instead of the poster in general I think.

    So someone abused a bug? Fine, then they are cheaters and what they do is lame etc.. but maybe not 'fucking morons' or similar stuff. But ok then. Let's lessen the rule a bit, but please don't flame excesively.

    Finally, about the log site. True, it is not official but I think it's quite fair in the sense that, since I don't really play, I really don't favor anyone over anyone else. But it's true that I make the rules. But on the mud, who makes the rules? Certainly not the players. I usually ask for feedback and ideas for rules or non-rules etc. But I can tell you, I am not drowning in mails ;-). But I want it to work, and to be a cool place. It's certainly not my intention to annoy you people as much as I can.


  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    14 June 2003 15:52:50


  • Author
    Salival [legacy]
    14 June 2003 09:22:31

    I agree with Nagash. Death to administration!!!!

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    14 June 2003 02:44:58

    I'm not trying to start anything... it's just kinda lame that Nagash is starting up his own log page and shit just for the sake of ruining this one.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    14 June 2003 02:06:25

    Heh. If Fimbu gets warned for trying to start shit, I'll laugh.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    14 June 2003 01:40:38

    Specifically to compete with this one... That's kinda low man.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    14 June 2003 01:40:22

    I see you're setting up a new log page Nagash?

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    13 June 2003 23:27:36

    And, I still can't see how _abusing_a_bug_ should be exempt from being labelled a bad thing. Next thing is, we'll see calling nuked people cheaters an illegal thing!

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    13 June 2003 23:21:33

    I'm not! I'm just whining about the warning I got (two strikes and you're out and no aging make them more painful than on the MUD)! Honestly! :p

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    13 June 2003 21:34:14

    Nagash is obviously thinking of starting a competitive log page

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    13 June 2003 21:27:16

    Agrun: eh? At least my comment, besides a legitimate point of view, included an insult -- and your did not.

  • Author
    Iago [legacy]
    13 June 2003 20:30:28

    this is awful

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    13 June 2003 19:45:34

    Hey I got warned too responding to your 'flames'. :P

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    13 June 2003 19:42:05

    I agree with Gazza (and I got a warning, too): chastising the action of someone mentioned in the log is obviously a fair usage of the comments page. Getting warned for something the comments were intended for is just not right.

    On the other hand, the question is: is the logs page an official thing? In fact, it is not -- it is Nicuramar's and Muaddib's private property, even though nearly all advanced players of T2T use it as if it were an official thing. The problem with unjust treatment of people on the server's owners' private ground is that people can decide to make their own log page -- and that's something we would want to avoid. Hell, even **I** had a private log page that contained a bunch of mine and my friends' logs -- it was just nowhere at advanced as logs.dyndns.dk, nothing more than a bunch of CGI scripts that generated the index and converted logs from ANSI to HTML. We could have thousands of distributed of such primitive log pages -- but, having a centralized page is a lot, lot better. Thus, I would like to ask Nicuramar to tell us why making a strongly negative _on_the_topic_ comment is bad, and why it's considered to be against the rules.

    And no, I'm not making a threat about making a codebase for private log pages and distributing it among people :p I'm way too swamped with work, studies and a likely travel to US to even play, and I'm not even thinking about making a competition to you.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    13 June 2003 15:10:04

    I wish the admin of this site would learn how to interpret tone. Getting a warning for 'flaming' a guildmate in a log that I am indeed in and enjoying, is just retarded.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    13 June 2003 01:48:19

    If I remember, Agrun, that contract -was- placed before the changes.

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    13 June 2003 01:47:02

    Thats just smart :P Using any enviroment to kill an attacker is fun!

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    12 June 2003 23:49:31

    And using the osgiliath bridge to kill solo attackers is so honorable huh? :P

  • Author
    Nicuramar [legacy]
    12 June 2003 21:18:36

    Rules are rules, but honor and theme is usually something else; not everyone play by the same codes of honor etc. as you do, Nagash :-).

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    12 June 2003 20:58:11

    Deserve to make a profit -- or are dishonorable scum who uses a grossly unthematic way to abuse the new system?

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    12 June 2003 20:45:35

    If you're stupid enough to put a 10k contract after this new system, I deserve to make a profit out of it. It's not like I didn't wait ages for this contract (See necsipaal and julius attempts)

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    12 June 2003 19:28:07

    Draugluin, that change is a good step, when we take ERs on mind -- but they're not even in the game yet. It doesn't make sense to cripple the pkill game, as without pk, everything a non-newbie can do is KoDA-style roleplay and sitting in one's guildhall/MC room, chatting.

    But, I shouldn't be doing any non-constructive whining. My concerns are:

    1) in quite a lot of cases, the person being attempted has an option of choosing between dying on the hands of the attacker[s], or trying a risky way of escape that could lead to non-PvP death. As non-newbies generally rarely ever die to NPCs for reasons other than lag, differentiating between PvP, PC-NPC or PC-environment deaths is a _bad_ idea.

    2) As Direkein already mentioned, the victim of a pkill actually gains gold under the new system (well, except being soloed by a fresh char, but because of other recent changes solo kills on non-newbies are something hardly possible these days). The fines obviously need to be decimated to match for the new stat loss.

    3. Letting a friend kill you over your contract suddenly becomes a smart thing to do. You get the gold, and get rid of your contract (a good thing if you're not interested in pkills yourself).

    And now, the actual examples:

    1) in the last year and a half, I had four deaths:

    * a straight 5-man gangbang. A 100% PvP death.

    * while killing Elrond, he suddenly thrown me to the ground 6 times in a row. A moronic lev13 decided to fireball an unconscious figure (then died 5 minutes later). Considering the fact I would die anyway to Elrond, that was a PC-NPC death that got counted as a PvP one.

    * I attempted Khrarash on the CU road, he decided to try his luck with Shelob. She decided I'm more tasty than a dwarf... A PvP-induced NPC death.

    * before reboot, I got attacked on my way up ZZ. Of course I decided to jump down, but due to lag (stood at the top for a minute before jumping, and then couldn't use my healing on time), I died. A perfect case of choosing between a sure PvP death and a likely non-PvP one. Under the new system, it would be a better idea to just stay there like an idiot.

    In other words, 75% of my recent deaths would be counted wrong by the new system.

    2) not enough data yet. But, listen to Direkein!

    3) Some time ago, I organized a huge C on Ruiniel's head (http://logs.dyndns.dk/comments.php/2911), and he proven to be a man of honour. On the other hand, this very log is a fine example that many people are going to cheat their way, and claim the contract gold themselves.

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    12 June 2003 19:06:38

    Who the hell is Wulfgar? I never met the guy and already he swears at me. I bet he's like tiny IRL and gets bullied all the time. :P

  • Author
    Wulfgar [legacy]
    12 June 2003 18:11:16

    Its The lamest log ive ever fuckin seen Man Agrun you really suck,

    first doin the lamest way to remove a contract what should be enough to be a complete Jerkoff, BUT you actually think its so cool and you even post it are you on drugs or are you just retarded ??

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    12 June 2003 15:43:59

    I placed that contract.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    12 June 2003 12:30:46

    Hehe.. pretty amusing to ask someone to step up as a man after this display of manliness :)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    12 June 2003 10:24:00

    go me! *Struts his stuff*

  • Author
    Streak [legacy]
    12 June 2003 10:14:03

    Gets a four for having an amusing note.

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    12 June 2003 07:56:31

    It's not the worst ever. It just needs some tuning.

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    12 June 2003 06:27:14

    What were the player to player changes?

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    12 June 2003 06:19:53

    Thanks, Nagash!

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    12 June 2003 03:28:47

    The PvP change was one of the worst in the history of the MUD -- at least as long as we consider FR-FR and PC-NPC combat.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    12 June 2003 03:09:56

    I would say something but i would probably just get contracted from some random person that i will never know. Then blah......its a never ending story.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    12 June 2003 02:22:34

    omg this was the lamest log i've ever read. noob.

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    12 June 2003 02:21:47

    I had Delgaur complete my contract for 10k. I figured I might as well get the money so some other assassin doesn't. Plus, after they changed the Player to Player deaths, I figured hey I might make a profit out of it. Also, I figured that the person who placed the C might be a man and step up.

    Need anything else? :P

  • Author
    Feasul [legacy]
    12 June 2003 02:20:09

    what was this? eh...

  • Author
    Agrun [legacy]
    12 June 2003 02:16:57

    Oh by the way, I was unlucky with this death. I lost 9 stats, 8 skills, and like 27% of my exp.